72 Lives Assisted by Stanbridge College Blood Donors

Stanbridge College students and staff donated 24 pints of blood to the American Red Cross in Fall Blood Drive. - October 20, 2012 - Stanbridge University

American College of Healthcare Sciences offers Imagine America Military Award Program and Adult Skills Education Program Scholarships

American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) has partnered with Imagine America as a participating institution in the national Imagine America sponsored Military Award Program (MAP) and Adult Skills Education Program (ASEP) scholarship programs. The ACHS MAP scholarship offers veterans with... - October 20, 2012 - American College of Healthcare Sciences

The Center for Excellence in Education Launches Education Blog

Mark Kantrowitz, Publisher of the FinAid and Fastweb Websites, and CEE Board Member, Inaugural Presenter - October 20, 2012 - Center for Excellence in Education (CEE)

US Volunteers Access Free Language Courses with Babbel.com

Now in its second year: Babbel.com continues to support Cross-Cultural Solutions’ volunteers in learning a foreign language. - October 19, 2012 - Babbel.com

Upside Learning’s Webinar to Help Indian Corporates in Leveraging LMS for Blended Learning

Upside Learning will be conducting a webinar titled "Leveraging LMS for Managing Blended Learning: The Indian Perspective" on 6th November at 11.30AM IST. - October 19, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Aujas Attains CERT-IN Empanelment Yet Again

Aujas - a leading Information Risk Management company - announced attaining the CERT-IN certification as an IT Security audit organization. The empanelment is another key milestone in the Aujas journey of helping clients manage information risk, protect sensitive data and enhance information value through service excellence and innovation. - October 19, 2012 - Aujas Networks

Campbell Law Professor Elected to North Carolina Society of Health Care Attorneys Board of Directors

Professor Amy Flanary-Smith to Serve on Board of Directors for Three Year Term - October 19, 2012 - Campbell Law

360 Education Solutions Announces Newest Oct.-Nov. 2012 Writing Contest for Teachers

The new topic for 360 Education Solution’s annual writing contest for teachers is out, and the prizes are as follows: 1st place = iPad, 2nd place = $350, 3rd place = $250. Good luck to all the contestants. - October 19, 2012 - 360 Education Solutions

Charlotte Personal Trainer Offers Free Workout to Scare Away the Fat

Tuff Girl Bootcamps owner Julie Sawyer loves to piggyback onto current events to invigorate her bootcamp workouts. On Saturday, Octorber 27th, she will offer a free workout for the community to help scare away the Halloween bellyfat. - October 19, 2012 - FIT of Charlotte

Community Business College Awarded “Military Friendly School” Title for 4th Year by G.I. Jobs Magazine

Community Business College is recognized for its service offerings to veterans and military families with its fourth prestigious “Military Friendly School” designation in as many years. - October 19, 2012 - Community Business College

Fuentek Tech Transfer Team Receives NASA Agency Honor Awards

Team Recognized for Accelerating Tech Transfer and Boosting Economic Development. - October 18, 2012 - Fuentek, LLC

Islamic Finance Careers: the Job Search System That Never Fails

Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance, the world’s most heavily-enrolled Islamic finance training and certification institute, teamed up with executive search guru Shane Phillips of Stanton Chase to deliver “The Job Search System That Never Fails,” a live talk attended by... - October 18, 2012 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance

Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Community Celebrates Over 615,000 Facebook Fans

Registrants at http://bit.ly/RichDadCommunity receive free, financial education eBook, “CASHFLOW Quadrant,” until 10/31/12. - October 18, 2012 - The Rich Dad Company

William Peace University to Induct Mary Lloyd Hodges Barbera ’85 Into Its Athletics Hall of Fame

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Honors Alumna for Her Lifetime Accomplishments in Tennis. - October 18, 2012 - William Peace University

"Packaging Coatings, Inks and Additives Market to Reach $15.27bn in 2012" Says Visiongain Report

Visiongain’s analysis indicates that the global packaging coatings, inks and additives market will reach a value of $15.27bn in 2012, as increased demand for packaging in the emerging markets increases demand for packaging coatings, inks and additives. - October 18, 2012 - visiongain

"Military Energy, Fuels and Power Source Market to be Worth $43.05bn in 2012" Says Visiongain's Report

Visiongain’s analysis indicates that the Military Energy, Fuels and Power Source market is set to be worth $43.05bn in 2012, as commodity price fluctuations and ongoing military operations combine to increase spending. - October 18, 2012 - visiongain

"The Small Cells Market to Reach $233.7m in 2012" Says Visiongain Report

Visiongain’s analysis indicates that the total value of the global small cells market will reach $233.7 million in 2012, with an ever increasing proliferation of mobile broadband, the small cells market is poised for growth for vendors and solution providers as there is a huge uptake both from the consumer market, enterprise sector and the mobile operators, driven by limited spectrum and capacity constraints. - October 18, 2012 - visiongain

"The Brazilian Defence Market Will Reach $35.88bn in 2012" Says Visiongain’s Report

The Brazilian Defence Market 2012-2022, Visiongain’s latest defence report, values the market for Brazilian defence spending at $35.88bn in 2012, as Brazil’s growing economic power will see it continue to embark on ambitious plans to modernise its armed forces across air, ground and naval platforms. - October 18, 2012 - visiongain

Photographer and Visual Artist Eve Fowler to Lecture at Idyllwild Arts Academy

As part of their continuing Visiting Artists series, the Inter Arts Department at Idyllwild Arts Academy welcomes photographer, artist, and curator Eve Fowler on Thursday, October 25th. Fowler will present a lecture on both her practice and her recent posters based on Gertrude Stein's Tender... - October 18, 2012 - Idyllwild Arts Academy

GradSave Announces a $10,000 College Scholarship Sweepstakes

New Scholarship Represents an Ongoing Dedication to Making College Affordable - October 18, 2012 - GradSave

Watch Video of Rolando Making Commercials for Colored Rocks Success Calendar

Colored Rocks Unveils “The Rolando Series” – 8 Videos to Promote 2013 Wall Calendar - October 18, 2012 - Colored Rocks Foundation, Inc.

Radio Show Guest Identifies Physical Reason for Distracted Driving - Offers Practical Solution

Blog Talk Radio show Off The Grid Living airs show with guest Ron Mayo entitled, Electro Acupuncture, Powerful Health and Freedom. - October 18, 2012 - Off The Grid Living, Inc.

A "Classroom in Every Garden" is Unveiled at the King School

Teich Garden Systems LLC announced today the completion of a new outdoor garden classroom at the King School in Stamford, CT. The garden installation was part of the beautification and redesign project at the Lower School Playground Project handled by Wesley Stout Associates of New Canaan CT. The... - October 18, 2012 - Teich Garden Systems

Albuquerque’s Newest Dance Studio Announces Public Grand Opening Celebration on November 10th

Jinan Performing Arts Studio Looks to Make Big Splash in the Local Dance Scene with a Big Party and More Dance Choices than Any Other Studio in Albuquerque - October 17, 2012 - Jinan Performing Arts Studio

SMEI Vietnam Conducts Courses on Social Media Marketing

As more and more companies in Vietnam become aware of the social media revolution, the demand for professional training in social media marketing is on the rise. SMEI Vietnam, the representative of Sales and Marketing Executives International Inc. in Vietnam, is organizing a brief course called “Social Media Marketing Overview” on a monthly basis, offering the latest insights and best practices on social platforms that are currently popular in Vietnam such as Facebook and LinkedIN. - October 17, 2012 - SMEI VIETNAM

Track Surveys Launches Empower 360 Gold Package

Track Surveys, a leading designer and developer of bespoke 360 Degree Feedback and performance management programmes, have recently launched a new package specifically designed to meet the needs of global organisations requiring bespoke services to support strategic leadership and key talent... - October 17, 2012 - Track Surveys

Yun FIT Announces Pumpkin Workout to Benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Time to pick a pumpkin and break out your Halloween costumes! Yun FIT, Columbus’s most popular “un-bootcamp,” announces its fourth annual Charity Pumpkin Workout, scheduled for Saturday, October 27, 2012. - October 17, 2012 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

NewsCurrents Poll Chooses Obama, 50% to 43%

The NewsCurrents Presidential Election Poll may not be scientific, but it has correctly predicted the winner of the last seven presidential elections. This year, student "voters" have chosen Barack Obama as the 2012 winner. - October 17, 2012 - Knowledge Unlimited, Inc. / NewsCurrents

Link-Systems International Unveils New Corporate Logo

New logo aims to strengthen corporate identity and commitment to innovation - October 17, 2012 - Link-Systems International, Inc.

DoJiggy Partners with Check In Easy to Offer Easy Check-in at Fundraising Events

DoJiggy announces a partnership with Check In Easy to offer an easy-to-use app for checking in guests at fundraising events via mobile devices. - October 17, 2012 - DoJiggy

Fullerton, CA Hope International University Welcomes Community for Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

The annual Fullerton Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on Friday, Oct. 19, will be held at Hope International University. - October 17, 2012 - Hope International University

Texting & Driving is #1 Killer of Teens in America National Teen Driver Safety Week

The Texting Awareness Foundation Launches National Teen Driver Safety Week What Are you Looking at? The Road? - October 17, 2012 - Texting Awareness Foundation

Tech4Learning Releases Wixie App for Android Tablets

Tech4Learning has released a Wixie app for Android tablets that allows Wixie subscribers to take advantage of authoring on the tablet’s touch interface, while connecting to storage, classroom management, and assessment tools in the cloud. - October 17, 2012 - Tech4Learning, Inc.

NLAPW Hosts Webinar, Shine Your Light - How Blogs and Twitter Can Promote Your Work

National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) sponsors webinar - Shine Your Light - how blogs and twitter can promote your work. - October 17, 2012 - National League of American Pen Women

Drug Education Can Still Make Change at University Level Says Drug-Free South

The Foundation for a Drug-Free South, recently invited to give lectures at Middle Tennessee State University, says “We never give up on kids, no matter their age.” - October 17, 2012 - Drug Free South

Free ShowMe Guides(tm) "What's New in OpenCart" Updater Now Available to the Public

Not every OpenCart store owner should upgrade each time a new version is released. This free, 10-page guide to the new version is designed to help non-technical store owners decide if they should upgrade to this version. - October 17, 2012 - Pithy Productions, Inc. dba ShowMeGuides

Principles of Electro Acupuncture and Powerful Health Topic of New Blog Post

Off The Grid Living in Southwest Florida - One Woman's Story post Electro Acupuncture, Powerful Health and Freedom - October 17, 2012 - Off The Grid Living, Inc.

American Right of Way Academy is Offering Training Workshops for the Energy Industry

American Right of Way Academy is Offering Training Workshops for the Energy Industry

American Right of Way Academy announced today, they will be offering two professional Oil & Gas Energy Training Workshops in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday, November 10th, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza San Antonio Airport Hotel. - October 16, 2012 - American Right of Way Associates

Team Success Celebrates Rise from “F” School to “A” School

Bradenton, Florida Charter School serves as a model for Florida and the Nation. - October 16, 2012 - Team Success Charter School

Publish and Sell E-Books Course Introduced at Community Business College

In order to help unpublished authors get their work out, the college is offering a six-week online course taking students from start to finish in writing, publishing and marketing an e-book as an additional source of income. - October 16, 2012 - Community Business College

Prince William County Schools Take Be There Pledge for 2013

Entire Prince William County Public School System adopts a parent involvement campaign to help increase parent engagement and student achievement across system. This is an important step in Be There's history as it opens up a Virginia market that will spread, based on this flagship county. - October 16, 2012 - Voss & Associates

Can Students Handle the Jump in Academic Standards in the First Year of EBacc Implementation? Tutors International Warn of Curriculum Knowledge Gaps

The first students will sit the new EBaccs in 2017, but Tutors International warn that pupils may need help from private tutors in earlier years to help them prepare them for the academically tougher exams. - October 16, 2012 - Tutors International

Over 40 and Totally Worthy - Queendom Research Shows That Older Women Have Better Self-Esteem Than Younger Women

Queendom.com's latest study indicates that for women, self-esteem and self-love tend to get better with age. - October 15, 2012 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Bridgeway Academy Provides Assistance for Hesitant Homeschoolers

Students and Parents Find Answers Through Bridgeway’s Help Hotline. Bridgeway Academy offers help for homeschoolers with their toll free Homeschool Help hotline and their free Learning Style Assessment. - October 14, 2012 - Bridgeway Homeschool Academy

Careerlinecourses Australia Announces New Special Package Promo for October 2012

Careerlinecourses Australia is the leading Open Institution online education courses provider in Australia, with more than 300 online courses to choose from and top of line tutors for collaborative online education classes experience. - October 14, 2012 - Careerlinecourses Australia

Forbidden Fruit - Queendom Research Reveals Which Gender is More Likely to Give Into Temptation

Queendom.com's latest study indicates that when it comes to being disciplined and making healthy life changes, men tend to have a stronger resolve. - October 13, 2012 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Upside Learning to Bust Mobile Learning Myths Through a Webinar

Titled, "Busting 7 Mobile Learning Myths," the Upside Learning webinar is scheduled on 22nd October, 2012 at 11AM EDT. - October 13, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Campbell Law School Names New Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving

Alumna Megan West Named New Director - October 13, 2012 - Campbell Law

Cary Innovation Center Hosts BOOM! IdeaSlam® on Wednesday, Oct. 17

Organization Invites “Boomerpreneurs” to Share Business Ideas and Expertise in Conjunction with BOOM! Magazine. - October 13, 2012 - Cary Innovation Center

Second Annual Triangle Chef Showdown Raises 100,000 Meals for Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC

The Chef’s Academy’s Annual Charity Event Draws 700 Attendees as Chef Ryan Payne Tops the Competition - October 13, 2012 - The Chef's Academy

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