Recent Headlines
Total Portfolio Daily Profit and Loss Dynamic Indicator is Integrated
Macroaxis Corporation, a software company specializing in on-demand solutions for the wealth management sector, integrated a total portfolio daily profit and loss indicator. The dynamic value indicator is an additional component complementing its existing portfolio management framework, and... - October 19, 2007 - Macroaxis Corporation
Free Business Plan Forecasting Online… for Established Companies, Entrepreneurs, Business Schools
Market Share Forecaster (patent pending) is a free online forecasting service that helps business decision makers to quickly develop more accurate business plan forecasts for products and services - October 11, 2007 - MarketShareCentral, Inc.
Hosted IVR from Tele-Works Lowers Price Barrier for Local Government
The Tele-Works Voice Center from Tele-Works is IVR that is now affordable for local government - a hosted service with low monthly subscription pricing and no IT infrastructure onsite. - October 05, 2007 - Tele-Works, Inc.
QXchange Integrates MannatecTM M-TranTM File to QuickBooks
QXchange automates the process of creating invoices in QuickBooks with input from M-Tran data. - September 05, 2007 - CellarStone, Inc.
Performance Logic, Inc., Launches Web-Based Employee Suggestion Tracker; New Feature Allows Organizations to Automate and Manage Employee Suggestion Programs
Performance Logic, Inc. (PL), a leading provider of SaaS project portfolio management (PPM) solutions for the healthcare, government, and financial industries, recently unveiled their new web-based idea tracker. The new tool allows employee suggestions to be captured from company-wide intranets and... - August 30, 2007 - Performance Logic, Inc.
Gridwisetech Releases Demo Application for the Financial Sector
GridwiseTech, the vendor-independent expert in scalable solutions, has released a demo application for the financial sector, integrating a system that allows to distribute computation tasks onto multiple machines with a Web-portal for easy mobile access. The demo presents how to speed up... - August 25, 2007 - GridwiseTech
Regulatory Compliance Application
Divas Software has launched Enterprise Wide Compliance & Risk Management (EWC&RM) application that takes care of the compliance function for Banks, Insurers and Financial Services firms. The application comprehensively automates Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering and Combating... - August 23, 2007 - Divas Offshore Software Technologies (P) Ltd.
CellarStone, Inc. Achieves SAP® Business One Integration Certification from SAP AG for Its Sales Commission Solution, QCommission
CellarStone Inc., a provider of sales commission and data integration solutions, today announced that its sales commission solution, QCommission, has achieved certified integration status from SAP AG. In order to comply with SAP® Certified Integration requirements, Cellarstone has... - August 21, 2007 - CellarStone, Inc.
NewGenTek Takes the Sting Out of Compliance
NewGenTek's Compliance suite "Channel Islands Compliance Center" simplifies compliance with regulations such as, SOX, Hipaa, and GLBA. Channel Islands Compliance Center automates financial and IT controls across the enterprise. The Compliance Monitoring and Reporting features allow an... - August 14, 2007 - NuOPus
AppliedE™ Business Method Patent Issued by European Patent Office
AppliedE™ is pleased to announce that its first European patent has been issued as European Patent No. EP 1 208 446 (link at: This patent is parallel to appliedE™’s U.S. patent, issued on May 22, 2007 as U.S. Patent No. 7,222,293 (link at: - August 02, 2007 - AppliedE, Inc.
Commonwealth Capital Advisor’s New Software System Simplifies Financing for Small Businesses
Expert System Enables Entrepreneurs to Control Their Own Financing at Low Cost. - July 02, 2007 - Commonwealth Capital Advisors
High Concept Opens North America Office
Leading enterprise content management (EMC) company in Europe moves aggressively to introduce its SmartDocuments to the USA market. - May 30, 2007 - High Concept Software Development
AppliedE™ Business Method Patent Issued by U.S. Patent Office
AppliedE™ Patent No. 7,222,293 covers Internet activity recording - May 26, 2007 - AppliedE, Inc.
Commonwealth Capital Advisors: Small-Business-Financing Advisor Simplifies Product Line, Improves Functionality, and Reduces Overall Cost
Financial Architect® Expert System Enables Start-Ups and Early-Stage Companies to Control Their Own Financing at Low Cost - May 08, 2007 - Commonwealth Capital Advisors
CasiMod by Msales Inc. is the First Mortgage Loan Modification Software Designed to Assist You from Originating to Closing
CasiMod is a one of a kind loan modification software solution that can handle your company's specific standard. Whether your a retail shop, processing center or both; this software can truly assist with increasing your productivity. CasiMod is the one software you'll ever need to take care of all your task. - April 02, 2007 - Casi Mod
Howard Smith Joins Vasona Technology, Inc. as President and Chief Operating Officer
25 year veteran of the Silicon Valley technology industry, Howard Smith has Joined Vasona Technology, Inc. as President and Chief Operating Officer. Vasona Technology, Inc. with its corporate headquarters in Mountain View, CA, is a leader in providing the delivery of targeted, critical emergency information, instructions, and procedures in 2 seconds through its automated disaster planning and response management system. - March 14, 2007 - Vasona Technology, Inc.
Vasona Technology, Inc. Launches New Web Site
Vasona Technology Inc. launched its recreated website with a dynamic, new look to showcase their Priority Alert Software System (PASS) product, industry solutions, and professional services. With an improved look and feel, the updated website provides easy to find information... - March 14, 2007 - Vasona Technology, Inc.
Online Fraud and Theft Under Attack with Keystroke Recognition
ID Control BV, the specialist in advanced online identity and access management today announced to fight online identity theft and fraud with user’s unique and characteristic typing behaviour pattern recognition. KeystrokeID is based on the recognition of a person’s typing rhythm during... - March 09, 2007 - ID Control BV
AppliedE Achieves Internet Activity Recording US and European Patent Protection
AppliedE™ is pleased to announce that its first patent has been allowed. This patent is a business method patent that claims and protects a method of automatically recording Internet activity performed by a user on behalf of a client. Business method patents are seldom granted in the U.S.,... - March 01, 2007 - AppliedE, Inc.
Handy as an ID Token Replaces Weak Password Protection
ID Control, the specialist in advanced online identity and access management today announced their new weapon called “HandyID” in the fight against online identity theft and fraud. HandyID runs as a security application on your mobile phone and generates dynamic and unique one time... - February 09, 2007 - ID Control BV
CCA is Revolutionizing the Way Capital is Raised for Private & Public Companies
Commonwealth Capital Advisor’s (CCA’s) Capitalization Planner™ and Pro Forma Producer™ produces the most critical and often overlooked elements in the capital raising process: The Correct Transaction or “Deal Structure”. The program enables you to... - January 09, 2007 - Commonwealth Capital Advisors
Certified Microsoft Partner- Integrity Partners Moves to a New Midtown Location
Amidst the hustle and bustle and holiday cheer the upward bound firm Integrity Partners moved offices last week. Originally sharing a space in Midtown Manhattan 34th street, the growing company made the move last week to 115 West 30th Suite 1105. The knowledgeable appeal of Integrity Partners has... - January 02, 2007 - Integrity Partners
Certified Microsoft Partner- Integrity Partners Announces a New Direction
Integrity Partners, an up and coming Microsoft Certified Partner, today announced the unveiling of a brand new marketing positioning as well as an upcoming new website look for, that will be live within the next two weeks. The knowledgeable appeal of Integrity Partners has... - December 30, 2006 - Integrity Partners
New No Repayment, No Interest Business Credit Card
OzoneCard International today announced that it will launch a new zero interest, no cash repayment required, credit card service for businesses in the USA and Canada. The card, to be launched on January 30th, 2007, will offer a credit line of up to $50,000 and purchases can be made to accepting... - November 30, 2006 - OzoneCard International Limited
Trial Solutions Launches Attorney Solutions
Leading litigation consulting and support services firm launches innovative attorney staffing services. - November 29, 2006 - Trial Solutions
Its Time 2 Cover Your Assets
Rene Jones has combined his personal tragedy and professional experience to launch a new service aimed at helping homeowners make the most of their insurance coverage. Jones, founder and president of Total Logistics Solutions in Burbank, Calif., is a consultant who specializes in helping... - November 28, 2006 - Total Logistics Solutions, Inc.
Longview Solutions Acquires Visionary SOA Company
Service Oriented Architecture development platform will transform how organizations monitor and manage their corporate, operational and financial performance. - September 27, 2006 - Longview Solutions
Veratad Technologies, LLC Announces Michigan State Liquor Control Commission Approval of its Age and Identity Verification Services for Michigan Licensed Direct Shippers
Veratad Technologies, LLC, a world class provider of Age and Identity Verification Services announced today that the State of Michigan Liquor Control Commission has approved Veratad’s AgeMatch Online Age Verification Solution for the direct shipment of wine. The Michigan State Liquor... - September 19, 2006 - Veratad Technologies, LLC
Pitchlets - a New Concept for Rapid Distribution and High-impact Presentation of Financial Analytics
Pitchlets™ facilitate the rapid distribution of financial analytics to large audience groups – enabling interactive scenario analyses, presentation of investment recommendations, performance results and attributions. Using advanced visualization techniques, Pitchlets™ use high-impact graphical representations of complex financial models, and are ideal for situations that require interactive communication of multi-dimensional analytics with a need for dynamic scenario analysis. - April 03, 2006 - Macroaxis Corporation
Gsecurity Founder Added to Board of Advisors
Ajay Gupta to join Board of Advisors for the Prince George’s County’s Technology Assistance Center Incubator. The TAC Incubator focuses on start-up firms commercializing new technologies. - January 24, 2006 - Gsecurity, Inc.
ePayment, Producer of Avangate, Merges with Call Center Cvantage
GECAD ePayment, eCommerce solutions integrator, announces its merger with GECAD Cvantage, international call center and sister-company of GECAD Group. The new company will retain the GECAD ePayment name after merger. - January 21, 2006 - GECAD Group
Avangate Taking Part at Systems 2005
GECAD ePayment International, company member of GECAD Group, will attend between 24-28 October Systems 2005, the leading European B2B exhibition for IT, media and communications. - October 21, 2005 - GECAD Group
Avangate, the Effective Online Sales Solution for the Shareware Industry
GECAD ePayment International, company member of GECAD Group, has launched Avangate, a brand new online payment solution dedicated mainly toward software authors, content delivery companies and web services providers. - September 29, 2005 - GECAD Group