Easy Come Easy Go – A Fictional Odyssey of America’s First Black President

Easy Come Easy Go – A Fictional Odyssey of America’s First Black President

Easy Come Easy Go. Web site: http://www.bookeasycomeeasygo.com. Ernie Hernandez presents a fascinating fictional story of characters which track very realistically as a parody of real life characters. A disturbing yet realistic “what-if” metaphorical scenario of Obama’s rise to power is depicted via these fictional characters. The book: ISBN: 978-1-61863-329-3 at $9.95 US is available for order at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and for order at all commercial Bookstores. - August 15, 2012 - Ernie Hernandez

Neuroscience Nurses Open New Group on RNsights

Neuroscience Nurses have opened a new group on RNsights, the free online community for critical care nurses. This new subgroup can benefit all members by helping to educate other nurses about neuroscience as well as allowing those with a neurology specialty to connect with each other and share... - August 15, 2012 - RNsights

Knowledge Anywhere Partners with Microsoft’s HealthVault to Enhance Healthcare Experience

Knowledge Anywhere has engaged with Microsoft HealthVault to integrate Health Smart Applications and deliver value-add solutions with integration services for Microsoft’s HealthVault worldwide. - August 11, 2012 - Knowledge Anywhere

Upside Learning Revamps Its Online Corporate Home

Upside Learning has revamped its official online home www.upsidelearning.com. This is a part of the company’s on-going commitment to improve user experience for its prospects and customers. - August 11, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

eCompliance Adds Confined Space Awareness Training Course

To help educate employees about the risks and hazards of working in confined spaces, eCompliance has developed a Confined Space Awareness Training Course. This course is available online, is 1.5hrs long and will arm your employees with the knowledge on best practices and procedures to prevent and avoid possible incidents. - August 10, 2012 - eCompliance

GCFLearnFree.org Launches Brand New Information Literacy Program

Information literacy, also called “digital literacy,” “gap skills,” or “21st century skills” is getting more and more attention from educators and employers alike. Many companies are discovering a skills gap in the workforce as many employees lack essential skills between critical thinking and technology. - August 10, 2012 - GCFLearnFree.org

Upside Learning Strengthens Its Presence in the Middle East; Signs a Channel Partnership Agreement with TRACK Learning Solutions

Upside Learning, a global leader in training outsourcing, and TRACK Learning Solutions, a learning provider of innovative eLearning solutions in Kuwait, today announced the signing of a channel partnership to jointly offer eLearning solutions in Kuwait and UAE. This partnership has further strengthened Upside Learning’s presence in the Middle East region. - August 10, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

HealthEdSolutions.com Encourages Awareness of Common Injuries and Heart Conditions in Athletes

Leading Healthcare Certification Provider Encourages Healthcare Providers and First Responders to Educate Themselves About Common Athlete Injuries and Heart Conditions - August 09, 2012 - Health Education Solutions

Mommy Bloggers Have a New One-Stop Resource for All Their Blogging Needs

Las Vegas blogging group launches new website as a resource for new and seasoned bloggers to learn how to start and maintain a successful blog. - August 07, 2012 - Mommy Blogger U

Upside Learning Rolls Out Its Independent Webinar Series; First Webinar on mLearning

After hosting joint webinars with the Brandon Hall Group, Upside Learning announced today the roll out of its independent webinar series with the 1st webinar - "No Escaping Mobile Learning" - on 8th Aug. at 11 AM EDT. - August 04, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Florida Tattoo Certification Online Course

Biologix Solutions LLC is now approved by the Florida Department of Health to offer a 100% online tattoo course to obtain a license in Florida. This is the only online course approved by the department. - August 04, 2012 - Biologix Solutions LLC

Examville.com Launches Redesign of Its Digital Education Marketplace

Examville.com, the global online education marketplace, launches site redesign providing seamless access to educational content for K-12, high school, college, graduate school, and professional development levels. - August 04, 2012 - Examville.com, LLC

Health Care Law Offers Free Preventive Services to 47 Million Women and Sitacise Idle Sitting Disease Prevention Experts Mark and Kathy Brown Are Helping Too

Sitacise will give everyone of these 47 million women 50% off while supplies last - August 03, 2012 - Sitacise

Doctors Without Borders Renews Online Language Courses Cooperation with Babbel.com

Program now in its second year. - August 03, 2012 - Babbel.com

Live Webinar on FDA Compliant Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) for Drugs, Biologics, Biosimilars and Medical Devices by Compliance2go

This webinar is intended to help you get familiar with the relevant and applicable US regulations, regulatory requirements and guidance necessary for good laboratory practice (GLP) and GLP compliance. - August 02, 2012 - Compliance2go

Introduction to Psychology Now Available in MIT OpenCourseWare’s Innovative OCW Scholar Format

Introduction to Psychology is the 6th of seven courses OCW will publish this year specifically to meet the needs of independent learners. - August 02, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare

Lawline.com Selected as 2012 Small Business Awards Finalist

Lawline.com Selected as 2012 Small Business Awards Finalist

For the past seven years, the New York Enterprise Report has been recognizing the tri-state areas top small businesses for their accomplishments. This year, the New York Enterprise Report is proud to announce Lawline.com as a finalist in the best practice award for technology category. The Best... - August 01, 2012 - FurtherEd

Tech4Learning Releases Wixie iPad App

Tech4Learning’s Wixie is now available in the Apple App store for the iPad. - August 01, 2012 - Tech4Learning, Inc.

WikiHorseWorld.com Announces a Horse Veterinarian & Master Saddle Fitter for Its Ask a Pro Service

WikiHorseWorld.com announces a new Horse Veterinarian and Master Saddle Fitter for their free Ask a Horse Pro service. Both horse professionals plus the website's Pro Horse Trainer will answer horse related questions for members absolutely free. - August 01, 2012 - Dream World Technology Inc.

Digital Vidya to Celebrate Its 102nd Social Media Workshop in Bangalore

Digital Vidya will celebrate its 102nd hands-on Social Media Marketing Workshop in Bangalore on Aug 7-8. - August 01, 2012 - Digital Vidya

Online Course Helps Small Business Improve Online Marketing

The St. Louis based MarketComm Online Institute For Business is offering a unique four week online course on How To Market Your Business Online: Four Simple Steps. The course begins August 6th, and registration is open now. The course provides marketing techniques businesses can use immediately: including content marketing, blogging, social media and online video. - July 30, 2012 - MarketComm, LLC

Homeschooling Opens Doors for Olympian Gymnast Elizabeth “Ebee” Price

Gymnast and homeschooler Elizabeth Price has earned a place as an alternate to the United States Women’s Gymnastics Team, after years of hard work and determination. Both raw talent and vigorous training by Coach Donna Strauss of the Parkettes of Allentown, PA, have led to success for... - July 30, 2012 - Bridgeway Homeschool Academy

GCFLearnFree.org Wins the 2012 MERLOT Classics Award

On July 26, GCFLearnFree.org was awarded the 2012 MERLOT Classics Award for Information Technology at The Sloan Consortium’s 5th Annual International Symposium for Emerging Technologies for Online Learning, held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Members of the GCFLearnFree.org team attended the event to... - July 28, 2012 - GCFLearnFree.org

Celesq® Announces New August 2012 CLE Addressing Litigation/Computer-Assisted Document Review, IP/Patent Law, Corporate Governance and Contracting Skills

With new developments in litigation (computer-assisted document review), new decisions involving intellectual property and patent law, current trends and views regarding corporate governance in family businesses, and the ongoing demand for programs involving skills in contracting, Celesq®... - July 28, 2012 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center

Latitude Consulting Now a Kony Solutions Certified Partner

Latitude Consulting Group, a leading provider of technology and business consulting services, today announced that it has received Certified Partner designation from Kony Solutions. Latitude System’s Architect Mark Place recently represented the company at a weeklong Kony Developer Training... - July 28, 2012 - Latitude Learning LLC

Tech4Learning and Tek Data Bring Pics4Learning Images to SNAP Media Searches

The Pics4Learning image library is now integrated into the SNAP search product for education from Tek Data. Pics4Learning is an education-friendly source for over 30,000 copyright-friendly photos teachers and students can use in classroom projects. Students and teachers view over a million images... - July 28, 2012 - Tech4Learning, Inc.

ScissorBoy TV to do Live Streaming of North American Trend Vision Awards 2012

The 2012 North American Trend Vision Awards are going to be held on July 29th at 7:30 PM PDT in Los Angeles. Being one of the most inspiring award shows, ScissorBoy TV along with Wella Professionals USA will be streaming these awards Live online for audiences worldwide. - July 27, 2012 - ScissorBoy

Live Webinar on Effective SOP Writing to be FDA Compliant by Compliance2go

Learn and understand the regulatory expectations for, and the proper design and maintenance of effective and compliant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). - July 26, 2012 - Compliance2go

Live Webinar on Best Practices for Complaint Handling in Compliance with FDA and ISO Regulations by Compliance2go

Negative customer feedback about a medical device's performance or safety is a strong indicator of whether a firm's manufacturing process is in control. This feedback is therefore subject to many requirements in both the QSR and ISO 13485. Failure to follow up on complaints about medical devices is... - July 25, 2012 - Compliance2go

MIT OpenCourseWare Selected as One of Best Free Reference Web Sites for 2012 by American Library Association

OCW honored alongside other rich online reference resources including Google Art Project and World Databank. - July 25, 2012 - MIT OpenCourseWare

eduKan and Biometric Signature ID to Address the Use of Biometrics for Online Student ID Verification at Sloan-C Symposium

Dr. Mark Sarver, CEO of eduKan and Jeff Maynard, CEO of Biometric Signature ID will be presenting their case study during a session in the Digital Learning Environments and Communities track at the Sloan-C 5th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. - July 25, 2012 - EDUKAN

Live Webinar on FDA Regulation of Mobile Medical Apps by Compliance2go

The number of mobile applications or “apps”, including mobile medical apps, is ever increasing and an undeniable mainstay of medicine moving forward. - July 24, 2012 - Compliance2go

Learn Languages Cooking: Food-Themed Course "Wine, Food and Gastronomy" on Babbel.com

Just in time for the first vintages, the online language learning portal Babbel.com offers culinary vocabulary lessons in seven foreign languages. - July 21, 2012 - Babbel.com

Lawline.com Announces Free Workspace for NYC Entrepreneurs and Startups

The lack of affordable, flexible workspace can limit the growth of startups and entrepreneurs in New York City. Not anymore. Lawline.com is excited to announce its "Give a Penny, Take a Penny" plan for professional co-working office space, in which accepted applicants can work for free at... - July 20, 2012 - FurtherEd

Digital Vidya Will Celebrate Its 101st Social Media Workshop in Delhi

Digital Vidya will celebrate its 101st hands-on Social Media Marketing Workshop in Delhi on July 26-27. - July 20, 2012 - Digital Vidya

Webinar with a Focus on the Paradigm Shift in Sales Force Training in Fortune 500 Companies

CommLab India is organizing a webinar to provide useful insights on how technology can help organizations strengthen their training infrastructure with minimal investment and maximum reach. This webinar is targeted for Sales & Marketing professionals, training managers and L & D managers of organizations looking to build technology-enabled eLearning. - July 20, 2012 - CommLab India

Examville Expands Its Ebooks Offerings by Adding 15,000+ eBooks from Education Publisher Evan-Moor

Examville.com expands its Premium Publishers channel by adding digital titles from for K-12 and college students, teachers, and professional/continuing education level. - July 19, 2012 - Examville.com, LLC

Studica Launches UnityEducators.org, a Unity Educators User Group

Studica, Inc., the education source for software and technology products has launched UnityEducators.org, a Unity Educators User Group, designed to help bring game design & development to a classroom near you. This online community is designed specifically to be a resource for educators who... - July 19, 2012 - Studica

Seeking Highest Quality and Best Value in Continuing Education, West Virginia Hospitals Enroll 1,600 Nurses in Athena Forum

Widespread education ensures quality care from beginning to end for patients in WVU’s facilities - July 14, 2012 - Athena Forum LLC

Live Webinar on NAFTA Rules of Origin and Documentation by Compliance2go

Understand how to meet the rules that are required to qualify your imports/exports between the three NAFTA countries (United States, Canada, and Mexico) - July 14, 2012 - Compliance2go

Live Webinar on Dietary Supplement Regulatory Compliance in the United States: Labeling, Product Claims & Updates from the FDA by Compliance2go

The FDA, with assistance from the FTC, has become increasingly aware of the large amount of dietary supplements that have come onto the market since the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994. A growing public demand for supplements, along with a relatively relaxed... - July 14, 2012 - Compliance2go

Weatherist.com Announces the Development of Mobile App

Weatherist.com is in the development phase of their mobile app which will accompany their new website. - July 13, 2012 - Weatherist.com

Stanbridge College Nursing Students Assist at Public Medical Camp in Orange County

Stanbridge College students volunteered with the Mariners Outreach Medical & Dental Ministry for the Orange County Free Medical and Dental Clinic & Festival providing medical services to the uninsured and impoverished in Orange County. - July 13, 2012 - Stanbridge University

Upside Learning Enters Into a Channel Partnership with TSC Innovation Co. Ltd., Thailand

Upside Learning has announced the signing of channel partnership agreement with TSC Innovation Co. Ltd. in Thailand. As a channel partner of Upside Learning, TSC Innovation will add UpsideLMS and Upside2Go to its current portfolio of enterprise solutions, thereby widening its solution base. - July 13, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Live Webinar on SOP and FDA Compliance by Compliance2go

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are required by law for companies that are regulated by the Code of Federal Regulations such as Title 21 and Title 493. Yet there is no guidance on how to write, - July 13, 2012 - Compliance2go

Live Webinar on Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification by Compliance2go

The World Customs Organization made its 5 year update to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) in 2012 with 220 sets of amendments at the international level. - July 13, 2012 - Compliance2go

Sitacise is Helping America Head Off Diabetes' Disabilities

Sitacise Save America DVD will help Americans to beat the effects of diabetes before they beat you. And it’s easy to do. - July 12, 2012 - Sitacise

Live Webinar on Understanding FDA Expectations for Reusable Medical Devices by Compliance2go

According to FDA, there have been notable advances in recent years in the knowledge and technology related to reprocessing/processing reusable and user-sterilized single use medical devices. - July 12, 2012 - Compliance2go

Live Webinar on FDA’s Part 11 – Enforcement Trends and Affordable Steps to Take Today by Compliance2go

Since 2010, FDA has embarked on a special enforcement and training of its investigators on 21 CFR 11. - July 12, 2012 - Compliance2go

Live Webinar on Design History File (DHF), Device Master Record (DMR), Device History Record (DHR) and Technical File (TF) - Regulatory Documents Explained

Many citations by FDA and notified bodies include findings with respect to insufficient information in the Design History File, not following the procedures to make the device as established in the DMR, and incomplete or inaccurate production data of incoming, in-process and finished products. Is... - July 12, 2012 - Compliance2go

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