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Gamma Omicron and the USF School of Management Hosts Motivational Speaker Los Ellis
Los Ellis high energy performance will be on full display as the USF School of Management and Delta Sigma Pi hosts Brand And Dress before a sellout crowd. - April 07, 2013 - TraLos
Studio D Mosaics in Berkeley Announces Full Roster of Mosaic Art Classes
Studio D Mosaics offers art classes in a welcoming, friendly environment where the mosaic hobbyist and artisan alike will instantly feel comfortable. - April 07, 2013 - Studio D
Annual Music Recital
Featuring Young Talented Pianists and Vocalists - April 07, 2013 - Rhythm & Beyond, Corp.
Wineville Chicken Coop Murders Are Subject of Play by Topher Cusumano Premiering in Left Out Festival at Stage Left Studio April 24 & 25, 2013
Cusumano explores this “love that dare not speak its name” in a two-man play that focuses as much on humanity as it does on evil. It’s a hair-raising story, set in a grotesque landscape of ritual, sexual violence, and survivor’s guilt. - April 07, 2013 - Stage Left Studio
William Peace University’s Justin G. Roy Named International Brand Master Finalist
Four-Year Baccalaureate University’s Vice President of Communication and Marketing Recognized as 2012 International Brand Master Award Finalist by the Educational Marketing Group - April 07, 2013 - William Peace University
Kickstart Kids 1st Annual Summer Camp
KICKSTART KIDS kicks off its First Annual Summer Camp. Campers will learn about: themselves, others, teamwork, the importance of community service, healthy habits, leadership, discipline, and compassion. - April 07, 2013 - KICKSTART KIDS
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Presents Its New Course Siena with Gusto: Italian Language and Cooking Lessons
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci presents “Siena With Gusto,” its brand-new course that joins Italian language with Italian cooking lessons and tasting itineraries. - April 07, 2013 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci
Jessica Walker Accepts Prestigious Honor & Joins Oakton's Six Piano Ensemble
AMA Dance & Music School’s piano instructor Jessica Walker is one of the youngest members ever to be invited to perform in the prestigious Six Piano Ensemble. - April 07, 2013 - AMA Dance & Music School
1500th Baby is Born in Ukraine’s Most Proficient IVF Clinic
The 1500-th baby born in Dnipropetrovsk Clinic “Genesis Dnepr” by in vitro fertilization method. Each year the Ukrainian cradle for IVF babies celebrates its wonderful tradition called White Orchids Day, bringing joy to IVF born children and honoring doctors, and parents. More and more of these lucky parents happen to come from European countries. - April 07, 2013 - Genesis Dnepr IVF
One High School Student Educates Many About TS on Behalf of New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
East Brunswick High School senior Amanda Silvers talks to nearly 140 students and teachers at Spotswood High School about TS, a misunderstood, misdiagnosed, inherited neurological disorder that affects 1 in 100 children and adults. - April 06, 2013 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
Registration Begins for 2013 National Forum on Character Education
2013 National Forum on Character Education opens registration. The inaugural School Safety Summit, an intensive workshop on reducing violence in schools, will be a major feature of this year's conference. The conference takes place in Washington DC, Oct. 24-27, 2013. - April 06, 2013 - Character Education Partnership
Local Stories Transformed Into Dance & Theater Pieces
Two French performers use true stories submitted by Washingtonians to create dance shows and theater pieces, which will then be performed by local actors. - April 06, 2013 - Alliance Francaise de Washington, DC
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Declares April to be Youth Financial Literacy Month in Cooperation with the Massachusetts Jump$tart Coalition
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick declares April to be Youth Financial Literacy Month in cooperation with the Massachusetts Jump$tart Coalition In declaring Youth Financial Literacy Month, Governor Patrick recognizes the state-wide efforts to improve financial literacy in Massachusetts and the tireless efforts of many parents and educators to prepare our youth with the skills needed to navigate tomorrow’s complex economy. - April 06, 2013 - MA Jumpstart Coalition
Fuentek President to Participate in Webinar on Open Innovation Best Practices for University TTOs
Laura Schoppe Discusses Best Practices for Open Innovation and A Shared-Risk, Shared-Reward Model for University TTOs on April 19. - April 06, 2013 - Fuentek, LLC
Sixth Annual Left Out Festival Features LGBT Plays and Benefits Bailey House
The Sixth Annual Left Out Festival – a celebration of LGBT theatre – will run April 20-30 at Stage Left Studio. This annual festival is a benefit for Bailey House ( which provides housing and support for people living with HIV and AIDS. This year’s festival... - April 06, 2013 - Stage Left Studio
Test - A New Drama About the Do-It-Yourself HIV Test - Part of the Left Out Festival in April
Test - "Do you really want to know? Are you positive?" is a set of six 10-minute plays by Cheryl King and Bill Locasto. - April 06, 2013 - Stage Left Studio
Celebrate at the Hope & Home Gala to Benefit SOS Children’s Villages – Florida
SOS Children's Villages - Florida has been a place of healing, hope and home for south Florida foster children for two decades and it has truly taken a Village to help raise the more than 400 boys and girls who have called SOS home. This year, the annual Hope & Home Gala is also a celebration of the organization's 20th Anniversary, the generation of children who grew up in the Village and the generations still to come. - April 06, 2013 - SOS Children's Villages - Florida
Norfolk Academy Seniors Granted Prestigious College Scholarships
The Jefferson Scholarship Foundation at the University of Virginia has selected Norfolk Academy senior Harper Dodd as a Jefferson Scholar. Jefferson Scholarships are awarded to “the most promising leaders, scholars, and citizens in the world.” In addition to full financial support, the... - April 05, 2013 - Norfolk Academy
Children's Book Author, Monika Mira Receives the KART Kids Book List Award for the Complete Hawaiian Reef Fish Coloring Book
Children's book author, Monika Mira receives another award for her educational marine life coloring textbook. Her book is already used in classrooms across the country, but is becoming more recognized as a way to teach children about the importance of reef conservation. - April 05, 2013 - Lucid Publishing
Penn State University – Erie Invites Motivational and Branding Speaker Los Ellis for "Brand and Dress – Market to Success"
Penn State University hosts Motivational and Brand Enhancing speaker, Los Ellis for “Brand and Dress, Market to Success” Sponsored by the Mu Pi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. Los Ellis’ energetic and powerful presentation performance at Penn State-Erie is assured to propel him to the... - April 05, 2013 - TraLos
Stanbridge College Nursing and Therapy Students Volunteer at Free Medical Clinic
Stanbridge College sponsored and volunteered at the Orange County Free Medical and Dental Clinic to provide healthcare services to the uninsured, unemployed and homeless. - April 05, 2013 - Stanbridge University
Career Step Announces That New Medical Coding and Billing Students Will Now Receive Free ICD-10 FastTrack Course
Career Step has announced that all new Medical Coding and Billing students will now also receive a free enrollment in the school’s ICD-10 FastTrack course. - April 05, 2013 - Career Step
Career Step and MRA to Present on Assessing Coder Readiness at MaHIMA ICD-10 Summit
Career Step, in partnership with Medical Record Associates (MRA), will be presenting on ICD-10 training and coder readiness assessments at the MaHIMA ICD-10 Summit on Friday, April 5. - April 05, 2013 - Career Step
Ashland University Professor and Students Conduct Persistence Study
Research conducted by an Ashland University professor and her students gives employers hope that creating a positive work place could influence the work production of employees. - April 05, 2013 - Ashland University
Harp Festival at Harps Etc. Celebrates 10th Anniversary of This Unusual Business
Celebrate with Harps Etc. on May 3 - 5, 2013 at the first Harp Festival and Tenth Anniversary Celebration at 1601 N. Main Street in Walnut Creek, CA. The Harp Festival will feature world class performers and workshop presenters. The full festival schedule, registration and tickets are available at or by calling 925-937-4277. - April 04, 2013 - Harps Etc
Upside Learning Debuts at AITD 2013 as a Silver Sponsor; to Present a Session on Designing eLearning for iPads
Upside Learning will mark its first presence at the 2013 AITD National Conference, to be held on 10th & 11th April in Melbourne, Australia, as a Silver Sponsor. The company will showcase its wide range of innovative Custom mLearning Solutions including eLearning solutions for tablets and also deliver a learning session. - April 04, 2013 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
U.S. Attorney Will Address Tribes at Free Drug Prevention Training
United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico, Kenneth Gonzales, will be presenting opening remarks to representatives of tribal communities receiving training to identify and prevent drug abuse, prescription drug diversion and drug endangered children. Registration for the Tribal Drugs of... - April 04, 2013 - Lamar Associates
Tech4Learning Releases Pixie App for iPad
Pixie, creativity software used by millions of elementary students, is now available as an app for iPad. - April 04, 2013 - Tech4Learning, Inc.
Campbell Law Team Named National Champions at South Texas Mock Trial
Student Jessica Burgess Brings Home Individual Honors; Team Receives $10,000 Grand Prize - April 04, 2013 - Campbell Law
Matt McKee Photography Asks: What Are You Rising for?
Matt McKee put that exact question to the cast of Cambridge Cooperative’s production of The Vagina Monologues and the answers might just surprise you. See them at To show support for the One Billion Rising movement, the biggest mass global action to end violence... - April 03, 2013 - Matt McKee Photography
Tennessee Chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World Reaches Out Over the Web
Drug-Free South, the Nashville chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, reaches out online. - April 03, 2013 - Drug Free South
Dealers Rank Joe Verde Top 2013 Auto Sales Training Company
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. captures the top training award in a recent poll of dealers throughout the United States. - April 03, 2013 - Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.
Cwist Announces Partnerships with Imagine Toys and Scientifics Direct
“cwist” kids’ challenges with a twist - will offer partners’ products as rewards on their soon-to-launch digital platform. - April 03, 2013 - cwist
PR Course for the Hispanic Community
The Irish Academy of Public Relations has introduced an online course in public relations, which is taught in Spanish. Available worldwide, the course is tutored by PR professionals who are native Spanish speakers. Course begins April 11th online at - April 03, 2013 - The Irish Academy
William Peace University Hosts Admissions Open House with Former NBA Guard "Spudd" Webb as Speaker
Four-Year Baccalaureate University Invites Prospective Students and Families to Attend April 6 Admissions Open House - April 03, 2013 - William Peace University
Michael Bradley, President/CEO of Bradley Wealth Management, Joins Non-Profit Educational Speaker Bureau, SOFA, to Help End Financial Illiteracy One Community at a Time
The entire mission of SOFA, in April, is to get the word out, in every possible way, so most Americans can realize financial literacy is not just for people with money. Knowing how to manage one’s cash, control your debt, and make the right choices, now, will absolutely assure one later, that their future will be better. - April 02, 2013 - Bradley Wealth Managment
Enslow Publishers Offers Bargain eBook for Limited Time Only
Enslow Publishers, Inc., a long time publisher of books for school and public libraries, has announced that they are now publishing eBooks. For a limited time, they are offering consumers the Kindle version and the iBooks version of "Hannah Pritchard: Pirate of the Revolution" for only 99... - April 02, 2013 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.
Celesq® Announces April-May CLE involving Developments in Corporate/Securities Enforcement; Litigation Skills; Intellectual Property; Asset Protection/Business Assets
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following web casts for April and May 2013: Update on Say on Pay Litigation (2326) Live web cast: April 3, 2013 (4:00 PM ET) Courtney Worcester and Michael Thompson, Foley & Lardner LLP, provide an update on say on pay litigation, discuss what... - April 02, 2013 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
How to Create Websites
How to Create a Website - A Beginners Guide to Online Real Estate - April 01, 2013 - Business Resolutions
IUP Graduate Studies Madness Tournament Gets Into Full Swing
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania School of Graduate Studies and Research is currently holding a Facebook contest titled “IUP Graduate Studies Madness,” a March Madness-inspired tournament. - April 01, 2013 - IUP School of Graduate Studies and Research
St. Charles Café Offers Versatile Art Classes for Adults & Kids
Studio Gallo blu, the Tuscan themed café and gallery from St. Charles offers versatile art classes for adults and kids in private and semi private sessions. The café studio is also offered for parties. - April 01, 2013 -
Appleton Goes Social with Test Prep Course
Educational support organization, Appleton, applies blended learning model with use of Edmodo. - March 31, 2013 - Appleton Learning
New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Webinars Focus on Parenting, Technology
A March 27 webinar addressed "A Systematic Approach to Parenting," while an April 24 webinar, will discuss strategies for successfully utilizing technology with "iSocialSkills." - March 31, 2013 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
New Spring and Summer Shower Sandal Lineup Now at
Online dorm supplies superstore is adding new styles and options to its selection of shower sandals for men and women. - March 31, 2013 - DormCo
Fuentek Receives Two Awards for NASA Publications
Local Tech Transfer Firm Recognized by the Society for Technical Communication’s Carolina Chapter. - March 31, 2013 - Fuentek, LLC
Sterling Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Management consulting company celebrates 30 years of helping professionals reach their practice goals. - March 30, 2013 - Sterling
AmazonRainforestPlants.Com Adds a News and Updates Section on the Affects of Climate Change on the Amazon Rainforest
At the Amazon Rainforest Plants website there some exciting new articles, videos and news about what happening in the Amazon rainforest. Information concerning plants of the Amazon rainforest are of importance to anyone interested in eco system and species survival. At Amazon Rainforest Plants the... - March 30, 2013 - Amazon Rainforest Plants
CatalystCon East Sexuality Conference a Success, CCON West Scheduled for September
After the Resounding Success of CatalystCon East, Founder Dee Dennis Announces CatalystCon West, September 27-29, 2013 - March 30, 2013 - CatalystCon
Renowed Artist Louis Delsarte Donates Art to Local Organization
Louis Delsarte donated artwork painted using his iPad to The Exception Campaign, Inc. this morning. To help support the work of college students making a difference in Atlanta Metropolitan Region. - March 30, 2013 - The Exception Campaign, Inc.
Applied Systems to Present Its Automation Software Expertise at Hannover Messe 2013
Applied Systems Ltd., an automation expert since 1997, will be exhibiting at Hannover Messe 2013, April 8-12. The company will be featuring its expertise in automating inspection, test and measurement equipment as well as in integration software testing. - March 30, 2013 - Applied Systems Ltd.