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Within Education
e-Learning for Kids Selected as One of the Learning! 100 Winners for 2011
Elearning! Media Group (EMG), publishers of Elearning! and Government Elearning! magazines, has included e-Learning for Kids, as one of the Learning! 100 Award recipients. EFK is a global 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation that provides 200+ free computer based learning courses for children 5-12. Subject areas include Math, Science, Language Arts, Computers, Health, Life and Environmental Skills. More than 2.3 million children were reached in 2010. - May 06, 2011 - e-Learning for Kids
Students at Stevens Gain Start-Up Experience
CADeyes, a new technology developed at Stevens Institute of Technology is capable of creating 2 and 3-dimensional maps of buildings with ease at a low cost. Now, Business and Technology students at Stevens are mapping their own futures, using the experience they gained with a start-up company... - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
A-Plus Senior Computer Has Released 2 New Models to Their Line-Up of Computers for Seniors
A-Plus Senior Computer has just added 2 new models to their lineup of easy to use computers for seniors. - May 06, 2011 - Computer Tutor Plus, Inc
Derby College Opens Broomfield Gardens to Public
Derby College’s Broomfield Hall is opening its grounds to the public on Sunday May 15 as part of the National Gardens Scheme. Visitors can enjoy guided garden tours and nature walks, meet the College’s horticultural experts for gardening advice and visit Broomfield Hall’s small... - May 06, 2011 - Derby College
Cheaper, Greener, Alternative Energy Storage at Stevens
Students at Stevens Institute of Technology are working on a supercapacitor that will allow us to harness more solar energy through biochar electrodes for supercapacitors, resulting in a cleaner, greener planet. - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevens Center for Science Writings Gives Green Book Award to James Hansen
On April 27, the Center for Science Writings (CSW) at Stevens Institute of Technology presented its annual Green Book Award to leading climatologist Dr. James Hansen, for his 2010 book Storms of My Grandchildren. Following the award presentation by CSW Director John Horgan, Dr. Hansen treated the... - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Fuentek Consultants Participate In Three Sessions at AUTM Eastern Region Meeting
University Technology Transfer Professionals Discuss Economic Development, Symbiotic Innovation, and Social Media Tools - May 06, 2011 - Fuentek, LLC
Knowledge Mosaic Offers Free Access to Upgraded Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Tracker
Knowledge Mosaic's newly upgraded Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Tracker offers powerful searching, customizable alerts, and vital resources all from a single page. This flexible tool is fully functional for all Knowledge Mosaic subscribers, a free version is also available allowing anyone to track rule changes and more. - May 05, 2011 - Knowledge Mosaic Inc.
Actor Jeff Fahey Joins Friends Forever’s Global Advisory Council
Friends Forever, a 501c3 organization whose mission is to promote trust and understanding among cultures in conflict on both local and international levels, announced today that actor Jeff Fahey has joined the Friends Forever Global Advisory Council. “Jeff Fahey is recognized globally for... - May 05, 2011 - Friends Forever USA
Tim Howard Invites Americans to Help a Cause and Organization Close to His Heart
Proceeds from “Team Up with Tim Howard” raffle to benefit the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome. - May 05, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
Kids In Need Foundation Receives $25,000 Grant from Staples Foundation for Learning
Funds will support free school supplies for Denver students. - May 05, 2011 - Kids In Need Foundation
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Study Guide Offered in New Special Section
Leading Provider of Healthcare Certification Courses Offers Helpful Tools and Tips to Study for Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support Exams. - May 05, 2011 - Health Education Solutions
Barbizon Announces Annual College Scholarship Recipient
Barbizon Annual $100,000 College Scholarship Awarded to Michigan Student - May 05, 2011 - Barbizon International
Bryant & Stratton College Online Launches Military Spouse Resource Website
Expanded website will serve as the online source for higher education and career news for military spouses. - May 05, 2011 - Bryant & Stratton College Online
New Aujas Phishing Diagnostic Solution Helps Companies Assess and Remediate Phishing Risks
Phishing and other cyber attacks are headline news and a continual cause for deep concern - if not paranoia - for any company that has data and an IT infrastructure to protect. The recently released Aujas Phishing Diagnostic Tool enables organizations to assess and improve their preparedness against social engineering and phishing attacks. - May 05, 2011 - Aujas Networks
Auscultation Reference Guide for 100 Heart and Lung Sounds
MedEdu, LLC ( has created a free auscultation reference guide on its web site. Users are presented with a visual index of over 100 heart and lung abnormalities. For each sound, the user can listen to a real or simulated audio recording. Also available are listening tips for... - May 05, 2011 - MedEdu, LLC
Orange Park High School Alumni Still Helping Teachers
The Class of 1981 has a history of supporting teachers. This year, they are planning their 30th high school reunion and are soliciting local businesses for sponsorships in order to raise money for their old school during a time of school budget cuts. - May 05, 2011 - Orange Park High School Class of 1981 Reunion
Lifetime Adoption Founder and CEO, Mardie Caldwell Announces a New Book, "Called to Adoption - A Christian’s Guide to Answering the Call"
Recognized adoption expert and adoptive mother, Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P. and Founder of Lifetime Adoption Center introduces her fifth book, "Called to Adoption – A Christian’s Guide to Answering the Call," providing facts and guidelines to help Christian families learn about the process of adoption. - May 04, 2011 - Lifetime Adoption
Virtual Researcher On Call (VROC) Inspires Students to Get Excited About Science
The British Columbia government has authorized a videoconferencing pilot project for schools in the province for the remainder of the 2010/11 academic year. The project, which is supported by a Year of Science grant, will help teachers communicate exciting scientific discoveries and academic research to their students. Classrooms will use existing videoconferencing technology to connect real-time with scientists and researchers. - May 04, 2011 - Virtual Researcher On Call
Champion Wrestler Chases MMA Dream at R1 Gym in Los Angeles
Champion wrestler, Mark Dickman, decides to take the leap of faith and relocate to the R1 Training Center in the ‘City of Champions,’ Inglewood, CA. - May 04, 2011 - R1 Mgt
Public Speaking Club Launches New Member Drive
ADP Toastmasters, a public speaking training club is launching a drive to introduce more people to the many benefits of involvement in Toastmasters. - May 04, 2011 - ADP Toastmasters
Three-Time Olympian Opens the Doors to First Flo Fusion Fitness Center in San Diego, Offering San Diegans the Opportunity to "Train Like an Olympian"
Dr. Flora Hyacinth Hosts Grand Opening Event of Flo Fusion Fitness, Combining Yoga, Pilates and Resistance Training to Help Individuals Gain Comprehensive Wellness of the Body from the Inside Out and Learn to “Train Like An Olympian.” - May 04, 2011 - Flo Fusion Fitness
The Crucible Announces Inferno: A Fire Circus
“Hottest Show on Earth” to include fire-breathing acrobats, live music and more - May 04, 2011 - The Crucible
Maryland Charter Schools Celebrate National Charter School Week May 2-6, 2011
In recognition of National Charter School Week, May 2-6, Governor O’Malley has proclaimed this week Maryland Charter School Week. Across the state, many Maryland Charter Schools will open their doors on Friday, May 6, 2011 from 9-10 am for visiting. In addition, the Maryland State Department of Education will host a display in their main lobby during the week, spotlighting several charter schools. - May 04, 2011 - Maryland Charter School Network
Wave Medical Strengthens Support in the Middle East with Local Drug Names, World’s Leading Drug Database Now Supports UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
Wave Medical, the leading provider of developer drug data and clinical decision support information and technology for healthcare systems and professionals, today announced the support of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain trades and nomenclatures. “I have been very pleased by... - May 04, 2011 - Wave Medical
BodyFit Worldwide, a Lexington, KY Based Company Now Offers Personal Training Online, Complete with Nutrition, Videos, Demonstrations and Support Groups
The online resource offers a personal fitness trainer 24/7 and workout regimens designed to meet the needs of the consumer. It’s fitness where you want and when you want. BodyFit Worldwide has quickly understood what it takes to keep up with the ever changing and busy consumer. The site offers a great alternative to a typical brick and mortar fitness club. Nutrition, videos, support groups, and professional training are in demand. - May 04, 2011 - BodyFit Worldwide
Stevens Senior Design Team Builds Business Model for Online Deception Detection Technology
A Stevens Senior Design Team took 3rd place in Student Elevator Pitch Competition with their business plan and presentation for the software ScamScout, a deception detection program for Web users. - May 04, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Free Resume and Cover Letter Guides for Aspiring Management Consultants, an interview skills training company in the management consulting industry announces free consulting resume and consulting cover letter guides for aspiring consultants. In today's challenging economy, the unemployment rate is much higher for workers entering the workforce for the... - May 04, 2011 - Case Interview
Teich Garden Systems Installs 10 Gardens at Boys & Girls Clubs Around the Country for Comcast Cares Day
Teich Garden Systems announced the opening of 10 Good Food Gardens at Boys & Girls Clubs across the country this past weekend. The 10 gardens, a joint undertaking of The Food Network and Comcast Communications, commemorate the 10th anniversary of Comcast Cares Day, in which thousands of Comcast... - May 04, 2011 - Teich Garden Systems
Moms in Business Unite Extends San Diego Conference Early Bird Rate; Save Big by Registering Before May 15
Moms in Business Unite has extended the early bird rate for its August 3 San Diego conference until May 15. - May 04, 2011 - Moms in Business Unite
International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Chapters Announce 2011 Tools & Technology Symposium – East
Unique Event Being Held at Microsoft Briefing Center in New York City May 24-25, 2011 - May 04, 2011 - IAOP
Online Marketing Excellence Re-Launches Flagship Website
Online Marketing Excellence announced today the relaunch of its flagship website, The site is now using the popular Kajabi web platform to host all of its online video content which provides consumers with a comprehensive online marketing training course. - May 04, 2011 - Online Marketing Excellence
DIG Coaching Practice Presents Attention Talk Radio with Dr. Roberto Olivardia on ADHD, Weight, and Eating Disorders on May 11
Host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia, instructor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, on the topic of ADHD, weight gain, and eating disorders. Dr. Olivardia reviews the research and explains why those with ADHD are more prone to weight issues, obesity, and eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. They also discuss the many ADHD challenges like sleep deprivation, impulsivity, and distractibility. - May 03, 2011 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC
Private High School in Broward, Drama Program Receives Superior Ratings at State Festival
The Sagemont School Drama Production of Dracula received straight Superior ratings in all categories at Florida State Thespian Festival in Tampa and has received numerous Cappies nominations. The program is flourishing under the direction of Elizabeth Garrard. Her knowledge and experience has helped the school’s thespian program receive top rankings at competitions this year. - May 03, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools
New Jersey Celebrity Personal Trainer Carey Yang Reveals 7 Simple Calorie-Blasting, Fat-Burning Strategies to Build a Beach-Ready Body
Morris County, New Jersey celebrity personal trainer, leading nutrition and fitness expert Carey Yang reveals 7 simple quick-fixes to burn extra 500 calories a day, slim down and shape up to beach-ready body. - May 03, 2011 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training
Oil & Gas Training Classes in the Energy Shale Plays
ARWA - American Right of Way Associates announced today that due to the demands of the oil and gas companies currently drilling in Texas, ARWA will hold Two Energy Shale Training Classes on Saturday, May 9th, 2011 at the Barnett Shale Training Center in Fort Worth Texas. The first class is titled... - May 02, 2011 - American Right of Way Associates
SDA Bocconi and Bulgari, a Luxury Partnership for the MBA
The first MBA in Europe with a specialization in luxury business management is launched: an international track reserved for 20 participants. Applications by 2011, April 30th. - May 02, 2011 - SDA Bocconi
The New Way to Learn English
EASY, the ESL Series launches new online classroom for English learners. - May 02, 2011 - EASY, the ESL Series
The Results of Survival Strategies’ Study on Insurance Reimbursements Reveals Uncommon Growth and Expansion
The CEO of Survival Strategies, Inc., Craig Ferreira just announced the findings of the study he conducted on the results of their Insurance Reimbursements Training and Implementation Program. The study was done on a cross section of clients who had completed the program in 17 states across the U.S. - May 02, 2011 - Survival Strategies Inc.
Math Concentration Offers Free Math Boot Camp This Summer
Project UNITEE is an online boot camp, targeted, worldwide summer remediation program for middle school students who struggle with math. - May 02, 2011 - Math Concentration
Meritnation Launches BBA Test Pack Containing 50 Model Test Papers
Applect Learning System’s educational website, has recently launched aBBA Test Pack for classes XI & XII. - May 02, 2011 - Meritnation
Golf Book for Beginners is Now Available to Libraries
"Everyday Golfer’s Guide to Shooting Lower Scores," a book aimed at helping the novice golfer, is now available to public libraries. Quality Books, Inc., a well know distributor to the library community, has selected the book for distribution. The author, Mick Gyure, is... - May 02, 2011 - Everyday Golfers Guide
Baby Fingers Announce Dads Can Participate in All "Mommy and Me" Classes
NYC Baby Fingers is a collection of classes and webinars aimed toward aiding the development in young children, while increasing communication between families. Baby Fingers focuses on a combination of American Sign Language and music to allow parents to communicate more fluently with toddlers... - May 01, 2011 - Baby Fingers
The New Maurice J. Moyer Academy
Moyer Academy receives new charter and opens its doors to new students. - May 01, 2011 - The New Maurice J. Moyer Academy
Allegro Music and Dance School Announcing Fundraising Concert for Japan: Music School Fundraiser May 22, 2011 and Summer Program Announcements
Allegro Music and Dance School has just announced a fundraising event on May 22, 2011. The proceeds of their spring concert will benefit Japan. The students at the music school are looking forward to raising funds for relief efforts, which will go toward assisting Japanese survivors and families of the recent earthquakes and tsunami disasters. - May 01, 2011 - Allegro Music and Dance School
Issue 7 of Digital Forensics Magazine Out in May
TR Media, who publish the quarterly magazine, Digital Forensics Magazine, say that Issue 7 looks set to continue where Issue 6 left off, with the magazine containing features and articles that continue to look at the many, varied aspects of digital forensics. - May 01, 2011 - Digital Forensics Magazine
Tennessee Stakeholders Tackle Offshoring of STEM Workforce: White House Meets Tennessee’s Industry & Education Leaders
Science and technology is at core of national security and economic vitality. The White House called for an all-hands-on-deck approach by creative public-private partnerships - such as the local initiative started in Tennessee. The representative for major U.S. corporations' CEOs cited a “misalignment” between the knowledge and skills required for workforce demands, while local business leaders cited STEM as a shared community value needed to spur the economy by developing local STEM talent. - April 30, 2011 - STEMdiversity, LLC
Stevens Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Team Gears Up for Formula SAE Race
Stevens Formula SAE Racecar team is gearing up for the SAE International student competition on May 11-14 in Brooklyn, Michigan. - April 30, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Fifth Annual T-Mobile Granite Bowl at Southern New Hamsphire University Raises $2,000 for Team Emma's Enchantment
The fifth annual T-Mobile Granite Bowl flag football event took place on Sunday, April 17th, at Southern New Hampshire University and Derryfield School. Due to the hard work and generous donations from sponsors and participants alike, the T-Mobile Granite Bowl staff is proud to donate $2,000 to... - April 30, 2011 - Southern New Hampshire University Granite Bowl
Agent Productivity Platform Provider Knowlagent Sponsors at-Home Strategies for Success Workshop Series
Workshops Provide “How-To” Advice on Developing and Executing at-Home Agent Strategies - April 30, 2011 - Knowlagent, Inc.