Electronic Retailers Warn on Net Neutrality in Response to FTC Report

U.S. Dropping Far Behind in Technological Advances and Competitive Rates for Broadband Services - July 02, 2007 - Electronic Retailing Association

Spa Business Clinic Makes Its Debut in the Mid-West of the US

One of the major missions of The Day Spa Association and the International Medical Spa Association is to provide business education. “Any industry whose owners and facilities come and go gets a bad reputation”, states Hannelore R. Leavy, Founder and Executive Director of the... - July 01, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

Spa Industry Unites to Help Those In Need

SpaCare, Charitable Organized Giving announced today that its Hearts for a Cure Cruise will take place September 9th, 2007, immediately following the Spa and Resort/Medical Spa Expo and Conference, aboard the SS Temptress in New York, NY. Jointly supported by the Day Spa Association and the... - June 30, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

NPSA Thought Leaders Share Strategies for the Future

Portable storage industry players who missed the Monterey conference can still tap into the knowledge shared at the NPSA 2007 Resale Expo through video productions. - June 28, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Paramax Corporation Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Paramax Corporation as a charter member. As a charter member, Paramax will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which controls the recommendation... - June 27, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

DocuSource Of North Carolina Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named DocuSource of North Carolina as a member in the printing category. Through its membership, DocuSource will have access to business development events, Internet... - June 21, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Containerized Storage Offers Security, Safety, Convenience

Portable storage isn't just large steel boxes. The National Portable Storage Association offers tips for securing your container with specialty product add-ons. - June 21, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Broker And Owner Of York Simpson Underwood Named Member Of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Wes Minton, broker and owner of York Simpson Underwood, as a member in the residential real estate category. Through his membership, Minton will have access to... - June 19, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

National Portable Storage Association Goes Web 2.0

The National Portable Storage Association is leveraging YouTube to help educate its members about safety issues related to loading and unloading containerized storage. - June 16, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Pint-Sized Professionals: Kids Turn Work into Play at Historic Hotels of America®

This summer, turn your family vacation into an experience that your kids will treasure for a lifetime. Select members of Historic Hotels of America allow kids to be a part of the action, from greeting guests as an honorary doorman and parading as a Duckmaster to creating culinary delights for the whole family and working as a resort naturalist. - June 15, 2007 - Historic Hotels of America

Rocky Top Hospitality Named Member Of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Rocky Top Hospitality as a member in the caterers category. Through its membership, Rocky Top Hospitality will have access to business development events,... - June 11, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

River Ridge Golf Club Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the organization has named River Ridge Golf Club as a member in the golf facility category. Through its membership, River Ridge will have access to business development events,... - June 07, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Georgia Real Estate Investors Association Launches ListEverywhere.com, Enables Users to Post Properties for Rent on Over 55 Sites with One Click

The Georgia Real Estate Investors Association (GaREIA) announced the launch of ListEverywhere.com, a service that allows users to list properties on dozens of rental-related sites across the United States with the click of a mouse. For a flat monthly fee, its users will expose their properties to... - June 07, 2007 - Georgia Real Estate Investors Association

Vaco Raleigh Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Vaco Raleigh as a member in the employment-recruiting category. Through its membership, Vaco will have access to business development events, Internet marketing... - June 05, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

RFID Workforce 2007 – An Emerging Community

RFID workforce expands to more than one million individuals in ten years. RFID Tribe released a 60 page report to provide a clear picture of where RFID professionals work, how they innovate, the challenges they face and the roles they play in RFID technology. - June 01, 2007 - RFID Tribe

Tomlinson & Associates Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Tomlinson & Associates as a member in the business development category. Through its membership, Tomlinson & Associates will have access to business... - May 31, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

National Portable Storage Association Looks Outside the Box

Containerized storage serves as a strong foundation for many newfangled uses, from portable restrooms to high-tech security checkpoints. Innovation continues to drive the industry. - May 28, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Alliance Hospitality Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Alliance Hospitality as a member in the hotels and motels category. Through its membership, Alliance Hospitality will have access to business development events,... - May 24, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

National Portable Storage Association Urges Hurricane Preparedness

With predictions of an active storm season, the NPSA is warning businesses to reserve portable storage units ahead of time to avoid shortages that have occurred in the past. - May 24, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Business Leader Magazine Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Business Leader magazine as a member in the print media category. Through its membership, Business Leader magazine will have access to business development... - May 17, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

ExecUchange President Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named execUchange President Linda Leake as a member in the business development category. Through her membership, Leake will have access to business development events,... - May 15, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development will Focus on Health Tourism

IMSA President Eric Light to Address the Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development will focus on Health Tourism - May 09, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

Linuxjunkies Foundation Introduces FLOSSit.org, a Community-Based News Syndication Service with an Emphasis on FLOSS Technology and Advocacy

FLOSSit.org is a a community-based News Syndication service with an emphasis on Free Libre Open Source - FLOSS technology and advocacy. News stories and websites are submitted by the users, and then promoted to the front page through a user-based ranking system. - May 07, 2007 - Linuxjunkies Foundation

Captrust Financial Advisors Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club Of The Triangle Names Founding Member - May 04, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

How to Choose a Portable Storage Container

Portable storage units come in many sizes and offer bells and whistles you may not have known were available. Get some tips on how to choose the best match for your needs. - May 02, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Billy Packer Releases Podcast on Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced the release of Billy Packer’s podcast on the club. Packer is in his 25th season as lead analyst for CBS Sports’ college basketball coverage. He won a Sports Emmy Award in... - May 01, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

David Glenn Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named award-winning ACC Area Sports Journal editor and lead-writer David Glenn as a member in the print media category. Through his membership, Glenn will have access... - April 27, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

International Association of Home Staging Professionals 2007 Symposium

Industry Growth, Direction, Breakthroughs and Awards Among the Attractions - April 26, 2007 - International Association of Home Staging Professional®

Barbour Photography Named Member Of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Barbour Photography as a member in the photography category. Through its membership, Barbour Photography will have access to business development events, Internet... - April 19, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

RFID Tribe: My RFID Community

Association for RFID professionals creates a professional registry and community tool - April 19, 2007 - RFID Tribe

National Real Estate Investment Club’s Southern California Chapters Reveals the Secrets of Regular People Who Get Rich in Real Estate

National Real Estate Investment Club is proud to announce its three new chapters in Southern California. These new chapters will provide investors in Southern California access to the club’s unique blend of educational resources and investment opportunities. - April 18, 2007 - National Real Estate Investment Club, Inc.

The 18th Annual Community Awards Banquet a will be in Santa Rosa, Calif.

The South and West Area Business Association – one of the largest Sonoma County business associations announced on Wednesday April 11, 2007 that it extends a cordial invitation to The 18th Annual Community Awards Banquet celebrated on Sunday, April 29th 2007 at 6:00 pm at the Santa Rosa Golf... - April 14, 2007 - SWABA

Celebrate National Preservation Month with Spring Specials at National Trust Historic Hotels of America®

This spring, members of National Trust Historic Hotels of America honor the country’s diverse and unique heritage by offering special packages and promotions during Preservation Month—May 2007. Each year, National Preservation Month promotes preservation efforts in big cities and small... - April 13, 2007 - Historic Hotels of America

Thomas, Judy & Tucker, PA Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club Of The Triangle Names Founding Member - April 12, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle Announces April Events

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that charter member Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP will host events on April 19 and 20 for club members. The events will include a cocktail reception April 19 from 5:30-7 p.m. at... - April 12, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

North America Music Critics Name their Favorite Versions of Handel’s “Messiah”

On April 13th Handel’s masterwork – first performed as a benefit concert in Dublin, Ireland as a benefit fundraiser – turns 265 years old. In celebration, Music Academy Online surveyed U.S. and Canadian classical music critics, so average listeners and aficionados alike can choose from the best, this Easter holiday season. - April 10, 2007 - Music Academy Online

TriSure Corporation Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named TriSure Corporation as a charter member. As a charter member, TriSure will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which controls the recommendation... - April 06, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

2007-2008 Comprehensive Guide to the Day Spa and Medical Spa Industries Increased 1/3 in Size – Includes Cutting-Edge Editorial

The Day Spa Association & The International Medical Spa Association's 2007-2008 Directory is off to the press! This 16th edition 4-color glossy nationwide guide to day spas, medical spas, spa products and service companies has been expanded to 80 pages due to a 25% increase in membership from... - April 05, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

The Spa Person of the Year Award 2006

Educator, Consultant and Author, Vice President of Resources and Development, Inc. joins Douglas Preston of Preston, Inc., Linda-Anne Kahn of Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa and Wellness Center, Catherine Atzen of ATZEN®, Cheryl Sott of Aroma Works Software and Peggy Wynne Borgman of Preston Wynne who won this award over the past 5 years. - April 04, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

Portable Storage Takes a Bite Out of Construction Site Crime

As construction equipment and tool losses escalate, containerized storage offers a safe, secure stowaway to put the foreman’s mind at ease. - March 31, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Capitol Broadcasting Company Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Capitol Broadcasting Company as a charter member. As a charter member, Capitol Broadcasting will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which... - March 28, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year Honored at ABL Convention

In a ceremony during the Final Night Banquet of the American Beverage Licensees 5th Annual Convention on March 6 in Las Vegas, ABL joined Brown-Forman in recognizing the 2007 Brown-Forman Retailers of the Year. Sponsored by Brown-Forman, the awards are presented annually to recognize and honor... - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

5th Annual ABL Convention a Success

The American Beverage Licensees (ABL) 5th Annual ABL Convention, which was held on March 4-6, 2007 in Las Vegas, built upon ABL’s first five years and signaled ABL’s growth from a youthful association into a truly maturing organization with a plan for the future. Focusing on the theme... - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

ABL & Charmer-Sunbelt Encourage Social Responsibility

Following their participation in the recent American Beverage Licensees Convention, The Charmer Sunbelt Group has agreed to strengthen its relationship with ABL by sharing resources to jointly encourage social responsibility measures by supporting and promoting public outreach programs. - March 27, 2007 - American Beverage Licensees

US Cachaca Trade Council to Launch US Brand of Frisco Fish Cachaca

Fastest growing category of new distilled spirits gets more support from the US Cachaca Trade Council. Frisco Fish Premium Cachaca, is the fastest growing brand of Cachaca in North America. - March 27, 2007 - US Cachaca Trade Council

Containerized Storage Helps Companies Comply with SOX

As business leaders look to Congress for relief from corporate scandal-driven legislation, portable storage offers a convenient way to comply with laws. - March 24, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Professional Decal Application Association Holds Certification Training in Las Vegas

Join vinyl installers for VIP Certification training and networking opportunities on the eve of the International Sign Association’s annual Expo in Las Vegas this spring. - March 24, 2007 - Professional Decal Application Association

Armenian Jewelers Association Raises Funds with Pre-Fashion Week Jewelry Runway Show

Charitable Organization Comprised of Leading Armenian Jewelry Designers Comes Together for a Good Cause - March 21, 2007 - Armenian Jewelers Association

Paragon Commercial Bank Named Charter Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Paragon Commercial Bank as a charter member. As a charter member, Paragon Commercial Bank will have a select seat on the Charter Member Committee, which controls... - March 19, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

NPSA Demonstrates Wide-Ranging Industrial Uses for Portable Storage Containers

Industries from retail to medical and institutions from education to government are finding new and innovative uses for portable storage. - March 17, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

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