Recent Headlines
Within Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, & Similar Organizations
Greater Women’s Business Council Kicks Off Premiere Luncheon Honoring Ten Corporations in Support of Women Owned Businesses
The Greater Women’s Business Council (GWBC) held its first annual Top Ten Corporations Awards Luncheon at the Atlanta Athletic Club on May 25. Ten corporations were recognized for uniting supplier diversity and women business enterprises into their supply chain and business units. - May 30, 2010 - Greater Women's Business Council
AIA Michigan Selects Representative Barb Byrum as Its Legislator of the Year
Byrum played a leading role in the passage of law that amended the architect’s registration act that allows graduate architects to sit for their registration exams right after college. - May 30, 2010 - American Institute of Architects Michigan
CED Taps 2010-2011 Board of Directors
CED, formerly the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced that the organization’s board of directors has ratified a slate of candidates for member... - May 30, 2010 - CED
Jane Thomas Announces the Launch of Her New Book Based on the Content of the Blog-Based Female Sexuality Forum
Jane Thomas, author of, is committed to providing better sex information to women and their partners so that couples can make sex even better in long-term sexual relationships. - May 30, 2010 -
ACCA SME Committee Experts Urge Coalition Government to Establish Recovery Plan for Small Businesses
Coalition government must “think small first” when establishing new proposals for economic recovery - May 30, 2010 - ACCA
The Reserve at Lake Keowee Joins the Audubon Lifestyles Sustainable Golf Facility Program
Through participation in the Audubon Lifestyles Sustainable Golf Facility Program the Reserve at Lake Keowee is currently working through program requirements to gain recognition as a national model of sustainability. - May 29, 2010 - ISC-Audubon
A All Animal Control Opens Central Texas Location
Grand Opening of A All Animal Control of Central Texas A All Animal Control is pleased to announce the grand opening of their new Central Texas office on June 1, 2020. A All Animal Control of Central Texas will be providing the counties of Bell, Burnet, Coryell, Falls, Lampasas, Milam, McLennan... - May 29, 2010 - A All Animal Control
AIA Michigan Honors Architect Dennis M. King, FAIA, as Its Gold Medal Winner
The Gold Medal is the highest honor that can be given to an architect. It is reserved for an architect who is distinguished in his career, works to advance the professional standing of all architects, and lives up to the ethical standards of the AIA. - May 28, 2010 - American Institute of Architects Michigan
REMA Launches Voluntary Renewable Energy Coalition (VREC)
New Coalition for Supporters of Renewable Energy Kicks Off with 50 Founding Members - May 28, 2010 - Renewable Energy Markets Association
ACE Awards $25,000 in Scholarships to High School Climate Leaders
Expanded national program honors ten high school students for exceptional climate projects. - May 28, 2010 - ACE :: Alliance for Climate Education
NAWBO San Diego's June Meeting Focuses on Leading Beyond Your Style
Jennifer Sedlock will present the program "Leading Beyond Your Own Style: Optimizing the Strengths of Others" at the June 16 NAWBO San Diego lunch meeting. To learn more and register, visit - May 28, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego
Win a Fertility Ball™ and a Yoga4Fertility™ DVD from FertilityAuthority
FertilityAuthority is giving away products that may help those trying to conceive. From now through June 14, FertilityAuthority is giving away two sets of natural fertility products donated by Strong Yoga4Fertility. The first product is the Fertility Ball - a new yoga accessory used to stimulate... - May 28, 2010 - FertilityAuthority
AAUCM and IMEP Partner Together to Provide CME for AAUCM Members
AAUCM has joined together with IMEP to provide AAUCM members online medical emergency preparedness through IMEP Medical Emergency Membership. - May 28, 2010 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine
The First Step is the Hardest - Rappel 33 Stories from the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
Kids Included Together goes ‘over the edge’ for a spectacular charity event benefiting San Diego youth. - May 27, 2010 - Kids Included Together
An Easy Way of Giving and Getting Free Stuff Across America Helping People. GIVINGETTING Website Offer.
Free stuff will be available across America everyday. It’s a new motion by GIVINGETTING an innovative website. Many people own valuable stuff they just don’t want anymore. Now they can give free stuff for reuse by others. - May 27, 2010 - GIVINGETTING
HSBCAMPS and Eastbay Partner to Outfit Youth with Apparel, Shoes and Camp Scholarships
Youth Basketball Program to Offer Eastbay Gear and Shoe Discounts for 2010 Summer Camp Participants; 100 Percent of Profits to Benefit HSBCARES - May 27, 2010 - HSBCAMPS
Grand Opening of Women’s Speed Networking Business Association, a New and Innovative Marketing System
Denice Duszynski is proud to announce the Grand Opening of her latest venture, Women’s Speed Networking Business Association. - May 27, 2010 - Women's Speed Networking Business Association
Stevens Hosts the 8th International Conference on Business Process Management
The internationally acclaimed BPM conference appears in the U.S. for the first time September 13-16, 2010. Stevens Institute of Technology welcomes leaders from both industry and academia to discuss Business Process Management innovations. - May 27, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Protech Announces 2010 Wow Award Winners
Protech Associates, Inc. announced the winners of its fourth annual Wow! Awards for outstanding customer achievement at its annual customer conference in Washington, DC on May 20. - May 27, 2010 - Protech Associates, Inc.
President of Shell Energy North America Delivers Keynote at EngEx 2010
Counting Carbon: An imperative and an opportunity—despite lack of a federal program. - May 27, 2010 - EngEx Inc
A All Animal Control Awarded Military Friendly Franchise Status
In an economy that seems to show little recovery and abundant job loss, many military members and veterans find it hard to obtain gainful employment. A All Animal Control works hard to offer franchise opportunities to America's heroes and in return has been named a G.I. Jobs magazine Military... - May 27, 2010 - A All Animal Control
Dr. Qiang Zhang of The Hamner Institutes Wins National Award
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences (, an independent, nonprofit organization that offers an open, collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach to translational biomedical research, has announced that Dr. Qiang Zhang, M.D. Ph.D. has earned the “Outstanding New... - May 27, 2010 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
The Future of UK GAAP: ACCA Costs the Change
New report from global accountancy body shows what shift to international standards would look like on small business’ books. - May 27, 2010 - ACCA
UCLA Labor Center Report Makes a Case for Deep Green Energy Efficiency Retrofits
Why Basic Weatherization will Fall Short in Maximizing Carbon Reductions and Green Job Opportunities: - May 26, 2010 - California Construction Academy - UCLA Labor Center
AIA Michigan Design Awards Announced
Awards program designed to bring to public attention the value and importance of architectural excellence while recognizing those whose notable achievements encourage all to make excellence in architecture the standard. - May 26, 2010 - American Institute of Architects Michigan
National Institute of Statistical Sciences Awarded Grant for Postdoctoral Research in Support of Science Resource Statistics (SRS)
The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) has been awarded a $750,209 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish a postdoctoral research program in collaboration with NSF’s Division of Science Resource Statistics (SRS). - May 26, 2010 - National Institute of Statistical Sciences
TPTA to Help Texans Save Up to 120% on Healthcare Costs
Texans seeking physical therapy services must have a referral from another healthcare provider, increasing the cost of healthcare by as much as 123%. Texas ranks 43rd in the country for primary care physician access. Healthcare reform may push even more physicians to "conceirge" plans, only increasing the lack of access to physicians, further delaying patient care and increasing healthcare costs. Texans need the right to choose physical therapy treatment directly from a physical therapist. - May 25, 2010 - Texas Physical Therapy Association
Historical March: 95 - Mile Walk from Birmingham to Montgomery, Alabama
Historical March: 95–Mile walk from Birmingham to the Steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery Alabama. Christian Missions Church is sponsoring “Walking for a Good Cause.” The walk will begin on Friday, June 11, 2010 in Birmingham and end on Saturday, June 19, 2010 in Montgomery,... - May 24, 2010 - Chrisitian Missions Church
Memorial Weekend Care Package Event
Operation Gratitude Salutes Memorial Weekend with Care Package Assembly and Letter Writing Campaign. - May 24, 2010 - Operation Gratitude
High School Lacrosse Game to Support Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Bishop Guertin and Londonderry High School wear teal - May 23, 2010 - Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer
NAWBO SD June Seminar Focuses on WBENC Certification
The benefits of WBENC certification as well as the process to obtain it will be featured in NAWBO San Diego's June 11 seminar. Learn more and register at - May 23, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego
Nature Magazine Features Dr. Choi’s Nano-Engineering Research
As a recipient of the prestigious 2010 Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Dr. Choi's work in Nano-Engineering is dramatically enhancing the corrosion resistance capabilities of Naval Vessels while also highlighting his unique career path and demonstrating the innovative research of faculty within Stevens. - May 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Arkansas Mississippi Minority Supplier Development Council Announces Mia McNeal as New President
Arkansas Mississippi Minority Supplier Development Council today announced Mia McNeal accepted the position of President. AMMSDC’s mission is to promote the development of business opportunities between Minority Business Enterprises (MBE’s), corporations, governmental agencies and other... - May 22, 2010 - Arkansas Mississippi Minority Supplier Development Council
NAWBO SD Announces BRAVO! Award Winners
NAWBO San Diego presented six BRAVO! Awards to women business owners at its annual gala on May 19. - May 22, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego
New Non-Profit Focuses on Native Species Habitat Restoration in Pescadero Waterways and Marsh
A group of concerned citizens announced formation of a new non-profit determined to reverse the startling population decline of native coastal and marine species. Starting with projects along the San Mateo Coast, the Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement will work to restore threatened species and protect recreational use of delicate areas. - May 21, 2010 - Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement
Marcia Pevsner Honored by NA'AMAT USA
Lincolnshire resident Marcia Pevsner was a 23-year-old mother with a young daughter when a dear friend who had recently joined NA'AMAT USA invited her to become a member. After more than 50 years as a leader in NA'AMAT USA at the local, area and national levels, Pevsner laughs when she thinks about her initial reaction to joining the organization, then called Pioneer Women. - May 21, 2010 - NA'AMAT USA, Greater Chicago Council
Freelance Camp Expands to San Francisco
Freelance Camp PRO San Francisco 2010 is a new twist on the established series of BarCamps for freelancers and independent contractors. FreelanceCamp Pro San Francisco: June 5 - a one day "unconference" for all professionals to network and develop profitable strategies to improve their business. First 75 attendees will receive free schwag from Speck Products, a company that produces iphone and laptop cases. - May 21, 2010 - Freelance Camp
CTS2010 International Tourism Fair in Armenia
CTS2010 (Caucasus Travel Show) International 10th Annual Tourism Fair took place on 14-15 May, 2010 at the “Moscow” cinema theatre in Yerevan. The fair was officially opened by Ara Petrosyan, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, Management of the Armenian Association of Travel Agents (AATA) and Dr.Jatinder Cheema, USAID Mission Director in Armenia. - May 21, 2010 - Armenian Association of Travel Agents
The Actors Hall of Fame Foundation Announces "Q & Acting" a New Weekly TV Series
Actors Hall of Fame brings college students and famous actors together to talk about their latest roles in Movies, TV shows and Broadway Plays. - May 21, 2010 - The Actors Hall of Fame Foundation
Clark Hunt Construction Helps Disabled Veterans in San Antonio
Enable America works to improve employment for disabled veterans and people with disabilities. Clark Hunt Construction is supporting this cause in San Antonio by hosting an employment mentoring session for disabled veterans at its Brooke Army Medical Center construction site at Ft. Sam Houston. - May 21, 2010 - Enable America
Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CTREIA) Announces Fairfield County REIA Meeting on May 27, 2010 in Bridgeport, CT
On Thursday May 27, 2010, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association, or CT REIA, and the Fairfield County REIA are sponsoring the Bridgeport New Development Toolbox seminar, presented by the Bridgeport Downtown Task Force. - May 21, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA
International Business Brokers Association Conference Features Sessions on Recovery & Growth, June 17-19 in Orlando
The IBBA Conference for Professional Development will take place June 17-19 at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort in Orlando, Fla. More than 500 business brokers and intermediaries will convene for three days of education focused on new industry trends and developments. A variety of sessions geared... - May 21, 2010 - International Business Brokers Association
Launching of a Book Chaos to Glory by Pastor Solomon Nganga from Kenya Who Suffered Sexual Abuse
Pastor Solomon Nganga, a Kenyan pastor is launching his new book, chaos to glory. Talks about his sufferings as a victim of sexual abuse. Will be held on Saturday May 22 2010 at Jubilee Covenant Center 835 N Central ave suite D113, Kent, WA, 98032 from 5 pm to 8 pm. - May 20, 2010 - hope christ ministries
Free Woman’s Wellness Forum and Luncheon — Kingdom Women in Good Health
Healthy Heritage Movement Inc. and Purpose Center International Ministries in conjunction with Kingdom Women of Excellence will host a Woman's Wellness Weekend. - May 20, 2010 - Healthy Heritage Movement, Inc.
15 Barbershops in the Inland Region to Participate in The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program
Healthy Heritage Movement Inc. have partnered with The Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation (DAP) for The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program to include 15 barbershops in the Inland Empire. - May 20, 2010 - Healthy Heritage Movement, Inc.
Nonprofit’s New Approach Helps Small Business Worldwide
World Vision launches new site - Micro Charity empowers entrepreneurs through microfinance. World Vision, a global leader in microfinance and poverty reduction, is launching a new microlending site ( which connects online visitors to individual entrepreneurs in Mexico,... - May 20, 2010 - World Vision US
Astonfield Awarded Prestigious Global Green Award at World Trade Week NYC
Nominated by US Department of Commerce, Astonfield was awarded the prestigious Global Green Award in recognition for its leadership and success in promoting the scale up of renewable energy solutions in emerging markets such as India. - May 20, 2010 - Astonfield Renewable Resources
American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Clark, NJ: Invites Cancer Survivors and Loved Ones to Create a World with More Birthdays and Less Cancer
American Cancer Society (Eastern Division) and Clark Township in Union County, New Jersey will host overnight event to fight cancer. In Honor of Cancer Survivors and to Remember Those Lost to the Disease. - May 20, 2010 - American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Rahway NJ
Xclaimed Ministries Gives Away Bicycles and Toys
Xclaimed Ministries provides another community concert giving away free bicycles, free toys, free BBQ lunch, free groceries and a message of hope (also free). - May 20, 2010 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
Walk for a Cure – Arthritis Foundation Inland Empire Branch’s “2010 Arthritis Walk”
Arthritis Foundation Inland Empire Branch's 2010 Arthritis Walk to raise money and awareness for arthritis. - May 19, 2010 - Arthritis Foundation/Inland Empire Branch