Green Government Podcast Features Federal Sustainability Officers to Discuss GOVgreen Conference and Exposition

CEIL's Green Government Podcast series previews GOVgreen education sessions - October 28, 2010 - Center for Environmental Innovation and Leadership (CEIL)

Bank of the Islands Named Presenting Sponsor for 2010 Taste of the Islands

CROW, the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, has announced that Bank of the Islands will be the Presenting Sponsor for the 29th Annual Taste of the Islands to be held on Sunday, November 21st. - October 28, 2010 - Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

Alliance for Climate Education Names Jayni Chase to Board of Directors

Renowned environmentalist joins governing body for nation’s leading high school climate education organization. - October 26, 2010 - ACE :: Alliance for Climate Education

Renewable Energy Markets Association Applauds Proposed Revisions to the FTC Green Guides

Organization looks forward to working with FTC on developing final update - October 23, 2010 - Renewable Energy Markets Association

Stevens Professors Publish Two Journal Papers About Graphene in Applied Physics Letters

A collaborative research team led by Stevens Institute of Technology professors Dr. Stefan Strauf and Dr. Eui-Hyeok (EH) Yang has published two publications about the new wonder material graphene in the latest issue of Applied Physics Letters. Their article, “Determination of edge purity in... - October 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Milestone Celebration of Dramatic Organizations at Stevens November 2010

November 2010 marks the anniversary of two dramatic organizations at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. The Stevens Dramatic Society marks its 100th anniversary, and the NJ Alpha Chapter of Theta Alpha Phi marks its 50th anniversary. To celebrate these milestones, a weekend of events... - October 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame Honors Four Members of Stevens Community

Four members of the Stevens Institute of Technology community were honored at the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame Banquet, held Thursday, October 14. The awards honor those whose creativity, innovation, and invention contribute to economic growth and improve quality of life in New Jersey. As The... - October 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Alum Recognized for “Game-Changing” Wireless Networking Invention

Nicolas Girard, Stevens Institute of Technology alumnus and founder of Stevens Start-up Attila Technologies, will be recognized this year with two inventing awards. Mr. Girard was named Inventor of the Year by the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame, and is a recipient, together with Stevens, of the... - October 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

NSF Grant Funds Cybersecurity Education at Stevens

A team of faculty and researchers from Stevens Institute of Technology are recipients of an NSF grant to further develop existing, nationally-recognized curricula in cybersecurity education. - October 21, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

More Than 20 Top Restaurants Sign on for 2010 Taste of the Islands to Benefit CROW

Residents and visitors who come out to the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife’s (CROW) 29th annual Taste of the Islands on Nov. 21 will sample dishes and desserts from 22 of Sanibel and Captiva’s finest restaurants, including: Blue Giraffe, Bubble Room Restaurant, Cantina... - October 20, 2010 - Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

American Institute of Renewable Energy Receives ISPQ Continuing Education Provider Accreditation from Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)

American Institute of Renewable Energy received ISPQ Continuing Education Provider Accreditation from Interstate Renewable Energy Council. IREC is the North American Licensee for the ISPQ Standard for Accreditation & Certification of renewable energy continuing education providers. - October 20, 2010 - American Institute of Renewable Energy (AIRE)

Dr. Vikki Hazelwood Nurtures Inventors at Stevens

The New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame presented Dr. Vikki Hazelwood of Stevens Institute of Technology with the Advancement of Invention Award, an accolade resulting from her award-winning teaching and the prolific production of her students and alumni, all of which improves both science and society in New Jersey and beyond. - October 17, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Planeterra Foundation Partners with STA Travel on New Voluntourism and Community Development Initiatives

STA Travel embarks on a new responsible travel journey through a partnership with Planeterra Foundation, a leader in global volunteer vacations. - October 17, 2010 - Planeterra Foundation

Stevens Research VP Dr. Joseph Mitola Gives Keynote at Sustainable Technology Research Conference

Dr. Joseph Mitola III, Vice President for The Research Enterprise and Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, was a keynote speaker at The Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) Research Day, where he addressed the future of cognition in communication... - October 16, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

The Adirondack Wilderness Foundation is Proud to Announce the Creation of Their Web Page and Blog Site

The mission of the AWF is to be an advocate in providing a quality park through political activism, park recreation, and conservation education to the people of the Adirondack Park, while protecting the park's wild lands and waters. - October 15, 2010 - American Society for the Protection of Nature

Sponsorships Available for 2010 Taste of the Islands

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) is seeking sponsors for the 29th annual Taste of the Islands event, to be held in Sanibel Community Park on Nov. 21. Voted as “Best Island Event,” sponsorship of this island tradition gives local businesses exposure to thousands of... - October 14, 2010 - Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

The PGA Golf Club Joins the Audubon Lifestyles Sustainable Golf Facility Program

Through participation in the Sustainable Golf Facility Program, Audubon Lifestyles staff will assist the PGA Golf Club’s managers and staff to complete the program requirements and gain recognition as a local, regional, national and international model of sustainability. - October 13, 2010 - ISC-Audubon

Stevens Hosts International BPM Conference’s First U.S. Appearance

Stevens Institute of Technology recently played host to the 8th Annual International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2010), the world’s largest academic conference on Business Process Management (BPM). BPM 2010 provided a matchless opportunity for researchers and practitioners... - October 09, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Entrepreneurship Experts Collaborate with Malaysian National University UKM

Recently, faculty and executive administrators from Stevens Institute of Technology collaborated with the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to deliver a workshop in Malaysia on innovation and transforming academic research into startup companies. - October 09, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Join WaterAid's 10,000 Steps a Day to Stay Fit and Healthy for Summer

Walk4Water is a national fundraising event coordinated by WaterAid. 1st – 31st October is officially Walk4Water month, which coincides with National Water Week in October. The concept is simple, register to walk 10,000 steps a day with your friends or workmates and raise funds to help end water poverty. Make a difference by getting fit, you'll also save the planet from carbon emissions - 67.5kg for every 10,000 steps. First 1000 people to register online will get a free pedometer. - October 08, 2010 - WaterAid

Sulfate-Enhanced Bioremediation Technology, EAS™, Wins Pollution Engineering’s Editor’s Choice Award

EOS Remediation’s Sulfate-Enhanced Bioremediation Technology, EAS™, wins Pollution Engineering’s Editor’s Choice Award for 2010. As technologies continue to evolve, Pollution Engineering recognizes companies making significant contributions to the pollution control industry. - October 08, 2010 - EOS Remediation, LLC

Nanoimprint Lithography NSF Grant Awarded to Micro Device Lab at Stevens

Dr. Eui-Hyeok Yang, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Micro Device Laboratory (MDL) at Stevens Institute of Technology, will receive NSF funding for the acquisition of a Nanoimprint Lithography System for the purpose of nanoscience research and education based on low-dimensional materials. This equipment acquisition is an important step in achieving Dr. Yang’s goal of integrating research and education in nanotechnology at the MDL. - October 07, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Microfluidic Devices Advance 3D Tissue Engineering at Stevens

A research team, co-headed by Dr. Woo Lee and Dr. Hongjun Wang of Stevens Institute of Technology, has published a paper describing a new method that generates three-dimensional (3D) tissue models for studying bacterial infection of orthopedic implants. The paper, appearing in the journal Tissue Engineering, demonstrates a physiologically relevant approach for studying infection prevention strategies and emulating antibiotic delivery using 3D bone tissues cultured in microfluidic devices. - October 07, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Students to Compete in Cyber Security Competition

After top-ten finishes in the qualifying round, two Stevens Institute of Technology teams will compete in the finals of the Capture the Flag Application Security Challenge October 29. Hosted by the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, the competition pits ten undergraduate teams against... - October 07, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Volunteers Sought for 2010 Taste of the Islands

CROW, The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc., is seeking volunteers to work at its annual fundraising event, Taste of the Islands, to be held on Sunday, November 21. Volunteers are needed both the day prior to and day of the event to assist with setting up the grounds, decorations,... - October 06, 2010 - Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

Sustainable 1000 Highlights 15 of the Most Sustainable Organizations in America

Sustainable 1000's Green Radio features more than a dozen environmental, community-focused groups and corporations each week. These insightful conversations will cover local food, farmers, organic diets, business development, renewable energy, and more. Join the leaders of this new way of doing business, organizing communities, and protecting the ecology. - October 06, 2010 - Sustainable 1000

MABPOM 2010 Meets at Stevens

MABPOM 2010, the 37th Annual Mid-Atlantic Bight Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Meeting, hosted by the Center for Maritime Systems at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ will be held Tuesday, October 26 through Wednesday, October 27. Only two weeks remain to register for MABPOM... - October 02, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Dr. Wakeman of Stevens Center for Maritime Systems Published in TR News

Dr. Thomas H. Wakeman III, Deputy Director of the Center for Maritime Systems at Stevens Institute of Technology, is published in the July-August 2010 issue of TR News, the magazine of the Transportation Research Board. The article, “Maritime Freight Transportation, National Economic... - October 01, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Serial Entrepreneur Paul G. Lewis Offers Business Advice at Stevens

Serial entrepreneur Paul G. Lewis offered advice and strategies on starting and running a successful business September 16 at Stevens Institute of Technology, the Innovation University (TM). Lewis is the founder of four companies, two of which he took public and two of which were strategically acquired by Fortune 500 companies. - October 01, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Dr. Valdevit Headed to Kyoto as NIRA Finalist

Stevens Institute of Technology Affiliate Assistant Professor Dr. Antonio Valdevit was selected as a finalist for the New Investigator Recognition Awards (NIRA) competition at the 7th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies (CORS). The meeting, to be held October 16-20, 2010 in... - September 29, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Prof. Xiaoguang Meng Receives Honorary Master of Engineering from Stevens

For his significant and global contributions to clean water and environmental causes, his dedication as an outstanding educator, and his commitment to invention and the pursuit of discovery, Professor Xiaoguang Meng received an honorary Master of Engineering degree from Stevens Institute of... - September 29, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

The Wildlife Society's 17th Annual Conference

Wildlife managers, policymakers, researchers, and students from around the world will get together at The Wildlife Society’s 17th Annual Conference to discuss some of the most pressing wildlife-related issues of our time. The conference will be held in Snowbird, Utah from October 2 to 6, and... - September 29, 2010 - The Wildlife Society

Maine’s Academic Institutions Asked to Share Green Stories to Promote Sustainable Communities

The USGBC Maine Chapter will put Maine's colleges and universities "In the Limelight" at their Annual Meeting to be held on November 10, 2010. All of Maine's colleges and universities are encouraged to tell their green stories. - September 29, 2010 - U.S. Green Building Council Maine Chapter

NSF Funds Research to Enable Distributed, Fair, and Privacy-Preserving Collaboration

Dr. Susanne Wetzel of Stevens Institute of Technology has been awarded a $457K research grant from the National Science Foundation to investigate privacy and security in the context of enabling collaboration. Dr. Wetzel’s successful proposal, “Distributed Privacy—Privacy-Preserving Policy Reconciliation,” supports core security research in the Department of Computer Science. - September 25, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Release of NREP Forefront Volume 7

NREP announced the release of ForeFront Volume 7, which is the in-house e-newsletter of NREP. It contains topics related to environmental news for free of cost. - September 25, 2010 - National Registry of Environmental Professionals

Johnson Toribiong, President of the Republic of Palau to Receive the Prestigious Ocean Heritage Award

Johnson Toribiong, President of the Republic of Palau to Receive the Prestigious Ocean Heritage Award

On September 25, 2010, in New York City, Johnson Toribiong, President of the Republic of Palau, will be presented with the prestigious Ocean Heritage Award by the Shark Research Institute for creating the entire EEZ of Palau – 237,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean – as the... - September 24, 2010 - Shark Research Institute

Dr. Michael Bruno Appointed Chairman of Marine Board at the National Research Council

Dr. Michael Bruno, Dean of the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science at Stevens Institute of Technology, has been selected as Chairman of the Marine Board, under the auspices of the Transportation Research Board and the National Research Council. The Marine Board identifies and responds to critical issues in the area of water transportation, port engineering and management, marine policy, offshore development and operations, naval architecture, and maritime economics. - September 24, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

The Filtrexx Foundation Achieves 501(c)(3) Status

The Filtrexx Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on facilitating environmentally conscious projects, achieved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization status on September 15, 2010. The Filtrexx Foundation was formed to work collaboratively with public and private entities to facilitate projects... - September 24, 2010 - Filtrexx Foundation

Social Innovators Gather Worldwide to Connect an Emerging Global Sector This November

During the first week in November this year, Connecting Social Innovation 2010 (cosi10) is calling social innovators together at events in a dozen cities around the world, with the aim of strengthening and moving the social innovation sector forward. - September 23, 2010 - Evolutionize It, ASBL

Wind Simplicity’s Windancer Small Wind Turbine Wins International Design Award (IDA)

Wind Simplicity was awarded the IDA’s first prize for alternative-energy-source equipment product design for sustainable living and environmental preservation. - September 23, 2010 - Wind Simplicity

Dolphin Blue Helps Close the Loop in America’s Recycling

Online Green Office Retailer Furthers Environmentally Friendly Business Practices by Joining the CarbonFree® Partner Program - September 22, 2010 -

2010 Taste of the Islands Website Launched

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) launched a website for its 2010 Taste of the Islands event, - September 22, 2010 - Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

Dr. Yi Guo Synchronizes Semiconductor Laser Arrays at Stevens with NSF Grant

The National Science Foundation has announced funding for Dr. Yi Guo’s research at Stevens into a rigorous mathematical approach to the analysis and control of coupled semiconductor laser systems using principles of collective behavior. - September 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Professor Souran Manoochehri of Stevens Elected ASME Fellow

Dr. Souran Manoochehri, Professor of Mechnical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, has been selected a Fellow in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This prestigious honor recognizes significant achievements and contributions to the engineering profession. - September 22, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Audubon Lifestyles' Bird City USA Program Working for Municipalities and Communities

The designation of Bird City USA provides a simple and effective way for communities to become part of the national bird conservation movement and to begin reaping some of the economic rewards associated with being known as a community that cares about birds and promotes birding. - September 16, 2010 - ISC-Audubon

Stevens PhD Candidate Xi Chen Excels at International Structural Engineering Competition

Xi Chen, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, took home second place in the structural health monitoring competition at the Asia-Pacific Summer School on Smart Structures Technology, held this year at Tokyo University in Japan. - September 16, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

"The Nate Berkus Show" Displays a Living Wall on Its Set Created by Trish O'Sullivan Designs

"The Nate Berkus Show" Displays a Living Wall on Its Set Created by Trish O'Sullivan Designs

“The Nate Berkus Show” features an eco-friendly “living wall” as a focal point of the show’s set, designed and installed by eco-floral designer and floral design teacher, Trish O’Sullivan, owner of Trish O’Sullivan Design Group. - September 15, 2010 - Trish O'Sullivan Design Group

Stevens Researchers Leverage Cryptography and Information Assurance to Re-Engineer Internet Architecture in Multi-University Collaboration Funded by NSF

Dr. Antonio Nicolosi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology is part of the interdisciplinary Nebula Project, a multi-university collaboration led by the University of Pennsylvania, which has recently been awarded a $7.5 million grant from the National Science... - September 14, 2010 - Stevens Institute of Technology

The Adirondack Wilderness Foundation is Pleased to Announce Its Grand Opening for Business

A group of concerned citizens have banned together to form the "Adirondack Wilderness Foundation." The goal of the company is to support environmental projects, education, and ensure that the planet is a healthier place for living. - September 14, 2010 - American Society for the Protection of Nature

7th Annual Green Festival Returns to the Capital

Green Festival®, the nation's largest sustainability event, returns to the Washington Convention Center October 23-24. This year’s Green Festival theme is ‘Engagement,’ with exciting new ways to shop green, be inspired, get engaged and give back. Community members enjoy... - September 13, 2010 - Green Festivals

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