Recent Headlines
Within Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, & Similar Organizations
Don Conrad, Author of How to Find That Quality Tenant, Discusses the Tenant Selection Process for Landlords on "Ideal Investment Radio"
Noted expert on landlording will discuss his 5 step strategy for helping real estate investors make that crucial decision on who to rent to. - May 14, 2008 - Ideal 4 Investors
The Indomitible Human Spirit - Classical Piano with a Twist
Gary Graffman, award winning performer and world reknown pianist, performs a one time only concert in Savannah, Georgia at historic downtown Wesley Monumental Church. This must see event is presented by the all volunteer Savannah Concert Association. See this amazing left hand only concert on Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 4 in the afternoon. - May 14, 2008 - Savannah Concert Association
Rogue Document Preparers: Unfair Competition and LDA Compliance
Deputy District Attorney to Speak About Paralegals, Legal Document Assistant Registration and Unfair Business Practices. - May 14, 2008 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals
Myanmar Relief Options
Getting relief through to the victims of Nargis Cyclone. - May 13, 2008 - US Asian Chamber of Commerce
GBBR Charitable Foundation Accepting Summer 2008 Grant Applications -- Baltimore Area Housing, Education and Community Development Groups Encouraged to Apply
The Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS® (GBBR) Charitable Foundation is announcing the availability of grant money for organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life in Baltimore-area neighborhoods. Groups providing assistance with homeownership, fair housing practices, community... - May 12, 2008 - Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS
DC AHEC Hosts the 1st Annual "DC African Health and Empowerment Day" Health Event
The DC Area Health Education Center (DC AHEC) in partnership with the DC Mayor’s Office of African Affairs (OAA) is hosting a health event to bring attention to the health, wellness, and medical needs that are unique to the African community in the District of Columbia. The unique needs of the African community must also be met if health care disparities are to be eliminated in the District of Columbia. - May 11, 2008 - District of Columbia Area Health Education Center (DC AHEC)
Investor-Ready Program Opens Doors for Entrepreneurs
Presenting to an angel investment group gives business owners the opportunity to attract investors so they can grow their business and expand their markets. - May 10, 2008 - Northern Ontario Enterprise Gateway
Humanity First to Provide Clean Water to Over One Million People
In a recent effort to aid victims still suffering from the wreckage caused by the 2005 earthquake in northern Pakistan, Humanity First has initiated a water filtration project that is projected to provide water accessibility to 1.26 million people. With Humanity First’s investment of over... - May 10, 2008 - Humanity First
Former NFL Coach and NFL Today Sports Analyst Bill Cowher to Speak at BCA Triangle Breakfast
Former N.C. State player, Super Bowl coach to speak May 16 gathering. - May 10, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle
The Hamner Institutes For Health Sciences Researchers Present at 2008 Respiratory Drug Delivery Conference
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences ( will present one paper and two posters at the 2008 Respiratory Drug Delivery (RDD) Conference on May 11-15 at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Ariz. - May 10, 2008 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Announcing the Launch of Burma Global Action Network (BGAN)
Internet Activism Organization Effectively Supporting the Freedom of Civilians and Monks of Burma Through Internet Networking. - May 10, 2008 - Burma Global Action Network (BGAN)
Maryland Automobile Dealers Association Offers Eight Ways to Save on Gas Today
With oil prices rising on a regular basis and the summer travel season approaching, Maryland Automobile Dealers Association president Peter Kitzmiller says motorists can realize immediate fuel savings with just a few simple steps: 1. Comparison shop for gas There are many websites that track gas... - May 10, 2008 - Maryland Automobile Dealers Association
Hundreds March and Demand Accountability from Politicians
Forum and march to be held to protest displacement of low income families due to massive development and shut down of day care centers in low income communities in Brooklyn and NYC. - May 10, 2008 - Families United for Racial & Economic Equality (FUREE)
Former NFL Player Miles McPherson Concludes Successful Jamaica Visit
Photographs available at end of release. Keep Sex for Marriage, says American Evangelist. Audio Clip of Pastor Miles McPherson's message in Jamaica available here: Audio Clip of former Jamaica national soccer player Paul... - May 09, 2008 - Miles Ahead
Rhode Island’s Got Talent Contest Winner to Sing National Anthem or Toss Out First Pitch at Pawtucket Red Sox Game
The 2008 Rhode Island’s Got Talent show, presented by The East Bay Chamber of Commerce, announced today that in addition to a cash prize of $1,000, The Winner of Rhode Island’s Got Talent will either perform the National Anthem (if singing is their talent) or toss out the first pitch at... - May 09, 2008 - East Bay Chamber of Commerce
Portion of Proceeds from "Rhode Island’s Got Talent" to be Donated to Women’s Resource Center of Newport & Bristol Counties
The 2008 Rhode Island’s Got Talent show, presented by The East Bay Chamber of Commerce, will donate a portion of the proceeds from this event to the Women's Resource Center of Newport & Bristol Counties (WRC). - May 09, 2008 - East Bay Chamber of Commerce
SVUUS 25th Anniversary Celebration
South Valley Unitarian Celebrates 25 Years. South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a weekend of activities, May 9, 10 and 11, 2008. Reverend William Sinkford, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, will preach at a... - May 09, 2008 - South Valley Unitarian Universaist Society
Wind Power Expertise from Efficiency Maine and UMaine
Efficiency Maine and University Of Maine Orono Team Up to Provide Equipment and Expertise for Wind Power Research. - May 09, 2008 - Efficiency Maine
Public Invited to a Night Bronze Pour at Cosanti Historical Site
Cosanti will open its doors to the public for a rare exhibition of a bronze foundry pour at night, as the famous Soleri windbells are cast. - May 08, 2008 - Cosanti Foundation
Richard Petty Joins N.C. Water Rights Committee
NASCAR Legend and Former Randolph County Commissioner Joins State-Wide Coalition - May 08, 2008 - N.C. Water Rights Committee
The International Brangus Breeders Association Announces International Issue of the Brangus Journal
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), along with Brangus Publications Inc (BPI), is currently in production of its inaugural international issue of the Brangus Journal. With the March 27, 2008 announcement that Mexico would be easing import restrictions for US cattle, the IBBA will... - May 07, 2008 - International Brangus Breeders Association
Day Spa Expo Announces 2009 Business Forum March 15 to 17, 2009 at the Las Vegas Convention Center
Hannelore Leavy, Executive Director of the Day Spa Association and the International Medical Spa Association announces that the DSA and IMSA have again been selected to provide the educational component for Bentley International Group’s Day Spa Expo & Business Forum to be held at the Las... - May 07, 2008 - The Day Spa Association
American Institute of Architects Michigan Names Senator Jason Allen (R) Legislator of the Year
The American Institute of Architects Michigan (AIA Michigan) announced the selection of State Senator Jason Allen (R) as its 2008 Legislator of the Year. Allen’s selection by the organization’s Board of Directors is based on several criteria, including dedication to public service,... - May 07, 2008 - American Institute of Architects Michigan
Del Taco Pledges to Increase Spending with Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Del Taco joins NAMWOLF as a Corporate Partner. - May 06, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
The International Brangus Breeders Association Announces New Hiring
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), along with Brangus Publications Inc (BPI), is pleased to announce the hiring of Ashley Moore as the Advertising Sales Coordinator for all BPI publications. Ms. Moore will be the primary contact at BPI for all advertising and promotional... - May 04, 2008 - International Brangus Breeders Association
Sikhcess™ Announces Launch of Its 'Community Cleanup' Campaign in the United States and the United Kingdom
Sikhcess™ volunteers in the United States and in the United Kingdom plan to spruce up neighborhood living spaces and areas, including parks, highways, schools, playgrounds, and sidewalks. - May 04, 2008 - Sikhcess
Sharing Personal Insights of Memorial Day - the Memorial Day Online Forum has created an online Memorial Day Forum free for all to view and contribute thoughts to honor fallen soldiers, while supporting U.S. veterans and military. - May 03, 2008 -
NAMWOLF Announces Fluor Corporation as Financial Contributor
The National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) is pleased to announce Fluor Corporation has become a Financial Contributor. - May 02, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Green Technology Alliance (GTA) Launched in Austin, Texas to Showcase and Develop the Green Technologies of Today and Tomorrow
Objective: Accelerate the adoption cycle of green technologies by… establishing Austin as the Global Strategic Center of Innovation for the green technology sector. Green Technology Alliance Announces First Industry Agreement. Goal: Positively Affect Every Organization That Uses Information Technology. - May 01, 2008 - Green Technology Alliance
MADD Founder Candace Lightner to Appear on Healing the Grieving Heart National Radio Show
Founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving to be interviewed by “Healing the Grieving Heart” Hosts, Drs. Gloria and Heidi Horsley on May 1, 2008, sponsored by The Open to Hope Foundation. - May 01, 2008 - Open to Hope Foundation
NPSA Offers Portable Storage Financing Tips
Portable storage vendors have several options to finance containerized storage purchases. Discover the pros and cons of each option. - May 01, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association
Non-Profit Approval Shows Delray CC Goes the Distance for Debtors
Government approval of Delray Credit Counseling’s 501(c)(3) status allows the agency to continue to lead its clients to debt freedom. - May 01, 2008 - Delray Credit Counseling
America Brings Home the Gold at the World Pizza Championships in Italy
America’s # 1 Pizza Team The World Pizza Champions earned several medals at the World Pizza Championships in Salsomaggiore, Italy April 22, 23, 24. Bruno Di Fabio of Amore Pizza in Scarsdale, New York won the Gold medal in the Fastest Pizza category with a top speed of 5 pizzas in 48 seconds. - May 01, 2008 - World Pizza Champions
Music, Dance, & Tastes of India in Arcosanti, Arizona
On May 10th, 2008, Arcosanti will feature "Sounds & Tastes of India," a celebration of Indian culture through live music, dance, and food. - May 01, 2008 - Cosanti Foundation
Unanimous Vote to Fund Scottsdale Soleri Bridge
After years of discussion and more than a hundred emails to the Scottsdale City Council in support, funding for the Paolo Soleri Bridge and Plaza was unanimously approved. - May 01, 2008 - Cosanti Foundation
Steve Francis, Independent Mayoral Candidate for San Diego, Supports Calls for Independent City Auditor
Candidate for Mayor of San Diego Steve Francis comments upon charges filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against former City Auditor Edward Ryan and City Manager Michael Uberuaga. - May 01, 2008 - Steve Francis for Mayor
Celebrate a $2.6 Billion Industry on National Scrapbooking Day
May 3, 2008 National Scrapbooking Day has emerged as a way of celebrating the number one, top-selling category of the 39 craft segments in the $31.7* billion dollar U.S. craft and hobby industry. - May 01, 2008 - Craft & Hobby Association
25 Companies Win Worldwide Award for Democracy in the Workplace
For-profit and non-profit organizations from the US, Canada, the Netherlands and Malaysia were selected from a diversity of industries. - April 30, 2008 - WorldBlu, Inc.
Carol Johnson Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award
At the 18th Annual Recruiting Network Conference, Carol Johnson of The Recruiting Network, was presented with the Life Achievement Award for her contribution to the origination and continual development of the discipline now recognized as Real Estate Recruiting. - April 30, 2008 - The Recruiting Network
Memorial Day Parade/Veteran Events Directory -- the largest Web site reuniting and supporting US veterans -- has created a nationwide online Memorial Day parade/events directory at free for all to view and submit event information. - April 30, 2008 -
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Join the German-Speaking Family Club
The German-Speaking Family Club is an outlet for German-speaking families with children. It’s an active group of families that regularly meets in Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights, La Mirada and Whittier. They regularly conduct playgroups, host family events and are a resource for... - April 29, 2008 - The German-Speaking Family Club
Burned Teen from Uganda Finds Hope, Help and Healing at Shriner’s Hospital in Boston
Team Engeye, ChooseANeed, Just Cause, Compassion in Action, Senator John Kerry, Senator Edward Kennedy, Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Michael McNulty, Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley and Many Others Work Together to Help Susan. - April 29, 2008 - Engeye Reunites US Veterans and Military While Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers is taking a moment to reflect on the many brave men and women who have given their lives in the service and protection of our great country. Additionally VetFriends is thanking all of the veteran brothers and sisters, active and reserve military of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. With the approach of Memorial Day and all year long a special salute, thanks and honor to all who have served and sacrificed to preserve our freedom. - April 28, 2008 -
"DC Cover the Uninsured Week 2008" Campaign Press Event: Monday April 28, 10AM
DC AHEC Hosts Press Event and Local Events to Increase Awareness and Access to Health Care During "DC Cover the Uninsured Week 2008" Campaign Press Event: Monday April 28, 10AM. - April 27, 2008 - District of Columbia Area Health Education Center (DC AHEC)
The Church in China - Olympic Hopes and High Anxiety
The Christian Church in China has different hopes and expectations about the 2008 Olympics to be held in Beijing. - April 27, 2008 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International
Native American Visionary and Artist, Rod Bearcloud Berry Brings Into the Light...The Chameleon Project
Native American Visionary and Artist, Rod Bearcloud Berry brings into the light the Chameleon Project. "The Chameleon Project is the largest project to assist the spirit of humanity on Earth." Bearcloud Rod Bearcloud Berry, founder and overseer of the Chameleon Project, was shown his... - April 26, 2008 - Chameleon Project Organization
Balanced Engineering Solution for the Planet
Systems Engineering, a profession generally associated with putting satellites into space, or creating the newest car models, will look toward the themes of water management, climate change, and transportation during the upcoming international symposium. - April 26, 2008 - German Chapter of INCOSE
Mothers Who Make a Difference 2008 - Third Annual List
Love Our Children USA announced today the Third Annual “Mothers Who Make A Difference List.” What is the most difficult job in the world? Parenting. As Mother’s Day nears on Sunday, May 11th, and at a time when violence against children affects over 3 million children in our... - April 26, 2008 - Love Our Children USA
N.C. Water Rights Committee Taps MMI Associates, Inc.
Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc., ( a Raleigh-based full-service public relations firm, has announced that the firm has been named the agency of record for the N.C. Water Rights Committee. The N.C. Water Rights Committee is a coalition of North Carolina... - April 26, 2008 - N.C. Water Rights Committee
Four Teens Fully Recover from Autism
Press Conference and World Premiere Movie. - April 25, 2008 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders