SIP Forum to Have Strong Presence at ITEXPO in Austin, TX

SIP Forum to Have Strong Presence at ITEXPO in Austin, TX

Association Sponsor of ITEXPO and co-located events including 4G Wireless Evolution, and the SIP Tutorial; Leadership to participate in multiple sessions, panels and tutorials, Chairman Richard Shockey to Moderate Keynote Luncheon Panel on “End of POTS” - September 09, 2011 - SIP Forum

New Raleigh Church Promises to Rock the Face of Religion and the City

The Rock Church of Raleigh, announces the September 11, 2011 launch of a church that promises to Rock the face of religion and the city of Raleigh, NC. This Sunday, The Rock Church’s launch day is designed to offer a non-threatening environment for people to test drive this new church. This... - September 09, 2011 - The Rock Church Raleigh

National Board of Collection Attorneys Announces Founding Advisory Board

Founded to help collection attorneys and their collection staff meet the competition associated with Creditors' Rights and Collection Law along with the other challenges of a rapidly changing economy, a group of professionals with decades of experience in the collection industry have formed a new organization and installed an experienced Advisory Board. - September 09, 2011 - National Board of Collection Attorneys

750 Fraud Victims Find a Way to Fight Back Thanks to Timeshare Advocacy International

There is a good reason that timeshare sales have an unsavory reputation. Fraudulent selling practices are all too common in the timeshare industry. And a Mt. Juliet, TN company announces today that they have been able to help their 750th customer legally cancel a timeshare contract. Timeshare Advocacy International LLC is dedicated to helping consumers who have been victims of fraud. - September 09, 2011 - TIA

The Chairmen’s RoundTable Names Jeff Campbell Interim Head; Mourns Sudden Passing of Dave Cox

The Chairmen’s RoundTable, a non-profit organization that provides pro-bono mentoring and strategic advice to San Diego businesses, appointed Jeff Campbell interim chairperson following the sudden passing of Dave Cox. Cox, 63, served as head of the organization from January of this year... - September 09, 2011 - Chairmen's RoundTable

NAMWOLF Increases Bronze Level Sponsor Support

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) adds four Bronze Level Sponsors to its 2011 Commemorative Sponsor list: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), DuPont, Northwestern Mutual, and Lincoln Financial. - September 09, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

KOSBE Client, Jennings Group to Hold Open House and Ribbon Cutting

The Kingsport Area Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon cutting and open house for KOSBE Client, Jennings Group on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 3 p.m. located at 1567 N. Eastman Road, Suite 1, Kingsport. Jennings Group is a new and innovative tax and bookkeeping service that is unlike other accounting... - September 09, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Eden Autism Services Participates in Roundtable Discussion: Creating Online Communities of Practice for Educators

Eden Autism Services recently participated in a roundtable discussion on opportunities and challenges in creating online communities of practice for educators. - September 09, 2011 - Eden Autism Services

Tactical Emergency Medical System Workshop Creates Curriculum and Council (Provisional)

Tactical emergency medical personnel work to create a standardized Tactical Emergency Medical System Curriculum and a National TEMS Council. - September 09, 2011 - Coalition for Tactical Medicine

Third Hinduism Summit in Chicago by Forum for Hindu Awakening Concludes with Determined Resolve by Attendees

The third Hinduism Summit in Chicago concluded successfully at the Hindu Temple of Lake County. Attendees enthusiastically passed resolutions about the preservation of Hinduism and provided very positive feedback about the program. - September 09, 2011 - Forum for Hindu Awakening

Environmental Awareness Advocates, Earth Force and the General Motors Foundation, Partner Up to Recognize “GREEN” Educators Nationwide

Earth Force and the GM Foundation announce plans to reward 20 environmentally active educators across the nation. - September 09, 2011 - Earth Force

IBEF Presents the India Show in Canada

With diverse Business opportunities in the Indian market, democratic environment and dynamic talent available, India is where the action is. The India Show provides Canadian business with invaluable opportunities to brainstorm as well as discuss new possibilities as well as form new bonds, partnerships and ties with influencers and opinion leaders from India’s leading businesses. - September 09, 2011 - Indian Brand Equity Foundation

Mayor Pro Tem Nancy McFarlane’s Small Business Initiative Passes Unanimously

Raleigh City Council Approves Single-Point-Of-Contact Small Business Permitting Process Proposed by Mayoral Candidate. - September 09, 2011 - Nancy McFarlane

IEEE SmartGridComm 2011 to Explore World’s Power Delivery Infrastructure from October 17 – 20, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium

2nd Annual Conference to Highlight Latest Technologies for Supporting the Two-Way Flow of Energy, Quickly Overcoming Power Outages & Optimizing Energy Consumption - September 08, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

“Virtual Intensive Course on Wireless Communications Engineering” to be Held 26 – 30 September 2011 by IEEE ComSoc Training

Group Rates Available for Online Session Dedicated to Wireless Network Operations, Technology Implementations & Overall System Design - September 08, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

KOSBE Calling for Entries in the Prestigious Small Business Annual Awards Celebration

On August 12, the Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) began accepting applications and nominations for its Annual KOSBE Awards from KOSBE clients, Kingsport Chamber members and non-members alike. This year there are ten categories of competition. There... - September 08, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

SWACHA to Celebrate National Payroll Week September 5-9 by Encouraging Employers and Employees to Use Direct Deposit

Dallas-based SWACHA, one of the largest not-for-profit regional payments associations in the country, is celebrating National Payroll Week, September 5 - 9, 2011 by encouraging all of America’s employers to offer employees a Direct Deposit option and urging employees to choose to use... - September 08, 2011 - SWACHA

Pet Industry Businesses and Organizations Unite to Help Promote Proper Pet Care to Today’s Youth

The World Pet Association and other businesses donate space and supplies to raise funds for the Pets in the Classroom Grant Program during America’s Family Pet Expo. - September 08, 2011 - Pet Care Trust

Georgia Native Uses S.W.A.G. in a Different Light

A creative way of using a widespread term to promote a vision of reaching the present age while showing the love of God and His desire to have a personal relationship with us. - September 08, 2011 - Prayze Swag, LLC

TechAmerica Georgia Announces New Advisory Board Members

TechAmerica Georgia, the national partner of the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), today announced twelve new members to the 2011 TechAmerica Georgia Council advisory board. The new board members include: · Bruce Kopkin, Mid-Atlantic Sales Director, IBM; · Dan Mondor,... - September 08, 2011 - TAG think

New Data Center Leads to More Successful Adoptions

CAIRS Solutions LLC Inc., announced today that it has successfully completed a data center virtualization upgrade for AIRS, MyAdoptionPortal, ParentFinder and ChildConnect. - September 08, 2011 - CAIRS Solutions LLC

Celebrate September as Family Literacy Month

Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued a proclamation recognizing September as Florida Literacy Month. The fifth annual Florida Literacy Month will be celebrated in conjunction with International Literacy Day on Sept. 8 and National Library Card Signup Month. Florida’s First Lady, Ann Scott,... - September 08, 2011 - Florida Literacy Coalition

NAMWOLF Bronze Level Sponsor Support Increases

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms adds three Bronze Level Sponsors to its 2011 Commemorative Sponsor list: American Airlines, Citigroup Inc., and Altria. - September 08, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Stevens Researchers Pioneer Novel Technique to Make Plasmonic Nanogap Arrays

Dr. Stefan Strauf, et al. published a paper on leveraging holographic lithography for fabricating nanogap arrays with features 70 times smaller than the wavelengths of the blue laser light used to create the nanostructures. - September 08, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. Announces September 2011 Meeting of Apartment Owners and Mastermind Group

On September 12, 2011 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be sponsoring a new Apartment Owners Association (AOACT) and Real Estate Investing Mastermind Group meeting. - September 08, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

WACPP Mental Health Teleconference Earns National Recognition: Special Achievement Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics

The Wisconsin Alliance of Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics (WACPP) was recently awarded a Special Achievement Award from the national American Academy of Pediatrics. WACPP hosted a series of free, accredited webinars for primary care providers on mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Participants included pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and social workers. - September 08, 2011 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Career and Life Coach, Joy Chudacoff, to Speak at National Ladies Professional Group’s Bi-Monthly Event

The National Ladies Professional Group, a nonprofit organization focused on empowering women professionally and individually, welcomes Joy Chudacoff, a recognized Professional Certified Coach and founder of Smart Women Smart Solution, to their next event on September 11th. - September 08, 2011 - National Ladies Professional Group

IMI Association Executives Promotes Ashley Delmar to Electronic Media Coordinator

Ashley Delmar takes on new role for N.C.-based association management company. - September 08, 2011 - IMI Association Executives

NY's Vanaver Caravan First Foreign Group Ever Invited to India's Premier Folk Arts Festival

Unprecedented cross-cultural request spurs unique plan and innovative fundraising for accompanying documentary, workshop tour and new dance school paradigm. - September 06, 2011 - Big Medicine

New Collection Attorney Board of Certification Launched

Founded to help collection attorneys and their collection staff meet the competition associated with Creditors' Rights and Collection Law along with the other challenges of a rapidly changing economy, a group of professionals with decades of experience in the collection industry have formed a new organization. - September 06, 2011 - National Board of Collection Attorneys

Action Party of Morton Grove Announces 5th Annual Golf Outing

The "Jack O'Brien Memorial Golf Outing and Dinner" which is named for one of the Action Party of Morton Grove's founders - will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2011. - September 06, 2011 - Action Party of Morton Grove

Over 900 So-Cal Real Estate Professionals, Property Managers and Vendors Expected for Free 11th Annual Trade Show and Education Conference

Apartment Association of Greater Inland Empire (AAGIE) offers region’s largest rental housing industry tradeshow, attracting decision makers of over 60,000 residential units. - September 04, 2011 - Apartment Association Greater Inland Empire (AAGIE)

Comfort Zone Camp Staff Remembers 9/11 with Reunion

Volunteers who shared in the grief and healing of the children of World Trade Center victims recall their memories in preparation of a 2012 reunion event. - September 04, 2011 - Comfort Zone Camp

Texas Self Storage Association Welcomes New Board Members

The Texas Self Storage Association (TSSA) announced the results of their recent board member elections. New officers will be elected prior to October 1 and will be introduced at the Annual TSSA Convention and Trade Show scheduled for October 16-18, 2011 in Austin. - September 03, 2011 - Texas Self Storage Association

Terracare Associates and Progress Equity Partners Acquire Cimarron Landscape

Terracare Associates LLC, a full service landscape and public infrastructure maintenance services company and its financial partner, Progress Equity Partners, Ltd. today announced that it has acquired Cimarron Landscape of Sacramento, California. With the acquisition of Cimarron Landscape,... - September 03, 2011 - Terracare Associates

Perry Accepts Offer to Develop, Host Global Interactive Forum on Domestic Violence

Victim advocate Suzanne Perry was confirmed to spearhead a new in-demand broadcast segment dedicated to domestic violence and abuse. eBroadcast Network's founder and producer, Charles Lewis, announced Tuesday Perry's assignment as Coordinator and Host of the"Global Forum on Domestic Violence." Guest Speakers from all walks are knocking down e-mail doors to get their voices heard. - September 03, 2011 - Love Shouldnt Hurt.TV

Web Courseworks Recognized at the 2011 International Serious Play Awards: "Play True Challenge" for the World-Anti-Doping Agency Awarded Silver Honor

On August 24, WADA’s Play True Challenge was recognized with a silver award in the category of “Games for Good/Non-Profit” at the Serious Games Conference. Play True Challenge is a computer-based simulation/game that was developed with Web Courseworks, that allows young athletes and young people in general to explore the types of decisions they may be faced with in regards to doping and the consequences of these decisions. - September 03, 2011 - Web Courseworks

The Medical Tourism Association Gets Social with the Medical Tourism Community

The Medical Tourism Association restructures their social media outlets to spread the word for the 4th Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress. - September 03, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

Dr. Kishore Pochiraju of Stevens Co-Authors Book on Polymeric Matrix Composites

To help engineers design longer-lasting high-performance plastics, the forthcoming book, Long-Term Durability of Polymeric Matrix Composites, presents a holistic guide to environmental degradation, damage evolution, design, and application specific issues of long term structural durability. - September 03, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

San Diego South County Chamber Presents Part 1 of Survive & Thrive Breakfast Series in Chula Vista

San Diego South Chamber of Commerce hosts the Chamber Breakfast: Part 1 of a life-changing “How to Survive & Thrive During Tough Economic Times” series with workshop facilitators, Jeff Morris and Gregory A. Spencer of - September 03, 2011 - San Diego South County Chamber of Commerce

CCA Announces Improvements to Gold Seal Construction Management Certification Program

Canadian Construction Association (CCA) today announced the planned improvement to its Gold Seal certification program for construction management professionals. In addition to changes to program requirements in terms of education, training and application fees, in the upcoming months CCA will launch an online application system, a learning management system facilitating preparing for the examination as well as improvements to how potential applicants can find information about the program. - September 03, 2011 - Canadian Construction Association

A Road 2 A Cure is Proud to Announce K & G Cycles Has Come on Board as a Road 2 A Cure Sponsor

A Road 2 A Cure is Proud to Announce K & G Cycles Has Come on Board as a Road 2 A Cure Sponsor

The Road 2 A Cure started out as a National Motorcycle Tour to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer and now that the successful tour is complete Road 2 A Cure is now on the road to accelerate change, inspire hope and change the lives of those affected by the 4th deadliest Cancer in America. - September 02, 2011 - Road 2 A Cure

Neuroreality: Galactic Black Hole Big Bang Fountains Are Emitting Missing Dark Matter

Neuroreality: Galactic Black Hole Big Bang Fountains Are Emitting Missing Dark Matter

According to the "Galactic Big Bang Engine Model" of University of Hawaii’s biophysicist-cosmologist, Bruce E. Morton, "Each galaxy is a stacked double torus resulting from black hole polar big bang fountains, blasting out dark matter and dark energy. As these gather mass, they are pulled back into light matter at the inward flowing spiral arms of the galactic plane, which continuously reenter the black hole to feed its continued big bang emissions." - September 02, 2011 - Bruce Eldine Morton

Savannah Ocean Exchange Launches September 2011 with Over 30 Events Celebrating Connection with the Ocean & Coasts

Four Public Exchanges will focus on the many ways Coastal Georgia connects with the oceans: Culture & Cuisine, Vessels & Viewing, Presentations & Performances, and Events & Excursions. This event is timed to coincide with the Solutions Exchange, which will attract global leaders in industry, technology and oceans conservation to Savannah to award the 2011 Gulfstream Navigator Award for the best Solution Inspiring Action. - September 02, 2011 - Savannah Ocean Exchange

Evangelist Norman Moore Ministers in Exciting Revivals

“Breakthrough,” “Encouraging,” “Victories,, & “Jump-start” describe the recent local church revivals. Churches benefit from the preaching ministry of Evangelist Norman Moore. - September 02, 2011 - Norman Moore Ministries

Brady Cannon Named Programs Director for TAG Savannah Office

Technology Association of Georgia Strengthens and Expands Presence in Costal Georgia - September 02, 2011 - TAG think

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Names Dr. Chessie Green as President

Organization Dedicated to Compassionate Animal Care and Quality Medicine Names 2011-2012 Executive Board - September 02, 2011 - NCVMA

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces Free Webinar for Business Entrepreneurs

On September 8, 2011 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting a free webinar for business entrepreneurs. Attendees will learn how to make additional income using eBay. - September 02, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Washington DC International Association of Home Staging Professionals (IAHSP®) Partners with The Campagna Center

The Washington, DC Chapter of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals® (IAHSP®), has partnered with The Campagna Center as this year’s recipient for World Wide Staging Services Week (WWSSW). World Wide Staging Services Week has been an honored tradition amongst... - September 02, 2011 - Washington DC IAHSP Regional Chapter

iPAD Angola to Show How Port of Luanda is a Perfect Example of Investment Partnership Opportunity in Angola

The Port of Luanda is a perfect example of the infrastructure partnerships and private sector investment opportunities Angola has to offer, says the Port’s Technical Director, Mr. Sansão Domingos Pitra. During the upcoming annual investment forum, iPAD Angola, taking place in Luanda from 13-16 September, delegates will have the opportunity to view the facilities during a site visit. - September 02, 2011 - iPAD Angola

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