New babyLance Safety Heelstick Logo Announced

Reflects U.S. FDA 510(k) Clearance for Marketing Neonatal Heelstick Device with a Sharps Prevention Indication - April 06, 2013 - MediPurpose

Water with Ease with the One Touch Rain Wand by DRAMM

Dramm introduces a brand new Rain Wand™ that eliminates the strain of squeezing in order to turn the water on and off. - April 06, 2013 - Dramm Corporation

DMI Sports Unveils Outdoor Games Product Line for 2013

DMI Sports, a leading manufacturer in indoor sporting goods, is launching a complete line of outdoor games products. - April 06, 2013 - DMI Sports

ESGC Diode Packs Massive Amount of Voltage Control in Ultra-Slim 1.1-MM SMT Package

Surface mount diodes are first of their kind to meet solar panel industry safety standards (IEC617300-2, IEC61215-2). Available now from Surge Components. - April 06, 2013 - Surge Components

SoCal Fishing Kayak Company Launches New Website, Offers Promotional Shipping

Fishing kayak manufacturer Malibu Kayaks announces the launch of their redesigned website. The kayak company hopes to ease site navigation and provide better access to info on their kayak brands, as well as user manuals and local dealers, with flat-rate promotional shipping offered on accessories during the month of April. - April 06, 2013 - Malibu Kayaks

CNG One Source Inc. of Pennsylvania Acquires Emission Solutions Inc. of McKinney, Texas

CNG One Source Inc. of Pennsylvania Acquires Emission Solutions Inc. of McKinney, Texas

CNG One Source Inc. of Pennsylvania recently acquired Emission Solutions Inc of McKinney, Texas. For years Emission Solutions Inc has been the leader in natural gas vehicle technology for medium and heavy duty trucks. CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas) are the future... - April 05, 2013 - CNG One Source

MenuTrinfo Founder Wins Bravo Entrepreneur Award

MenuTrinfo Founder Wins Bravo Entrepreneur Award

Betsy Craig named 2013 “Emerging Entrepreneur” in prestigious Northern Colorado leadership program. - April 05, 2013 - MenuTrinfo

New White Paper Describes babyLance Safety Heelstick 510(k) Application Process

Examines Additional Considerations for Sharps Prevention Features and Submissions for a Modified Medical Device with Existing 510(k) Clearance - April 05, 2013 - MediPurpose

Saginaw Metropolitan Area Recognized for 2012 Business Development Projects

Site Selection Magazine announced its annual state rankings for new and expanded facilities today with the Award of its Governors Cup. In the under 200,000 population category, Saginaw County, Michigan (Saginaw, Michigan Metropolitan Area) was seventh in the United States with 9 projects. Projects are qualified based on number of jobs, square footage and investment. - April 05, 2013 - Saginaw Future

GammaTech Durabook CA10 Semi-Rugged Ultra-Mobile Tablet Now Available

Offers Durability, Long Battery Life, Wireless Connections, and Dust and Spray Resistance for Mobile-Oriented Service Industries - April 05, 2013 - GammaTech Computer Corporation

Earth's Natural Alternative Launches Green Tableware and Paper Goods Lines

Complete biodegradable product lines for all uses and occasions - April 05, 2013 - Earth's Natural Alternative

Real Time Logic Secures ASIC-Powered Devices as OEMs Gear Up for High-Volume M2M Market

Real Time Logic optimizes SharkSSL with assembler-level TLS to deliver high-speed, low footprint security for ASIC and GCM processors. SharkSSL: ideal for secure, low-cost, high-volume M2M devices. - April 05, 2013 - Real Time Logic

EMUAID Advanced Natural Healing Launches Pharmacy Retail Campaign

EMUAID® Begins Building Retail Relationships with Pharmacies - April 05, 2013 - Speer Labs

UK Mail Launches New Apprenticeship Scheme

Leading parcels and logistics company UK Mail are piloting a new apprenticeship scheme called AppForThat, offering young people the opportunity to build their careers at UK Mail, launching in April. UK Mail have partnered with Elmfield Training, a vocational training provider, to roll out the new... - April 05, 2013 - UK Mail

Radiation Shield Technologies (RST) Anti-Nuclear Garments Awarded Patent Protection in South Korea

RST is granted a South Korean patent for Demron, a high-performance fabric that protects against CBRN threats and heat stress. - April 04, 2013 - Radiation Shield Technologies

Working Out at Home Will Never be the Same Again

Working Out at Home Will Never be the Same Again

Pogamat is manufactured by Tamaga Fitness LLC and shipped from their Aurora, CO warehouse. Pogamat is three times the size of a gym mat and twice the thickness of a standard yoga mat. It was created to be a durable oversize exercise mat for plyometrics and yoga. The first exercise mat on the market that gives you the "space" you need to workout and the "material" you need for all types of workouts. - April 04, 2013 - Tamaga Fitness LLC

Announcing Orange Mattress and Custom Bedding Authentic Handcrafted Horse Hair Mattresses Availability

Announcing Orange Mattress and Custom Bedding Authentic Handcrafted Horse Hair Mattresses Availability

Custom Bedding Orange Mattress is currently producing Horse hair natural mattresses in any shape or size. - April 04, 2013 - Orange Mattress - Custom Bedding

EMUAID ® Modern Homeopathic Medicine Launches "EMUAID CARES"

The Celebrated Brand Continues the Crusade to Assist Those Suffering with Rare Skin Disorders - April 04, 2013 - Speer Labs

Sunrise Packaging Releases Customizable NetBox™

Sunrise Packaging introduces NetBox™ as their newest customizable turned edge box. - April 04, 2013 - Sunrise Packaging Inc.

Keens Beans Organic Green Arabica Coffee Bean Diet Now Available

With many green coffee weight loss products in the market you need to be sure you are using a product made from whole beans, not an extract that may contain chemicals from the growing or production phases of the supplement, contributing to reduced effectiveness and unsatisfactory results. - April 04, 2013 - Keens Beans Organic Green Coffee Bean Diet

Local Company Continues to Impact Tennessee Business Climate

Foresight MDP adds regional blood bank to growing list of premier clients. - April 04, 2013 - Foresight Management Development

EZ WORX Inc, a Tech Manufacturing School, Helps to Prepare Non-Traditional Students to Fill Demand for Skilled Manufacturing Jobs

Wentachee-based technical school helps to prepare non-traditional students to fill demand for anticipated short-fall in skilled workers. - April 04, 2013 - EZ WORX School

Kuuvik Digital Announces the Immediate Availability of the First Public Beta of Kuuvik Capture

Kuuvik Capture is the world's most advanced DSLR remote control application that supports photographers’ efforts through multiple unique features boosting the efficiency of the image capture process. - April 04, 2013 - Kuuvik Digital

Dickson Shed Company Offers Free Chair on Select Sheds, Cabins and Barns

For a Limited Time Wood Sheds Nashville offers a free handcrafted, oak chair with a rent-to-own select shed, cabin or barn. Their heavy-duty, outdoor chairs are crafted with care, and are made with solid oak boards over one inch thick. No two are the same. Each is a unique art-piece. - April 04, 2013 - Wood Sheds Nashville

JP's Corner Receives 2014 Official Red Book

JP's Corner will receive the 2014 Official Red Book's in mid April. The Official Red Book®, now in its 67th year, is famous nationwide as the premiere resource for U.S. coin collectors. This best-selling coin price guide, "one-volume library" helps you make smart buying decisions as... - April 04, 2013 - JP's Corner

Record Sales for Sentinel Protection

Sonardyne International Ltd. is celebrating a record sales quarter for its Sentinel Intruder Detection Sonar (IDS) for permanent installation at multiple locations across the USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Over the coming months, Sentinel will be deployed in multiple head configurations with... - April 04, 2013 - Sonardyne

GlacialPower Announces New 12V/24V LED Constant Voltage Dimming Drivers

GlacialPower introduces two new GP-LP060P drivers for up to 60W LED light bars, soft strips and DC lamps. - April 04, 2013 - GlacialTech Inc

Iradion Laser Source for Trotec Laser Machines

Trotec recently introduced a new laser source from Iradion for their laser machines. - April 04, 2013 - Trotec Laser Inc.

Finalist Noord Nederland and Pixcelldata Announce a Collaboration for Digital Pathology in the Netherlands

The FinaLims and Collibio integrated solution reduces workload for pathologists while eliminating the need to distribute glass slides for consults. - April 04, 2013 - Pixcelldata Ltd

RemoteKEY Convenience Add-on Module Offered by Mods4cars for BMW 1 and 3 Series

Effective immediately, automotive aftermarket specialist Mods4cars offers a convenience module for 1 series and 3 series BMW. The add-on kit provides extra functionality and useful features. Amongst other things it is possible to open and close the windows and the sunroof with the original key fob remote and one-touch commands. - April 04, 2013 - Mods4cars

Make the Smart Move to Dynamic Storage Solutions

A Kardex Remstar, Shuttle Vertical Lift Module (VLM) will be on display at OTC 2013 equipped with new QuickPick® Light Pointer technology and the new Logicontrol machine control. - April 04, 2013 - Kardex Remstar, LLC

Earth Heart’s Canine Calm Selected as Featured Product in Pawalla’s Delivery of Hand-Picked, All-Natural and Organic Dog Products for April

Canine Calm reviewed and selected by Pawalla’s pet nutritionist to be featured in their April product selection to subscribers. - April 04, 2013 - Earth Heart Inc.

Canadian Navy Outfits Fleet with CTRL’s UL101 Ultrasound Detector

CTRL is pleased to announce the Canadian Navy as the next foreign military to authorize and integrate the CTRL UL101 for its fleet. Conversations with the Canadian Navy began in 2010 once they learned of the benefits of the UL101 from the US Navy. Information was shared regarding the successful use... - April 04, 2013 - CTRL Systems, Inc.

New Production Space for Alan David Custom

Alan David Custom, custom suit maker in New York City, shares details on a new factory opened recently in Long Island, City, N.Y., which now produces all their handmade suits. - April 04, 2013 - Alan David Custom

LIST AG Opens Dedicated Asian Service Center

LIST AG announces the opening of the LIST Service Centre Asia in Singapore. - April 04, 2013 - LIST USA

New Website for All Industrial Tool Supply Debuts

All Industrial Tool Supply today unveiled its new website,, featuring top quality metalworking tools at discount prices. Known for its extensive catalog of products, custom tooling packages and industry-leading delivery times, All Industrial Tools Supply is launching the new... - April 03, 2013 - All Industrial Tool Co

Arabic TV Live App for Android is a Window to the Future

Peaksel has just launched a new kind of application - Arabic TV Live with which everybody can watch Islamic channels on the Android and Kindle devices wherever and whenever. - April 03, 2013 - Peaksel D.O.O.

Oklahoma Plastic Expands with Purchase of Two New Battenfeld Injection Machines

Machines expand capabilities of Oklahoma Plastic. - April 03, 2013 - Oklahoma Plastic

Brentano Offers Textiles in Range of Current and Classic Colors

New collection showcases Brentano as color leader. - April 03, 2013 - Brentano, Inc.

Automation Devices, Inc. Invests in Technology Upgrade

Automation Devices, Inc. a vibratory feeder manufacturer has recently invested in a companywide technology upgrade. - April 03, 2013 - Automation Devices, Inc.

Broan-NuTone Canada Inc. Receives ISO 50001 Certification from Intertek

Intertek (LSE: ITRK), a leading provider of quality and safety solutions serving a wide range of industries around the world, announced that it has certified Broan-NuTone Canada Inc.’s quality management system to ISO 50001:2011. ISO 50001:2011 establishes a framework for industrial plants,... - April 03, 2013 - Intertek

Intertek Launches Global Supplier Management Solution

Intertek introduces supplier management solution to advance global business processes. - April 03, 2013 - Intertek

Ellison Technologies Changes Name to DMG / Mori Seiki / Ellison Technologies

Ellison Technologies, the leading CNC machine tool distributor in North America, announced today that effective April 1, 2013, they will begin doing business as: DMG / Mori Seiki / Ellison Technologies, a division of Ellison Technologies, Inc. - April 03, 2013 - Ellison Technologies, Inc.

Work Truck Show 2013 Green Award Goes to Odyne Systems

Work Truck Show 2013 Green Award Goes to Odyne Systems

Odyne Receives 2013 NTEA Work Truck Show Green Award for Unique New Walk-In Van Hybrid Power Application - April 02, 2013 - Odyne Systems, LLC

Leading Tableware Manufacturer Selects Integrated PLM/ERP from Visual 2000

Leading Tableware Manufacturer Selects Integrated PLM/ERP from Visual 2000

PTS America, one of the world’s largest makers of porcelain, stoneware, and fine china, will implement Visual and Visual at its New York headquarters. - April 02, 2013 - Visual 2000 International

Curtain Hardware Redifined by RI Company

Curtain Hardware Redifined by RI Company

T & J Distributors simplifies and streamlines curtain hardware installation. The company makes it possible to hang curtains in mere seconds without drilling, measuring or damaging walls or woodwork. - April 01, 2013 - T & J Distributors

PaperCraft, Inc., a Branding Specialist, Offers Tips for Small Businesses to Boost Their Growth

PaperCraft, Inc., a branding and printing services company,says that small businesses should invest in their brand to stimulate growth. - April 01, 2013 - PaperCraft, Inc.

Geranium Street Floral: Decorate with Artificial Plants and Flowers

Geranium Street Floral shares tips for decorating home or office with artificial foliage. - April 01, 2013 - Geranium Street Floral

CopperSmith’s Unique Collection Wins with Consumers

Diverse products lines, and innovative tarnish and patina processes lead to exploding sales in copper industry. - April 01, 2013 - CopperSmith Collection

Ultra-Light Solar Impulse Plane Using Bayer MaterialScience Materials Set to Take Flight Across America

Solar Impulse – an ultra-lightweight, solar-powered plane, capable of flying day and night – is set to take Flight Across America with the help of diverse material innovations and technologies from Bayer MaterialScience. The plane will start its cross-country flight in San Francisco,... - April 01, 2013 - Bayer MaterialScience LLC

Press Releases 23,301 - 23,350 of 51,069