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The Get off Your Attitude Bracelet - Now Available at all Mackie Shilstone’s GNC Franchise Locations
The “Get off Your Attitude” bracelet - a trendy, in-demand inspirational item – as seen worn by Saints players, local musicians, artists, and people throughout the region - is now available for purchase at any of Mackie Shilstone’s six General Nutrition Center (GNC)... - January 18, 2011 - Get off Your Attitude Seminars
Green Government Podcast Features American University Professor Discussing Environmental Sustainability and EO 13514
Interview discusses government’s role in green procurement, purchasing and Executive Order 13514. - January 18, 2011 - Center for Environmental Innovation and Leadership (CEIL)
Small Business Reaches Highest Sales Week, Month & Year
PostcardMania achieves record profit in 2010. - January 18, 2011 - PostcardMania, Inc.
Radiance Marketing’s Think Big… Play Bigger™ Business Growth Model Helps Service Professionals to Target Their Development
How service professionals can maximize the investment of time and money, from where they are, to grow their business. - January 18, 2011 - Radiance Marketing
Buy IAQ & Environmental Sampling Supplies & Equipment, Win an iPad and Other Great Prizes
EMLab P&K's Products Division celebrates the launch of a new online store with Products Sweepstakes and Apple iPad giveaway. Customers who purchase sampling supplies and equipment can qualify to be automatically entered into a drawing for prizes. - January 17, 2011 - EMLab P&K IAQ Laboratory
Kraetos Launches iPhone Application Development and Mobile Application Development Services
Kraetos, an international mobile solutions company, has launched its operations in the worldwide market offering services for mobile application development including iPhone application development, iPad application development, BlackBerry application development, Android application development,... - January 17, 2011 - Kraetos
Post-Holiday Shock - Uncovers Victims of Obsessive Buying
Queendom releases results from its Shopaholic Test and sheds light on an often overlooked impulse control issue. - January 16, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Newest BTEC Webinar Explores Federal Biomass Energy Legislation, Policy: Third in the Free Webinar Series Will be Held January 27 at 1PM ET
The Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC) today announced the third webinar in its series of free educational webinars on key topics for the biomass thermal community. “Biomass Energy - A Policy Outlook: Programs, Legislation and the new Congress,” will be held January 27, 2011 at 1PM... - January 16, 2011 - Biomass Thermal Energy Council
eCommerce Development & Marketing Firm – CueBlocks, Develops Zoom Function Magento Extension
CueBlocks, eCommerce development and marketing agency, launches Product Zoom Magento extension. The Zoom Magento extension is available for free installation. - January 16, 2011 - CueBlocks Technologies Pvt Ltd
Healthy Business Coaching Hosts Free Teleclass "Give Your Website a New Year Make-Over"
Business and Marketing Coach Cheryl Heppard is hosting a free teleclass for health and wellness practitioners on how to create an effective and profitable website which is profitable in 2011. - January 16, 2011 - Healthy Business Coaching
Richard Fain, CEO of Royal Caribbean, Talks About Transforming the Cruise Industry on The CEO Show with Host Robert Reiss
Richard Fain, 22 year Chairman and CEO of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., talks with CEO Show host Robert Reiss about transforming the global cruise industry led by Royal Caribbean by tailoring its services to the cultural preferences of its passengers. Fain also talks about the merits of hiring local managers, cultivating open communications, and encouraging innovation to produce exotic experiences onboard. Finally, Fain makes it clear that “the key with service is the people – the employees.” - January 16, 2011 - Reissource, LLC
Prosperity Plus President Jim Kahrs to Lead Executive Essentials Seminar at Business Technology Association Winter Break Conference
Industry opinion leader and consultant Jim Kahrs of Prosperity Plus will help office systems dealer owners understand and step into the role of a leader at association workshop in Orlando, FL. Feb 18. - January 16, 2011 - Prosperity Plus Management Consulting
Seth Kahan’s Book, Getting Change Right, Meets Success in Marketplace
Seth Kahan is the author of the Washington Post bestseller, Getting Change Right: How Leaders Transform Organizations from the Inside Out. He provides strategy consulting to business owners and mentoring to independent consultants. - January 15, 2011 - Performance Development Group
CEOs from Victoria’s Secret, Pitney Bowes, & More to Speak at Upcoming Customer Experience Conference Board Event, March 23-24, 2011
On March 23-24, 2011, The Conference Board, will draw together top C-Level executives from world-leading companies for its popular, annual “Customer Experience Leadership” Conference in New York. This year’s speakers include Sharen Turney, CEO of Victoria’s Secret, Murray Martin, CEO of Pitney Bowes, and Jim McCann, CEO of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, and senior executives from Southwest Airlines and The Ritz-Carlton, addressing how to build customer-centric cultures to drive business success. - January 15, 2011 - Reissource, LLC Enthused About Opportunity to Represent Martinez Charger Invention to Industry
Sergio M., a California resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent his Martinez Charger concept to potential licensees in industry. A simple yet innovative new consumer electronic accessory sure to appeal to all cell phone owners,... - January 15, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc.
ILN Enterprises Founder Edward Niu Speaks to Hayward Business Network About Mobile Marketing on January 17, 2011
Edward Niu, Founder of ILN Enterprises, will present to local business leaders the Map-Mobile Action Plan designed to bring in new and existing customers alike to their businesses. ILN Enterprises specializes in mobile and online marketing services. The presentation takes place at the Hayward Business Network event on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 8am. The public is invited to attend. - January 15, 2011 - ILN Enterprises, Inc.
Cheryl Dyck Will Help Non-Profit Client Raise $80,000 in Six Months
Coaching for a Cause uses business coaching principles to help charities raise funds. - January 15, 2011 - ActionCOACH
Ecotech Institute Opens Its Doors to New, Progressive Facility in Aurora
New School Features Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, Car Charging Stations, Solar Trees, Cutting-Edge Labs and More - January 15, 2011 - Ecotech Institute
Carl House Introduces a New Online Presence Designed by Junction Creative Solutions
Carl House, the event venue of the southeast, located between Atlanta and Athens, unveils a new online experience capturing the essence of the traditional antebellum-style home. The new website is rich with content including photos and videos highlighting the breadth of event offerings at Carl... - January 15, 2011 - Junction Creative Solutions
Thomas & Brannan Named PR Firm for The Soda Group
Thomas & Brannan Creative Communications has been named the public relations firm for The Soda Group for 2011, continuing a six-year relationship with top Realtor Jim Soda. The Soda Group is the Number 1 Realtor team in Lakewood Ranch, according to Trendgraphix reports (34202 zip... - January 15, 2011 - Thomas & Brannan Creative Communications
Pure Life Environmental Solutions Hires New Wave Media
New Wave Media to develop and execute marketing campaigns for PLE product line. - January 15, 2011 - New Wave Media to Spearhead Marketing Efforts for Henry Tree Stand Invention
Scott H., Wisconsin resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to provide exposure to his Henry Tree Stand concept over the next 2 years. An innovative new product sure to appeal to hunters the world over, the Henry Tree Stand boasts a unique... - January 15, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc.
ASE Services Expands with New Office in Edmonton
Alberta Safety and Environmental Services Opens Edmonton Office - January 15, 2011 - ASE Services to be at Helm of Marketing Blitz for Painter's Lift Table Invention
Richard R., Hawaii resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent his Painter's LIft Table concept to industry. An effective and innovative new product sure to appeal to professional painters and do-it-yourselfers alike, the Painters... - January 15, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc.
SkillStorm Relocates to Larger Office Space in Indianapolis
National IT and Engineering services and consulting firm announces move to accommodate rapid growth - January 15, 2011 - SkillStorm
New Less Than Truckload Software Introduced by Trucking Acquisition Firm, Ahern and Associates and AMT
Ahern and Associates, in conjunction with Analytical Management Techniques offers new software to help LTL carriers accurately calculate profit and loss for each business segment. - January 15, 2011 - Ahern and Associates
Fuentek President to Serve as Panelist in IP Marketing Advisor Webinar
Laura Schoppe to Discuss How Tech Transfer Offices Can Forge Successful Partnerships with Government Agencies. - January 15, 2011 - Fuentek, LLC
MMI Public Relations Inks Deal with SalesForce4Hire
Local Public Relations Firm Selected to Represent Leading Custom Sales Solutions Company. - January 14, 2011 - MMI
"Insider Information" - Expert Reveals Dangers Lurking on Social Networking Sites, How to Protect Your Business and Yourself
In a complimentary webinar hosted January 18th 2011 at 1:00pm EST, employment background screening services expert Kevin Connell and private investigator Michele Stuart will be discussing what you need to know about protecting your business and yourself online. - January 14, 2011 - AccuScreen
DFW AMA Helps Marketers Attract Consumers in the Digital Age
DFW AMA’s New Media SIG and Click Here, Inc. will show area professionals how to use digital marketing to attract consumers. - January 14, 2011 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton
Online Business Chances: Professional Consulting Franchise WSI, Made a Difference This Holiday Season
The Most Respected Professional Consulting Internet Marketing Company WSI, Gives Special Thanks to Everyone Who Donated to ‘Make Child Poverty History’ - January 14, 2011 - WSI Internet
Author Suzanne Pantazis Who Conquered Emotional Abuse & Lost 100 Pounds Shared Her Bouncing Back Story with Donna Marie Thompson, PhD - the CEO of Goals in Action, LLC
As Donna Marie Thompson's guest on the Bouncing Back Now show on the Real Coaching Radio TV Network, author Suzanne Pantazis advised women to build their self-esteem and to claim the space they deserve in their relationships. - January 14, 2011 - Goals in Action, LLC
Michael Peacock Joins E Source to Lead the Smart Grid Offerings
E Source has hired Michael Peacock as senior product manager for the E Source Intelligent Grid Service. This service provides utilities with industry best practices and guidance pertaining to smart grid–related technologies, programs, communications, data security, and... - January 14, 2011 - E Source
Marc Delaby Found His Calling as an ActionCOACH Business Coach
Marc Delaby is the newest ActionCOACH Franchise Owner in Belgium and Luxemburg. - January 14, 2011 - ActionCOACH
Anthony Tjahjono Will Help Business Owners in Indonesia Reach Full Potential
Anthony Tjahjono is the newest ActionCOACH Business Coach in the Banten Province of Indonesia. - January 14, 2011 - ActionCOACH
CIO Summit Announces Master of Ceremonies, Former CIO T-Mobile
The CIO Summit team announced today that Robert Strickland, President, Strickland Consulting LLC and former SVP & CIO at T-Mobile, will act as Master of Ceremonies for the upcoming technology event. - January 14, 2011 - CDM Media
BP Oil Spill Report Demonstrates Need for Leadership According to Turbocharged Leadership
Turbocharged Leadership comments on National Oil Spill Commission report concluding oil spill could have been prevented with better management and communication. - January 13, 2011 - Turbocharged Leadership
London-Based Natureally Organic Leather Teams with Charles Upchurch to Tap U.S. Luxury Markets
British Innovator Uses Environmentally Safe Processes to Create New Standard of Premium Leather. - January 13, 2011 - Charles Upchurch
Pentura Launches End to End Application Security Testing Service
Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to Safeguard Corporate Application Security. - January 13, 2011 - Pentura
Prosperity Plus to Demonstrate How to Make Programs Work in Free Webcast, Thursday, Jan. 20 at Noon (Eastern)
Free webcast provides business execs a more workable way to get programs set up and accomplished without detours and distractions. - January 13, 2011 - Prosperity Plus Management Consulting
Brand and Image Expert Sarah Hathorn to Address Association of Image Consultants International During Major NYC Event
The president of Atlanta-based Illustra Image Consulting will reveal innovative ways to empower company brands and generate higher revenues in today’s high-tech, media savvy business environment. - January 13, 2011 - Illustra Consulting
"Eco Friendly Party" Company Launches to Paint Celebratory Events Green
Environmentally-conscious mom seeks to change how parties affect the planet. - January 13, 2011 - Eco Friendly Party organization
CAMS® Enterprise to Power Hult International Business School’s Growth with New ERP System
Top-20 business school that attracts world’s most-successful business leaders to faculty selects Three Rivers Systems’ fully integrated, Web-based system as its global academic management system. - January 13, 2011 - Three Rivers Systems Inc.
Helios HR Opens Nominations for 5th Annual Apollo Awards
Premier Human Resources Awards Program Honors Washington D.C. Leaders in Employee Onboarding, Mentoring and Community Involvement Programs - January 13, 2011 - Helios HR to Lead Marketing Campaign for Belt Accessory Invention
Eldeana L., a Virgin Islands resident, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent her Belt Accessory concept to industry over the next 2years. A simple yet useful new product designed to solve a common problem related to belts, the Belt Accessory boasts... - January 13, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc. to Spearhead Marketing Blitz for Waist Waggy Walker Invention to Industry
Jill B., Colorado resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent her Waist Waggy Walker concept to potential licensees in the pet industry. An innovative and highly functional new product sure to catch the eye of dog owners the world... - January 13, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc. to be at Forefront of Marketing Efforts for Mobil Pet Station Invention
Gloria and Crissy C., Texas residents and inventors, have contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent their Mobil Pet Station concept to industry over the next 2 years. A simple yet effective new product sure to resonate with pet owners, the Mobil Pet... - January 13, 2011 - New Product Help, Inc.
CIO Cloud Summit Welcomes Cloud Vision as a Strategic Event Partner
The CIO Cloud Summit team announced today that it has formed a strategic partnership with Cloud Vision, an online media outlet that tracks the latest cloud computing news for enterprises, telecoms, charities and government entities. The CIO Cloud Summit, May 22-25, 2011, will bring together CIOs... - January 13, 2011 - CDM Media
How U.S. Medical Device Startups Benefit from Early Clinical Uses in Europe
Changing Economic and Regulatory Policies Creates Excitement for Launching New Devices Outside of the U.S. - January 13, 2011 - acroMIS Global MedTech
TalentGuard Online PCM Pre-Release Promotion
Pre-Launch Promotion Provides Exclusive Opportunities for Coaches and Human Resource Professionals to Train for TalentGuard’s Professional in Career Management (PCM) at a 75% discount until February 14, 2011. - January 12, 2011 - TalentGuard