SDGA Golf School Teams with Tee It Up Radio

San Diego Golf Academy (SDGA) has signed to sponsor the popular golf radio show Tee It Up Radio. As a sponsor, SDGA will provide golfing expertise and guest golf pros to co-host the Sunday morning talk show. - August 31, 2006 - San Diego Golf Academy

World’s First Study Abroad International Scholarship Online Directory Makes Studying Abroad Possible for Many

The government and academia have been working to increase study abroad, but a new study abroad international scholarship online directory has the power to make it possible. - August 31, 2006 - Educational Directories Unlimited

Campus Advantage Announces New CFO

Campus Advantage, Inc. today announced that Mark J. Hager has joined the firm as Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer.  Mark is the former Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer and treasurer of American Campus Communities (NYSE:ACC) in Austin, Texas. Mark... - August 30, 2006 - Campus Advantage

Tempe Arizona Start Up Launches Exciting New Consumer Based Web Service

Online instructional video service provides “How To” information on a wide variety of subjects. - August 30, 2006 -

New Horizons Computer Learning Centers to Provide Course Onsite in Marshall, Minnesota

New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of South Dakota, South Dakota’s only Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Learning and Information Worker Solutions, today announced it will be providing a 2400 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 course in Marshall Minnesota on March 20th thru the 24th. The course will be taught at the Southwest/West Central Service Cooperatives on 1420 E College Drive. - August 28, 2006 - New Horizons Computer Learning Centers is Accepting Preschool Books for Review, a website geared towards parents and teachers of preschoolers, is accepting preschool books from publishers, authors and agents for review. - August 28, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.

Companies Find that Corporate Finishing School is a Business Necessity

Corporate etiquette errors made by new hires have pushed organizations to invest in training before mistakes are made. - August 27, 2006 - Business Training Works, Inc.

Hayzlett to Acquire New Horizons Provides IT Training Statewide

Sioux Falls business executive, Jeffrey Hayzlett, today announced the acquisition of New Horizons Learning Centers, located in Sioux Falls and Rapid City, South Dakota. New Horizon offers both individuals and businesses a broad range of integrated learning solutions including technical training,... - August 27, 2006 - New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Offers Free Video Tutorials for Windows 2003, a website devoted to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 tutorials, has just made several of its video tutorials for Windows 2003 developers and systems administrators available for free. features video training recorded by an expert instructor and contains an... - August 26, 2006 -

Communities In Schools of NC Launches Gang Awareness Poster Campaign as Students Head Back to School

Campaign Offers a Positive Alternative to Gang Involvement. - August 25, 2006 - Communities in Schools of NC

Study Abroad College Blog and Podcast Reality Show Lets Audience Become Supporting Cast, a study abroad college blog and podcast, is the first reality show that lets fans become a part of the story by interacting with the stars. - August 25, 2006 - Educational Directories Unlimited

All inPlay Partners with Educators and Vocational Rehabilitation Trainers to Help Blind Veterans

All inPlay partners with educators and vocational rehabilitation trainers, to offer its games and community in helping veterans learn how to use assistive technology. - August 25, 2006 - All inPlay LLC

Advertise Free on, a website geared towards parents and teachers of preschoolers, is offering free advertising. - August 24, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.

Kevin Stirtz Featured in Business Experts Book

Minnesota author and trainer, Kevin Stirtz, is featured in a newly released book called "Streetwise Small Business Book of Lists." The book, edited and compiled by Gene Marks, is a compilation of over 300 lists of business information by small business experts from across the... - August 24, 2006 - Stirtz Group

uCertify Releases New Exam Simulation on CIW 1D0-435 Exam

uCertify, a premier organization in research and training for IT certification, has announced the release date of its new Exam Simulation on 1D0-435 CIW JavaScript fundamentals exam. The full version will be released on September 30, 2006. Customers are offered a lucrative pre-release discount of... - August 23, 2006 - uCertify

TargetX Offers Workshop to Help Colleges Win the Recruiting Revolution

Student recruiting and higher education marketing are in the throes of a revolution, thanks to the demands of the Millennial generation and their parents. An intensive one-day workshop will focus on practical strategies for succeeding in the era of "Recruiting 2.0." - August 22, 2006 - TargetX

Back-to-School Educational Program with Free Learning-Based Games, Expert Advice, and School Shopping Spree from Family Education

Family Education,, the leading online publisher of learning-based materials for parents, teachers, and kids, launches its 2006 Back-to-School program Monday August 21st. This year’s program features free games, articles, expert advice, message boards, and... - August 22, 2006 - Family Education New Website for Parents of Preschoolers

Stacey Lloyd, former Writer for All Info About Preschoolers, launches new website - August 22, 2006 - SchoolRock, Inc.

Harrington College of Design Receives Community Award from Project Osmosis

Harrington College of Design was honored by Project Osmosis at a fundraiser held July 14 2006 at the Little Black Pearl Art and Design Center at 1060 East 47 Street in Chicago, Illinois.  The Project Osmosis Education and Mentoring Initiative (Osmosis) is a non-profit organization that... - August 18, 2006 - Harrington College of Design

Equestrian Event: Equine Holistic Arts Expo

Three of the biggest names in 'Horse Whispering' are coming to the Toronto area to share their work in the field of Equine Assisted Personal Development. Best selling authors Chris Irwin, Linda Kohanov and Ariana Strozzi are doing three days of demonstrations and workshops and will be accompanied by a number of other practitioners in the equine healing field as well as a trade show. WaterStone Estate & Farms in Newmarket, Ontario will host the event. 905-898-1530 - August 17, 2006 - WaterStone Estate & Farms

CollegiateLink Releases SA LINK Version 1.1

CollegiateLink Corp. has released SA LINK 1.1, the latest version of their software suite for co-curricular program administration at colleges and universities. SA LINK 1.1 adds scalable online elections and assessment surveys capabilities for all student organizations and campus constituencies. Microsoft Active Directory authentication has also been added. - August 16, 2006 - CollegiateLink Corp.

STAR ECO Station Announces Its 3rd Annual Creepy Crawly Creature Feature

Come join the STAR ECO Station for the third annual Creepy Crawly Creature Feature. A fun filled weekend for the whole family. - August 15, 2006 - STAR Inc.

Doctoral Students Participate in International Webinar

Students in the Distance Education Cognate of Regent University’s Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program participated in an international webinar during their on-campus residency week in July. Entitled “Using Virtual Classrooms to Connect, Encourage, Engage, and Educate,” this online... - August 14, 2006 - Baker's Guide to Christian Distance Education

Relationships are Key to Business Leaders' Success

Mind Gliding has an authentic approach to professional management development.  Mind Gliding focuses on building and improving corporate relationships and communications. Effective stress- and change-management, workplace and corporate performance, and conflict resolution are all... - August 11, 2006 - Mind Gliding, Ltd.

West LegalEdcenter and Celesq ® AttorneysEd Center Announce Corporate Counsel Town Hall Continuing Legal Education Series

West LegalEdcenter from Thomson West and Celesq® AttorneysEd Center, both industry leaders in continuing legal education (CLE), today announced an innovative series of programs designed specifically for in-house counsel: the Corporate Counsel Town Hall Series. Thomson West is a business within... - August 11, 2006 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center

Gift-East: Giving the Best without the Stress

It’s never too early to think about gifting giving. The holidays are fast approaching, and birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions occur year round. Here are some tips from a “gift whisper,” someone who always seems to have the perfect gift for an occasion at her... - August 11, 2006 - Interior Arrangements

The Oregon Training Network and AmerIT Learning Team Up with their first ITIL® Foundation Course Offering in IT Service Management

AmerIT Learning, the leader in full service itil® Education in North America, today announced that the Oregon Training Network (OTN) has selected AmerIT Learning to provide ITIL® education training for Software Association of Oregon (SAO) members and non-members on August 30th and 31st 2006. - August 11, 2006 - AmerIT Learning Corporation

uCertify Announces New Practice Test for MCSE 70-297

uCertify, a leading organization in the field of IT certification exam preparations, has announced the release date for its Exam Simulation PrepKit for Microsoft exam 70-297. The company is offering a huge discount of 50% for the students who prefer to buy before the final release date of September... - August 11, 2006 - uCertify

Group of Specialty Troubled Teen Boarding Schools Achieve a 96% Success Rate

Teen Revitalization is an organization that boasts of a 96% success rates among the troubled teen programs they represent. Some unique features of their program include a risk-free warranty program, open enrollment policies, and family treatment integration. - August 10, 2006 - Teen Revitalization

Europe-American Aviation Announces Success with the Worldwide First Diamond Brilliance Flight Center

Europe-American Aviation reports success with new aircraft fleet. - August 09, 2006 - Europe-American Aviation

Accredited Online Colleges Adds Seven (7) New Online Schools has once again added new online colleges and universities to its database. From nursing and business degrees to information technology, these new universities offer students the opportunity to receive a top education through the convenience of online degree programs. - August 08, 2006 - Accredited Online Colleges

Intelladon Partners with NetDimensions to Deliver Award Winning E-Learning Solutions

Tampa based solutions provider agrees with LMS provider to offer the Enterprise Knowledge Platform LMS. - August 08, 2006 - NetDimensions

Accredited Online Colleges Adds Four (4) More New Online Schools has just added four new online colleges and universities to its database. Offering degrees in various fields, students can earn their undergraduate degree, masters or doctorate completely online. - August 07, 2006 - Accredited Online Colleges

Speaking the Language of Safety

Emergency personnel find it increasingly necessary to communicate in the Spanish language. - August 04, 2006 - Spanish 4 Emergencies

NutriFitness Joins War on Obesity

New book arms trainers and consumers with weapon to quickly burn fat and build muscle with proven effectiveness. - August 03, 2006 - NutriFitness

Mercy College’s Master of Science in Direct Marketing Degree Program Announces Launch of MercyDirect

The New York Center for Direct & Interactive Marketing at Mercy College announced today their launch of MercyDirect; a full-service direct & interactive marketing agency run exclusively by students and faculty.  The objective of the program is to bring an even greater scope of... - August 03, 2006 - Mercy College’s Master of Science in Direct Marketing Degree Program

The Center for Ethics in Free Enterprise Announces the Opening of Its Applied Ethics Institute and its Ethics Certification Program

The Applied Ethics Institute is designed to be an active network of applied ethics professionals and to train individuals in a comprehensive online ethics certification program leading to the professional designation “certified applied ethicist” a CAE. - August 03, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

Real Estate Portal + New Magazine Focusing on India & South Asia Region

Tips to Realty Investors - Beware, most of the real estate builders in India are fly by night operators. Be it retailing, shopping malls, commercial buildings, residential housings, agricultural lands, industrial property, and brings you the latest listings, offer and news alerts. Log on Today. Start Free Postings, Searching and Open Debating - feel the real refreshing experiences. - August 02, 2006 - Wisepoint

uCertify Exam Simulation on Server+ Certification Exam (SK0-002)

uCertify, a distinguished name in the field of IT certification exam preparation solutions has announced the release date of its new Exam Simulation PrepKit for CompTIA’s Server+ Exam SK0-002. The final version will be released on August 15, 2006. The company is now offering 50 % pre-release... - August 01, 2006 - uCertify

Shepherd & Woodward, the Largest Supplier of Academic Gowns and Robes to Oxford University Announces the Launch of its Enhanced Website for Gowns, Robes and Regalia

Shepherd & Woodward website now includes information on: Freeman gowns and robes, Ceremonial Gowns for all occasions, Regalia for professional bodies, institutions, societies and a full design and formal wear advisory service. - July 26, 2006 - Shepherd & Woodward Ltd.

Unique Online Troubled Teen Resources for Parents

Teen Revitalization contains unique information for parents with troubled teens. The website includes a hand-picked directory of effective residential treatment centers, teen programs and specialty boarding schools, a free online child assessment tool and more. - July 26, 2006 - Teen Revitalization

Seniors Tai Chi Workout Book Improves Balance, Strength and Flexibility

The Senior’s Tai Chi Workout Book just published is the first Tai Chi workout book designed especially for seniors. All seniors will benefit from this simple, clear and easy to follow workout. Precise and clear directions and photos illustrate all Tai Chi exercises. - July 26, 2006 - Tai Chi School of Westchester, est. 1978

uCertify Testing Engine Incorporates Innovative Features

uCertify, a leading provider of IT Certification exam preparation solutions, has launched its latest Testing Engine with pioneering features and a more user friendly interface to help the students preparing for IT certification exams make the learning process easier and much more interesting. This... - July 26, 2006 - uCertify

Poker Championship to Begin for the Average Player

Small Town Poker Tour begins quest for best amateur player in America. - July 25, 2006 - AMT Media LLC

New Software Helps Arabic Learners

Kairos Information Technology and the American University in Cairo have released Modern Standard Arabic Verb Clinic (R), the latest in the Vocab and Verb Clinic series of software. This software helps meet the growing demand for Arabic learning, giving vocabulary, audio files, voice recording, and self-quizzing capabilities. - July 25, 2006 - Kairos Information Technology

Global Academy Online Revolutionizes Online Education with Its Private Label Curriculum

Delivering private label online curriculum boosting online instruction to new heights in a transparent environment, this Washington DC firm makes the smallest liberal arts college competitive with the biggest research university for student scholars anywhere in the world. - July 25, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

Accredited Online Colleges Adds Three (3) New Online Schools has just added new online colleges and universities to their database. A diverse mix, these new schools offer online degrees in everything from 3D Animation to Nursing. - July 25, 2006 - Accredited Online Colleges

Accredited Online Colleges Revamps Website Helping Students and Adults Obtain a First-Class Online Degree has just released an easy to use online college and university directory that helps you earn a Certificate, Associates, Bachelors, Masters or PhD degree in hundreds of programs including business, communications, nursing, technology and much more. - July 25, 2006 - Accredited Online Colleges

CxT Group, Inc. Launches New Site - Nutrition Club Online

CxT Group, Inc. ( has launched the brand new site for MB Consultant Group, Inc. available at - July 24, 2006 - CxT Group, Inc.

Jane Chin PhD of Medical Science Liaison Institute Chosen as One of PharmaVOICE's "100 Most Inspiring People in the Life Science Industry"

Dr. Jane Chin, Ph.D. recognized for her entrepreneurial spirit and carving out niches and solutions to advance the field-based medical science liaison profession. - July 21, 2006 - Medical Science Liaison Institute

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