Cancer News

Discover the latest advancements in prevention, early detection, research, treatment, products and services for those affected by cancer and involved in treatment. This section includes organizations raising awareness and funds for cancer research, companies developing technology and medications for cancer treatment and legal and public policy announcements related to carcinogens and cancer care.

Take a Step to Find a Cure. Sign Up for the Minneapolis 5K Walk/Run for Lymphoma Cancer.

The Minnesota Chapter of the Lymphoma Research Foundation is holding its 7th Annual Lymphomathon 5K walk/run on June 11th at Lake Nokomis. Help them raise money to cure the lymphoma, the most common blood cancer in the United States. Sign up at www.lymphomathon.orgminnesota2011. - April 08, 2011 - Lymphoma Research Foundation

SmartNet Revitalizes Imaging Center in New Jersey by Improving Its Brand Identity as Bergen Imaging Center Maintains Superior Customer Care

SmartNet Revitalizes Imaging Center in New Jersey by Improving Its Brand Identity as Bergen Imaging Center Maintains Superior Customer Care

Bergen Imaging Center, a women’s imaging specialists center located in Englewood, New Jersey, unveils a better identifiable logo and a more easily navigated website to provide patients with more ease in setting up and researching their mammography services. - April 01, 2011 - Organiq Media

Free House Cleanings for Arizona Cancer Patients

Arizona green maid service announces enhancement to cancer patient program. - March 26, 2011 - Planet Hugger

Radiation Oncology Resources Plan Challenge 2011 Sponsored by the AAMD

Radiation Oncology Resources (ROR) announces the third annual radiation treatment Plan Challenge as a program for the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists Annual Meeting on June 13, 2011. - March 22, 2011 - Radiation Oncology Resources

"LifeLine," Hosted by Joan Lunden, Helps Reveal the Dangers of Radiation Exposure

This potentially hazardous culprit of health issues is investigated and discussed… as well as ways to combat it. - March 19, 2011 - LifeLine

CSP Medical Store - IBt Bebig Unveils Its New MultiSource® HDR Afterloader

IBt Bebig (Reuters: IBTH.BR - Bloomberg: IBTB BB) announced that it had unveiled its new MultiSource® HDR (High Dose Rate) Afterloader. HDR brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy in which the cancer is treated by irradiation at a short distance. Catheters are placed in or close to the... - March 17, 2011 - CSP Medical Store

Mindful Wellness Expert and Cancer Coach Hueina Su Invited as Keynote Speaker at Breast Cancer Care Summit

Certified Life coach and mindful wellness expert Hueina Su is invited as the keynote speaker at “Sailing Through Your Breast Cancer Journey” summit on Saturday March 18, 2011 at 11 am. - March 14, 2011 - Beyond Horizon Coaching

First Surgery Suites Reminds Everyone That Colon Cancer Kills Nearly 50,000 Americans Every Year. Medicare Coverage is Available for Testing.

Dr. Boyd & Dr. Lundy want to remind everyone that colon cancer can be treated if detected early enough. Contact your doctor to schedule a screening. Visit for more info. - March 13, 2011 - First Surgery Suites

Palm Beach Chapter Nominee Kicks Off “Man of the Year” Campaign

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s “Man of the Year 2011” nominee, Jason Brian, hosts large party in West Palm Beach to kick off charity campaign. - March 13, 2011 -

South Nassau Communities Hospital Uses Surgical Robot to Perform Lung Cancer Surgery

Robotic-assisted lung cancer surgery is most often performed on patients diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer, and studies prove that it is safe and effective. - March 12, 2011 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Paladin Fights Cancer in Texas Stadium Seats

Paladin Fights Cancer in Texas Stadium Seats

Dallas based Paladin Consulting, Inc., used vintage authentic Texas Stadium Seats to raise money for cancer patients fighting to regain better health. Paladin sponsored the first annual “Dallas Day of Dot Net” which drew in a crowd of over 300 talented technical professionals. This... - March 11, 2011 - Paladin Consulting, Inc.

Mindful Wellness Coaching and Stress Management Program Helps Cancer Patients and Survivors Recover from Cancer Treatment

Cancer patients and survivors at Sparta Cancer Center found emotional support, learned self-care and life skills, and experienced faster healing and recovery from the wellness coaching and stress management program offered by certified life coach and mindful wellness expert Hueina Su. - March 08, 2011 - Beyond Horizon Coaching

Carmel Pharma Sponsors National Safe Handling Awareness Month -- Returns in April

National Safe Handling Awareness Month Returns in April 2011 Annual campaign increases education about/awareness of hazardous drug exposure National Safe Handling Awareness Month – a campaign to further education surrounding the safe handling of hazardous drugs in the healthcare setting... - February 27, 2011 - Carmel Pharma

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a New Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, Diabetes Related Orthopedic and Cardiovascular Disorders

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a New Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, Diabetes Related Orthopedic and Cardiovascular Disorders

Research studies provide supportive evidence for the use of clinical exercise testing and prescribed exercise programs to decrease risk factors for complications related to diabetes. Physical therapists are treating patients for many types of orthopedics and cardiovascular issues everyday, understanding the impact of diabetes is critical to achieving the best patient outcome. - February 25, 2011 - North American Seminars

Voicebrook to Exhibit at the 100th Annual USCAP Meeting

Voicebrook to Exhibit at the 100th Annual USCAP Meeting

Voicebrook to demonstrate new product features and advanced reporting workflows - February 24, 2011 - Voicebrook, Inc.

Smoking May be Associated with Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Heavy and prolonged smoking initiated prior to menopause may be associated with a modest increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. - February 20, 2011 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital

San Diego-Based Resident Receives Opportunity from Porch Step to Take Cancer Survivors on Shark-Swimming Excursion

Man Who Lost Mother to Cancer Wishes to Share Experience of Swimming with Great White Sharks. - February 17, 2011 - Porch Step

Second Annual Free Prostate Cancer Screening Event in Central Florida.

Central FL Prostate Care Center, announces its second annual free prostate cancer screening event in Orlando Florida. Anyone in the central Florida area will be able to attend the screening free of charge. The event, is open to the public and will be held on Saturday, May 7, from 7:30 am to 1pm at... - February 16, 2011 - HifuCare

Polaris Launches Clinical Trial to Study Impact of a Psychosocial Outcomes Management System for Oncology

A computerized method for screening and referral for psychological distress among cancer patients may improve the mental health care they receive, lead to a better quality of life and lower the long-term costs related to poor mental health and increased health care utilization. - February 12, 2011 - Polaris Health Directions

Dunes Dental Services Provides 30-Second Painless Saliva Test to Detect Oral Cancer

Dunes Dental Services is now providing a simple 30-second saliva diagnostic lab test to identify the presence of an oral HPV infection using DNA-PCR technology. For the 12th year in a row, April is the official Oral Cancer Awareness month in the US. With all of the recent publicity on celebrities... - February 12, 2011 - Dunes Dental Services

New Works by UofL Professors Provide Latest Oncology Reference Guides

Two University of Louisville School of Medicine professors recently authored reference works in the field of oncology; one focusing on the use of radiation treatment for childhood cancers and the other on hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver cancer. Dr. Edward C. Halperin, dean of the school, is... - February 10, 2011 - University of Louisville Health Sciences Center

21st Century Oncology Physicians Featured on National Television

21st Century Oncology Physicians interviewed on 'American Health Journal' - February 10, 2011 - 21st Century Oncology

Insights into Cancer Lecture Series Scheduled

21st Century Oncology presents Insights into Cancer seminar series. - February 06, 2011 - 21st Century Oncology

National Advanced Prostate Cancer Program Helps Over 1,000 Men in First Month

Men diagnosed with advanced stage prostate cancer are now getting the information and support that they need, nationwide. Prostate Cancer rarely kills men in its early stages. But most nonprofits and treatment facilities focus solely on these non-life-threatening diseases. Malecare's National Advanced Prostate Cancer program reaches men with clinical trial and treatment news and shoulder to shoulder support. - February 04, 2011 - Malecare Prostate Cancer Support

CCC Diagnostics Inc Announces Expanded Insurance Coverage for the DirectHit Panel for Breast Cancer

CCC Diagnostics Inc has received expanded insurance coverage for the DirectHit Panel for Breast cancer. This expanded coverage includes CareFirst BlueCross/Blue Shield, WellPoint Unicare Networks, CMS Highmark Medicare Services and AmeriGroup. - February 04, 2011 - CCC Diagnostics LLC

Oncolytics Biotech® Inc. Announces 2-Arm, Randomized Phase II Pancreatic Cancer Study

Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (“Oncolytics”) announced that the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI), which is part of the National Institutes of Health, has agreed to sponsor a 2-Arm randomized Phase II study of... - February 04, 2011 - Oncolytics Biotech

Jesse Willms to Bare All to Raise Money for Cancer and Transplant Charities

Jesse Willms to Bare All to Raise Money for Cancer and Transplant Charities

Jesse Willms is excited to strip to his underwear in support of great charitable causes. - January 28, 2011 - Jesse Willms

South Nassau Communities Hospital's Gamma Knife Treats Its 1000th Patient

The Gamma Knife has become a well-accepted standard of care in the treatment of benign and malignant brain tumors; functional disorders including trigeminal neuralgia; arteriovenous malformations; and other intracranial targets. - January 28, 2011 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces a New Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, Advanced Management of Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces a New Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, Advanced Management of Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

North American Seminars, Inc. introduces a two day physical therapy continuing education course that is designed to expand and advance current clinical knowledge by providing more in depth clinical information needed to problem solve through a complex variety of breast cancer diagnoses. - January 26, 2011 - North American Seminars

South Nassau Hospital Uses Technology to Fight Cancer Without Needing to Make an Incision

The Varian Novalis Tx™ performs “stereotactic body radiosurgery” in a matter of minutes and often in five or fewer treatment sessions, using precisely-shaped, targeted radiation beams to treat an array of malignant cancers and benign lesions. - January 23, 2011 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

CCC Diagnostics, Inc Awarded Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Grant

CCC Diagnostics Inc. has been awarded a Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project grant. This grant was awarded to further development and commercialization of the DirectHitTM Test Panel for Breast Cancer. DirectHit is a vastly improved diagnostic test for breast cancer treatment that accurately predicts the tumor’s response to four commonly prescribed classes of anti-cancer drugs. - January 21, 2011 - CCC Diagnostics LLC

Joe Blessett Sets Release Date for the Long Awaited Singapore Nights. Smooth Contemporary Jazz Reserved for Quality Audio Systems.

Joe Blessett Sets Release Date for the Long Awaited Singapore Nights. Smooth Contemporary Jazz Reserved for Quality Audio Systems.

Joe Blessett sets release date for Singapore Nights and dedicated it to a friend & all others who lost their life to a silent killer. - January 19, 2011 - Joe Blessett Music

Telax Hosted Call Center Solution Selected by Cancer Care Ontario

Telax Hosted Call Center Solution Selected by Cancer Care Ontario

Provincial agency now using Telax solution to support Ontario Breast Screening and ColonCancerCheck programs. - January 14, 2011 - Telax Hosted Call Center

New Cancer Treatment Techniques Offer Hope to Patients Fighting Deadly Tumors

New Cancer Treatment Techniques Offer Hope to Patients Fighting Deadly Tumors

The Integrative Cancer Therapies Fellowship with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; announces that Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Medical Director of the Institute for Healthy Aging and Director of the Integrative Cancer Therapies Fellowship, will present preliminary findings of a novel technique for treating advanced-stage cancer. Dr. Rosenberg will be sharing his findings at the Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapies taking place March 10-13, 2011 in Boca Raton, FL - January 13, 2011 - A4M

Oncolytics Biotech® Inc. Announces Opening of Enrollment in U.S. Phase I Colorectal Cancer Study

The principal investigator of the new colon cancer trial using Reolysin is Dr. Sanjay Goel of the Montefiore Medical Center at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. - January 13, 2011 - Oncolytics Biotech

CCC Diagnostis Inc. Launches Improved Test for Breast Cancer Treatment

CCC Diagnostics Inc has released the DirectHit Panel for Breast Cancer. DirectHit is a CLIA certified test, that accurately predicts the tumor’s response to four commonly prescribed classes of anti-cancer drugs. DirectHit allows a physician to personalize treatment plans for breast cancer patients. - January 12, 2011 - CCC Diagnostics LLC

"Calendar Keys" at Commemorate Cancer Survivorship Milestones

Not Just Any Old Day...It's YOUR Special Day® recently launched, a website devoted to helping people acknowledge, celebrate, and share milestones in cancer survivorship. On the site, users can share their "cancerversary" stories with - January 10, 2011 - Not Just Any Old Day...It's YOUR Special Day®

The Ovations "Princess Bead & Bracelet," an Exclusive Gift for Ovarian Cancer Patients

Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer rolls out a new patient program. - January 08, 2011 - Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer

AdLife HomeCare LLC Helping Seniors Stay Independent in Their Homes with Greater Confidence, Quality and Client Assurance. AdLife is Now CQA Certified.

AdLife HomeCare LLC, locally owned and operated by Renee and Tom Adams, provides an affordable solution for older individuals and couples who, though may be capable of managing their own physical needs, require non-medical assistance such as: light housework, meal preparation, companionship and personal care allowing them to confidently remain at home. Adlife differentiates itself from the competition with its comprehensive caregiver selection, screening and testing programs. - January 07, 2011 - AdLife HomeCare LLC

Rabbit EHR 5.0 Receives ONC-ATCB 2011/2012 Certification

“Certification is another milestone for Rabbit, and we are proud to be amongst the first oncology-specific EHR vendors to provide our practices with Meaningful Use Certified technology as of Jan 1," says Brad Vassberg, chief executive officer. - January 06, 2011 - Rabbit Healthcare Systems

Children Raise Life-Saving Funds in Style for Sri Lanka's National Cancer Institute

Model pupils at the Happy Times International Preschool in Nugegoda boost cancer care campaign in style by showcasing a night of fashion and entertainment to upgrade ICU (Intensive Care Unit) facilities at the Pediatric Ward of Sri Lanka's National Cancer Institute. - December 24, 2010 - Happy Times International Preschool

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a a New Online Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, an Introduction to Wound Care for the Rehab Professional

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a a New Online Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course, an Introduction to Wound Care for the Rehab Professional

North American Seminars Inc. introduces an evidence based online physical therapy continuing education course on wound management directed at the rehab professional in order to enhance their knowledge of wound care and its impact on the rehab treatment plan. - December 22, 2010 - North American Seminars

Hug-E-Gram™ Develops Unique Plan That Saves Lives

The Today and Tomorrow breast cancer fundraising program is designed to save lives today through early detection while at the same time funding research to find a cure tomorrow. - December 11, 2010 - hug-e-gram

Buying Vitamins Can Now Help Fight Childhood Cancer

Buying Vitamins Can Now Help Fight Childhood Cancer, Maine’s largest direct-to-consumer vitamin company, announced it will be donating a percentage of every sale made between 12/9 and 12/15 to the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. - December 10, 2010 - Dr. Newton's Naturals

North American Seminars Inc Releases Its 2011 Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course Schedule

North American Seminars Inc Releases Its 2011 Physical Therapy Continuing Education Course Schedule

Looking for evidence based physical therapy continuing education courses? North American Seminars Inc has released its 2011 Live Course Dates. New Courses and approvals in Illinois, California, New York and twenty other states. The courses are offered in conjunction with the top medical facilities in the United States. - December 09, 2010 - North American Seminars

Foundation for Cancer Research & Wellness Launches Petition Drive to Overturn Institute of Medicine’s New Vitamin D Recommendations

Foundation for Cancer Research & Wellness finds the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) recent report concerning necessary vitamin D consumption levels to be profoundly disappointing, especially as it relates to cancer and other disease prevention. - December 04, 2010 - Foundation for Cancer Research & Wellness

Cancer Center at South Nassau Communities Hospital Earns Business Achievement Award

The Business Achievement Award is presented annually in appreciation of a business that is proactive in its support of the chamber’s mission and objectives and for the well being of the residents and community. - December 02, 2010 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Rabbit Healthcare Integrated EHR Systems Expands on West Coast

Rabbit Healthcare Systems, a leading medical-specialty technology company offering oncologists a one database solution, announces expansion of its market base on the West Coast covering Washington, Oregon, California and Nevada. Rabbit’s fully integrated EHR systems are installed across the... - December 01, 2010 - Rabbit Healthcare Systems

Thomas Li, Sr Director at Roche to Speak at 3rd Oncology Biomarkers Conference on Jan 27-28, 2011 CA

Thomas Li, Senior Director of Technology Management and US Chief Technology Officer at Hoffmann - La Roche to give a presentation on “Oncology Biomarker Discovery Technologies of Today and Tomorrow” at GTCbio’s 3rd Oncology Biomarkers Conference on January 27-28, 2011 in San... - November 26, 2010 - GTCbio

Jeremy Barton, VP at Biogen Idec to Speak at Cancer Drugs Conference on Jan 27-28 2011 San Diego, CA

Jeremy Barton, VP of Oncology at Biogen Idec will be the keynote presenter on “Targeted Drug Delivery: How Far from the Bulls Eye?” at GTCbio’s Cancer Drugs Research & Development Conference on January 27-28, 2011 in San Diego, CA. Dr. Barton will address why the narrow... - November 25, 2010 - GTCbio

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