Cooking Up Some Fun with New Kid's Music CD: Shake and Bake, Songs About Fitness and Food

Childhood obesity rates are reaching mammoth proportions. Parents, teachers, and medical personal are wondering what steps to take in order to fight the fat. Caroline and Danny are trying to help with their new CD about good eating habits, exercise. - June 18, 2008 - Caroline Figiel

AJ Novick Group, Inc. Updates Their World Class Online Anger Management Classes

The AJ Novick Group develops new updates to their state of the art online anger management classes. - June 18, 2008 - AJ Novick Group- Stress and Anger Management

Valleywide Outdoor Fitness Boot Camp Braves the Arizona Heat

If you can’t beat it, learn to love it. Ultimate Body Boot Camp continues their challenging co-ed programs outside. - June 18, 2008 - Ultimate Body Boot Camp, LLC

Accelerated Elementary French Track Opens for Valley Children in 1st-3rd Grades

The International School of Arizona has designed a new hybrid program that will allow valley children in first, second and third grades to learn in a foreign language immersion environment while following curriculum from Arizona and Europe. New students will gain the benefit of becoming bilingual... - June 18, 2008 - International School of Arizona

The Next Level Fitness Solutions - Personal Trainer Education for Today

The Next Level Fitness Solutions, founded by Darrin Nicoli, brings a fresh, new training approach to the personal trainer and his or her business in the fitness industry. Stop doing things as a personal trainer just because "that's the way it's always been done" and take your business to the next level. - June 18, 2008 - The Next Level Fitness Solutions

Internetwork Expert Instructor Brian Dennis Passes Voice CCIE Lab, Becomes 5-Time CCIE

Brian Dennis of Internetwork Expert has passed Cisco Sytem’s Voice Lab Exam making him one of an elite group of networkers in the world with five CCIE certifications. - June 18, 2008 - Internetwork Expert

Ashworth University Announces 2008 Graduation Ceremony

Ashworth University has announced that its 2008 Graduation Ceremony will commence August 9 at the Hilton Hotel in Norcross, GA. A leader in distance education, Ashworth will host recent graduates from each of its high school, career school and university diploma and degree programs (university is... - June 18, 2008 - Ashworth College

Ashworth University Issued Charter for International Honor Society

Ashworth University has been selected by The Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) to represent the academic achievements of students with a charter membership in the Delta Epsilon Tau International Honor Society for Distance Learning. As first chapter in the state of Georgia, Ashworth... - June 18, 2008 - Ashworth College

RapideL-i Now Enables Complete Design Flexibility for eLearning Developers

RapideL-i, the internet-based rapid e-learning tool innovated by Brainvisa has recently added a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) template for complete design flexibility. - June 18, 2008 - Brainvisa

Anger Management Expert is Keynote Speaker at 2008 Statewide Law Enforcement Conference

Breaking News: The California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) has selected Dr. Ari Novick, Ph.D as their keynote speaker and presenter for the 28th Annual Conference in October 2008. - June 18, 2008 - AJ Novick Group- Stress and Anger Management

Regulatory Arbitrage Opportunities for Hedge Funds - Hotel Baur au Lac, Zurich

Regulatory Arbitrage Opportunities for Hedge Funds - Hotel Baur au Lac, Zurich

A unique presentation for Hedge Fund / Portfolio Managers and Analysts who are open to innovative, creative, non-formulaic, non-algorithmic strategies like regulatory arbitrage. - June 17, 2008 - Compliance LLC

Fitness Foundry Releases 'Maximum Boost Workout© Metabolic Disruption Training eBook

Fitness Foundry's new Maximum Boost Workout© Metabolic Disruption Training eBook introduces anaerobic programs for weight loss, complete body transformation & overcoming training plateaus. An 8 Week Body Sculpting Program complete with a resting metabolic rate assessment chapter, SMR Foam Rolling techniques to promote muscle recovery, nutrition diary and weekly workout planner for optimal results. - June 17, 2008 - Fitness Foundry

New Book from CassBeth "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

Could it be that a reasonable approach to deal with Global Warming is offered in a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"? Our Science, Innovation, Technology, Engineering and Art are breaking down just when we need it to ramp up. Few realize that... - June 17, 2008 - CassBeth

INCOSE Links to a New Book from CassBeth "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

The 18th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on System Engineering for the Planet links to a new book from CassBeth "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering." The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is holding its 18th annual... - June 17, 2008 - CassBeth

National Software Company Secures Substantial Layer of Long-Term Financing, Set to Pursue New Capital and Growth Strategies

Data Futures, author of the CareScope Community Health and LunchBox School Nutrition software products, has closed on a long-term financing arrangement. The company will now seek partnerships, acquisitions and market expansion to advance its product lines. - June 17, 2008 - Data Futures, Inc.

Little Pines Multimedia Launches New 24/7 Online Sailing Lessons Website

A sailing website providing access to sailing lessons anytime, anywhere for any level of sailing. - June 17, 2008 - Little Pines Multimedia

Important Court Decisions and Other Developments Lead to New Employment and Labor Law Series Commencing June 2008

Celesq® AttorneysEd Center today announced an important new series covering the latest news and recent trends in Employment and Labor Law. Presented by experienced labor and employment attorneys in the Chicago office of law firm Vedder Price P.C., the series will combine up-to-the minute legal... - June 16, 2008 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center

Kevin Smith Brings a Broad Range of Experience to ActionCOACH in Texas

Kevin Smith describes himself as a good “business fire-fighter” and is ready to extinguish the pains of small-to-medium sized businesses. - June 15, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Ziyad Maricar is the Newest ActionCOACH in Penang, Malaysia

Ziyad Maricar has joined Radin Ikram’s business coaching firm in Penang, Malaysia. - June 15, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Stewart MacDougall is the Newest ActionCOACH Business Coach in Scotland

MacDougall believes that becoming an ActionCOACH will provide him with the framework to not only achieve his goals but also help others achieve theirs. - June 15, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Business Case Development Improved with New Glomark-Governan Offering

Glomark-Governan, the leading provider of business case solutions for sales, marketing, product development and IT organizations, has announced the first content update to the “EVC™ Practice Assurance” program. - June 15, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

Ashworth University Introduces Post-Secondary International Bridge Program

Ashworth University, recently announced the addition of an International Bridge program to its post-secondary degree offerings. One of only a select few domestic programs of its type, Ashworth’s International Bridge Program has been specifically designed for students holding a three year... - June 15, 2008 - Ashworth College

Australian Flight School Set to Accept International Pilot Students

The surging growth of the worldwide aviation industry has caused a critical pilot shortage which has encouraged Pacific Flight Services to open its doors to international flight training students, according to rumors. - June 15, 2008 - Pacific Flight Services

Top Ten Reasons for Students Opting for Home Study

Europe’s leading IT home study college SkillsTrain has come up with the top ten reasons why students opt for studying at home, with career advancement being the most frequent reason and the need to earn while they learn being almost as high in the list. For mature students, the fear of returning to a conventional college and the need to fit skills around a family are also significant concerns. - June 15, 2008 - SkillsTrain

Talent Agency and Film School Join Forces to Discover Spanish Speaking Actors

Talent Agency and Film School Join Forces to Discover Spanish Speaking Actors

Westbridge Film School and 'Normal People' talent agency have issued a call to discover 18 Spanish speaking persons and grant them a full scholarship to become successful actors for film. At the end of their studies, they will be recruited by the agency and offered to participate in real life projects. - June 14, 2008 - Westbridge University

“Communication is the Key” Claims Cunningham

ActionCOACH recognized for relationship expertise. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Project BLUE Teams Up with The Art Institute to Give Students Real World Experience

Students will design projects that promote the Surfrider Foundation initiative, project BLUE. - June 14, 2008 - The Art Institute of California -- Orange County

Quantix Achieve Record Month During May 2008

Quantix Ltd, a leading UK IT Managed Service provider, recently announced record monthly figures. Total sales revenue of over £1.5 million was achieved during May 2008 and came on the back of winning a number of significant projects. Since its formation in 2002, Quantix has continued to grow... - June 14, 2008 - Quantix UK

Fuentek Promotes Jack Spain to Senior Consultant

Laura A. Schoppe, president of Fuentek, LLC (, has announced that Jack Spain has been promoted to senior consultant with the firm. In his new position, Spain serves as the client lead for the NASA Kennedy Space Center, NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center... - June 14, 2008 - Fuentek, LLC

Cortiva Institute - Chicago Blends Business Savvy with Inspiration at “Managing Your Spa in a Changing Environment” Conference

In recognition of the continued expansion of the massage therapy and spa industries, paired with declining numbers of people seeking body work in the current economic climate, Cortiva Institute has designed a leading edge conference to be held in Chicago on July 31st and August 1st called “Managing Your Spa in a Changing Environment.” - June 14, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy

The E-Learning Lingo Show Discusses "Chaining" as a Training Technique

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a training theory used in e-Learning, “chaining.” - June 14, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc. Your Source for Maritime News & Information, the Internet’s newest online portal for maritime news and information, was launched today. The site provides a comprehensive source of information for mariners spanning the recreational, commercial, and governmental sectors by featuring breaking maritime news, articles and blogs... - June 14, 2008 - Confident Captain/Ocean Pros

Ceroc Dancer and Instructor Dave Prescott is Ready to Orchestrate his Business Coaching Career

Dave Prescott bids farewell to the corporate sector in the UK and joins the ActionCOACH business coaching firm. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Alan Ottinger is the Newest ActionCOACH in Pennsylvania

Being a private pilot for 23 years has taken Ottinger to several interesting places and introduced him to many fascinating people. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Cam Business Solutions Launches Redesigned Green Newsletter on June 12, 2008

CAM Business Solutions, an award-winning, full service IT and business solutions company, is proud to launch its completely redesigned Green Newsletter in response to positive feedback from its readership. - June 14, 2008 - CAM Business Solutions

Sports Enthusiast Willie Donald Improves His Business Game by Joining ActionCOACH in the Scottish Capital

Willie Donald believes that as we move towards “greener” lifestyles, more people will favor small-to-medium sized businesses. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Daniel Zimanski is the Newest ActionCOACH in Louisiana

Daniel Zimanski’s high performance standards allowed him to climb up the corporate ladder rather steadily. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Keith Beddingfield Joins ActionCOACH with a Vision to Build His Own Firm in the Near Future

Keith Beddingfield sees huge potential in business coaching with many small business owners looking for help in making their businesses more successful. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

ActionCOACH’s Ex-Client Nathan McDonald Starts His Career as an ActionCOACH Business Coach in Australia

Upon receiving world-class coaching from an ActionCOACH in his own business, Nathan McDonald decided to join the company as an ActionCOACH Business Coach. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Jo Pickles Joins ActionCOACH in England

Jo Pickles believes, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” So unless you are happy for your business to be in the same place in a few years’ time – do something about it now. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Balance in Life Does Not Mean Walking a High Wire

ActionCOACH Tim Rooney receives ActionMAN award. - June 14, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Summer Day Camp for Teens is a Beautiful Experience

Summer Day Camp for Teens is a Beautiful Experience

All About Me Beauty Camp builds character, ethics, confidence and self esteem though developing inner and outer beauty for 13 - 17 year old teens. - June 13, 2008 - All About Me Beauty Camp

Storming Robots Announces First Robocon Technology Learning Center to Host Student Robotics Exhibition

Storming Robots Announces First Robocon Technology Learning Center to Host Student Robotics Exhibition

As part of its continuing mission of furthering science and engineering education through hands-on robotics instruction, Storming Robots Technology Learning Center is pleased to announce the first RoboCon, an exhibition of robotics projects to be held Saturday, June 21st. RoboCon will highlight the accomplishments of students ranging from grade 2 to 12, as they present the culmination from 1 to 9 month of robotics achievement, including individual and team projects. - June 13, 2008 - Storming Robots, LLC

Elicitus Authoring Tool Announces New Version

Trendy Looking Version 7.0 Adds Voiceover Recording, Enhances User Experience. - June 13, 2008 - Harbinger Knowledge Products Inc.

TechBiz Connection Presents Panel Discussion on How to Make Money in Broadband Media

TechBiz Connection ( will host a distinguished panel of business leaders and innovators who will discuss how to make money in broadband media at its monthly forum on Wednesday, June 18 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM at The Student Center at the University of California,... - June 12, 2008 - TechBiz Connection

Free 17-Page Report on "How to Get a Better Job" Released by Marketing Guru Drayton Bird

What are the most common mistakes people make when they want to get a marketing job? What are the most valuable lessons to learn? Marketing guru Drayton Bird, who has hired, trained and inspired some of the world's best known marketers, reveals all the secrets in his free report “How to get a better job.” - June 12, 2008 - EADIM - the European Academy of Direct and Interactive Marketing Studies

StraighterLine to Exhibit at CCA Convention & Exposition in Las Vegas

StraighterLine (, a new online education solution that provides students a high quality, better supported, and lower cost way to obtain college credits through regionally accredited colleges and universities, has announced that its representatives will participate in the... - June 12, 2008 - StraighterLine

Essential Skills Make a Deal with the NLP Company

Agreement was finalised between Tom Vizzini from Essential Skills and Rintu Basu of The NLP Company in May. The NLP Company have agreed to promote Essential Skills products and services. The NLP Company provide a blend of Hypnosis, Accelerated Learning and NLP applications. As such Essential... - June 12, 2008 - The NLP Company to Sponsor Free Hula Hoop™ Demos in 2008

New Kids’ Fitness Program Will Encourage Life-Long Health. - June 12, 2008 -

Emantras Partners with Odyssey Press to Implement REED Platform

REED users will have the opportunity to order professional quality print versions of full edition books and journals, along with individual book chapters or journal articles. - June 12, 2008 - Emantras

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