"Made With Rosboro" Contest

Rosboro launches an online contest to showcase projects using Rosboro products. - March 27, 2011 - Rosboro

Epoch Homes Awarded Green Approved Product Certification for Custom Modular Homes by NAHB Research Center

Epoch Homes, a leading Green Custom Modular Home Manufacturer, is the first supplier of Prefab Homes to be awarded the Green Approved Product Seal by the NAHB Research Center and to be integrated into the Green Building Scoring Tool to make it easier for Builders to make sustainable choices. - March 24, 2011 - Epoch Homes

Torwin Windows and Doors Home Renovations and the Importance of Replacement Windows

Spring is fast approaching which means there will be a resurgence of home renovation projects popping up all over the city. When starting to plan a home renovation project, it is vital to remember the importance of replacement windows. Not only will they improve the overall aesthetic or curb appeal... - March 21, 2011 - Torwin Windows and Doors

New Saw Blade Approved to Work with SawStop

Saw blade tested and approved by SawStop features improved tip technology to provide for a longer life - March 11, 2011 - Carbide Processors

Palm Global Flooring, the World’s "Greenest" Wood Flooring Company, Now Calls Vancouver Home

As Vancouver strives to become the “greenest” city in the World, Palm Global Flooring, www.palmglobal.com, manufacturer of the world’s most environmentally-friendly solid wood flooring, is proud to call Vancouver home. - February 19, 2011 - Palm Global Flooring

Got Tap and Die? Newer Tap and Die Sets Feature Better Quality Steel.

Newer Tap and Die Sets are made with a higher quality steel compared to many years ago, making modern versions more accurate and useful. Triumph Tool is one manufacturer of these higher quality sets, now available from Carbide Processors. - February 18, 2011 - Carbide Processors

Torwin Windows and Doors Making Their Mark at the Toronto National Home Show 2011

Torwin Windows and Doors are back with brand new products for the 2011 National Home Show. - February 11, 2011 - Torwin Windows and Doors

Tormach Announces New Dates for Personal CNC Workshops

New workshop dates have been posted for March and April 2011. - February 11, 2011 - Tormach LLC

Tormach Announces New Specialty Jaw Plates for 5” Vises

This week Tormach launched new specialty jaw plates for 5” Vises, available for sale at www.tormach.com. The series of interchangeable jaw plates provide an expandable workholding system for Tormach’s 5” vise and include the Super Soft Jaws™, the V Block Jaw Plate and the... - January 26, 2011 - Tormach LLC

ETO Doors Announces Energy Star Certification

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recognized ETO Door's environmentally friendly practices with an Energy Star Certification. - January 20, 2011 - ETO Doors

Tormach Releases New Tool Assistant Freeware

Tormach, LLC announced the release of Tool Assistant, a new software for managing tool tables, tool offsets, tool measurement for Tormach PCNC mills and other Mach3 controlled CNC mill systems. Tool Assistant is released as freeware and available for download at www.tormach.com. Tool assistant... - January 15, 2011 - Tormach LLC

New Sales Manager Joins the Vision Engraving & Routing Systems Leadership Team

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems is pleased to announce the newest addition to its leadership team, Sales Manager Neal Pleasant. With over 20 years of successful business development and sales experience in the manufacturing, healthcare, and industrial repair industries, Neal is well-primed... - December 24, 2010 - Vision Engraving Systems

Epoch Homes to be Featured Speaker at the 2011 Orlando International Builder Show

Dave Wrocklage, Director of Sales & Marketing for Epoch Homes, will be speaking on Green Building and the advantages to homebuyers and builders of choosing to build today’s Modular Homes at the International Builders Show in Orlando, Florida in January, 2011 - December 23, 2010 - Epoch Homes

Torwin Windows and Doors Demonstrates Strong Support for the Home Energy Efficiency Initiative

Torwin Windows and Doors shows strong support in helping homeowners increase the energy efficiency of their home. - December 23, 2010 - Torwin Windows and Doors

Tormach Announces New Dates for CNC Workshops

New workshop dates have been posted for January, February and March 2011. - December 15, 2010 - Tormach LLC

Tormach Announces New Gift Certificates

Just in time for the holidays, Tormach is giving customers the options to give the gift of machinery. - December 15, 2010 - Tormach LLC

Epoch Homes Chosen to Build Solar Village Homes

Solar Village Homes of Boulder, Colorado has chosen Epoch Homes of Pembroke, NH to manufacturer the Solar Village line of energy efficient systems built homes. Epoch will build the Solar Village Prefab Homes in the six New England states, New York, and New Jersey. - December 05, 2010 - Epoch Homes

Chesapeake Light Craft Ships 20,000th Boat Kit

Chesapeake Light Craft hit a huge milestone on November 15th when they shipped their 20,000th kit. Chesapeake Light Craft designs and sells kits and plans for wooden kayaks, canoes, rowing boats, and small sailboats. The smallest kit is an 8-foot, 22-pound kayak for kids; the largest is an 850-pound trailerable cruising sailboat. - December 05, 2010 - Chesapeake Light Craft

American Cornhole Organization Names Title Charity

The American Cornhole Organization welcomes Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana as a charity partner for the ACO World Championships Feb. 3-6, 2011 at the Horseshoe hotel and casino near Louisville, Kentucky. - November 10, 2010 - American Cornhole Organization

NSConverters Offers Marketing Aids for Showroom Displays

Display products manufactured with various substrates available to manufacturers, retailers, distributors and importers. - November 10, 2010 - NSConverters

ECustomFinishes Reports 30 Percent Sales Increase in October on Rising Demand for Domestically Made, Eco-Friendly Furniture

ECustomFinishes, a nationwide supplier of custom wood furniture reported record sales in October on a rising demand for domestically made, eco-friendly home furnishings, as well as the implementation in 2009 of a optimized online marketing campaign. ECustomFinishes, a family owned operation... - November 10, 2010 - E Custom Finishes

Tormach Publishes Whitepaper Report on Preventing Collet Slip

Report confirms that using clean, dry tools and maintaining proper drawbar lubrication will eliminate collet slip problems. - November 05, 2010 - Tormach LLC

Factorybunkbeds.com is First to Carry White Bunk Beds from Discovery World Furniture Made Out of Brazilian Pine

Factorybunkbeds.com is the first distribution center to carry Discovery World Furniture’s solid Brazilian Pine bunk beds in white. - October 31, 2010 - Factorybunkbeds.com

Tormach Announces Building and Outreach Expansion

Tormach, LLC announced it has completed its expansion which features a new training center that seats up to 14 students with its own machine shop, kitchen and outside entrance. The educational machine shop features three CNC milling machines for hands-on CNC instruction with four additional mills... - October 17, 2010 - Tormach LLC

October is a Time to Give

For every Tense Watch purchased from Carbide Processors, a ten dollar donation will be made to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. - October 07, 2010 - Carbide Processors

Cofer/Adams Helps Homeowners Take Advantage of the 30% Energy Tax Credit

Cofer/Adams Helps Homeowners Take Advantage of the 30% Energy Tax Credit

The Energy Tax Credit will be reduced from 30% to 10% at the end of 2010, now is the time for homeowners to take advantage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment act of 2009 stimulus program. Homeowners can save money and get a tax credit by making their homes more energy efficient, increase... - August 19, 2010 - Cofer/Adams Building Center, Inc.

A Piece of Americana Finds Its Way to Tokyo, Japan Where It Will Find a New Life as a Community Center

In this age of easy global communication and travel, new frontiers are being opened everyday, and Heritage Restorations, based in Waco, Texas, is about to undertake a unique project that will open yet another of those untried frontiers. Not only is West meeting East, but Old West is becoming New... - July 09, 2010 - Heritage Restorations

Caretta Workspace Launches New Office Furniture Line for Architects and Designers That Hide Ugly Wires

New office furniture from Caretta Workspace uses an innovative design that hides cables and connectors while creative a beautiful, professional work environment. - July 07, 2010 - Caretta Workspace

Wood Dimensions, Inc. Completes Interior Wood and Millwork Renovations for Additional KeyBank Offices in Downtown Cleveland

Wood Dimensions, Inc., Premier Fabricator of Custom Cabinetry, Wood and Millwork is Contractor of Choice for Commercial Office Space in Downtown Cleveland. - June 30, 2010 - Wood Dimensions, Inc.

Robina Partners with Central States Distributor

Robina Floors, a leading manufacturer and provider of engineered wood and laminate flooring, announces a new distribution partner in the Central Plains and Texas. The Master’s Craft Flooring Company is committed to providing quality flooring products that build a reputation of excellence. - June 17, 2010 - Robina Floors

Atelier Brazilian Hardwood Flooring Now Offered by Stewartfloor

Atelier Brazilian Hardwood Flooring Now Offered by Stewartfloor

Chicago-based Brazilian hardwood flooring dealer offers new coating line for Brazilian Teak / Cumaru and Brazilian Chestnut / Sucupira / Tiete Chestnut - June 11, 2010 - Stewartfloor

Sculptural Glass Doors Introduces New Entry Door Designs

Award winning designer glass distinguishes the stunning collection of entry doors from Sculptural Glass Doors Inc. Two new exterior door designs expand the company’s innovative line of stile and rail wood doors featuring contemporary ClearCast™ Glass doorlites. Custom doors are built to order for homeowners and design professionals alike and serve as major design elements in residential and commercial entryways. - May 26, 2010 - Sculptural Glass Doors Inc

Caretta Workspace Offers Elegant Office Furnishings That Reduce Clutter and Carbon Footprint

The Caretta Workspace company Uses LEED Guidelines in Manufacturing, to reduce carbon footprint and clutter at the same time, becoming a more eco-friendly business. - May 25, 2010 - Caretta Workspace

AAA Wood Processors, Inc. Launches New Website

AAA Wood Processors, Inc., a manufacturer/exporter of quality wood products at factory prices and a provider of various services, is officially announcing the launch of its newly designed corporate website at http://www.aaawoodprocessors.com/. The launch of AAA Wood Processors, Inc.’s new... - May 09, 2010 - AAA Wood Processors, Inc.

ASU Interior Design Students Get Real World Advice from Unique Concepts, a NC Furniture Manufacturer

The owners of Unique Concepts, Inc., - a NC-based furniture manufacturer - recently gave a special presentation on wood veneers and millwork techniques to faculty and students in the Interior Design Department at Appalachian State University and to the members of the Industrial Design Society of... - April 29, 2010 - Unique Concepts, Inc.

Connor Homes Featured in “Prefabulous + Sustainable” Book Highlighting Affordable, Energy Efficient Homes

“Prefabulous + Sustainable offers many wonderful examples of houses that have been built requiring minimum energy from nonrenewable sources,” says Mr. Redford in his foreword. “The houses in this book show that beautiful houses can be built that will be kinder and gentler to the environment and reduce water consumption and energy.” - April 08, 2010 - Connor Homes

Robina Launches Midwest Distributor

Robina Floors, a leading provider of engineered wood and laminate flooring, has launched a new distribution partner in the Midwest. The Bahr Company, a distributor of fine wood floors servicing the four state area surrounding Lake Michigan, specializes in assisting architects, designers and retail... - April 07, 2010 - Robina Floors

Governor Lynch Appoints Modular Homes Manufacturer to State Board of Fire Control

The NH Executive Council has confirmed Governor Lynch’s appointment of John D. Ela, CEO of custom Modular Home manufacturer Epoch Homes, to the New Hampshire Board of Fire Control. The appointment fills the seat that represents the manufacturing industry to advise the State Fire Marshall on Rules and Regulations related to fire safety and code enforcement in NH. - April 03, 2010 - Epoch Homes

Robina Signs Northeast Laminate Distributor

Robina Floors, a leading provider of engineered wood and laminate flooring, announces a new distribution partner in the northeast. Wood Pro, Inc., with five warehouse and showroom locations servicing New England and eastern New York State, has earned the title of “The Wood Floor... - March 28, 2010 - Robina Floors

Ultra-Durable GoldEdge® Drill Bit Line Launched

Increased wear resistance and greater torsion strength are just a couple of the benefits found in the new line of GoldEdge® cryogenic drill bits. Designed to drill through work hardening grades of stainless steel and other hard to drill materials, GoldEdge drill bits are built to take on the most demanding jobs in the construction, maintenance and metal working industries. - March 24, 2010 - GoldEdge Steel Solutions, Inc.

Robina Goes Green in Motorsport

Robina Floors has partnered with the Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) to supply floor coverings for the new Clubhouse adjacent to the driving course. Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) is the first green Motorsports Park in the world and is being built just north of Atlanta, Georgia, neighboring... - March 20, 2010 - Robina Floors

Old Growth Riverwood Inc Receives 2009 Best of Business Award

The Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA) is pleased to announce that Old Growth Riverwood Inc has been selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Wood household furniture category. - March 20, 2010 - Old Growth Riverwood

Chesapeake Light Craft Adds 14-Footer to Popular Line of Recreational Kayaks

CLC designer Eric Schade drew the Wood Duck 14 to appeal to two kinds of paddlers: those who need a really generous amount of room for comfort, or those who need the space in the cockpit for a toddler or---more commonly---a big dog. The Wood Duck 14 is also an amazing platform for serious fishing. The cockpit is absolutely voluminous, large enough for a paddler and his large dog. - March 20, 2010 - Chesapeake Light Craft

Epoch Homes Featured in New Book on Cutting Edge Green Prefab Homes

Epoch Homes, a leading New England based manufacturer of award winning, fully custom sustainable green homes, has two of their beautiful modular homes featured in the new book by author Sheri Koones showing some of the best Green Prefab homes in the country. - March 17, 2010 - Epoch Homes

ProVia Door Earns 5th Consecutive ENERGY STAR® Award for Door Manufacturing

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that ProVia Door has once again earned the ENERGY STAR® Sustained Excellence Award for Door Manufacturing. This is the 5th consecutive year for ProVia Door to earn this prestigious Partner of the Year award. ProVia Door’s... - March 16, 2010 - ProVia Door

Linearstone Makes Offer to Buy Distressed Assets

Linearstone Holding Corporation makes and offers to buy Distressed Assets from three Banks. The offer includes four Gas Stations, five Apartment Complexes, Timber Land, Raw Land, three Hotels, and a number of unsold or unfinished Condos most in the state of Florida. Florida has seen the value of... - February 23, 2010 - Linearstone Holding Corporation

Linearstone Moves for Lower Taxes

Linearstone will be moving all investing/trading business offshore effective July 1st 2010. - February 21, 2010 - Linearstone Holding Corporation

Coquelicot Rock Has Put Its Talks with the Haitian Government on Hold

Coquelicot Rock has put its talks with the Haitian Government to reopen the former Reynolds Aluminum mine and port on hold until later in 2010 for the mining and production of bauxite. Coquelicot Rock is a subsidiary of Linearstone Holding Corporation. The focused mission of Coquelicot Rock is to... - February 16, 2010 - Linearstone Holding Corporation

Chesapeake Light Craft Brings Build-Your-Own-Boat Classes to Port Townsend

After years of requests, Chesapeake Light Craft (CLC) is excited to bring their popular build-your-own-boat classes to the Pacific Northwest. Hosted by the Wooden Boat Foundation, students will build boats in the heart of the vibrant seaport and working waterfront of Port Townsend, Washington. In CLC classes, talented professional instructors help students assemble their own boat from start to finish. - February 10, 2010 - Chesapeake Light Craft

Chesapeake Light Craft Expands Schedule of Popular Build-Your-Own-Boat Classes

Chesapeake Light Craft, the boat kit experts, will be running thirty of their popular Build-Your-Own-Boat classes in locations around the country in 2010. Over the last 15 years, CLC boatbuilding classes have launched 900 boats and introduced more than a thousand students to the joys of boatbuilding. In CLC classes, talented professional instructors help students assemble their own boat from start to finish. Classes are 5 days---a perfect one-week vacation, with a boat to take home at the end. - February 07, 2010 - Chesapeake Light Craft

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