The Council on Litigation Management Announces Strategic Affiliation with Association of Litigation Support Professionals

The Council on Litigation Management (CLM) announced today an affiliation with the Association of Litigation Support Professionals (ALSP) as part of CLM’s strategic affiliation program. The association with the ALSP is the latest in CLM’s program to develop mutually-beneficial... - October 17, 2008 - Council on Litigation Management

Wake Yo Game Up, the Album

Aims to Promote Social Change, Empowerment, and Community Awareness Through the Act of Voting. “Wake Yo Game Up!” This campaign has assembled a group of the San Francisco Bay Area’s hottest acts to change the face of American politics. - October 16, 2008 - Town Business Network

First Nonprofit Organization Focusing on Nanotechnology Innovations to Keep America in the Technology Race

The Nanotechnology Research Foundation (NRF) was recently established as the first non-profit organization specifically focused on supporting the acceleration of nanotechnology awareness, education, recognition, funding, research and innovation. Serving as a catalyst for nanotechnologies, the... - October 16, 2008 - Nanotechnology Research Foundation

"Empower Our Children, Shape the World": La Leche League of New York-East Presents Area Conference and Healthcare Provider Seminar

More than 250 breastfeeding families, advocates, and healthcare providers will come together to participate in the 2008 La Leche League New York–East Healthcare Provider Seminar and Area Conference on October 24, 25, & 26, 2008 at the Holiday Inn, Suffern, NY. Special guests include Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, each a prominent figure in breastfeeding research and lactation support practice. - October 16, 2008 - La Leche League of New York-East

Connecticut BBB Warns Families About “Grandparent Scam”

Seniors being bilked out of thousands of dollars by crooks posing as family members in need. - October 16, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Spare Some for Autism to Host Corporate Cup Challenge Golf Tournament

Autism organization seeks sponsors for inaugural golf tournament. - October 16, 2008 - Spare Some for Autism

Speaking of Women’s Health Honors Lori Lee

Erika Mangrum, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and CEO of Aesthetic and Medical Practices, LLC (, has announced that Lori Lee, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, was recognized as the... - October 16, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health

Engeye Health Clinic and Union College Partnership Sends Two Union College Graduates to Uganda

Engeye Health Clinic and Union College Partnership Sends Two Union College Graduates to Uganda

Becky Broadwin and Stephen Po-Chedley Will Spend Eight Months Working at the Engeye Health Clinic in Ddegeya Village, Uganda. - October 15, 2008 - Engeye

Independence Visitor Center Announces the Promotion of Lauren Tosti to Director of Marketing and Communications

The Independence Visitor Center Corporation (IVCC) has announced the appointment of Lauren Tosti to Director of Marketing and Communications, effective October 6, 2008. Tosti, who previously served as Marketing Manager, will be responsible for planning, budgeting, implementing, and measuring all marketing initiatives and special programming related to the Visitor Center with the ultimate goal of driving visitation. - October 15, 2008 - Independence Visitor Center

Reenactment of the 1792 Colonial Election at the Independence Visitor Center

On Tuesday, October 28, the candidates of 1792 will meet at the Independence Visitor Center for a second chance to claim a part of American history. Locals and visitors alike will have an exclusive opportunity to meet the famous candidates—George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Clinton and Aaron Burr—and cast their votes for President. The event, designed to remind voters that every vote counts, takes place from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. - October 15, 2008 - Independence Visitor Center

Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Names Carolina Winners

Mary Cantando, one of the key coordinators for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, announced the award winners for the event held on Oct. 7 at the Blake Hotel. Finalists were asked to deliver a business pitch to women entrepreneurs, judges and... - October 15, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business

NPSA Hosts Cash Money Machine at Vegas Conference

As the turmoil on Wall Street continues, the National Portable Storage Association is offering conference attendees a sure way to collect some quick cash. - October 14, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

The Jubilee Symphony Orchestra is Delighted to Announce the Appointment of Stephen P Brown to the Orchestra’s Recently Created Position of Artistic Director

Known for thrilling performances and a wide variety of musical styles, Mr. Brown will conduct the orchestra for most of its performances in New York City. Reviving, establishing and growing musical disciplines have provided Stephen P Brown with unique qualifications that are beginning to be... - October 12, 2008 - Jubilee Missions

Anita Borg Institute Announces Record Breaking Attendance for 8th Annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Largest Gathering of Women in Computing in the World Highlighted by Keynotes from Industry Luminaries Fran Allen and Mary Lou Jepson; Dissemination of Research Study on Mid-level Technical Women. - October 12, 2008 - Anita Borg Institute

Historic Attendance for Association Meeting

Over 700 persons attended a networking event for construction trade subcontractors to meet with Chicago area general contractors. - October 12, 2008 - ASA Chicago

Deer Season Puts Auto Insurance Coverage to the Test

Few people read their auto insurance policy and are unaware of limitations and extent of coverage. - October 12, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Vermont’s Mount Snow Area to Host Masquerade Dinner and Charity Art Auction

Southern Vermont’s Mount Snow Valley region is hosting a swanky formal Black and White Masquerade Charity Dinner and Auction on Saturday October 25th. The event is the grand finale of a summer long public arts project: The Vermonsters of the Deerfield Valley. The Vermonster creations are... - October 11, 2008 - Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Veteran Founded Web Site Gets Ready for Veterans Day 2008

The largest Web site reuniting U.S. veterans - encourages the community to come together this Veterans Day in support and honor of veterans and military personnel nationwide. - October 11, 2008 -

Bama Bus Begins 31-Day Art and Political Engagement Tour Through Battleground States: First Stop in Nevada, Oct. 4/ Last Stop Florida, Nov. 4

Filmmaker Annie Woods and celebrated street artist Gadi are embarking on an expedition across America to rally young voters and raise political awareness through community art. This ambitious venture is a follow-up to the original Obama Mobile’s August voyage to the Democratic National... - October 11, 2008 - Bama Bus

Virtual Assistant Association Hosts Teleseminar on October 16 to Help Small Business Owners Learn More About Business Formations

Small business attorney Nina Kaufman to discuss various business formations and how Virtual Assistants and other small business owners can choose the one that's right for them. - October 10, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Queen and Paul Rodgers Join Researchers of the World to Stop the Shark Slaughter

Queen and Paul Rodgers Join Researchers of the World to Stop the Shark Slaughter

Brian May, guitarist of Queen, and Paul Rodgers, lead singer of Queen + Paul Rodgers (and also of Free and Bad Company), join 140 researchers to urge the governments of all nations to stop the slaughter of sharks. With the "Manifesto for Immediate Worldwide Shark Conservation Actions,"... - October 09, 2008 - Shark Research Institute

National Legal Association Recognizes KeyCorp and Joel Stern from Accenture for Diversity Efforts

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) has announced the recipients of its Annual Diversity Initiative Achievement Award and Annual Award for Outstanding Service by a Council Member. These two top honors will be awarded at NAMWOLF’s Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo at the Marriott – Dallas Las Colinas Hotel on November 13-14. - October 09, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

ADWA Explores the World with Traveling Sportsman Magazine

Hunting and fishing are healthy escapes, and the American Deer & Wildlife Alliance (ADWA) wants to relieve sportsmen of the daily grind through a partnership with Traveling Sportsman Magazine (TSM). “There are tons of publications out on the market, but the quality of Traveling Sportsman... - October 09, 2008 - American Deer & Wildlife Alliance

Topaz Partners’ Tim Allik to Discuss Social Media Trends at New England Direct Marketing Association Breakfast

Allik, Topaz Director of Social Media Public Relations, to focus on social media at NEDMA’s “Eyes on the prize: Implementing a social media program with a business mindset” program. - October 09, 2008 - The New England Direct Marketing Association

The Nationwide Veterans Day Parade Directory & Veterans Day Online Forum

In honor and support of U.S. veterans, has created an online Veterans Day parade/events directory along with a Veterans Day online forum free for all visitors to view and submit information to. - October 09, 2008 -

Alcoa’s Relicensing Effort for the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project Poses Significant Challenge to New North Carolina Drought Bill

The N.C. Water Rights Committee is announcing that while new legislation signed into law on July 31 by Gov. Mike Easley does expand the ability of the governor and local communities to respond when drought conditions worsen, it does not apply to Alcoa’s hydroelectric operations on the Yadkin... - October 09, 2008 - N.C. Water Rights Committee

Friends of Sandhills Habitat RVers Blitz Build Chriscoe Home

Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills has a special crew working on house #162, the home of Justin and Janet Chriscoe. For the past 9 years, Friends of Habitat RVers, 11 couples from all over the United States and Canada, have come to the Sandhills to build homes. Leaving their RVs at the... - October 09, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

RemedyMD Releases 10 Disease Registries to Manage Pediatric Outcomes.

RemedyMD, the leading provider of disease-specific registries, today announced the release of 10 new pediatric disease registries to help physicians manage and improve pediatric outcomes. RemedyMD’s library of more than 80 pre-built Disease Registries enables physicians and researchers to... - October 09, 2008 - RemedyMD

Tech Coast Angels Closes Series A Financing for AgileNano -- Funds Will Support R&D and Commercial Development for Nanotechnology-Based Energy Absorbing Material

San Diego Tech Coast Angels announced that the group has funded a Series A round for AgileNano, a San Diego-based company developing proprietary technologies to minimize military injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from explosions, and to increase comfort and protection of sporting equipment such as shoes and helmets. - October 08, 2008 - Tech Coast Angels San Diego

How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business

New book taps experience, insight and knowledge to help aspiring VAs profit. - October 08, 2008 - Canadian Virtual Assistant Connection

Habitat Needs Volunteers for Electrical Crew

Interested in learning about electrical components and how a house is wired? Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills is looking for people of all skill levels. Even if plugging in the television is the extent of your electrical experience, Habitat will train you. Now is the chance to become a... - October 08, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

Connecticut BBB: Looking for a Fast Way to Sell a House?

Trade it in for a new home, but beware. - October 08, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT

Women Presidents’ Organization Sponsors Make Mine A Million $ Business™ Breakfast

Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ event (, has announced that the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) will sponsor a breakfast for the event to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S... - October 08, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business

"Camp Hero" Chooses Tri-County Area as Site for Farm-Based Veterans' Program, Breaks Ground

A unique approach to supporting returning war heroes is underway as the building of the veterans' transitional experience at Camp Hero Farm and Retreat begins in Wilkes County, NC. - October 07, 2008 - American Heroes Return

October 28th, 2008 INSPIRE-ites! is Having Its Kick-Off Event and Spider Jones is Speaking

Spider Jones' talk has been described as phenomenal by all that have heard him. It is sure to be a night that you’ll remember for a long time. George Chuvalo says, “Spider Jones is one of the most dynamic speakers of our time.” Treat yourself and the teens and young adults in... - October 07, 2008 - INSPIRE-ites! Corporation

Local Brisbane Volunteers to be Recognized at Women’s Group Luncheon

Soroptimist International Brisbane City, a women's service group, is holding a luncheon timed to coincide with United Nations Day to thank volunteers in its community. Richard Cowley is guest speaker on the theme of Peace. Ticket purchases welcome. - October 07, 2008 - Soroptimist International Brisbane City

Young Voters Warn Californians About Impact of Gay Marriage

Young adults desperately warn voters about the unfavorable consequences of same-sex marriage before November's election. Those in favor of Proposition 8, the marriage amendment which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman, are using social internet utilities to inform Californians about the negative impact of same-sex marriage. - October 06, 2008 -

"Fire in Brazil" Set to Spread to Milan

A U. K. Charity’s documentary film about Brazil has been nominated as a finalist at a prestigious Milan film festival. - October 06, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

Habitat Announces First Event in Richmond County – Fall Family Fest

Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills is holding its first annual Richmond County event hosted by the First United Methodist Church in Rockingham from 11am to 2pm on November 15, 2008. There will be a chicken BBQ dinner, a raffle for a $100 gas card and plenty of activities for children. During... - October 05, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

Kingsport Office of Small Business Seeking Entries for Annual 2008 KOSBE Awards

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) is accepting applications and nominations for its Annual KOSBE Awards. This year there are five areas of competition: one award for Young Entrepreneur (under age 40), one for New Business (in operation for at least 12... - October 05, 2008 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

"Transition" Revival at The Holy Christian Church

Transition in Finances, Marriages, Family, Careers, Prophecy, Ministry and Vision. - October 05, 2008 - The Communion of Holy Christian Churches

ADWA Supporters Score Big with Hunting Lease Magazine & TV Show

For a limited time the American Deer & Wildlife Alliance (ADWA) will be inviting members and supporters to receive a discounted yearly subscription to the popular Hunting Lease Magazine, America’s #1 source for places to hunt. Director of ADWA Operations Annie Jones says, “Hunting... - October 05, 2008 - American Deer & Wildlife Alliance

Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Names Finalists

Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced the award finalists for the event scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 7 at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S. McDowell St. Twenty finalists were selected from applicants... - October 05, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business

Speaking of Women’s Health Honors Ann Farmer

Dr. Lisa Roberts, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and president and CEO of Gynecology & Laparoscopic Surgeons, PC (, has announced that Ann Farmer, marketing manager for Duke HomeCare and Hospice, was recognized as the... - October 05, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health

Philadelphia Gospel Recording Label Seeks Church Choirs for Compilation CD

Koinonia Music Group (KMG) announced its plans today to showcase the talents of local artists, bands, and Church choirs on its upcoming Compilation CD to be released Spring 2009. KMG is currently looking to secure at least three more Church choirs for this project, with the sole requirement for... - October 04, 2008 - Koinonia Music Group

200th Anniversary of the Abolition of U.S. Transatlantic Slave Trade Commemorated in New York City

Slave Routes: Resistance, Abolition and Creative Progress Symposium to be held at New York University from October 9 – 11, 2008 with Opening Plenary Hosted by Maya Angelou. - October 04, 2008 - Organization of Women Writers of Africa

Sandhills Habitat Volunteer Floyd Fritz Fireman of the Year

Habitat for Humanity of NC of the Sandhills prides itself in the dedicated and talented people who make up the volunteer staff for their organization. Their energy and creativity bring to fruition the quality homes so needed by families. Habitat is particularly proud of one of their... - October 04, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

Glaxo Smith Kline Teams Up with Habitat

Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills has another team player added to its roster of community supporters. GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), a worldwide leader in creating and delivering educational curriculum for general pharma and HIV medications, is joining ranks with Habitat to aid our local community. - October 04, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

Brown, Fraley and Hutchinson Appointed to Habitat Board

On July 1, 2008, Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills appointed Louis Brown, Amie Fraley and Kelly Hutchinson to the Board of Directors. Each member will serve three years, finishing their terms in June of 2011. Louis Brown is a former Vice President of Sales for CECO Corporation and a former... - October 04, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills

My Life, My Choice:  People with Disabilities, Seniors, and Homecare Workers Fight for Consumer Workforce Council

My Life, My Choice: People with Disabilities, Seniors, and Homecare Workers Fight for Consumer Workforce Council

Stakeholders in Pennsylvania’s Long Term Care System Work for More and Better Home Care Options. They tell Governor Rendell: Establish the Consumer Workforce Council Now. - October 03, 2008 - My Life, My Choice: PA Seniors for Homecare

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