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NATF Hosts Yuri Rasovsky's Master Class in Audio Drama Directing
NATF to host award winning audio theatre producer/writer Yuri Rasovsky's Master Class: Principles of Directing Actors for Audio Drama New York City, September, 2008 - May 15, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.
Willamette Radio Workshop Joins NATF's Audio Theater Workshop
Sam Mowry and Cynthia McGean of the Willamette Radio Workshop will lead classes in the 27th Annual Audio Theater Workshop in West Plains, MO, June 22-27, 2008. - May 15, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.
Brian Jordan, Deidra Dukes and Other Local Celebrities Join Junior Achievement of Georgia to Celebrate "JA Day"
Local celebrities including former Atlanta Brave and Falcon Brian Jordan, Fox 5 news anchor Deidra Dukes, radio personalities Murph Dawg & CJ from 95.5 The Beat, Mixx Master Mitch from KISS 104.1 and others will join Junior Achievement of Georgia to celebrate “JA Day” on Thursday,... - May 15, 2008 - Junior Achievement of Georgia
The Need for Certified IT Pros Fuels Growth
Business grows with need for certified IT professionals. - May 15, 2008 - Interactive Study Systems
Rapid Fitness, Inc. Announces Its Company Shareholder Update
New Structure - Rapid Fitness, Inc. (Pink Sheets: RPDI), announces its company shareholder update. - May 14, 2008 - Rapid Fitness, Inc Helps Employees and Business Owners Find 100 Extra Minutes in Their Work Week celebrates the publication of its 100th newsletter by focusing upon time management and issuing a 100 Minute Challenge to readers and site visitors. - May 14, 2008 - Mind Tools Ltd
First Annual Parenting Party - at The Airport
Join Happy Healthy Hip Parenting for the First Annual Parenting Party taking off from the airport lounge in Little Italy on Thursday, May 22nd. - May 14, 2008 - Happy Healthy Hip Parenting
Black Former Williams Advisory Coach Morris King, Jr. to be Featured on "Black Tennis Pro's"
Black world class professional tennis coach Morris King, Jr. will be featured on the inaugural "Wednesday Coaches Corner" on the "Black Tennis Pro's" blogsite. - May 14, 2008 - MAGIAN World Class Tennis
Junior Achievement Helps "Recession-Proof" Georgia’s Youth
Considering the economic concerns of many Georgians, ranging from the mortgage and credit crises to company layoffs and an unemployment rate that exceeds the national average, Junior Achievement of Georgia is teaching students as early as kindergarten the skills to manage their own financial matters. - May 14, 2008 - Junior Achievement of Georgia
Art Institute Fashion Show Benefits American Heart Association
Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Annual Fashion Show Electrifies the Runway - May 14, 2008 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
SkillsTrain Introduces New 'Home Study' Linux Course
To meet the growing demand for Linux Systems Support Engineers, Administrators and Developers, Europe’s largest blended learning IT company, SkillsTrain, has introduced a new Linux+ course, encompassing the CompTIA Linux+ examination and enabling existing IT professionals to study and qualify around existing work and personal commitments. - May 14, 2008 - SkillsTrain
Children of the Dump Celebrates Ten Years of Helping the Children
The Children of the Dump celebrates ten years of helping the poor children of Puerto Vallarta receive an education. - May 14, 2008 - Children of the Dump
Art Institute Instructor Wins Animation Award
Randy Gossman teaches at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and pays homage to classic cartoons. - May 14, 2008 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
Former Lions Players Teaching for a Cause
Former Lion’s offensive lineman, Lomas Brown will be holding football performance enhancement camps for kids 7-18 years old. The camps will be held in the Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit and Adrian areas throughout the months of June and July. Former players in attendance at the camps will... - May 14, 2008 - Lo B Sports
Tripping the Mic Fantastic with Barbara Rosenblat at NATF's 27th Annual Audio Theater Workshop
Barbara Rosenblat, one of the most revered voice actors in the country, brings her two day masterclass to NATF's Annual Audio Theatre Workshop in West Plains, MO, June 22-27, 2008. - May 14, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.
Women in the Workforce Seek CD Resources to Learn While Multi-Tasking
Business Communications Expert Releases CD for Women on How to Thrive Amongst Difficult People. Joy Huber, owner of Joy Huber Presentations, Inc. is releasing CD’s specifically for women in business with time-constraints so they can learn new skills to make more money & reduce their... - May 14, 2008 - Joy Huber Presentations, Inc. (JHPI)
"Cohesive Life Coaching" Helps Working Adults Excel in their Careers and Personal Lives
Moms and Dads struggling to excel as professionals and parents make tremendous gains by partnering with a with a life coach. Powerful Mind Coaching uses research in Psychology and Mind/Body health to support working parents in their careers and improve quality of life for families. Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, Founding Principal of Powerful Mind Coaching, discusses this process of Cohesive Life Coaching and her results. - May 13, 2008 - Powerful Mind Consulting and Coaching, LLC
Praxis Language Launches FrenchPod - A New French Educational Podcast Service
Praxis Language today announced the launch of their highly anticipated new website, FrenchPod is the third online language service to be offered by Praxis Language following the global success of ChinesePod ( and SpanishPod... - May 13, 2008 - Praxis Language Ltd.
Businesses Can Beat Recession by Improving Customer Loyalty. Expert Offers Advice in New Book.
Customer loyalty expert Kevin Stirtz says business leaders should focus less on the economy and more on how they treat their customers, if they want to survive and even thrive in tough economic times. And he's written a book to help them do it. He urges company leaders to focus their resources on... - May 13, 2008 - Stirtz Group Has Finally Released Its Much Anticipated Ebook
The E-book is all-inclusive with handy links to each section. It will download in minutes and can be printed or saved on the customer’s hard drive so he or she can constantly review the free tips it offers. - May 12, 2008 - BestEssayTips
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars (KGIS) Introduces a New Concept in Investment Workshops: Small Group Training with Absolutely No Product Sales
KGIS brings small groups together to learn how to manage their personal or self directed retirement investment programs while vacationing in one of the top golf, tennis, and beach resorts in the US. KGIS sells education, filling the gap between making money and investing it. - May 12, 2008 - Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars
DC AHEC Hosts the 1st Annual "DC African Health and Empowerment Day" Health Event
The DC Area Health Education Center (DC AHEC) in partnership with the DC Mayor’s Office of African Affairs (OAA) is hosting a health event to bring attention to the health, wellness, and medical needs that are unique to the African community in the District of Columbia. The unique needs of the African community must also be met if health care disparities are to be eliminated in the District of Columbia. - May 11, 2008 - District of Columbia Area Health Education Center (DC AHEC)
TechBiz Connection Presents Panel Discussion on Web 2.0 and Social Networking
TechBiz Connection ( will host a distinguished panel of business leaders and innovators who will discuss what Web 2.0 and social networking means for companies and their customers and competitors at its monthly forum on Wednesday, May 21 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM at The Student Center at the University of California, Irvine. - May 11, 2008 - TechBiz Connection
Keller Williams’ Coaching Division Wins Accolade
MAPS department secures distinct honor at PRISM awards - May 11, 2008 - Wiley College
Loqu8 iNterpret Pops-Up Interactive Chinese-English Translations; See, Hear and Understand Chinese as You Glide Your Mouse Over Text
For the first time, understand and learn Chinese as fast as you move your mouse. Today, Loqu8, Inc. launched iNterpret Version 3, an instant Chinese-English translation tool for both casual users scanning Chinese websites and serious students learning Mandarin Chinese. Instant English... - May 11, 2008 - Loqu8, Inc.
Consultant and Business Operator, Doug Dredge Joins the ActionCOACH Team
Doug Dredge is excited about his new role as an ActionCOACH in the state of Utah. - May 11, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Pharmacist and Business Owner, Lori LeBlanc Has Joined ActionCOACH
LeBlanc enjoys mentoring and believes that she has many business and life experiences to share with others through speaking engagements. - May 11, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Michelin VP to Address International Meeting – Use of a Business Simulation in Developing a Worldwide Business Literacy Program
Steve Hunt, Michelin’s VP Travel Publications in North America will be the corporate keynote speaker at Andromeda Training’s Income/Outcome University 2008. Management trainers from five continents will meet with Fortune 500 and university clients of Andromeda, to play a business... - May 11, 2008 - andromeda training, inc
Australasian College Announces First Online Accredited Degrees in Complementary Alternative Medicine
Australasian College of Health Sciences approved to offer unique degree programs in Complementary and Alternative Medicine - May 11, 2008 - American College of Healthcare Sciences
Grass Software Releases Macro Expert 2.9 with Script Encryption and Database Utility
An automation tool is designed to complete those tasks which are repetitive or routine for you. Grass Software Inc. is convinced that the user will be impressed with it. It can greatly simplify the user's work, increase the user's productivity, and save time and money. It can do whatever the user does, from moving the mouse pointer, keystrokes, selecting menus, pressing buttons, launching program, etc. - May 10, 2008 - Grass Software
CEO of a Law Firm, Rolf Howard Has Plunged Into Business Coaching
Lawyer and Financial Planning Expert, Rolf Howard embraces his new role as an ActionCOACH. - May 10, 2008 - ActionCOACH
National Guitar Workshop Launches New Website
The National Guitar Workshop is proud to a new website ( that outlines their 25th season of presenting quality music workshops across the country and featuring guest artists such as Paul Gilbert, John Scofield Trio, Lisa Loeb, Kenny Burrell, Vernon Reid, Sonny Landreth, Michael Angelo Batio and many more. - May 10, 2008 - National Guitar Workshop
Top Business Coach Takes Game to New Level
Ruddle teams up with Robbie Williams, Jude Law and Rod Stewart – as part of “Brit Week” in a celebrity soccer match in Los Angeles. - May 10, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Confident Captain/Ocean Pros Conducts Specialized Training for Bermuda's New Marine Assistance Company, Sea Assist Limited
Newport, RI based Confident Captain/Ocean Pros staff traveled to Bermuda to offer advanced training in advanced techniques for Sea Assist Limited Bermuda's new, and first ever, marine assistance company. - May 10, 2008 - Confident Captain/Ocean Pros
dynaTrace Wins 2008 JAX Innovation Award
Diagnostics software takes prestigious first prize at Java conference. - May 10, 2008 - dynaTrace software
Jim Burwell, of Jim Burwell’s Petiquette Will be Guest Speaker at the Homeless Pet Placement League’s Gala on Friday, May 9, 2008 at Houston City Club
The theme of the event is The Importance of the Human Animal Bond. What better representation of this bond then Houston’s own Dog Whisperer who has trained over 20,000 dogs in 20 years. - May 09, 2008 - Jim Burwell's Petiquette In Home Dog Training
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast #46: “Critical Success Factors”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a term used in performance management, “critical success factors.” - May 09, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Active in the Community, Anne Dodge is Excited About Her New Business Coaching Practice
Anne Dodge is the newest ActionCOACH in Minnesota. - May 09, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Laura A. Schoppe Participates in Venture Capital Investment Competition at Kenan-Flagler Business School
Fuentek, LLC (, a consulting firm that provides intellectual property and technology management services, has announced that Laura A. Schoppe, president of the firm, was a judge in the 2008 Undergraduate Venture Capital Investment Competition (uVCIC) at the Kenan-Flagler Business... - May 09, 2008 - Fuentek, LLC
Agilo for Scrum V.0.6 Released. Improved Sprint Backlog with Dynamic Hierarchy.
The Berlin based agile42 GmbH has released version 0.6 of the Open Source Tool Agilo for Scrum. - May 09, 2008 - agile42
Vyouz Petrolcycle "Bottle Pumps" Will Dramatically Upset Oil Profits But Improve Recycling Rates
The technology to convert plastic into crude oil has been a hot topic since April 2007 when a recycling plant based on Prof Alka Zadgaonkar's methods was set to begin production. Since then the holy grail of recycling has been to find a more compact method of converting used plastic into purer... - May 08, 2008 - Vyouz Ltd
Sports Science Lecture Series Starts at Coastal Sports and Wellness Medical Center
Coastal Sports & Wellness Medical Center announces free monthly Sports Science Lecture Series focusing on sports physiology, injury treatment, prevention and commentary on the latest research for endurance athletes such as triathletes, cyclists, and runners. - May 08, 2008 - Coastal Sports and Wellness Medical Center
Latest LGBT Travel Marketing Research: Train Staff How to Better Serve Gay Market Customers
Most travelers take being able to relax, and feel comfortable being themselves on vacation, entirely for granted. But not so most gays and lesbians, who consistently rate the welcome they receive as a factor critical to the success of their vacation. Now, a new online training accreditation program gives tourism staff the skills they need to understand and allay gay travelers' concerns to experience a truly 'gay-comfortable' vacation. - May 08, 2008 - Out Now
The Paul Green School of Rock Music – Coral Springs “Rocks for the Cure” in Charity Concert
The First Annual “Rock for the Cure” is being held at the SportsPlex @ Coral Springs, 2575 SportsPlex Drive on Saturday, May 31st. The Paul Green School of Rock Music – Coral Springs will kick off the all-day, outdoor music event with a special performance of Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” followed by 12 local bands including nationally touring headliner and Ft. Lauderdale’s own And Then There Was You (Indianola Records). - May 08, 2008 - The Paul Green School of Rock Music
Jerry Akers Brings 32 Years of Managerial Experience to ActionCOACH
Akers believes that his experience coupled with the extraordinary ActionCOACH systems will lead to success in his new endeavor. - May 08, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Teens Travel to Las Vegas to Take a Gamble in the Best Teen Chef Final Round Competition -- Set for May 17
This year’s Best Teen Chef Final Round Competition will be held on Saturday, May 17 at The Art Institute of Las Vegas. - May 08, 2008 - The Art Institutes
Plateau and iLearn Solutions Launch Partnership to Provide iTest Career-Skill Assessments to iContent Customers
iContent (, the industry’s most comprehensive solution for discovering, procuring, deploying and managing talent management content, now provides objective career and job-skill assessments. iLearn Solution’s iTest assessments objectively quantify... - May 08, 2008 - iLearn Solutions
Synergi Group, LLC Presents 2nd Annual Marketing Success Conference for Women Entrepreneurs
The Marketing Success Conference for Women Entrepreneurs Presented by: Synergi Group, LLC More than 100 women entrepreneurs will convene on June 13th in Virginia Beach, Virginia for the largest marketing conference for women in Virginia: Brand University, The Marketing Success... - May 07, 2008 - Synergi Group, LLC
An Accredited Psychological Coaching Programme Runs for the First Time in Gothenburg, Sweden
The Centre for Coaching, London, took its 5-day intensive Certificate in Psychological Coaching programme to Gothenburg, Sweden. The Certificate in Psychological Coaching is Accredited by Middlesex University, UK and Recognised by the Association for Coaching. - May 07, 2008 - Centre for Coaching
Ingram Digital and Oxford University Press Team Up to Make More Titles Available
Today, Ingram Digital announced that it has forged a deal with Oxford University Press to offer hundreds of titles from OUP’s Oxford Scholardship Online series on the MyiLibrary platform. An e-book and digital content aggregation platform, MyiLibrary is host to more than 100,000 titles. Ingram Digital is currently adding approximately 1,000 titles a week to its MyiLibrary inventory. - May 07, 2008 - Ingram Digital