Recent Headlines
Bringing Islamic Finance to Africa: How One Training Company Does It
Ethica's popularity in Africa surges on account of its 100% online training programs coupled with on-the-ground sessions. - March 20, 2012 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance
Registered Tax Return Preparer Exam Preparation Course
Unlimited Simulated Exams for the new 2011 IRS RTRP Competency exam for tax preparers is announced by GlobalED Virtual University. - March 17, 2012 - GlobalED Virtual University
Ventureneer Webinar Shows How Feminine Strengths Lead to Entrepreneurial Success
Characteristics of successful female entrepreneurs and their economic impact are explored in Ventureneer webinar. - March 17, 2012 - Ventureneer Updates Its Most Popular Program
Due to it’s popularity and widespread use by organizations around the world, the team chose to do a complete overhaul of Computer Basics, updating all educational content within the lessons. In the Fall, the text, informational graphics, and interactives were updated and recently, launched 14 brand new video tutorials. - March 16, 2012 -
PA Gymnasts Team Up with Brideway Academy to Reach Goals – and Nab College Scholarships
Homeschooling Education and Athletics Unite to Help Many Children Reach Their Dreams - March 15, 2012 - Bridgeway Homeschool Academy
Ventureneer Show Nonprofits, Small Businesses How to Set Themselves Apart from the Competition
Small businesses must know who they are to target their marketing. Find out how it’s done in free webinar. - March 14, 2012 - Ventureneer
India’s First Portable Language Lab by EnglishEdge Now at JRE Noida
EnglishEdge, the leader in technology-aided learning, recently launched the unique Portable Language Lab at JRE Business School, Noida. - March 14, 2012 - Liqvid Services Pvt Ltd
Fresh New Look to the Website
Lumos Information Services announced the launch of an enhanced website today. The new website offers more content, easier navigation, educational videos and live support to students and parents. George Smith, children's book author and publisher, said, "I looked over the... - March 14, 2012 - Lumos Learning
March is DVT Awareness Month: What Happened to Heavy D, David Bloom, Serena Williams and, Cathleen Renner Can Happen to You. Sitacise Can Prevent DVT.
According to the Coalition to Prevent DVT, over 2 million Americans get DVT or deep vein thrombosis, which are blood clots usually in the deep veins of the thighs or calves every year like Heavy D, David Bloom, Serena & Cathleen. And just like Heavy D, David & Cathleen 300,000 of them die from this very preventable disease. During DVT Awareness Month, Sitacise is on a mission to educate students, teachers, call center workers, truck drivers, bus drivers and others that idly sit. - March 12, 2012 - Sitacise
Safety Links Inc. Announces Free Business Seminars with Insurance Office of America and Safety Products Inc.
A partnership continues to provide informational sessions for business leaders and professionals on occupational health & safety and business management. - March 10, 2012 - Safety Links Inc. Now Offers HeartCode ACLS by the American Heart Association
Leading Provider of Healthcare Certification Adds New ACLS Course to Catalog of Accredited Online Classes for First Responders and Healthcare Professionals - March 09, 2012 - Health Education Solutions
Studica Exhibits at Game Developer Conference
Studica, Inc., the education source for software and technology products around the globe, is exhibiting at the Game Developer Conference (GDC). This will be Studica’s first presence as an Exhibitor at the show. GDC is renowned for being a central point to the digital games industry for... - March 09, 2012 - Studica Launches New ESL Program
Utilizing various educational tools, the ESL program allows learners to see images and videos of words, hear them used in sentences and paragraphs, and practice matching words and sounds. Everything is self-paced and self-directed so that students can choose to focus on the areas that are most important and relevant to learn. - March 08, 2012 -
New Report from OfficeProAdvisors Shows How to Conduct Successful CPA Campaigns
One of the most successful business methods for Internet Marketers, yet not widely known, is CPA (Cost Per Action) Marketing. CPA Marketing is where you send your website or blog traffic to specific offers that readers can sign up for. You get paid for the "Action" your readers do; like filling in an email address or zip code. Visit for a new report on how to do CPA marketing. - March 07, 2012 - Office Pro Advisor
Stanbridge College Donates Baby Food, Supplies to Wounded Warrior Families
Stanbridge College recently ran a two-week-long donation drive gathering baby food and supplies for the families of Wounded Warriors. The college partnered with Words of Comfort, Hope and Promise to distribute the donations. - March 04, 2012 - Stanbridge University
MathWorks Makes Multi-Year Sponsorship Commitment to MIT OpenCourseWare
Joins Dow Chemical and Lockheed Martin in OCW Next Decade Alliance to support global educational opportunity. - March 04, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare
Mobile Dictionary by EnglishEdge: Carry the World of Words in Your Pocket
EnglishEdge, the leader in technology-aided language learning, has launched its latest offering for mobile phone users- the Mobile Dictionary. This SMS-based service has been released pan India, through Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL, MTNL, Reliance, Tata Docomo and MTS. As the name suggests, the... - March 04, 2012 - Liqvid Services Pvt Ltd
Educational Consulting Firm EduSuccessStrategies Relocates to Belton, TX from Los Angeles, CA
Educational Consultant Holly Roehl, LEP moved her practice, EduSuccess Strategies, from Los Angeles, CA to Belton TX. - March 03, 2012 - EduSuccessStrategies
Stanbridge College Nursing Student Nominated for Senior Care Humanitarian Award
Stanbridge College Vocational Nursing student Lisa Daniels was honored at the First Annual Senior Care Humanitarian Awards Ceremony for her work with the elderly at a skilled nursing facility in Orange County. - March 03, 2012 - Stanbridge University
Critical Incident Stress Management Training for Professionals: Continuing Education Credits for Psychologists, LCSW, MFT, CAADAC EACC
Practical CE Seminars brings CISM training classes to 4 California cities: Oakland March 12, 2012, San Diego March 14, 2012, Orange March 15, 2012 and Northridge March 16, 2012. - March 03, 2012 - Practical CE Seminars
MIT OpenCourseWare Teams up with Flat World Knowledge to Combine Free Texts and Free Course Materials
Collaboration among open education innovators creates rich learning opportunities for independent learners - March 02, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare Offers a Virtual Platform for Mental Health Professionals Who Seek to Manage Their Practices and Deliver Counseling Online
Many mental health professionals have been waiting on a “one-stop shop,” a platform that offers practice management as well as online counseling delivery. Now a reasonably priced and HIPAA-secure option is available. - February 29, 2012 - Online Therapy Institute
Dr. Mike Mallee and Stephen Kramer Announce the Launch of Lorikeet Learning LLC - Lorikeet Learning, LLC is a Solution-Based Organization Providing Resources to Educators
Lorikeet Learning, LLC is a solution-based organization providing resources to educators and parents in an effort to connect with and impact the most challenging to reach students. By providing forums, a digital community, resources, products and expertise, Lorikeet Learning will be the “go... - February 29, 2012 - Lorikeet Learning
Youth Artists to Debut Artwork in New York's Big Screen Plaza
Young students from around the U.S. will showcase their artwork in New York City's Big Screen Plaza on March 2-3 from 5-8pm. The 3 hour slideshow, created by Artsonia, the world's largest online student art museum is part of the National Art Education Association's annual convention, being held in New York. Last year, families flew in from various states to enjoy the unique opportunity to see their child's artwork displayed in such a spectacular venue. - February 29, 2012 - Artsonia
Bridgeway Academny Student Elizabeth Price Nails Gymnastics Meet, Olympic Hopes May be Realized
Family Unity and a Homeschool Education Are Opening Big Doors for the Price Family - February 29, 2012 - Bridgeway Homeschool Academy
Keith Marler Voted America’s Favorite Weather Forecaster
Keith Marler, morning meteorologist for KMSP in Minneapolis, was voted “America’s Favorite Weather Forecaster” in a recent national poll. The poll, a first of its kind, was conducted by, a website that assesses the accuracy of local and national forecasters in select U.S. cities. - February 29, 2012 -
Production Companies Can Reduce by 40% the Time Allocated for Acquisition
SIVECO Applications 2020 assures an increase of 15% of the production volume and doubles the control of cash flow. - February 29, 2012 - SIVECO Romania
Celesq® Announces March 2012 CLE Addressing Important Developments in Ethics in Pleadings, Social Media, Same Sex Marriage in New York, FCPA Enforcement
With ongoing developments in ethical requirements in Federal Court pleadings, social media, same sex marriage in New York, FCPA enforcement trends, and more, Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following CLE web casts for March 2012: Ethics in the Federal Courts: Complying with Rule... - February 27, 2012 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
African American Science Play Online Just in Time for Black History Month
African Americans have a long history of scientific inventions; this play helps expose teens to the contributions of African American scientists. - February 27, 2012 - Our Story Publications
Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Now Available in MIT OpenCourseWare’s Innovative OCW Scholar Format
6.01SC is the fourth of seven courses OCW will publish this spring specifically to meet the needs of independent learners. - February 26, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare
New Year, New Format: Premiere Homeschool Magazine Joins the Digital Apps Boom
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, the trade magazine for homeschool moms, has gone mobile! The magazine is now available on Apple and Android devices. - February 25, 2012 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Announces February Pop Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Foster the People’s “Don’t Stop” with “Don’t Stop,” Choreographed by Judy McDonald, as February Pop Line Dance of the Month. - February 25, 2012 -
Principles of Microeconomics Now Available in MIT Opencourseware’s Innovative OCW Scholar Format
14.01SC is the third of seven courses OCW will publish this spring specifically to meet the needs of independent learners. - February 24, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare
MedForward Offers HIPAA-Secure Online Form Submission to the Medical and Mental Health Professions
Now physicians, counselors and psychotherapists need not worry about clients' sensitive information ending up in the cyberspace abyss. HIPAA-secure online form submission ensures that personal information is delivered confidently. - February 23, 2012 - Online Therapy Institute
Studica Enhances Global Online Presence
The mission at Studica has always been to unite technology with education. Studica is well established in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Now, the education source for software and technology products is expanding across the globe. Studica recently announced locations for Latin America, Oceana, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. - February 23, 2012 - Studica
RNsights Celebrates 1,000 Members
RNsights, the free online discussion forum and community for school nurses, recently celebrated the 1,000th member milestone. - February 23, 2012 - RNsights
Islamic Finance Training Comes to India: Ethica Grants Country Exclusivity License to Indian Partner
Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance grants exclusive marketing and reselling rights to India-based Infinity Consultants. - February 18, 2012 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance Becomes First Ever Home Study and Internet Traffic School Licensed by the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Out of the roughly 200 court approved home study programs, has become the first school approved by the DMV to offer Internet and homestudy courses throughout California. As the first approved DMV internet school, will be able to provide ticketed drivers the kind of uniform traffic safety curriculum that the new law demanded. - February 16, 2012 -
Six Organisations of the European Union Benefit from Software Development and Maintenance Services Provided by SIVECO Romania
The multiannual value of these projects exceed 10 million Euro - February 16, 2012 - SIVECO Romania
Studica Mexican Location Opens for Business
Studica, Inc., has opened a new location to service the Mexican market. The education source for software and technology products has established its first foothold in Latin America. This location will be headquartered in Mexico City [Cuidad de México]. The focus of this store will be... - February 16, 2012 - Studica Launched; Provides Students with Information on Faith Based Colleges and Universities serves to help students find schools that foster their Christian beliefs. - February 15, 2012 - EducationDynamics
School Nurse Tips - the "Dos and Don’ts" of Social Media by RNsights
"The question no longer is whether social media is an effective resource in the healthcare profession but rather how to best use social media while taking all the necessary precautions to protect oneself and one’s patients. By following these simple guidelines of the “Do's and Don'ts” of using social media, one can safely and securely benefit from the latest technological advance sweeping the healthcare profession," states the RNsights cofounder. - February 13, 2012 - RNsights
Differential Equations Now Available in MIT OpenCourseWare's Innovative OCW Scholar Format
18.03SC is the second of seven courses OCW will publish this spring specifically to meet the needs of independent learners. - February 10, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare Launches First Original Mobile App Math Game, Good at Math
The interactive math game, Good at Math, allows players to choose between practicing addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, or all four skills at once. - February 10, 2012 -
Babbel Launches Dating Themed Online Language Module with "Love Letters"
Interactive German course offers virtual flirting practice - February 10, 2012 -
E-Training for Dogs Announces Availability of Two New Online Dog Training Classes for First Quarter of 2012
E-Training for Dogs, provider of the internet’s widest selection of webinars for the dog owner, trainer, breeder and enthusiast, announces two new online dog training Diplomas: The Associate Dog Trainer (ADT) Diploma and The Dog Behaviorist Diploma; both comprehensive educational programs designed to assist dog enthusiasts to enter the exciting and rewarding career of dog trainer or behaviorist. Diplomas and Certificates are issued through the International College of Canine Studies (ICCS). - February 09, 2012 - E-Training For Dogs, Inc.
Heart-Healing Conversation with Sherry Gaba and Crystal Andrus
Crystal Andrus and Sherry Gaba will educate women about love addictions - a serious yet underestimated type of addiction. - February 09, 2012 - SWAT Institute
Stanbridge College Donates $1,000 to the Homeless Animal Care in Orange County
Stanbridge College donated $1,000 for a charity drive at the Irvine Pet Complex. The charity drive benefited the Irvine Animal Care Center and helped purchase pet food and supplies for homeless animals. - February 09, 2012 - Stanbridge University Launches New PALS Practice Tests, Pediatric Nursing Programs Special Section
Leading Provider of PALS Certification Offers Helpful Certification Preparation and Career Advancement Resources - February 09, 2012 - Health Education Solutions
Studica Announces Free Shipping Promotion
Studica, the education source for software and technology products, announces free shipping promotions for the United States store and the United Kingdom store. This offer applies to select items only but encompasses a great deal of the products offered on the online store, - February 09, 2012 - Studica