Former FTC Commissioner and Distinguished Marine Orson Swindle to Headline NH Veteran Remembrance Ceremonies on September 11th

Former FTC Commissioner and Distinguished Marine Orson Swindle to Headline NH Veteran Remembrance Ceremonies on September 11th

100 Nights of Remembrance Closing Ceremonies draws high-profile Washington policy maker and former POW as keynote speaker. - September 09, 2008 - One Hundred Nights of Remembrance

Leaders Explain How “Social Meets Gospel”

Some of Christianity’s top leaders share their ideas about the balance between social action and evangelism in a new documentary film. - September 08, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Explorers of Electronic Space Music Perform at Urban Laboratory Arcosanti

The Cosanti Foundation presents a Different Skies Electronic Music Festival concert and dinner on Saturday, September 20, 2008. - September 07, 2008 - Cosanti Foundation

Real Estate Professionals and Virtual Assistants… a Match Made in Heaven

Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce announces Christine Wade as new Real Estate Industry Liaison. - September 07, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

The Congress of the Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania "Mediation – Turning Disputes Into Opportunities"

The Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania organizes the 2nd Congress of mediation in Romania, in Bucharest, during the 19th – the 20th of September 2008. - September 07, 2008 - The Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania

North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ Event Invites South Carolina Women Entrepreneurs

Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced that the organization is now accepting applications from South Carolina women business owners for its first North Carolina event, which will be held on Tuesday,... - September 07, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business

BBB Connecticut Offers Tips for Buying a Used Car

Growing number of consumers opting to trade-in gas-guzzlers for used vehicles. - September 07, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Carmelite Science-Fiction Thriller

Author Lynden Rodriguez has written a science-fiction thriller entitled Drumwall. This is Ms. Rodriguez’s first novel about a mining colony on the planet Cumaro, beginning with the arrival of a new parish priest. Father Andrew Zamora discovers that his predecessor may have met a terrible... - September 06, 2008 - Lynden Rodriguez, OCDS

New Hamner-UNC Center for Drug Safety Sciences

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announced they are establishing a joint Center for Drug Safety Sciences that will be led by Dr. Paul Watkins, one of the world’s leading experts in drug-induced liver injury. As founding director for... - September 06, 2008 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Morton Grove Action Party's 2nd Annual Jack O'Brien Golf Outing Coming Soon

The 2nd Annual Action Party of Morton Grove - Jack O'Brien Memorial Golf Outing is scheduled for Sunday, September 21, 2008 at the Mt. Prospect Golf Course which is located at 600 S. See-Gwun Avenue in Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. - September 06, 2008 - Action Party of Morton Grove

Study: Most University Students Self-Report Discomfort, Pain Due to Backpack Usage

Approximately 85 percent of university students self-report discomfort and pain associated with backpack usage, according to research conducted at Boston University. This study confirms assertions occupational therapy practitioners make annually on National School Backpack Awareness Day, this year... - September 05, 2008 - American Occupational Therapy Association

Women Business Owners Announces Convention Ticket Give-A-Way Contest

Enter WBO's Convention Ticket Give-A-Way Contest today. - September 05, 2008 - Women Business Owners

Action Party of Morton Grove Seeks Candidates

The Action Party of Morton Grove is once again following a long-standing tradition of reaching out into the community and asking all civic-minded citizens in Morton Grove to consider screening for elective office in the municipal government. - September 04, 2008 - Action Party of Morton Grove

Rabbi’s Approach to Interfaith Weddings Hits Home with Couples, as Demand for Services Increases

When Rabbi David S. Gruber of Frisco, Texas, a northern suburb of Dallas, started officiating at interfaith weddings he had no idea how great the need was. Having launched his website in December of 2007, Gruber has worked with or is working with about twenty five... - September 04, 2008 - Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Rabbi

Connecticut BBB Issues Report on Top Ten Types of Businesses with Most Complaints

Numbers show consumers inquire and file complaints about different business sectors. - September 04, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Florida–3 Airboat Search and Rescue Joins Search for Caylee Anthony

At the request of Texas EquuSearch, FL-3 Airboat Search and Rescue assisted in the Labor Day weekend search for Caylee Anthony. - September 04, 2008 - Florida-3 Airboat Search and Rescue

NPSA Conference Features Renowned Business Ethics Expert

Marianne Jennings, a professor of legal and ethical studies in business at Arizona State University, will share wisdom for practical ethical issues at the 6th Annual NPSA Conference. - September 03, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

September Series "Walking with Faith in a Fear Filled World" at Sacred Center New York by Nationally Recognized Speaker and Best Selling Author August Gold

New exciting and life changing talks by August Gold during the month of September at Sacred Center New York, the fastest growing spiritual center in the US. - September 01, 2008 - Sacred Center New York

IMC-USA Expresses Alarm at Anti-Christian Violence in Orissa; Demands the State and Central Governments to Act Immediately

Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), an advocacy group working toward safeguarding India’s pluralist and tolerant ethos, denounces in the strongest terms, the ongoing massacre of Christians and the killing of the Hindutva leader in the Indian state of Orissa. According to news reports,... - August 30, 2008 - Indian Muslim Council-USA

The Ophelia Project Begins Pilot Project Addressing Cyberbullying

The Ophelia Project will launch a pilot project that addresses cyberbullying at three Erie County schools during September. This pilot project, developed by cyberbullying consultant Erika Dauber and Ophelia staff, will raise awareness about cyberbullying and provide teachers and students with... - August 30, 2008 - The Ophelia Project

Speaking Of Women’s Health Names Luncheon Keynote Speaker

Dr. Lisa Roberts, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and president and CEO of Gynecology & Laparoscopic Surgeons, PC (, has announced that Linda Larsen, a professional who helps people increase communication and self-esteem... - August 30, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health

Mother and Child Survival Project Showing Success in the Democratic Republic of Congo

An effort to save the lives of mothers and children in the DR Congo, where maternal and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world, is showing signs of success. - August 30, 2008 - IMA World Health

New "Christian" Look for Old Company

Entrepreneur Michele Johnson has decided to transform her company into a truly "Christian" organization. "This is the best thing for the company. I feel that in order for God's hand to be on your work, you have to be doing his work." The owner is now also an author and motivational speaker, and is very excited about this new transition. - August 28, 2008 - TRINITE3

Aetna Commits to Utilizing Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Aetna Inc. joins NAMWOLF as a Corporate Partner. - August 27, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Divorce Support Programs Set to Begin at Doylestown United Methodist Church

Doylestown United Methodist Church announces the starting date of the fall session of its DivorceCare programs. - August 27, 2008 - Doylestown United Methodist Church

Pastor Cedric Richardson Joins Dr. Bishop Veynell Warren for a 9th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration

Dr. Bishop Veynell Warren, one of today’s most philosophical and prophetic ministers, is preparing to celebrate nine years as a pastor. The celebration dates for the pastoral anniversary are September 15 -17 (7:30pm nightly) with close out on September 21 at 3:30pm. Warren, Pastor of the New... - August 27, 2008 - New Believers Missionary Baptist Church

University Club to Participate in ClubCorp’s 2nd Annual Charity Classic: Celebrating a Legacy on September, 26, 2008

$100.00 per-person includes charitable contribution, cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, tax, gratuity, and parking. Seating will be tables of eight or a table of ten for $900.00. 7:00 - 8:00 PM Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction. 8:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner. 8:00 - 11:00 PM Music and Dancing. Please make your reservations early as this is sure to be a sell-out event at or call 904.396.1687. - August 27, 2008 - University Club

NJ Physicians Band Together for Savings: Group Purchasing Promises Discounts to Doctors

NJ Physicians, an association of New Jersey medical doctors, announces the creation of a group purchasing plan offering savings of five to 15 percent on a wide range of products and services. - August 27, 2008 - NJ Physicians

IMA World Health to Help Rebuild South Sudan’s Health Systems

A Maryland-based healthcare nonprofit has undertaken a monumental task: Rebuilding the crumbling remains of South Sudan's healthcare systems in the states of Upper Nile and Jonglei. - August 27, 2008 - IMA World Health

MasterPlans Ranks No. 111 on the 2008 Inc. 5,000 with Three-Year Sales Growth of 1,797.0%

Business planning consultancy, MasterPlans, makes Inc. Magazine's top 500 fastest growing companies list. - August 26, 2008 - MasterPlans

Orange County Expert on Human Trafficking and Slavery to Speak to International Conference of Private Investigators

A seminar on human trafficking and slavery will be presented to an international gathering of private investigators and security professionals at the annual World Association of Detectives conference in Denver, CO in September. - August 26, 2008 - S.T.R.I.K.E. Force Training

The Eccentric Club’s Daring Comeback

The Eccentric Club, once an important institution in the British society, closed down in the mid-1980s, is about to make a daring comeback to the London clubland on 29th of August - this time not in Mayfair, but in Bloomsbury. - August 25, 2008 - The Eccentric Club (UK)

Time for School … Time for Bullying Prevention

Love Our Children USA announced today that bullying and teasing is at the top of kids’ issues at schools, and with school set to open in a few weeks, parents, teachers and school administrators should take caution and sensitivity in handling these issues. - August 25, 2008 - Love Our Children USA

Patent Validates EOS Remediation's Strong Foundation of Intellectual Property

EOS Remediation, LLC, a developer and manufacturer of advanced technologies for groundwater restoration, announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded a patent reissue to Solutions-IES. The reissued patent, U.S. Patent No. RE40448, is for groundwater bioremediation using... - August 24, 2008 - EOS Remediation, LLC

Focus28 Announces Launch of Website for Bariatric Patients

Focus 28, inc. announced today that it has launched a new website, The website took over two and one half years to build and is geared to meeting the needs of obese individuals who are either preparing to undergo bariatric weight loss surgery or have already undergone the procedure. - August 24, 2008 - Focus28, inc.

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education and Research Institute Announces the Addition of a New Life, Love & Family Section on

Kabbalah explains the best way for women to go about getting what they need. - August 23, 2008 - Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute

Sheet Metal Workers Endorse Senator Barack Obama for President

The Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association, AFL-CIO (SMWIA) endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States at its annual SMWIA Business Agent’s Conference in Orlando, FL. This endorsement follows a process that saw an overwhelming majority of sheet metal... - August 22, 2008 - SMWIA

Lieutenant Governor Bev Perdue to Lead Dress for Success Triangle NC Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Nonprofit Opening Coincides with Women’s Equality Day. - August 22, 2008 - Dress for Success Triangle NC

Sikhcess™ Launches 'Packages of Love' Campaign in Australia

Sikhcess volunteers in Australia are joining together for a common mission to help others – uniting to collect materials to assemble basic needs hygiene packages to distribute to the homeless across the continent of Australia. - August 22, 2008 - Sikhcess

Citizen Kate Takes Her Election Coverage to New Visual Heights with TV-Quality Streaming Video from Digital Fountain’s DF Splash Video Delivery Network

Republican and Democratic National Convention Coverage Gets Tech Savvy to Meet the Growing Demand for TV-Quality Streaming Video Content. - August 21, 2008 - Digital Fountain

Habitat for Humanity of Moore County Celebrates Its Volunteers with a Golf Tournament at National Golf Club

Volunteers are the life blood of Habitat. Without them, Habitat wouldn’t be able to build 14 homes for low income families in Moore and Richmond counties every year. Habitat for Humanity of Moore County hosts three volunteer appreciation events every year, the Spring Cookout, the Golf... - August 21, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

Corporation - to be or Not to be, That is the Question

Many new businesses may not know the benefits of incorporating in Nevada. Nevada Corporation Associates, Inc, will work with small businesses to discuss those benefits. - August 21, 2008 - Nevada Corporation Associates, Inc.

Dr. Paul Benware to Speak at Grace Bible Church

Grace Bible Church is excited to announce Southwestern College Professor Dr. Paul Benware will bring the morning message Sunday, August 31. Prior to going to Southwestern College in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Benware was on the faculty of the Master's College, Moody Bible Institute, and Philadelphia... - August 21, 2008 - Grace Bible Church

Speaking of Women’s Health Names Morning Keynote Speaker

Erika Mangrum, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and CEO of Aesthetic and Medical Practices, LLC (, has announced that Cammy Dierking, an acclaimed news anchor and motivational speaker, will be the morning... - August 20, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health

Riverside (CA) Humane Society’s Comedy Night Sept. 12 Features Nationally Known Comedians Robert G. Lee and Carlos Oscar

Riverside Humane Society Pet Adoption Center’s 11th Annual Comedy Night fundraiser on Sept. 12 features comedians Robert G. Lee and Carlos Oscar. KOLA 99.9 FM’s Cindy Davis is the evening’s MC. The event includes a no-host reception, silent auction and raffle for a luxury 7-night Mexican Riviera cruise valued at $2040. Comedy Night tickets are $50 per person; reservations required. Proceeds benefit the center’s homeless cats and dogs. - August 19, 2008 - Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center

Highlands Square's 32 Women-Owned Businesses to Welcome Lifetime Network's "Every Woman Counts" Tour During Democratic National Convention

Unconventional Fare in Highlands Square Days to Include Free Shuttle, Merchant Specials, Art Displays, and Focus on Women's Voices. - August 18, 2008 - Highlands Merchant Association

Georgia: Embattled Town of Gori Receiving Aid After Being Cut Off for Days

Civilians remaining in Gori face “dire conditions,” World Vision warns · Safe access for aid workers into conflict zone still a challenge · Children, families across region endure horrors of war: “Nobody could even bury [our neighbors] because we were afraid for our lives.” - August 17, 2008 - World Vision US

Canadian Association of Telecom Dealers Comes Together

Telecom Dealers in Canada band together to form the Canadian Association of Telecom Dealers, CATD. - August 17, 2008 - Canadian Association of Telecom Dealers

Buffer Seeks Votes on September 9 for San Pedro Council

Ray Buffer, seeks to fill one of 5 open seats on the Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council. Voting takes place September 9, and Buffer is a write-in candidate. - August 17, 2008 - Campaign To Elect Ray Buffer

Secretary of State Elaine Marshall Recognizes North Carolina’s First Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Event

Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced that North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall has issued a Capitol Citation to honor North Carolina’s first Make Mine a Million $ Business™... - August 16, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business

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