Matrix Strength and Fitness Under New Owner, Same Great Product

Matrix Strength and Fitness was purchased by Brendan Stapleton, who owns 2 local Fitness Together studios. The combination of the great existing product of Matrix with the Fitness Together will make this facility a must for all Wilmington residents. - July 09, 2014 - Fitness Together New England

Author and Noted Sales Thinker Tab Edwards Has Released a New Book with The Water Training Institute on the Topic of Sales & Selling

Author and Noted Sales Thinker Tab Edwards Has Released a New Book with The Water Training Institute on the Topic of Sales & Selling

Bestseller author Tab Edwards takes the reader beyond the usual "how to sell" fare to a deeper level of understanding the nuances of good selling, buyer motivations, and why some sellers are better than others. - July 09, 2014 - Water Group LLC

Avon Local Schools and Joe Firment Chevrolet Announce Naming Rights Partnership for High School Football Stadium

Avon Local Schools announce naming rights for football stadium. - July 09, 2014 - Hunter Education Capital

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to be Guest at African EduWeek’s China Day on Thursday

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga will attend a special function to celebrate China Day at the annual SABC Education African EduWeek at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg on Thursday, 10 July. The event will celebrate Chinese-South African educational and trade exchange and the... - July 09, 2014 - African Education Week

SACAC Offers a PG Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations

Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication, New Delhi offers a post graduate diploma course in Advertising & Public Relations. The admission for this course is now open and the classes are scheduled to commence in August this year. - July 09, 2014 - Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication

Real Estate Investor Training for a Lifetime is Available at Cash Flow Depot

Online real estate investor training company,, is pleased to announce its lifetime real estate investor training membership program. The lifetime member gains access to all online seminars and many other perks. - July 09, 2014 - Cash Flow Depot

Asia Institute Partners with Shanghai Sunrise on Coffee for a Cause

The Asia Institute announced today that is has begun a partnership with Shanghai Sunrise on a summer program to assist Shanghai Sunrise’s students. The program, entitled Coffee for a Cause, is a five week volunteer program in Shanghai, China, which will bring U.S. university alumni from the... - July 09, 2014 - The Asia Institute

Idox Releases Latest Findings from Housing Survey

Following a recent survey of delegates attending the CIH Housing 2014 Conference & Exhibition, Idox is pleased to publish its research findings. - July 09, 2014 - IDOX

Medicare Supplement Insurance Association to Broadcast from 2015 Conference

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance announced plans to broadcast sessions from the organization's 2015 national sales conference. - July 09, 2014 - American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Manhattan Dance Project Comes to Phoenix, Arizona July 20-25 2014

The Manhattan Dance Project (MDP) is coming to Phoenix, Arizona July 20-25, 2014 to provide intermediate and advanced dancers ages 10 – 18 with one-on-one instruction from professional instructors, choreographers, and dancers who work with the world’s top professional performers. They... - July 09, 2014 - Manhattan Dance Project

Exceptional Children's Foundation Receives Grant from the Eisner Foundation

Exceptional Children’s Foundation (ECF) is pleased to announce the award of a grant from The Eisner Foundation. This grant will provide support for educational and therapeutic services to 190 K-12 students with special needs at ECF’s Kayne Eras School. The Eisner Foundation was started... - July 09, 2014 - Exceptional Children's Foundation

Career Step Releases New Infographic with 5 Study Tips for Online Students

Career Step has published a new infographic with study tips for online students from Career Step’s expert instructors and successful students designed to improve students’ motivation and productivity. - July 09, 2014 - Career Step

Sri Pradhyumna Technologies Bangalore Launches New Renewable Energy Products

New products include Biomass – Briquettes, Pellets and Briquette stove. - July 08, 2014 - Sri Pradhyumna Technologies Pvt.Ltd

Climate-KIC Champions Multidisciplinary Approach at the Start of Europe’s Biggest Climate Change Summer School

Climate-KIC Champions Multidisciplinary Approach at the Start of Europe’s Biggest Climate Change Summer School

Nearly 300 students from 40 countries, representing 71 disciplines, will today embark on Europe’s largest climate change education programme – the Climate-KIC summer school. The five week-long course will offer a unique combination of academic study and real-world business experience with the aim of creating the climate change leaders of tomorrow. - July 07, 2014 - Climate-KIC

African EduWeek Showcases Latest Classroom Technology and Offers Free Workshops on the Expo Floor Next Week

Technology in education, e-learning and empowering teachers to use these in the classroom of the future will be a strong theme at the upcoming SABC Education African EduWeek in Johannesburg next week. More than 85 leading suppliers of technology, stationery and content to the education sector will... - July 06, 2014 - African Education Week

Paramount California University Be the Change Campaign Honors the Sacrifices of Military Men on the Fourth of July

Paramount California University Be the Change campaign honors men in uniform for their sacrifices to protect their homeland. This conference was held on the fourth of July to appreciate and honor the sacrifices made by military men. - July 06, 2014 - BeTheChange

Learnnovators Gazes Into the Future of E-Learning with Clive Shepherd, Chennai (India)

Learnnovators, a leading e-learning company in India, has Clive Shepherd, Learning Technologist, as the guest in the edition of “Crystal Balling with Learnnovators” - their thought-provoking interview series that attempts to gaze into the future of e-learning. In this exclusive... - July 06, 2014 - Learnnovators

WOU Offers Full-Time Degrees in Penang at Affordable Fees

The affordable costs, attractive rebates and highly-recognised degrees led more than 60 school-leavers and diploma holders seeking to fulfil their study dreams to immediately take up full-time study programmes at Wawasan Open University (WOU) during a recent launch in Penang. In fulfilling its... - July 06, 2014 - Wawasan Open University

Harbinger Systems Honored in the 2014 Global Outsourcing 100®

Featured among world's best outsourcing service providers in six sub-lists; Focuses on Internet of Things, Healthcare and Mobile security. - July 05, 2014 - Harbinger Systems

Real Estate Home Study Courses Are on Sale at Cash Flow Depot, an online real estate investor training company, is pleased to announce the reduced prices of its real estate home study courses. These courses are currently offered at 25% off their regular prices. - July 05, 2014 - Cash Flow Depot

Eighty-Three High School Students Selected to Participate in the 31st Research Science Institute at MIT

Research Science Institute (RSI) was inaugurated in 1984 by the Center for Excellence in Education, and is offered in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). RSI is a six week summer enrichment program that emphasizes advanced theory and research in science, technology engineering and mathematics. RSI alumni are propelled to new heights of achievement, earning accolades for nationally and internationally recognized honors. - July 05, 2014 - Center for Excellence in Education (CEE)

Drug-Free South: “Every Penny Counts When You are Saving Lives”

Volunteers with the Drug-Free South are saying that every penny counts in the struggle to end drug abuse. - July 05, 2014 - Drug Free South

"Psychology of Weight Loss": An Iconic New Book in Health and Fitness

A new book that combines mind, nutrition and physical activities to achieve the goal of weight loss in a step-by-step manner. - July 04, 2014 - Wellness FitCoach Offers New, Creative Ideas for the Best Graduation Gifts for Recent High School Graduates

With graduation gift season underway, DormCo is seeking to provide new grad gifts and gift ideas with its selection of new products. - July 04, 2014 - DormCo

PANDORA Finds a Learning Jewel in eXact Learning Solutions’ LCMS

As PANDORA, the global jewellery firm, has been expanding its operations – currently into 80 countries – it has discovered the value of using e-learning to ensure that its sales teams, around the world, sell the right products to the right people. Per Ferdinandsen, PANDORA’s... - July 04, 2014 - eXact learning solutions

Dr Madhu Chitkara at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Campus, United Kingdom

Another Feather in Chitkara’s Crowning Glory as Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University, and Dr. Michael Thorn, Vice-Chancellor, Anglia Ruskin University, signed a MoU for a progression arrangement and cooperation in research projects that will take the bond a long way and... - July 04, 2014 - Chitkara University

TSU and TUSUR Will be the Organizers of the XII International Conference: "The Triple Helix and Innovation-Based Economic Growth: New Frontiers and Solutions"

The XII Triple Helix International Conference will take place from 11-13 September 2014 in Tomsk, Russia. The Conference is devoted to the analysis of collaboration between universities, industry and the State government bodies. - July 04, 2014 - Tomsk State University

YMCA Receives $5,000 Grant to Fund Program for Seniors with Alzheimer's and Dementia

The YMCA of Austin received a $5,000 grant from St. David's Foundation Health's Angels to fund their "Senior Retreat" program for seniors with Alzheimer's and dementia and their caregivers. It will be used for the current program at the TownLake YMCA and to expand the "Senior Retreat" to the Southwest Family YMCA. - July 04, 2014 - YMCA of Austin

European Urban Public Transport Energy Efficiency Competition Launched in Berlin

European Urban Public Transport Energy Efficiency Competition Launched in Berlin

Climate-KIC, the EU’s main climate innovation initiative, and Berlin’s public transport company BVG have teamed up for the Open Innovation Slam 2014 competition. - July 03, 2014 - Climate-KIC

"A Life Worth Dying For" Immortalized on the App Store

Trigger video flashbacks in this sentimental new puzzle game for iOS. - July 03, 2014 - Mutlu Creative

The Addictions Academy Launches New Marketing Symptom

Cali Estes of The Addictions Academy and Charles Davis of Behavioral health Network partner to launch the Behavioral Health education and Marketing Symposium. - July 03, 2014 - The Addictions Academy

Novus Origo Awarded 5 Year Training Contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs

Novus Origo Awarded 5 Year Training Contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs

Novus Origo LLC, a San Diego based Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) specializing in Management Consulting and Training Solutions Services, announces the award of a five (5) year contract by the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide Web Based Training for Women Veterans... - July 02, 2014 - Novus Origo, LLC

JIS College of Engineering Ranked Among Top 100 Engineering Institutes in India

JIS College of Engineering is ranked 35th Best Private Engineering College in India in a survey conducted by Times Group and i3 Research Consultants - July 02, 2014 - JIS Group

VeoMed to Offer First-Ever Live Broadcast of Harvard Medical School’s Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Course for CME Credit (July 13th- July 20th, 2014)

VeoMed and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, are proud to offer the inaugural live broadcast of Harvard Medical School’s Intensive Review of Internal Medicine (IRIM) course (July 13th- July 20th) for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit. For the first time... - July 02, 2014 - VeoMed LLC

MindMeister for Glass Enables Users to Insert Ideas Into Mind Maps While on the Go

MindMeister, the market-leading online mind mapping solution, just released a Glassware adaptation of its popular Geistesblitz feature, making it possible for users to capture ideas with Google Glass and automatically send them to their MindMeister account. - July 02, 2014 - MindMeister

CM Group’s eLearning Authoring Solution Embraces Tin Can

CM Group is pleased to announce that its Luminosity Studio eLearning authoring solution now supports Tin Can (Experience API). - July 02, 2014 - Agylia

SIIA Announces Business Information & Media Summit – B2B Media Industry’s Most Diverse Event

SIPA, ABM, and InfoCommerce Merge Events to Create One Comprehensive Conference; Held November 10-12 in Miami, FL - July 02, 2014 - SIIA

SIIA Releases 2014 Vision K-20 Survey Report

Survey highlights increasing need for technology in K-20 educational institutions. - July 02, 2014 - SIIA

Paramount California University be the Change Campaign Becomes Popular Among People with Big Heart

Paramount California University be the change campaign is bringing a exceptional change among the ones who are looking for little positivity. This recently launched campaign has noticed a lot of popularity among the masses by altering little things in life. Be the change campaign is not only for the students of PCU but an initiative for people all around the world. - July 02, 2014 - BeTheChange

What to Buy and How is Currently Featured at Cash Flow Depot

Leading online real estate investor training company,, features the topic, “What to Buy and How” on its website. - July 02, 2014 - Cash Flow Depot

Sharplet Helps You Learn More in Less Time with Intelligent Flashcard Courses

Sharplet, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is a recently launched startup that specializes in helping people remember information longer. Sharplet utilizes the spaced repetition method and incorporates other findings from cognitive science. For more information, visit: - July 02, 2014 - Sharplet

Upside Learning Enters’ 2014 Content Development Companies Watch List’s recently released 2014 Content Development Companies Watch List features Upside Learning amongst 16 companies from all over the globe that provide top most content development services. This marks Upside Learning’s entry in the prestigious watch list that... - July 02, 2014 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Drug-Free South Aims Blow to Honky Tonk District in Nashville

The Tennessee chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World distributed information booklets in honor of United Nations Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in downtown Nashville. - July 02, 2014 - Drug Free South

Date Rapes Costing Colleges Tens of Millions - Termed “A Perfect Storm" // Most Accusers Don't Remember; Many Have Mental Health Issues, Says Report

A detailed study of campus sexual assaults suggests that they are costing colleges and universities tens of millions of dollars, and the huge costs are almost certainly going to balloon as the Administration continues to encourage educational institutions to convict more students, notes public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who was one of the first to point out the growing number of male students fighting back by going to court. - July 02, 2014 - Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf

Unschooling Paradise Encourages Readers to Follow Their Unschooler Family Across the United States

Unschooling Paradise is encouraging parents that are practicing or interested in an unschooler lifestyle to follow their family as they travel across the United States and continue to teach their two children successfully on the road. - July 02, 2014 - Unschooling Paradise

Area High School Students Participate in Prestigious YMCA Youth Conference on National Affairs

Four Austin-area high school students traveled to Black Mountain, North Carolina this weekend to participate in the YMCA Youth Conference on National Affairs (CONA.) The conference began on June 28, 2014 at the YMCA Blue Ridge Conference Center and will end on July 3, 2014. Addison Denslow, 17,... - July 02, 2014 - YMCA of Austin

Attorney Brent M. Buckley Elected Chair of the Business, Banking & Corporate Counsel Section of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association

Cleveland Attorney Brent Buckley Elected Chair of CMBA's Business, Banking & Corporate Counsel Section. - July 02, 2014 - Buckley King

Tracy Taylor Named Vice President of Programs at Easter Seals Florida

Easter Seals Florida announces that Tracy Taylor has been named Vice President of Programs. Taylor is responsible for overseeing the Lily Academies, K-12 schools in Fort Myers and Naples for children with autism, and an adult residential home and adult day training center in Naples. Taylor has... - July 02, 2014 - Easter Seals Lily

Flat-Rate E-Learning "BISCUE LS Global" Released for Businesses with Japan

"BISCUE LS Global," the flat-rate libraries of e-learning and m-learning in 7 languages provided by the Shubiki Corporation of Japan, has been released to support Japan-related businesses that multinational corporations conduct throughout the world. - July 02, 2014 - Shubiki Corporation

LexisNexis® and Lawctopus Announce Collaboration

LexisNexis and Lawctopus today announced a broad-based, yet deep collaboration on several areas of mutual interest. - July 02, 2014 - Lawctopus

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