Recent Headlines
Within Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, & Similar Organizations
PinoyKubo Showcases Inspirational Filipino Heroines and Heroes via Multi-Media
Astraqom revealed the new PinoyKubo social media platform this week and now the community's Inspirational Heroines and Heroes Project from among the famous and every day Filipina and Filipino heroes in The Philippines and around the world. Some of the latest include a high school history teacher,... - August 11, 2011 - Pinoy Kubo
Major Cleanup of Horse Trails in Tijuana River Valley at County Line
On August 13th, community members and hundreds of volunteers will join forces to help rid the Tijuana River Valley horse trails of plastics bottles, trash and tires. Please see this link for devastating photos of the area: - August 11, 2011 - Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter
Cloud Technology and Email Marketing Strategies Workshop for Business Owners August 22 in Chicago
Business owners who want to establish an online presence, or grow their existing one, will learn how to do so at “Grow Your Business with Innovative Online Tools,” presented by the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC), in collaboration with Microsoft and Constant... - August 11, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center
Professor Attygalle of Stevens Lectures at a Max Planck Institute on Mass Spectrometry
Mass spectrometry expert Dr. Athula Attygalle from Stevens Institute of Technology lectured at a Max Planck Institute in Jena, Germany, earlier this summer. - August 11, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Local Surfrider Foundation Chapter Taking the Cigarette Litter Issue to the Streets
In an effort to raise awareness of the cigarette butt litter problem and reduce the amount of cigarette butt litter in the region, the Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter will be conducting Hold Onto Your Butt Awareness Day on Saturday, August 13th from 10 a.m. to noon at two locations in San Diego County. - August 11, 2011 - Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter
The Northwest Sustainable Horse Council Joins Audubon Lifestyles as a Platinum Member
Audubon Lifestyles Platinum Membership was created to help foster sustainability by working with, and providing educational resources to businesses seeking assistance to balance the triple bottom line of people, profit, and planet where they live, work, and play. - August 11, 2011 - ISC-Audubon
Successful Government Contracting for Women Business Owners is Topic of Workshop for August 24 in Minneapolis
Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) seeking to do business within the public sector should attend, “Government Contracting: What WBEs Need to Know to be Successful,” a regional workshop presented by the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) and Give Me 5, an educational program... - August 11, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center
Double Lung Transplant Recipient Receives Professional Hockey Tryout
The Life: Pass It On Transplant Society is proud to announce its support of double lung transplant recipient Trevor Umlah who has been invited to the professional hockey camp hosted by the ECHL’s Elmira Jackals. The camp will be held in Elmira, New York and begins September 2, 2011. Mr. - August 11, 2011 - Life: Pass It On Transplant Society
Appalachian Trail Conservancy to Host Ice Cream Social
On August 14th, 2011 at 2 p.m., the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s (ATC) Visitor Center, located in Harpers Ferry, WV, will host an ice cream social open to the public, to celebrate the 74th anniversary of Appalachian Trail’s completion 74 years ago. Visitors and hikers will have a... - August 10, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
The NC Center for Women in Public Service Announces Women in Office Institute Graduates
Fourteen N.C. Women Prepare For Elected and Appointed Offices. - August 10, 2011 - NCCWPS
WNBA Color Analyst and Atlanta’s Former First Lady Host GWBC’s 6th Annual Power of Partnering Marketplace Event
Atlanta GWBC® will kick off its annual POP Marketplace featuring Atlanta Dream’s Color Analyst, LaChina Robinson and Atlanta’s former first lady, Valerie Jackson as its emcees. Robinson is the mistress of ceremonies for the POP Opening Plenary Session and Jackson is the presenter for the POP Marketplace Luncheon. - August 10, 2011 - Greater Women's Business Council
National Ladies Professional Group Welcomes Connie Hsiung, Gabrielle Roberts, and Pamela Rondini as National Directors
The National Ladies Professional Group, a nonprofit organization focused on empowering women professionally and individually, has added Connie Hsiung as the National Social Media Director, Gabrielle Roberts as the National Membership Director, and Pamela Rondini as the National Mentoring Director, bringing the organization's National Officer Count to eight. - August 10, 2011 - National Ladies Professional Group
Financial Peace University Class Announcement
The public is invited to the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class in the greater Kansas City area. - August 10, 2011 - New Summit Church
Astraqom Launches PinoyKubo Social Network for Global Filipinos and Filipinas to Successfully Collaborate on Mutual Goals
Astraqom, a world leading provider of online community platforms leveraging IP communications, announced on August 2, 2011, the official launch of the social network PinoyKubo. Since its beta debut in May, it has over 50,000 friendships. The popular online community includes Filipina and Filipino expats, business people and students in the Philippines and abroad. It also is popular with those who are in a position to develop business with The Philippines and even those who wish to learn Tagalog. - August 09, 2011 - Pinoy Kubo
Ben Speaks to be Interviewed on Arizona Radio Show 8/10/2011
Judy Giovangelo, Executive Director of Ben Speaks, to be interviewed about Overcoming Loved Ones Suicide on live radio in Phoenix Arizona at 5:00 PM PST on August 10, 2011. Judy lost her teenage son on April 16th 2009 to suicide and will talk about the growing trends of teen suicide and how you can be the change for the youth of today. - August 09, 2011 - Ben Speaks
Eden Autism Services New Model Autism School Near Completion
The staff, families and community supporters of Eden Autism Services are thrilled to announce that Eden’s brand new model autism school and national headquarters is almost nearing completion and is on schedule for its fall 2011 opening in the Princeton Forrestal Village, Princeton,... - August 07, 2011 - Eden Autism Services
Brazilian American Artist Plants Hope in a Degraded Rainforest
Alana Lea is a Smithsonian botanical artist, born in the most endangered rainforest on the planet - the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - 93% gone. She has taken it upon herself to replant her rainforest and has raised funds to plant nearly 4,000 trees since Thanksgiving Day, 2011. The project is called Rainforest ECObank, and has now partnered with international non-profit WeForest, with a goal of giving 170,000 trees by the year end. - August 07, 2011 - Rainforest ECO
CT Lupus Bill Signed Today with Support from Rep. John Hetherington and Lupus Research Institute Advocate Hope Hetherington
Lupus Research Institute (LRI) Board member and Connecticut resident Hope Hetherington and her husband Representative John Hetherington joined with LRI and other advocacy groups to pass important legislation signed by Governor Dannel Molloy today benefitting the estimated 17,000 people in Connecticut affected by lupus, a serious and chronic autoimmune disease. - August 06, 2011 - Lupus Research Institute
The Joseph Project Partners with Macy’s for Sixth Annual Shop for a Cause Day
The Joseph Project is proud to be a part of the annual Macy's Shop For a Cause campaign. By purchasing "shopping passes" the customer will be helping them to educate and assist others to grow their own food, while at the same time they can take advantage of the deep discounts offered in the Macy's store on August 27th, 2011. - August 06, 2011 - The Joseph Project
National Night Out Celebrates with Foundation for a Drug-Free South
The Foundation for a Drug-Free South participated in National Night Out Against Crime by distributing the Truth About Drugs and giving lecture presentations to the community. - August 06, 2011 - Drug Free South
Investors in Angola Should be Confident Says Ambassador Ballard-Tremeer on Eve of iPAD Angola
In the run-up to the annual investment forum, iPAD* Angola, taking place in Luanda from 13-16 September, Ambassador Ballard-Tremeer says scores of South African and South African-based companies are very successful in Angola and the list is growing. - August 06, 2011 - iPAD Angola Named Top 25 Finalist in the Third Annual "Stay Classy" Philanthropic Awards Competition
Nationwide hunger/nutrition initiative enabling thousands of food pantries to receive excess garden produce nominated for “Most Effective Awareness Campaign By A Charity” award. - August 05, 2011 -
SWACHA Awards Its First PayItGreen Seal of Approval to NWP Services Corporation
SWACHA, one of the largest not-for-profit regional payments associations in the country, today awarded Irvine, California-based NWP Services Corporation (NWP) with its first PayItGreen Seal of Approval for their commitment to decrease paper usage and to promote electronic solutions such as Direct... - August 05, 2011 - SWACHA
American Association for Critical Illness Insurance Launches Online Quote Service
Consumers seeking critical illness insurance coverage can not request a free quote from a member of the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance. - August 05, 2011 - American Association for Critical Illness Insurance
Legal Marketing Association Tampa Bay August Meeting
Join LMA Tampa Bay with special guest, Sally Schmidt of Schmidt Marketing, to discuss Identifying and Organizing around Core Clients and Industries. Sally will lead the session in unveiling why a client-focused approach is more effective from a marketing and business development standpoint, from... - August 05, 2011 - Legal Marketing Association
Appalachian Trail Conservancy's Rocky Top Trail Crew is Heading Into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with Open Positions
This is announcing that the Appalachain Trail Conservancy's Rocky Top Trail Crew is doing Trail work. - August 05, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
AmberWatch Alert System Celebrates One Year Anniversary, Highlighting 3.2 Million Subscribers
The AmberWatch Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of harmful acts against children, is proud to announce the celebration of their one year anniversary since the launch of its highly successful AmberWatch® Alert System. - August 05, 2011 - AmberWatch Foundation
Man Who Threatened the Lives of Florida State Representative William Snyder and His Family Over Immigration Bill Efforts, Jailed Again for a Separate Act of Violence
A Massachusetts man convicted of threatening the lives of a Florida State Representative and his family is arrested just two months into his probation charged with threatening a woman in the parking lot of a shopping center. Now, he's back in Florida facing prison time. - August 04, 2011 - Representative William D. Snyder, FL 82
3rd Annual Cruisin' on the Hilltop Planned for Mt. Oliver on August 6th
The Hilltop Economic Development Corporation will be hosting their third annual car cruise event on August 6th. - August 04, 2011 - Hilltop Economic Development Corporation
Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces August 2011 Investing Meeting with Alan Cowgill
On August 15, 2011 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting its monthly meeting with Alan Cowgill. Attendees will learn how to find funding for investment properties in CT. - August 04, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA
Appalachian Trail Conservancy Searching for New Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer
Announcement that the Appalachian Trail Conservancy is searching for a new ED/CEO. - August 04, 2011 - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications to Highlight Energy-Efficient Communications & Green Technologies from September 26 – 29, 2011
IEEE GreenCom’11 Dedicated to Advancing International Networking, Energy Management and Smart Grid Communications Solutions - August 03, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society
New Christian Parenting Blog Launched
The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, provides practical, biblically based tips and inspiration for Christian parents. - August 03, 2011 - Church of God, a Worldwide Association
Xclaiming an Extraordinary Life in an Ordinary World
As part of their on-going outreach, Xclaimed Ministries provides another concert in the park for the community. Providing toys and bicycles to the children and free food for everyone. - August 03, 2011 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
Communications Strategist Matt Oczkowski Joins Advocacy Group, Inc.
Seasoned communications strategist brings online and offline expertise, campaign-style approach. - August 03, 2011 - Advocacy Group, Inc.
Raleigh Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Mcfarlane Unveils New Website
Mayoral Candidate Launches New Online Resource. - August 03, 2011 - Nancy McFarlane
Shark Celebrities Will be Auctioned During Shark Week
You've seen them on Discovery Channel's Shark Week, Animal Planet, Nat Geo and the BBC − they are the top shark experts in the world. Now meet them in person for lunch or dinner, learn why they love sharks, and why sharks need protection. - August 01, 2011 - Shark Research Institute
Hillside International Chapel and Truth Center, Inc. Celebrates 40th Anniversary With Hillside Community Fun Fest 2011 - August 6 & 7
Hillside International Chapel and Truth Center, under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Barbara L. King, is celebrating 40 years of providing spiritual teachings and services to the Metro Atlanta Community with the Hillside Community Fun Fest 2011. This event will be held at the indoor and outdoor facilities of the campus at 2450 Cascade Road, SW, Atlanta, GA 30311. The festivities begin on Saturday, August 6th starting at 11am and Sunday, August 7th starting at 1pm. Admission is free. - July 31, 2011 - Hillside International Chapel & Truth Center, Inc.
Redbird Flight Simulations Now a Corporate Member of the IMC Club
The IMC Club International, Inc. announced today that Redbird Flight Simulations, Inc., manufacturer of flight training devices, has become a corporate member of the IMC Club and sponsor of the IMC Club’s upcoming IMC (“I aM Current”) initiative. - July 31, 2011 -
APRL GA Protesting Buckhead Restaurant for Serving Foie Gras
APRL GA announces that this Saturday, July 30rd from 7p to 9p, approximately 15 protesters will gather outside Bistro Niko, located at 3344 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA, to protest foie gras—a controversial liver appetizer made by force feeding ducks. The activists are calling for a halt in... - July 30, 2011 - Animal Protection and Rights League Atlanta Chapter
Successful Government Contracting for Women Business Owners is Topic of Workshop August 11 in Chicago
Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) seeking to do business within the public sector should attend, “Government Contracting: What WBEs Need to Know to be Successful,” a regional workshop presented by the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC). The event will be held on Thursday,... - July 30, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center
Terracare Associates Launches New Website
Terracare Associates, a Denver-based landscape and public infrastructure maintenance company, has just launched an exciting new website, , featuring information about their service offerings, a portfolio of their award winning projects, and useful resources and links for... - July 30, 2011 - Terracare Associates
The Athena Network: Poised for Launch in Singapore and Asia Pacific
The Athena Network, UK’s premier business networking organization for women will be launching in Singapore on September. - July 30, 2011 - The Athena Network
The Power of Freedom: Author Sherry Anshara Presents QuantumPathic® Workshop in Ohio
In just four days of intensive classes, Ohio and Columbus/Dublin area residents can free themselves from disempowerment beliefs and lead more balanced and healthier lifestyles. Sherry Anshara, Medical Intuitive, author, and founder of the QuantumPathic ® Center of Consciousness in Arizona,... - July 30, 2011 - QuantumPathic Center of Consiousness
The EcoChamber, the Global Green Chamber of Commerce, is Accepting Submissions for Its Green Leader Resource Directory
The EcoChamber (, the global green chamber of commerce, announces it is creating the first global green business leader resource directory. The directory will be a tool for organizations to quickly identify leaders in the various green business sectors to serve as sources... - July 29, 2011 - EcoChamber
Nevada Renewable Energy Leadership Award Presented to Green Chips by Solar NV, Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES)
When: 6 p.m. Saturday, August 27; Where: Panevino Restaurant at 246 Via Antonio Ave., Las Vegas; What: Nevada Renewable Energy Leadership Award presented to the Green Chips organization by the Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society, Solar NV “Crinis 2011” banquet. For more information: - July 29, 2011 - Solar NV
PolitiPick Announces Pre-Launch Beta
New website matches voters to candidates. - July 29, 2011 -
Stevens Professor EH Yang Receives DURIP Grant to Support Nanoscale Imaging
Dr. Yang's AFOSR-sponsored DURIP grant allows him to purchase a scanning probe microscope capable of imaging in ambient conditions. - July 29, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Freemasons to Host Trivia Night to Benefit Fisher House
Polar Star Rose Hill Lodge #79, a Masonic lodge in Creve Coeur, MO is planning a trivia night on Saturday, Feb 25, 2012, at the Scottish Rite (3633 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63108) to benefit the St. Louis Fisher House ( Their guest emcee will be St. Louis... - July 29, 2011 - Polar Star Rose Hill #79
Dr. Chandramouli of Stevens Gives Keynote on Dynamic Spectrum Access at Wireless Security Conference
Dr. R. Chandramouli of Stevens gave the Wireless Summit track keynote lecture, “Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Networking," at the NIKSUN World Wide Security & Mobility Conference 2011 (NIKSUN WWSMC) in Princeton, NJ, on July 27. - July 29, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology