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Within Education
Guaranty Bank Selects the Edcomm Group to Deliver Argo Bankpro System Conversion and Platform Training
Guaranty Bank has selected The Edcomm Group to deliver customized Argo BANKPRO System Conversion and Platform Training for its bank-wide training needs. Guaranty also chose to implement Edcomm’s own Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Link® for hosting and... - October 24, 2006 - The Edcomm Group
Graystone Bank Selects the Edcomm Group to Deliver Teller Training
Graystone Bank has selected The Edcomm Group to deliver Teller training for its bank-wide training needs. Graystone also chose to implement Edcomm’s own LMS, Learning Link® for hosting and maintenance. Achieving Teller Excellence is a comprehensive eLearning training program that... - October 24, 2006 - The Edcomm Group
First Financial Credit Union Chooses the Edcomm Group to Deliver Elder Financial Abuse Compliance Training
First Financial Credit Union has chosen Focus on Elder Financial Abuse for Credit Unions — The Edcomm Group’s eLearning program on Elder Financial Abuse Compliance training — along with Edcomm’s own Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Link® for hosting and... - October 24, 2006 - The Edcomm Group
Columbia Credit Union Selects the Edcomm Group to Deliver Credit Union Compliance Training
Columbia Credit Union has selected The Edcomm Group to deliver Credit Union Compliance training for its training needs. Columbia also chose to implement Edcomm’s own LMS, Learning Link® for hosting and maintenance. Focus on Compliance for Credit Unions, a computer-based,... - October 24, 2006 - The Edcomm Group
Coastal Federal Bank Selects the Edcomm Group to Deliver Banking Compliance Training
Coastal Federal Bank has chosen The Edcomm Group to deliver compliance training for its bank-wide training needs. Coastal Federal Bank is currently under contract with BTCC, but has taken advantage of Edcomm’s “Switch for Compliance Excellence” program. “Switch for... - October 24, 2006 - The Edcomm Group
Expert Helps Reveal the Trade Secrets of Room Redesigns in Just-Released Book
With the craze for home makeovers showing no end in sight, homeowners interested in quick-change room redesigns and home staging have a new resource in the first-ever volume of trade secrets from members of the industry’s professional association, The Interior Redesign Industry Specialists... - October 23, 2006 - Interior Arrangements Welcomes Ileana Almog as their New Preschool Adventures Writer, a network designed specifically for parents and teachers of preschoolers, would like to announce that Ileana Almog, Preschool Adventures writer, has joined their network of preschool parenting websites. - October 22, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.
SyberWorks e-Learning Podcasts: Episode #2 Tips for Writing an Effective Online Survey
SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series, “Tips For Writing An Effective Online Survey.” Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states, “Our second podcast is an... - October 21, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Beautiful Minds Educational & Psychological Services, Inc. Opens Second Location in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX Metroplex
Beautiful Minds Educational & Psychological Services, Inc. of Beverly Hills, California’s most trusted source for education, psychological testing, academic review and analysis, IEP consulting & advocacy, and One-to-One instruction for individuals with Learning Disabilities, today... - October 21, 2006 - Beautiful Minds Educational & Psychological Services, Inc.
New Book "Speaker Survival Guide" Eases Fear of Public Speaking
Spending time rehearsing in and getting used to your speaking venue before your speech is a great way to manage stage fright, according to Deborah Shames and David Booth, co-authors of the new book Speaker Survival Guide. In addition to managing stage fright, the book has tips for warming up,... - October 21, 2006 - Eloqui
Making Life Simple... Again! Professional Organizer Helps the Overwhelmed, Disorganized and Scattered.
Individuals who are stressed and overwhelmed now have some help in the form of a six month e-course by Patty Kreamer. - October 19, 2006 - Kreamer Connect, Inc.
SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcasts: Episode #2 Interview with John Preble, VP of
SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series, “Interview with John Preble, VP of” (Southeastern Building Trades Associates,... - October 19, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Animated E-Book "Meet the Flash"
Andrei Doubrovski has released an animated e-book "Meet the Flash" intended for Flash beginners. To speed-up the learning every lesson is packed with a movie clip, showing some practical usage of the wordy lesson. - October 19, 2006 -
CEFE Rolls Out a Four-Point Community Character & Ethics Program
A program to create and install effective and meaningful character and integrity training, not only among educators, but among the community’s leadership, their associates, co-workers and citizens at large. - October 19, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.
“Spring Forward, Fall Back” and Other Mnemonic Devices
Wintertime is coming! Should the clock go forward or backward? This mnemonic device tells us how to adjust the clock on the 29th October. In the fall (autumn) the clock will be set back an hour. This and many other mnemonic devices can be found on DST The concept of... - October 18, 2006 -
Something to Celebrate
October is National Ergonomics Month. The importance of ergonomics in our daily lives is invaluable. Remember, October is National Ergonomics Month. So take a few minutes each day to correct your posture, take frequent rest breaks, stretch, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. - October 16, 2006 - WorK Smart with Ergonomics
Project Management Training Company – Watermark Learning – Reveals Top 5 Challenges Faced by Project Managers
Watermark Learning is coaching project managers on how to communicate effectively with their project team to improve project success rate. - October 16, 2006 - Watermark Learning
Desert Speed School Names Athletic Performance Director
Murray Hicks to Oversee Training - October 16, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Homestay Today's New Landlord - the online resource in matching and pairing international homestay students with their Canadian hosts. It is estimated that over a billon people are currently learning English worldwide. - October 15, 2006 -
Nurse Continuing Education Company Receives Accreditiations
CEU Professor, an internet-based nursing continuing education company, has received two major accreditations. The California Board of Registered Nursing and the Florida Board of Nursing have granted provider approval status to CEU Professor, allowing CEU Professor's courses to be accepted by the nursing boards of all 50 states. - October 14, 2006 - CEU Professor
StudentProspector's Networking Social Site for University and College Admissions Helps Students Find Schools
A student recruitment company called StudentProspector has created a networking social site for university and college admissions that lets student find their ideal school by simply doing what they love to do - hanging out on MySpace. - October 14, 2006 - Educational Directories Unlimited
"Brain Training" Company Predicts Extraordinary Growth with U.S. Net Promoter Score of 69%
LearningRx far surpasses U.S. companies’ median Net Promoter score of 11%. - October 12, 2006 - LearningRx, Inc.
Teachers Discover the Secret to Taking Charge
Some teachers may feel like they’ve tried every trick in the book to maintain control in the classroom – too often to no avail. Unfortunately, teachers may be overlooking one of their most powerful – and available – resources for taking charge. “The secret to... - October 12, 2006 - Renee Grant-Williams
RapideL 3.1 Spells Value for the Moodle Community – It Takes Two to Tango
RapideL, an innovative rapid eLearning content authoring solution, is now seamlessly compatible with Moodle. - October 12, 2006 - Brainvisa
The Online diUlus School of Entrepreneurship Offers Transformational Training
The diUlus School of Entrepreneurship embodies the quintessential entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great. - October 11, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.
TeachMeIT Releases Online Course on Fundamentals of Macromedia Flash 8
TeachMeIT, a leading provider of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has released the introductory course on Macromedia Flash 8 Professional. The online course titled ‘Fundamentals of Macromedia Flash 8’ is designed to serve the needs of designers and developers who plan to... - October 11, 2006 - TeachMeIT
Googlescriber™ - Breaking the Learning Barriers with Telephone Learning Software to Solve Crisis in American Classrooms with a Phone, the Web and Video
Telephones, including cell phones, are the most readily available technology, but now Professor Steven Donahue of Miami Dade College has taken telephone use to unprecedented level by developing the Googlescriber™ or a "Write-by-Phone" system. Donahue says of the software, "This... - October 10, 2006 -
National Massage Therapy Institute Promotes Student and Community Interaction
NMTI places great emphasis on not only massage therapy training but also on building solid interpersonal skills during the educational process. - October 10, 2006 - StudyMassage's Top Ten Tips for a 'Spook'tacular Halloween offers their top ten tips for a ‘Spook’tacular Halloween to parents. Activity suggestions are provided for family fun. - October 10, 2006 - Kidding Around Communications, Leading Online Publisher of Parenting Advice & Family Guidance, Hires New Editorial Director
Family Education Network—the leading online publisher of educational expertise, practical guidance and grade specific (K-12) information for teachers, parents, and kids — today announced the hiring of Dottie Enrico as Editorial Director of, the company’s online learning-based site for parents. - October 10, 2006 - Family Education
Cotswold Conference Centre Announces Media Training Masterclasses Offering Crisis Management Training to Organisations of Varying Sizes from a Wide Range of Industries
Health and safety, pensions and employee issues affect every organisation, and when things go wrong, managers and directors can easily find themselves on the end of a reporter's microphone. - October 09, 2006 - Cotswold Conference Centre Ltd Welcomes Monica Paynter as their New Preschool Projects Writer, a network geared towards preschool teachers and parents of preschoolers, would like to announce that Monica Paynter, Preschool Projects writer, has joined their network of preschool parenting websites. Monica Paynter is a freelance writer and mother of two young children. She... - October 09, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.
Software to Provide More Funding for School Districts through Integrated Free and Reduced Approval System
Focal Tech, Inc. is introducing a free and reduced software module to help schools process free and reduced applications for the national school lunch program. The national school lunch program is a Federal program designed to help public schools and nonprofit private schools. This program provides... - October 07, 2006 - Lunchtime Software
Desert Speed School Now Open
Athletic Performance Training Available for Athletes of All Skill Levels - October 06, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Wake Technical Community College Helps Define National Standards
Rob Kimball Contributes to New Standards for Two-Year College Math Instruction - October 06, 2006 - Wake Technical Community College
Wilmington Trust to Sponsor Safe Kids Card Program at the Delaware Home Show in Newark this Weekend
Wilmington Trust will hand out 1000 Safe Kids Cards during the annual home show held at the Bob Carpenter Center October 6-8th. - October 06, 2006 - Safe Kids Card, Inc
Antioch University Santa Barbara Appoints Michael Mulnix, Ph.D., as University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Antioch University Southern California at Santa Barbara has recently appointed Michael Mulnix, Ph.D., a veteran academic scholar, researcher and senior-level administrator as University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. “I am pleased that Michael has joined Antioch... - October 06, 2006 - Antioch University Los Angeles
Internet Payroll Entrepreneur Develops Online Tutorials
Students can learn how to calculate compound interest through a free online tutorial developed by the owner of a payroll outsourcing company. - October 06, 2006 -
Outside the Lines, Inc. Announces the launch of their Annual Wage & Benefits Surveys for the Wine, Full-Service Restaurant & Hotel Industries
Outside the Lines, Inc. (OTL), the Sonoma, CA based Wine & Hospitality Industry consulting firm, has launched their 2006 Wine & Hospitality Industry Wage and Benefits Surveys. These comprehensive surveys are targeted specifically to each individual industry: wine, full-service restaurant... - October 05, 2006 - Community Cafe & Annex Wine Bar
ITpreneurs Ranked Number 11 in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 2006
ITpreneurs has been named the 11th fastest growing technology companies in Deloitte's prestigious Technology Fast 50. Deloitte based the rankings on the percentage of growth in fiscal year revenues over five years, from 2001–2005, which stood at 1776% (CAGR). ITpreneurs, which celebrated its... - October 05, 2006 - ITpreneurs Netherlands BV
CyClops Percussion Announces New Product Line
CyClops Percussion is pleased to announce the addition of new products to their website - October 05, 2006 - CyClops Percussion Welcomes Wendy Michaels as their New Preschool Fitness Writer
Michaels brings professional marketing and web copywriting experience and her passion for fitness to the network. - October 04, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.
Antioch University Los Angeles Welcomes Neal King, Ph.D. as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Antioch University Southern California today announced the appointment of Neal King, Ph.D., as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of Antioch University Los Angeles. “We are thrilled that Dr. King has joined Antioch University Los Angeles,” said Dr. LucyAnn Geiselman,... - October 04, 2006 - Antioch University Los Angeles
LearningRx Proves Weak Cognitive Skills are Cause of Learning Disabilities
LearningRx has proven that weak cognitive skills are a cause of learning disabilities, and these weak cognitive skills can be fixed with specific testing and training. LearningRx rebuilds a student's cognitive skills foundation for learning using proven methods. Further information on their testing... - October 04, 2006 - LearningRx, Inc. Welcomes Margaret Studer as their New Preschool Crafts Writer
Studer brings professional child education experience and her love of writing to the network. - October 03, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.
New Service Helps Small Businesses Save 30-60 Percent on Training
Small businesses get training at prices they can afford thanks to a new online service. - September 30, 2006 - Last Minute Training
Wake Technical Community College Sponsors Disney Seminar
Local Community College Hosts Disney Program On Business Strategies - September 29, 2006 - Wake Technical Community College
Commuters in the Know Live - Thursday, October 5th, 2006
On Thursday, October 5th, at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific), will host a lively chat about the arts with Paul Adam Smeltz of The Forwardian Arts Society. As a founder of The Forwardian Arts Society of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Paul will cover topics such as how the arts can... - September 29, 2006 -
Brainvisa's RapideL Scores Brownie Points with Kineo's Review
"RapideL is a very fast tool for rapid eLearning and a great vehicle for simple content that you need producing quickly." - Says Kineo - September 28, 2006 - Brainvisa
TeachMeIT Launches Portal on Life Science Courses
TeachMeIT, a leading provider of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has proudly announced the launch of Online Life Science Course Portal ( - September 28, 2006 - TeachMeIT