Religion News

Stay true to news about organized religions, multi-faith events, spirituality and the concept of faith. Includes information about services, books, movies and religious leaders.

Olive Tree’s BibleReader Dramatically Expands Greek and Hebrew Biblical Study for Mobile Platforms

Olive Tree Bible Software, electronic publisher of mobile Bible resources, releases new Greek and Hebrew tools for iPhone. - December 19, 2009 - Olive Tree Bible Software

SurvivorsAreUs.Com a New Site; Provides Evidence on Islam's Fundamentalism by a Fundamentalist

Information on extremists ideologies within Islam; who they are and what exactly they believe. - December 18, 2009 - SurvivorsAreUs.Com

New Presentation Podium with a Black Finish is Now Available at

This black podium is simple in design, yet elegant due to details & craftsmanship. - December 17, 2009 - DisplayShops

Gospel Forth Raises Money to Further the Gospel for Free

New Christian website allows visitors to give money to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ for free - simply by clicking. - December 14, 2009 - Gospel Forth

Witchy Moon Magickal Pagan Superstore Partners with Circle Santuary to Deliver Yuletide Care Packages to Pagan Troops

This Yule, Pagan groups remember and support Pagan service members abroad. WitchyMoon Magickal Pagan Superstore today announced that is supporting Circle Sanctuary’s “Operation Circle Care” program to collect Yule gifts for Pagan soldiers stationed overseas. As part of this... - December 13, 2009 - Witchy Moon Pagan Superstore

High Tech for a High Calling: Ethernet Extension Goes to Church

High Tech for a High Calling: Ethernet Extension Goes to Church

A Cape Cod Church Embraces High Technology to Reach a Modern, Tech-Savvy Community - December 09, 2009 - Ethernet Extension Experts

Advocate USA Publishing's Christian Living Writer Reece Manley Donates Proceeds to Feed 400 Families

Advocate USA Publishing's Christian Living Writer Reece Manley Donates Proceeds to Feed 400 Families

Spirit Thinking and Crossing Twice Shows Spirituality Expertise Requires Compassion First - December 09, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Institute for Church Safety and Risk Management, LLC Appoints Risk Management Executive Chris Mandel to Advisory Board

The Institute for Church Safety and Risk Management, LLC (ICSARM) is delighted to announce the appointment of risk management executive Chris Mandel to its Advisory Board effective December 1, 2009. - December 09, 2009 - Institute for Church Safety & Risk Management at the Helm of Marketing Blitz for New Angel Offering Bucket Invention

Robert P., Virginia resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader to represent his Angel Offering Bucket concept to industry on a global level over the next 24 months. A simple yet innovative new product sure to appeal to churches, the Angel... - December 05, 2009 - New Product Help, Inc.

New Media Company Offers… Creative Answers That Produce Results

Generosity Media, a full service media consulting team offers everything needed to reach all communication goals. Generosity Media provides turnkey creative solutions, such as high-definition video production packages for broadcast, in-reach and internet. Generosity Media creates interactive, vision-driven websites, print design, 3D images and builds animations. - December 03, 2009 - Generosity Media

Chandler Church Celebrates, "Simply Christmas"

Chandler Christian Church announced the launch of its, “Simply Christmas” website ( to provide the community resources and inspiration to have a simpler Christmas while focusing on why we truly celebrate the season. Roger Storms, Senior Pastor of Chandler... - December 03, 2009 - Chandler Christian Church

ICSARM Announces Development of Church Safety Roundtables

ICSARM Announces Development of Church Safety Roundtables

The Institute for Church Safety and Risk Management (ICSARM) has announced that beginning January 1, 2010 they will begin to rollout local Church Safety Roundtables across the United States and Canada. - December 02, 2009 - Institute for Church Safety & Risk Management

Daytona Beach Area Unitarian Universalists Present Dan Gribbin Lecture on Pete Seeger and Modern American Folk Music

The Unitarian Universalist Society Daytona Beach Area, on December 2, 2009 at 7pm, will be presenting Dan Gribbin's lecture and discussion of modern American folk music, highlighting Pete Seege's role in its mid 20th Century popularity and its use in protests for issues of social activism. - December 02, 2009 - Unitarian Universalist Society Daytona Beach Area

Video of Santa in Your Own Home. Instantly Prove That Santa Claus is Real.

Video of Santa in Your Own Home. Instantly Prove That Santa Claus is Real.

Upload a digital picture from your home and follow a 5 step process to instantly create a video proof of Santa. Select from 10 different video scenarios, including leaving presents, dancing, and cookies and milk. The result is a video of Santa Claus in your very own home. - November 29, 2009 -

“The Power of Faith” on “Why Shamanism Now?” Radio Show with Christina Pratt on December 2

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity”, teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Christina Pratt, talks to listeners about how it doesn’t really matter what we have faith in; it only matter that we are able to achieve this state of grace. - November 27, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

"Exploring the Nativity" -- Christmas Story eBook Now Available as iPhone App

The book entitled "Exploring the Nativity" (ISBN: 978-0557006656) was released on 19 November 2009 in an ebook App format for the iPhone. This devotional commentary on Luke 2:1-20 retells the Christmas Story. This easy to read ebook App on the iPhone brings to life the amazing story about the birth of Jesus Christ as well as Mary and Joseph in their inspiring journey of faith. - November 27, 2009 - Adrian Robbe

Bob and Penny Lord Expand Mini Book Selections

Bob and Penny Lord have recently expanded their selection of mini books available. Originally, they concentrated on mini books on the Super Saints series only. Now they have decided to produce mini books on many of their other series. Moreover, they plan to start immediately to have the Many Faces... - November 25, 2009 - Bob and Penny Lord Announces Its Launch as a 100% Free Jewish Internet Dating Site Announces Its Launch as a 100% Free Jewish Internet Dating Site

100% Free Jewish internet dating site that was developed for the community. - November 21, 2009 -

Verndale Develops iPhone App and Widget for CatholicTV

Verndale helps CatholicTV enhance their online strategy and presence with new iPhone App and CatholicTVjr Widget. - November 21, 2009 - Verndale

New Line of Christian Tee-Shirts Provoke Curiosity and Conversation

Sanctitees, a unique new line of Christian t-shirts that have come out just in time for the Christmas season. Sanctitees shirts feature quotes of Jesus, purposely selected to provoke curiosity and conversation. - November 21, 2009 - Renaissance Creative

Pastoral Counselor and Christian Living Author Reece Manley Gains Top Book Honors at Pacific Book Review

Pastoral Counselor and Christian Living Author Reece Manley Gains Top Book Honors at Pacific Book Review

Pacific Book Review Named Pastoral Counselor and Christian living writer Reece Manley with its Book of the Month designation. - November 19, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

"The Power of Gratitude" on "Why Shamanism Now?" Radio Show with Christina Pratt on November 25

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity”, teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Christina Pratt, explores the benefits of making gratitude a part of every facet of out lives, and the benefits this practice brings. - November 18, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

"Sin and Your Destiny" on "Why Shamanism Now?" Radio Show with Christina Pratt on November 18

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity”, teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Christina Pratt, explores the one true sin of standing in the way of your own destiny. - November 15, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Ethan Allen CEO Supports Friends Forever Peace Initiatives in Israel

Ethan Allen CEO Supports Friends Forever Peace Initiatives in Israel

Mr. Farooq Kathwari the Chairman, President and CEO of Ethan Allen hosted a meeting with Israeli teen leaders that participated in the 2009 / 2010 Life Raft program. - November 14, 2009 - Friends Forever USA

Faith Chapel Christian Center’s Jubilees to Perform with Gospel Artist, Kathy Taylor

Houston-based megachurch Windsor Village United Methodist Minister of Music, Kathy Taylor will sing at the Word Dome on Sunday, November 29, 2009. - November 13, 2009 - Faith Chapel Christian Center

Spirit Communication: Live the Paranormal with Andrieh Vitimus

With the popularity of Ghost Hunting shows, more and more people are taking a leap into the curious world of metaphysics. World renown metaphysician and author of Hands On Chaos Magic, Andrieh Vitimus will be presenting a workshop on Spirit Communication at Alchemy Arts in Chicago on November 27, at 7 pm. - November 13, 2009 - Andrieh Vitimus

Canton Area Churches Trade Worship Space in Building Swap; Faith Bible Church and Cross Pointe Church Swap Spaces

Amidst a slumping economy, two Canton congregations, Faith Bible Church and Cross Pointe Church, have agreed to trade worship spaces in what Faith Bible Pastor-Teacher Ray Russ calls a “win-win situation.” Faith Bible Church, currently located at 5715 Market Ave N, will relocate to... - November 12, 2009 - Faith Bible Church

Consul General of Israel to New England Reaches Out to Teen Leaders for Peace

Consul General of Israel to New England Reaches Out to Teen Leaders for Peace

Muslim and Jewish Teens Meet with Nadav Tamir to Discuss Peace in Israel - November 11, 2009 - Friends Forever USA

Christianity Today Considers Content Offer from Advocate USA Publishing

Christianity Today Considers Content Offer from Advocate USA Publishing

Advocate USA Publishing has offered Reece Manley's Spirit Thinking: Your 30 Day Guide to Enlightenment to Christianity Today for series reprint of material. Cash strapped, Christianity Today recently laid off 31 workers and seeks new sources of material. - November 10, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Esperanza Interfaith Center Moves Monthly Services to Palm Harbor

Esperanza Interfaith Center is a complete source for spiritual advisory, counseling, and celebration services. Rev. Maria Pierre invites people of all faiths to embrace meditation and boundless spirituality. - November 09, 2009 - Esperanza Interfaith Center

Lifetree Adventures Announced Its Upcoming Mazatlan Trip

More than just constructing the house for the recipient family, volunteers will work side-by-side with them to build it. The families are hard working people willing to help themselves, they simply need the love and investment of time that volunteers can offer. - November 09, 2009 - Lifetree Adventures

Concert of Christmas Music, Lincoln Center, NY

Concert of Christmas Music, Lincoln Center, NY

Summary Blurb: Raymond Arrroyo emcees a spirited Christmas concert at Alice Tully Hall Starr Theater, Lincoln Center, “Merry Christmas New York City!” to celebrate the real reason for the season. - November 08, 2009 - ColorBlindMusic Ministries

"Beyond Good and Evil" on "Why Shamanism Now?" Radio Show with Christina Pratt on November 11

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Christina Pratt, explores how to engage with life beyond the concepts of good and evil and fear-based thinking. - November 07, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Give God the Glory! Series of Books and Devotionals Wins 14th Literary Award: the National Best Books 2009 Award as a Finalist for the Religion: Christianity Category

Give God the Glory! series of books and devotionals by Kevin Wayne Johnson earns an unprecedented 14 literary/media award. - November 03, 2009 - Writing for the Lord Ministries

National Best Book Award 2009 Honours Wealth Out of Ashes as Winning Finalist in Christian Inspiration Category

Wealth Out of Ashes by Bode Ososami, a must-read for anyone seeking answers and God’s mind on Wealth and Prosperity matters, was selected as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion : Christian Inspiration category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards - October 24, 2009 - Bode Ososami

Dallas Christian Author Garners Book of the Year Award with "Crossing Twice" While Feeding Charity

Dallas Christian Author Garners Book of the Year Award with "Crossing Twice" While Feeding Charity

Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source Earns Christian Book of the Year Award While Sales Fuel Feed the Children Donation. - October 22, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Stepping Through the Veil Special Halloween Ceremony

An invitation to join in a special Samhain (Wicca) Ceremony led by guest speaker Witch Morgana Kinsley with musician High Priestess Regan. - October 22, 2009 - Spiritual Unity Movement

Hypnoenergetics: Your Secret Weapon for a Better Life

Andrieh Vitimus, author of Hands On Chaos Magic, and international spiritual teacher transforms lives in Hamilton, ON one thought at a time on October 24. - October 19, 2009 - Andrieh Vitimus

Local Author Publishes New Book

Local woman publishes a new book entitled “From Poverty To Power,” subtitled Renewing the Mind and Enriching the Soul. - October 18, 2009 - Cynthia K. Inniss

Beer and Jesus

Beer and Jesus

A dry discussion about beer and faith. - October 17, 2009 - Sojourn Church

Christian Book of the Year Offer Benefits Readers and Feed the Children Charity

Christian Book of the Year Offer Benefits Readers and Feed the Children Charity

Christian self help and inspiration author Reece Manley announced Thursday his book Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source, the Instamation Christian Book of the Year, will give both readers and a favorite charity a perfect gift this season. By using Amazon to place the order, users need only... - October 16, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

"We Are Free to Practice Our Faith in the U.s., Our Message is: Love for All - Hatred for None" – Imam Shamshad

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Communities of LA Inland Empire and LA East will be re-opening the Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Everyone is invited to attend the function which will begin at 4:00 PM. Dinner will follow. - October 16, 2009 - Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc

Cross International Partners with Local Churches for World Food Day

The South-Florida-based Christian relief and development ministry, Cross International, is partnering with 100 churches across the country to ship nutrient-rich meals to the poor overseas in honor of World Food Day on October 16. Among these are St. Michael Evangelical Lutheran Church in... - October 16, 2009 - Cross International

Christian Self Help Offered by Christian Author Reece Manley

This release details the final findings on a commissioned study. Reece Manley's work bears up to the scrutiny of a third-party consumer reaserch study. Details listed in the press release are the final number in and tabulated. - October 16, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Thousands Expected to Attend October 17, 2009 Healthcare Reform Tea Party on Boston Common

What was initially expected to be a simple anti-Obama-care march on the Boston Common has grown to thousands of citizens interested in coming out to participate in the Healthcare Reform Tea Party. The event location has been confirmed as The Parkman Bandstand, The Boston Common, with guest speakers... - October 15, 2009 - GOPMOM.COM

Harvard JLIC Rabbi Publishes First Ever Book Combining Judaism and Twitter

Twitter Torah brings the profundity of the Torah to you in 140 character messages based around the weekly Torah portions. The book shares insights from seven unique and thoughtful people. The contributors to this book all come from different places in the Jewish community: traditional and non-traditional, men and women, Jewish professionals and lay members. - October 15, 2009 - Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus at Harvard University

Bob and Penny Lord Release Little Treasures Catholic Books Online with Complimenting DVDs

Bob and Penny Lord have recently developed a premise to focus on various individual Saints through DVDs and Little Treasures. Little Treasures are individual booklets on the lives of particular Saints. Additional information on these Saints can be found by combining Little Treasures booklets with... - October 15, 2009 - Bob and Penny Lord

Christian Book of the Year Gains Momentum from Final Studies

Christian Book of the Year Gains Momentum from Final Studies

TRI, an independent research firm, has released final consumer data for Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source by Dr. Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM. - October 14, 2009 - Advocate USA LLC

Pastor Paula White and Without Walls International Church Hosts Empowered Conference

Without Walls International Church announced this week that they will play host to the 2009 Empowered Conference Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 through Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 with special guests Pastor Michael Pitts, Pastor Darlene Bishop, Pastor Sheryl Brady, and Stellar Award Winning psalmist... - October 14, 2009 - Without Walls International Church

What is a Trauma Survivors Group and Why is the Church Interested?

One of the basic miseries of a trauma survivor is their inability to find a listener to tell their experience to who understands what they went through. The group formed at this church provides this need. Why the church must help is explained. - October 14, 2009 - FUMC of Miami ;FL'

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