Westminster Community Charter School's New Site Gets an A+

Westminster Community Charter School launched its new website with 360 Professional Services Group. - November 03, 2011 - 360 Professional Services Group

eLearners.com Career Confidence Poll Indicates a Confidence Crisis Among Americans

Research finds that among the employed, 1 in 4 don’t feel they can remain competitive for the next two years. - November 03, 2011 - eLearners.com

Connecting to Create Social Change, NobleHour Launches in Closed Beta

TreeTop Software Company has announced the closed-beta release of NobleHour.com, an online community that helps users connect and share with their world. NobleHour fosters civic engagement online by enabling users to contribute, communicate and track and measure impact made offline. Specifically... - November 03, 2011 - TreeTop Software Company LLC

InterLegis Enhances Discovery360 Desktop

InterLegis, an innovator of electronic discovery technologies, is pleased to announce the latest release of Discovery360™ Desktop. Version 5.5 offers major enhancements, including faster and more powerful data processing. “We are excited about the latest release of Discovery360... - November 03, 2011 - InterLegis

Celerant Technology Receives 5 Stars Across the Board for Retail/POS Software Review

2011 CPA Practice Advisor Retail/POS Review Recognizes Command Retail for Third Year in a Row - November 03, 2011 - Celerant Technology Corp

ALLiGACOM Successfully Renews SAP Business One Integration Certification for Its EDI-Integrated Suite

This latest endorsement is a testimony to the fact that ALLiGACOM’s solution fully leverages existing SAP functionalities to increase profitability, operational efficiency and drive better business outcomes through smarter collaboration by automating trading partners’ relationships seamlessly. - November 03, 2011 - ALLiGACOM

First Line Experts to Speak at CEE-SECR 2011

Leading experts from First Line Software, a premiere provider of R&D and custom software development services, will speak at the seventh annual Central & Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia (CEE-SECR) held in Moscow this week. - November 03, 2011 - First Line Software

Powel Introduces Version 8.0 of WorkStudio Mobile Work Platform

Flexible architecture, enhanced map features and simplified workflow modeling enables utilities to visually plan, perform, track and report all work independent of location or platform - November 03, 2011 - GeoDigital

Fareclock Launches Cloud-Based Facial Recognition Employee Time Tracking System

Fareclock announced its release last week of its flagship cloud-based facial recognition employee time tracking system. The Fareclock system is a highly scalable service capable of supporting the entire business spectrum, from small business to large corporations with hundreds of thousands of... - November 03, 2011 - Fareclock

Yukon Learning Launches Rapid Course™

Yukon Learning Launches Rapid Course™

Yukon Learning announces the launch of Rapid Course™, an innovative e-Learning service where e-Learning developers can shop an online library of courses and when ready, “Buy the Course and Get the Source™.” Rapid Course will be unveiled at the e-Learning Guild’s... - November 02, 2011 - Yukon Group Inc

SmartSoft Announces a New Version of Smart FLV Converter

Smart FLV Converter now converts files faster and with greater quality. - November 02, 2011 - SmartSoft

Tempo Time-Tracking Joins Atlassian's OnDemand Solution to the Cloud

In a move sure to enhance Atlassian's new OnDemand cloud-based platform, the Tempo plugin development team has made it easy for software developers to start tracking their time –or to move existing tracking into the cloud. - November 02, 2011 - Tempo

New Website for Richmond Bridge Estate

"Richmond Bridge Estate," an exquisite residential development of Flats and Townhouses are pleased to announce the launch of their new website. - November 02, 2011 - Zero-One Design Limited

Ares Displays Tablet PC Factory System Solution at Recent Media Event

Ares International Corp. recently displayed its ciMes (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Execution System) on tablet PCs at a forum held by Taiwan-based media DIGITIMES. Ares exhibited its mobile application and provided a tablet PC for visitors to use ciMes functions, showing how manufacturing... - November 02, 2011 - Ares International Corp.

Q3 2011 Marks 10 Consecutive Quarters of Growth for Smartware Group; Revenues Up Nearly 60 Percent Since Q3 2010

Smartware Group, makers of Bigfoot CMMS, realizes 10 consecutive quarters of growth with top line revenues up nearly 60 Percent between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011. - November 02, 2011 - Smartware Group Inc.

DoJiggy Releases New Participant Fundraising Library

DoJiggy's new fundraising library provides tools, guidelines and resources to assist walk-a-thon and other "a-thon" event participants in their fundraising efforts. - November 02, 2011 - DoJiggy

AHG mCatalog – Mobile Catalog of Specials and Deals – is Now Available for Download

AHG, Inc. announced immediate availability of AHG mCatalog on the Android Market. AHG mCatalog is a dynamic mobile catalog of specials / promotions for active lifestyles. It contains constantly renewed deals super-specials on a wide variety of quality outdoors and sports products. You will find more information and download links at www.mobilecatalogs.net. - November 02, 2011 - AHG, Inc.

ApolloMD Announces Implementation of ER Express to Improve Patient’s Experiences in the Emergency Room

Atlanta-based clinical outsourcing group ApolloMD announced the beta release of ER Express, a new platform that allows patients with non-life/disability-threatening illnesses to reserve appointment times for visits to the emergency room. ER Express (www.erexpress.com) gives patients with... - November 02, 2011 - ApolloMD

Studica Now Offers National Instruments Student and Secondary Education Solutions

To help students to transcend textbooks and engineer like the professionals, National Instruments has developed comprehensive teaching solutions that deliver engaging real-world learning experiences. The NI educational offering is an integrated, reconfigurable software and hardware platform that uses the concept of graphical system design to visually depict ideas and produce a working system. - November 02, 2011 - Studica

EducareLab Launches the SAT Flashcards #1 iPhone and iPad App

A new SAT Flashcards #1 iPhone and iPad Application by EducareLab.com provides the best way to memorize and study new words relevant to the SAT verbal section. - November 02, 2011 - Educare Education Inc.

Gael and Icarum Are Taking Safety Management Sky High

Spanish SMS consultancy experts Icarum have joined forces with Gael Limited to provide enhanced safety management solutions (SMS) across the aviation sector in Spain and Latin America. - November 02, 2011 - Gael Ltd

eZuce Introduces Customer Portal

New collaboration resource, online tools, product documentation, and training available to eZuce openUC users. - November 02, 2011 - eZuce Inc.

New App Gives Business IT Endpoint Data Insight

Cibecs, leading endpoint data backup software vendors, have released their new Data Risk Assessment App - allowing organizations real insight into their endpoint data environment. - November 02, 2011 - Cibecs

Lanner Webinar Series: Solving Supply Chain Problems Using Simulation - November 1 at 11am EST

Business process improvement solutions provider Lanner invites supply chain management professionals, CIOs, CTOs, and business analysts to discover how business simulation software can solve complex supply chain challenges this November 1, 2011 at 11am EST. - November 02, 2011 - Lanner Group, Inc.

Patchy for the iPad is Available to Download

Crossroad solutions in collaboration with Emantras is starting a new venture called Talespin, to create engaging story-based apps for kids. The first title in this series, which is available exclusively for the iPad, is about a little patch doll, left behind all alone in an abandoned house. There... - November 02, 2011 - Emantras

TeamLab Calendar Release: Get a Panoramic Picture of Multitask Activities

TeamLab Calendar Release: Get a Panoramic Picture of Multitask Activities

With the new Calendar tool, TeamLab users strategically analyze and manage their projects, teams’ activities and events that take place in TeamLab multifunctional web office for business collaboration, document and project management. - November 01, 2011 - Ascensio System SIA

Dave Beson LetterWriter Now Available for RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software

Dave Beson LetterWriter Now Available for RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software

All four of Dave Beson LetterWriter DRIP letter packages are now available for RealtyJuggler Realtor Software. - November 01, 2011 - RealOrganized, Inc.

TransGuardian Covers Duties, Taxes, and Shipping on Insured Shipments

TransGuardian, Inc. (www.transguardian.com), an online shipping service, provides worldwide discounted parcel insurance arranged by Wells Fargo Insurance Services. TransGuardian shippers may declare a value that includes the sales price of their merchandise and the sum of duties, taxes and insured... - November 01, 2011 - TransGuardian, Inc.

VersaSuite is the First Company to Achieve the CCHIT® Women's Health Certification

VersaSuite is the First Company to Achieve the CCHIT® Women's Health Certification

VersaSuite Extends Its Spectrum of CCHIT Certifications - November 01, 2011 - VersaSuite

Kelly Registration Systems Develops Software Solutions for Washington State Department of Agriculture

KRS announces the expansion of its contract with the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) for its feed and fertilizer, agricultural investigations and weights & measures programs. - November 01, 2011 - Kelly Products, Inc.

GeoCheckpointing.com Introduces Free Online Navigation for Smartphones

GeoCheckpointing.com introduces beta version of a new online navigation for GeoCheckpointing users who prefer to use a smartphone instead of a GPS device. This application, called GeoCheckpoint Finder, makes finding the GeoCheckpoints much easier. It requires no installation, users just need to... - November 01, 2011 - GeoCheckpointing.com

AscendoSoft Brings AccurSee to the Open Solutions DNA Market

AscendoSoft Inc. announces the availability of a new software product, AccurSee. AscendoSoft’s AccurSee provides customers with a method to improve testing of product updates and is initially being marketed to institutions that use Open Solutions DNA and UC4/AppWorx products. - November 01, 2011 - AscendoSoft Inc.

Make Me Over, Virtual Makeup and Photo-Retouching App for the iPhone Released by Pixel Labs

Pixel Labs North releases Make Me Over, a photo-retouching and virtual makeup app for the iPhone. - November 01, 2011 - Pixel Labs

Chinese TV Interviews TransGuardian President Jim Moseley at Diamond Dealers Club of New York

Forest Zhang of New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) interviewed Jim Moseley, President of TransGuardian, Inc. (www.transguardian.com), Reuven Kaufman, President of the Diamond Dealers Club of New York (DDC), Basant Johari, Vice President of the DDC, and Lou Rohde, DDC Director of Member Services. NTD TV... - October 31, 2011 - TransGuardian, Inc.

LearnFunGo Announces Free Webinar on “Strategies to Ace an Interview”

In this economy, getting an interview call is tough. However, when applicants do get called many aren’t prepared. - October 31, 2011 - LearnFunGo

WGV Insurance Optimizes Websites: 40 Percent Lower Efforts with Content Management from e-Spirit

More rapid time-to-market for new products and rates / Simple integration of interactive portal functionalities with FirstSpirit CMS - October 31, 2011 - e-Spirit

Celesq® AttorneysEd Center Announces New Insurance CLE Series, and November-December CLE Addressing Important Developments in Ethics, IP, Skills and More

With ongoing developments in Ethics, intellectual property and patent law, and the increasing demand for programs in litigation and trial skills in insurance and other areas of the law, Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following CLE web casts for November and December, 2011,... - October 31, 2011 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center

Cindy Barlow Named as Finalist in Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

Rewarded for her key leadership, Cindy Barlow, SVP of Sales and Marketing at Spend Radar, was recently named as a finalist for the Stevie Awards for Women in Business. - October 31, 2011 - Spend Radar

BocaVox to Unveil Latest Release of Maestro Student Information System for Blended Learning

BocaVox is Showcasing its Newest Release of Maestro SIS during iNACOL 2011 Conference in Incianapolis, IN on November 9-12 at Exhibitor booth #29. - October 31, 2011 - BocaVox, LLC

It's Official, Dr. Charles Forgy Joins Sparkling Logic as Strategic Advisor

The inventor of RETE brings new algorithm & expertise to Sparkling Logic, the new Decision Management company. - October 31, 2011 - Sparkling Logic, Inc.

GoCNCN.com -- Student-Exclusive Social Network Bans All Tracking

Online tracking is the single most serious threat that college students face today. To protect college students, GoCNCN.com -- Collegiate Nation allows students to post anonymously, use any name, and delete any post, anytime. Any college students with an edu address may join for free. - October 31, 2011 - Collegiate Nation

Object Research Systems, to Present Vessel Analysis Solution at RSNA, Chicago 2011

Object Research Systems, a leader in Advanced Visualization 3-D, PACS/DICOM Viewer Solutions will present the ORS Visual Vessel Analysis "Plug-In" Add-On Solution for vascular analysis and stent-graft planning at the RSNA, Chicago 2011, booth #1002. - October 30, 2011 - Object Research Systems, ORS. Inc.

Virtual Driver Interactive Wins Bid for Portable Driving Simulators at Maine Bureau of Highway Safety

Agency using technology to cut down on the number of teens killed during accidents on Maine roads. - October 30, 2011 - Virtual Driver Interactive

Hamworthy Sees the Value of PUMP-FLO Electronic Catalogs

PUMP-FLO™ Solutions (An Engineered Software Business) announced that Hamworthy, a high technology marine pump manufacturer, has chosen PUMP-FLO Solutions to create an electronic pump catalog for use in the PIPE-FLO® system design software and PUMP-FLO selection software. Under terms of the agreement, Hamworthy has chosen to make available their centrifugal pump line catalog to the PUMP-FLO and Engineered Software user-base through the Engineered Software website. - October 30, 2011 - Engineered Software, Inc.

FinancialForce Shortlisted for Best Software Package of the Year at the British Accountancy Awards

FinancialForce, the cloud applications company, today announced that FinancialForce Accounting has been shortlisted in the Software Package of the Year category at this year’s British Accountancy Awards. - October 30, 2011 - FinancialForce.com

G&W Electric Lights Up Web with New & Improved Site

G&W Electric, with technical assistance from Ecreativeworks, has completely redesigned and rebuilt their website to better serve their customers in the electrical power industry. - October 30, 2011 - Ecreativeworks

Goals Gone Social Launches "Goal Coach"

GoalsGoneSocial dot-com, a social networking and goal management website, has launched a new service designed to help users get started on their goal quest. The service, called "Goal Coach," provides users with one-on-one support providing feedback and answering questions about how to define and set effective goals and make the most of the website. - October 30, 2011 - Umagine, LLC

2LS Announces the First in a Series of Free Recruitment Webinars

Reading-based Recruitment Software company 2LS has announced that the first in a series of free recruitment Webinars will be held on the 23rd November. The 25 minute session, focused on the subject of properly qualifying a vacancy, will be an invaluable crash course in ensuring a successful first... - October 30, 2011 - 2LS Limited

Ventureneer Webinar Shows Values-Driven Businesses How to Become Media Darlings

Become the go-to source for information about the cause of your nonprofit or social enterprise. Use your expertise to become a media darling. - October 30, 2011 - Ventureneer

Wyoming Board Excited About New System from GL Solutions

Highly flexible GL Suite™ software to support multiple processes for state regulatory agency. - October 30, 2011 - GL Solutions

Press Releases 26,851 - 26,900 of 46,619