Communications & Marketing News
Access cutting-edge information about the communications, advertising, digital marketing, web and graphic design, social media and public relations industries. Highlights include news about agency rosters, personnel, awards and products and services targeted to marketing professionals.
Will Turner to Present New Trends in Sales & Marketing at Final Friday Forum August 31
Will Turner, President and Founder of the Dancing Elephants Achievement Group, will present "Prepare To Get Results - New Trends in Sales & Marketing" at the Final Friday Forum on August 31st. - August 24, 2007 - Dancing Elephants Achievement Group
Chapel Hill Ad Agency Rivers Agency Brings National Recognition to North Carolina Businesses
Based in Chapel Hill, the advertising, public relations, and web design teams of Rivers Agency have focused on branding North Carolina-based clients, like Taylor King, the Ackland Art Museum, and First Bank, on the verge of expanding to national recognition in their fields. Another example of this... - August 24, 2007 - Rivers Agency
CFM Alliance Announces Prospect-to-Client Conversion System for Contract Office Furniture Dealers
CFM Alliance announces new marketing system to support Contract Furniture Dealers Sales Teams, including scheduling, producing, and delivering targeted direct marketing pieces. Using proven techniques and materials in multiple media, CFM Alliance provides integrated marketing campaigns to improve results in sales conversion. - August 24, 2007 - CFM Alliance
Outskirts Press Announces What is the Church?, the Latest Highly-Anticipated American - African American Book from San Antonio, TX Author Hector J. Grant, Sr.
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published What is the Church?: Occasional and Seasonal Sermons for the Busy Pastor by Hector J. Grant, Sr., which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the American - African American category is available worldwide on book retailer... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book of Faith Focuses on Your Eternal Destination
This Is Your Life: It Is Eternal is not solely one man’s testimony of being born again in Christ. It is a book to provide readers with sacred Scripture, which will help them understand where they are planning to spend their eternal life: “Where do you plan to spend... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Former Fate Magazine Contributor Hits the Metaphysical Bull’s Eye with His Novel: "The Ezekiel Code"
Gary Val Tenuta – former contributing writer for Fate Magazine and a guest on numerous radio programs (including Dreamland, hosted by best selling author Whitley Strieber) – has crafted an exciting mystery novel with an esoteric edge that may very well upset certain segments of the... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Must I Wait on Heaven, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Love & Romance Book from Tampa, FL Author Jus-Desjour
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Must I Wait on Heaven by Jus-Desjour, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Love & Romance category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Halcyon, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Action & Adventure Book from Jardim Alto Da Barra, Campinas Author Kippen Horrocks
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Halcyon by Kippen Horrocks, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Action & Adventure category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Path of Fulfillment, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Motivational & Inspirational Book from Shomolu Author Livy-Elcon Emereonye
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Path of Fulfillment: The Encyclopedia of Excellence by Livy-Elcon Emereonye, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Motivational & Inspirational category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Christmas on Deery Street and Other Seasonal Stories, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ Short Stories Book from TN Author Steven Roberts
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Christmas on Deery Street and Other Seasonal Stories by Steven Roberts, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Fiction/ Short Stories category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces the Exclusive Layguide, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Men - General Book from Sofia, Bulgaria Author Michael Antonio.
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Exclusive Layguide: When Dating and Having Sex with Incredibly Hot Women is No Longer Mirage Even If You Don’t Look Like the Models or Don’t Make a Fortune by Michael Antonio, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces the Journey to Mei, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Children's Book from Apalachin, NY Author Freddie Remza
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Journey to Mei by Freddie Remza, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Children's category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Waking Him, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Romantic Comedy Book from Havelock, NC Author Marisa K. Rouse
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Waking Him: The Diaries of an Ugly Daydreamer by Marisa K. Rouse, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Romantic Comedy category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces You're Not Nuts, You've Just Got Issues, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Self-Help Book from Wayside, NJ Author Anthony J. Gribin, Ph.d.
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published You're Not Nuts, You've Just Got Issues: Shrink-Rap Lite by Anthony J. Gribin, Ph.D., which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Self-Help category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - August 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Bluetooth Sky Over Le Bourget
In collaboration with AWEX and Vo Communication, Alterwave Bluetooth hotspots are installed in the well-known International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget to promote aerospace plus-points of Belgium. The 47th International Paris Air Show – Le Bourget, which closed on 24 June, has set a new... - August 23, 2007 - Alterwave
JCDecaux and Alterwave Sustain Fantastic 4
The Fantastic 4 are back in the streets and, thanks to Alterwave technology, the public has the opportunity to download freely, wallpapers and trailers on their mobile phones. - August 23, 2007 - Alterwave
Interactive Takes Marketing to the Next Level - 2007 MIMA Summit Encourages Marketers to 'Talk'
As marketing practices move further towards the Web, many companies are rapidly creating and expanding Interactive Marketing departments to support emerging online strategies. - August 23, 2007 - Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association
Gloria Lesher Elected President of Clayton Toastmasters Club
Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc., a Raleigh-based marketing and public relations firm, has announced that Gloria Lesher, senior writer, has been elected president of the C.A.T. Toastmasters Club in Clayton, N.C., District 37, Toastmasters International. Lesher will serve as the... - August 23, 2007 - MMI
Turbo Photo Celebrates 5 Years in Business
Turbo Photo ( celebrates 5 years in business and plans to offer free web stock photos for the month of September. Designers may stay informed of Turbo Photo news and free stock photos by subscribing to the email newsletter. - August 23, 2007 - Turbo Photo
Big Bark Advertising Unleashes New Agency in Dallas
Big Bark Advertising, a full service strategic and creative services marketing firm, has opened its doors in Dallas Texas. The agency offers a comprehensive list of traditional services including account service, creative and media. Mike Maccioli, a veteran of the Dallas ad community who has worked... - August 23, 2007 - Big Bark Advertising
Fish-Eyes for MasterCard and Alterwave
During their sponsorship of the “La Terrasse de l’Hippodrome de Boitsfort” evenings, MasterCard asked Alterwave, specialist in Bluetooth Mobile Marketing, to organize and to sustain a dynamic compete. - August 23, 2007 - Alterwave
Utopolis Cinema a Hotspot Ahead in Technology
Utopolis cinema asks Alterwave to sustain release of Shrek The Third with bluetooth communication - August 23, 2007 - Alterwave
Religious Doctrine – Crafty, Insidiously Constructed Dogma
Just released from Dandelion Books is Ric Mason’s “powerful observations of a human layman”: Transcend your Religion & Embrace Your Spirituality. - August 22, 2007 - Dandelion Books, LLC
Just Released Proof/Approval System for Creative Agencies, Design Firms and Print Houses
Overcome the common barriers and miscommunication possible in using paper or hard-copy proofs and trying to keep truck of all of that via email or old-fashioned fax proofing solutions. Most users found it painstaking, if not impossible, to utilize these applications into a useful solution to meet their business needs. - August 22, 2007 - Art Version
Outskirts Press Announces on Bits and Pieces, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Bible - General Book from Staten Island, NY Author Fr. Mark Alba Escobar, CS
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published On Bits and Pieces: Along with Crooked Lines by Fr. Mark Alba Escobar, CS, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Bible - General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - August 22, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
BJAC Adds New Project Manager
Lou Jurkowski, chief executive officer of BJAC, pa, one of the largest woman-owned design firms in the Southeast, has announced that Aggie Crews, LEED AP, has joined the firm as project manager. In this position, Crews will work with clients and staff to manage and facilitate higher education and... - August 22, 2007 - BJAC
An Exciting and Illuminating New Book on What Christianity Ought to be, with Sound Teachings for Serious-Minded, Victory-Seeking, Heaven-Bound Believers
Just when you’d think that all of the major mysteries of the Bible have been revealed, along comes a book that serves as a powerful revelation on what Christianity is all about. Christianity: The Tomb of Life will help you improve your walk with God and teach you how to become the person you... - August 22, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Christian Professional Network Going Strong
The Christian Professional Network has been going strong since April 3, 2007. It was formed to reach the hearts of business people and community leaders with relevant leadership training; to connect business owners and professionals for leadership support, encouragement, education and mentoring; and to help promote businesses in the community by giving them an avenue to speak to their peers about their business, their faith and other topics of interest. - August 22, 2007 - Christian Professional Network
New Book Revives "The Lost Art of the Handshake"
In today’s world of virtual offices, online meetings, email marketing and Internet selling, business people may be losing their ability to reach out and touch someone – literally. In a new book, Top Dog Sales Secrets, Michael Dalton Johnson shows readers how to master the fine art of the handshake. - August 22, 2007 -
CIPA Western New York IPA, Inc. Selects New Technology Partner, Algonquin Studios
CIPA Western New York IPA, Inc. (CIPA) has selected Algonquin Studios as its new web technology partner. Algonquin Studios will work collaboratively with CIPA to design and develop a new web site using QuantumCMS, Algonquin’s content management system. CIPA’s web site will contain... - August 22, 2007 - Algonquin Studios, Inc
Fuzz Productions Launches The Maia Group, Inc.
Fuzz Productions is pleased to announce the launch of a new website for The Maia Group at Fuzz Productions created a new website for The Maia Group, in order to solidify their online presence. Using Flash technology Fuzz Productions created a minimalist site that effectively... - August 22, 2007 - Fuzz Productions
Unique Author Releases "Beastly Son" & "The Wolf Whisperer" After Receiving Rave Reviews from the Masses as Reports of Bad Dog Treatment, Maulings & Future of Wolves Echo
Gold Valley Publications has released Gerard J. Washburn's first allegorical books to Booksurge Publishing Co./ for worldwide distribution. Beastly Son: 1000 review (special edition) copies were distributed; Beastly Son has been heralded Great by neurological patients, dog/animal lovers... - August 21, 2007 - Gold Valley Publication
Kids At Heart Photography Grants First Franchise in the State of Florida (Palm Bach County)
Kids At Heart Photography plants its first franchise flag in the state of Florida. Kids At Heart Photography now has franchisees that service the youth photography industry in PA, NJ, DC, VA, MD, CA and FL. Kids At Heart offers photography services to daycare/preschools, elementary/middle schools, youth sports leagues, dance and camp photography. - August 21, 2007 - Kids At Heart Photography
"Twilight’s Angel" Challenges Societal Ethics and Shows How the Purity of a Child’s Spirit Can Bring Out the Best in Each of Us
The line between good and evil is often hard to distinguish. What one sees is what one knows, but what one knows can be vague or forgotten as time takes its toll on the senses. For Ben, time has been cruel. He’s seen the worst of humanity and has accepted its pain. Fighting the mutiny, Ben... - August 21, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Yellow Pages Dental Marketing is Alive, But Not Thriving: the Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Dentists are still putting ads in the phone book, but many are growing less enthusiastic about yellow pages marketing, according to a Wealthy Dentist poll. Nearly half of dentist respondents no longer advertise in the telephone book, instead relying on avenues such as dentist websites to meet their dental marketing needs. - August 20, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Business Mogul Bill Farley Introduces Zrii™, a New Super Tonic Wholeheartedly Endorsed by The Chopra Center for Wellbeing™ and Marketed by The Pinnacle Group
The Chopra Center for Wellbeing gave Bill Farley the idea to use this ancient secret in Mr. Farley’s new Zrii super tonic. - August 20, 2007 - The Pinnacle Group
Free Video Classified Site Becomes First to Surpass 100 Million in Ad Listings, which operates one of the world’s original online video classified websites, surpassed 100 Million in total classified ad offerings. The company operates an online community where members join for free to post videos of items for sale with options to link them into online auctions like ebay. The starting list price for all video ads combined surpassed 100 million dollars on August 18th, 2007, making it the first website of its kind to do so. - August 20, 2007 -
Clench Media Launches New Blog Site
Clench Media launches new blog site today that will increase its demographic reach. - August 20, 2007 - Clench Media
Free Marketing Ideas Available for Small Businesses
Small businesses in the continental U.S. may receive a free marketing idea by filling out a website form at There is no cost or obligation for the free idea. The advice will be used as material for The Idea Spot Blog. - August 20, 2007 - The Marketing Spot
A Transdimensional Romance Leads to True Love in the Real World
In "Affair With an Angel," Linda Arkle shares how her spirit guide and fantasy lover led her to the real love of her life and the man destined to be her husband. Have you ever wished your fantasy lover was real? Did you ever feel that some of the thoughts in your head weren’t... - August 20, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces: Throw Off the Shackles of Mental Limitation and Join Authors Janice Harris and John Jones on the Journey
There is no such thing as separateness. All are contained in the One! Ponder the difference between illusion and truth in The Journey, a spiritual, new age, metaphysical science-fiction story that escorts the soul beyond orthodox teachings and limitations to the hidden secrets of the Universe, all... - August 20, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A New Company Specializes in Web Analytics and Internet Marketing Consulting Services
Analytics Marketing Inc ( is formed with a mission to help small to medium size companies utilize their potential of using the internet as a critical component of their Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Today, companies are faced with challenges of how to... - August 20, 2007 - Analytics-Marketing, Inc
Old West Story Finds Man of Conscience on the Wrong Side of the Law
"The Missouri Riders" is a tale of desperation and redemption that could only have been played out in the Old West. The year is 1894, and John Dee and his mother receive a letter from the bank threatening foreclosure on their land. The young man knows the payments have been made but... - August 19, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Global Vision Partners with French Reseller SoluTechnic in Response to High European Demand
Global Vision Inc. has signed an agreement with SoluTechnic to be the exclusive reseller of its artwork and text verification products in France. - August 19, 2007 - Global Vision
Lancer Media, Inc. Talks Reputation Management with ComputerWorldCanada
Lancer Media, Inc. was recently interviewed by ComputerWorld Canada to discuss reputation management. Reputation management has become a hot topic of late but Lancer Media has been ahead of the curve in fixing, defending and managing damaged reputations for a while. ComputerWorldCanada wanted to find out what was behind this latest Internet phenomenon. - August 18, 2007 - Lancer Media, Inc.
Endearing New Christmas Story of Santa and His Helpful Brother, Sam
How did Santa come to live at the North Pole? What about those flying reindeer—wherever did he find them? If you promise not to tell, you can read "Santa and Sam’s Big Secret," which reveals everything about Santa, including how he is able to bring gifts to children worldwide... - August 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Intellecta Innovative Marketing Blog Nominated for Best Marketing Blog, innovative marketing blog, which targets marketing specialist from around the world and challenges their views on the future of marketing, has been nominated for Best Marketing Blog by the Blogger’s Choice Awards. - August 18, 2007 - Intellecta Srl
Charles Belk Management Announces International PR Internship Program
Charles Belk Management announced today the establishment of an international PR internship program to give pr, marketing, communications, and English students real-world entertainment public relations experience. Ten (10) students will be chosen from around the world to gain hands-on participation with pr campaigns. - August 18, 2007 - Charles Belk Management
Nude Geezers Weenie Roast Launches Funny Calendar
Thirteen men over sixty in Madrid, New Mexico, have bared all to expose the truth about this former old west ghost town turned hippie haven. They insist that the setting for Disney's movie, Wild Hogs, is neither cute nor bland. Their calendar debuts on September 1 with a free Nude Geezer Weenie Roast and signing party. The men are a veteran fighter pilot, a cowboy, a doctor, a retired stock exchange floor trader, a lawyer, a miner, a biological consultant, an impresario, an engineer and others. - August 17, 2007 - Geezers-Illustrated
Creative Brand Communications Revises Brand Identity and Merchandise Materials for Fabric of Life Foundation
Creative Brand Communications, Inc. (CBC), a full-service multi-sensory marketing and experiential brand development agency specializing in building brands for forward-thinking organizations, revised the brand identity and merchandise materials for the Fabric Of Life Foundation, an international... - August 17, 2007 - Creative Brand Communications