Social Media News
Connect with news about next generation social media websites and applications, enabling users to create and share content or participate in social networking. Discover social media marketing best practices, awards, and influencers as well as products and services aimed at social media users and marketers.
OpenLog Announces New Online Networking Community for Social Causes
OpenLog ( has announced the opening of a new online networking community designed for social activists, social entrepreneurs and project managers. This new community focuses on hosting projects dedicated to social causes and issues, offering a chance for motivated users to... - July 07, 2010 - OpenLog
Facebook Search – ADTELLIGENCE Introduces a New Search Engine for Facebook
The social media advertising technology provider ADTELLIGENCE GmbH has developed a search engine for Facebook posts. At, any Internet user can search for and read comments that are publicly posted on Facebook, without payment or registration. With more than... - July 04, 2010 - ADTELLIGENCE GmbH
Duncan/Day Advertising Evangelizes Social Media
On the first worldwide "Social Media Day," Duncan/Day Advertising shares its presentation on how social media has changed the way we communicate and do business. - July 02, 2010 - Duncan/Day Advertising
Timeless Trends Launches Online Corset Community offers corset fans a place to get advice, share information, and meet others with similar interests. - July 02, 2010 - Timeless Trends
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Launches Twitter Page
The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association ( has announced the official launch of its Twitter page ( The professional organization of veterinarians will use the account to provide pet and animal care tips, announce upcoming news and events, and engage its... - July 01, 2010 - NCVMA
C&S Wholesale Grocers Joins Unified Grocers and Brand Coupon Network for ‘Coupons for Miracles’
Cause-Marketing Promotion Aims to Raise Funds for Children’s Miracle Network - June 30, 2010 - Brand Coupon Network,LLC
Wix Helps Users Advertise Websites with Free Vouchers for Facebook Ads
Website builder Wix enables users to create their own websites through an intuitive drag & drop process. Wix users can now claim free $50 vouchers to advertise their sites on Facebook. - June 30, 2010 - Wixpress, Ltd. - The Portal for Ideas’ Exchange
The portal allowing people to find ideas, post their own ideas and make them available to the public either as the pay-per-view content or for free. Users can, also, post questions to the community or become active members, answering questions of others and making money doing it. - June 26, 2010 - MegaScopes
Social Media Coach is Now an Advisor Websites Approved Vendor
Advisor Websites is pleased to announce its new approved vendor: Social Media Coach. - June 26, 2010 - Advisor Websites
Snooth Launches THE SPIRIT: A New Cocktail Publication
The world's largest wine site aims to conquer cocktails. - June 25, 2010 - Snooth
Make Social Games with PlayGen
PlayGen, the leading social games development studio in London are pushing the boundaries of social games beyond the ordinary. PlayGen are creating the next generation platform for making social games. Social games companies like PlayGen are set to capture the $100B web market through innovation, talent and the consumers' desire to be better engaged. - June 24, 2010 - PlayGen
CPMG Launches Social Media Campaign
CPMG San Diego uses social networking to share and distribute vital health related information to keep children safe and healthy. - June 24, 2010 - Children's Physicians Medical Group
New Online Sailing Log Book Lets Sailors Track Their Sailing
New service allows sailors and boaters to log and track their sailing activity online where they can upload tracks from their favourite GPS apps as well as photos and log entries. - June 23, 2010 -
Milton Real Estate Broker Launches GTA Twitter Directory
Darryl Flowers of RE/MAX Real Estate Centre in Milton, Ontario, Canada is filling a need for a geographically-specific directory for the communities he serves. His directory currently focuses on Twitter users, called "tweeps" in Oakville and Milton, but also includes residents and businesses in Mississauga, Brampton and Georgetown. - June 20, 2010 - Darryl Flowers, RE/MAX Real Estate Centre
What Every Litigant Should Know About Social Media Channels: Their Impact on Discovery and at Trial Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has scheduled a live webcast on “What Every Litigant Should Know About Social Media Channels: Their Impact on Discovery and at Trial.” This two-hour event is scheduled on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET. - June 18, 2010 - The Knowledge Group
The Booth Company Makes Leap to Social Media
Beginning this week, TBC is launching its revamped social media efforts to include an industry-focused blog and Twitter account, a Facebook account, and an active LinkedIn community. The blog and Twitter account will be used to publish original content on 360 surveys and leadership development as... - June 16, 2010 - The Booth Company
New Author, Sir Paco Prator Offers Followers the Chance of Healing via Twitter
As technology is overtaking traditional means of communication and how we receive information in new formats and media, we are well informed, well connected, but yet disconnected and detached from spirit, life force and any significant meaning. It is not just the dilemma of techies, teenagers or the average citizen who relies on technology for organizing their social and business affairs, but also for the spiritual leaders, healers who may seem out of sync with the whereabouts of their clients. - June 16, 2010 - Sir Paco Prator
MSR Communications Honored with Hermes Gold Award
San Francisco-Based Boutique Public Relations Firm Recognized for Creative Social Media Campaign. - June 16, 2010 - MSR Communications
Social Search Goes Green
Finally You Can Use Search and Social Networking to Share Green Practices. - June 16, 2010 - Gadrian Corporation Pty Ltd
Fotobounce™ Version 3.0 Offers Private Photo Sharing
Applied Recognition announces the release of Fotobounce™ version 3.0, offering users the most secure way to share photos with friends and family members. With the release of v3.0, Fotobounce alleviates the concerns most users have about sharing their digital photos via a public website. These new features complement the unique people-centric photo management capabilities of version 2.0. Fotobounce also employs advanced face recognition technology to speed up the tagging of photos. - June 10, 2010 - Applied Recognition, Inc.
Ivy Exec Reaches Over 100,000 Unique Visitors
Ivy Exec, an online community that offers job search resources to the most elite group of professionals and connects these professionals with leading companies, receives over 100,000 unique visitors in May. - June 09, 2010 - Ivy Exec
5 Things Professionals Should do to Manage Their Online Image
Blogs, social networking and online career searches are bigger than ever, and they’re here to stay. While there is a wide array of ways to promote yourself and your career, each one can be a double edged sword; what is designed to promote can sometimes actually damage. - June 09, 2010 - The Mergis Group
Earnest Agency Researches Top IT Services Companies on Their Social Media Presence
Earnest Agency have released findings of their latest research into social media presence and usage amongst the world’s top IT services companies. - June 09, 2010 - Earnest Agency
Wine Industry Network Expands Social Media Marketing Services Continues Strategic Growth of Online Wine Business Community. - June 09, 2010 - Wine Industry Network
Help Keep the Memories Alive at is a new way to help people remember all of life’s events, from the big important ones to the small, everyday ones that may sometimes slip our minds. Many have spent serious lengths of time reminiscing about a ski trip taken in high school, wondering what happened to the people... - June 07, 2010 - Memfy
Tracy Terry, Owner of Trust eMedia, Receives Certification in Inbound Marketing
Tracy Terry, Trust eMedia, Earns Certification Awarded by Inbound Marketing University Training Program. - June 07, 2010 - Trust eMedia
Social Engine Solutions Announces Release of SE Friend Send Software for Social Networking Site Owners and Administrators
New software automates 'friend invite' process to generate immediate traffic and organic logins. - June 06, 2010 - Social Engine Solutions
California Small Business Social Media Shortcut
Social Media for Business has exploded onto the California small business website marketing scene, and with it an abundance of hesitation and confusion. Using a Social Media Marketing Guide has been recommended to provide structure and a plan to achieve success. - June 06, 2010 -
New Marketing Packages Take the Pain out of Social Media
The consensus: It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get serious about social media if you want to ensure business online. But it needn't be as painful as you might think, thanks to a new 'ready-made' service from launched today. - June 05, 2010 -
Social Media Specialist for Pet Businesses
The Pet Biz Helper is now certified to help your pet business identify a social media strategy and use it to leverage the internet to increase sales and clientele. - June 01, 2010 - The Pet Biz Helper
Educational Marketing Launches New Web 2.0 Fundraising Website
In order to increase awareness and share innovative fundraising techniques, Educational Marketing releases a brand new social website. The website is aimed to help schools, teams, organizations, to put the ‘fun’ back in fundraising. - May 30, 2010 - Educational Marketing
Deborah Reynolds of DediKated Resource Virtual Administrative Solutions Receives Social Marketing Specialist Certification
DediKated Resource Virtual Administrative Solutions Owner Deborah Reynolds Announces Her Successful Completion of the Social Marketing Specialist 2010 Edition Certification at VAClassroom - May 29, 2010 - DediKated Resource Virtual Administrative Solutions
DCH Toyota City Launches Brand New Car Dealer Social Marketing Strategy Thanks to Single Throw Internet Marketing
Internet marketing consultants join the DCH Auto Group dealer in NY to launch a complete social media marketing campaign - May 28, 2010 - Single Throw Internet Marketing
Brand New Dating Site/Social Community Opens Their Doors to the World
Dater's Haven is a complete and total brand new Social Community as well as a Dating Site with multiple features that will give the world a meeting place. - May 27, 2010 - Daters Haven
Just Released: New White Paper by Social Media Strategist Jay Deragon Addresses Basis for Effective Social Media Revenue Generation
In trying to align profits & social media, "business is doing it wrong," says Social Media Strategist Jay Deragon in his new free publication, "5x6 Social Media Revenue Matrix." View at - May 26, 2010 - Jay Deragon
Enviro-Solutions Social Media Experience to be Reevaluated
With a six-month trial period coming to a close, Enviro-Solutions, ( a leading manufacturer of proven-Green cleaning products, is reevaluating its social media strategy to see if it is helping the company promote its products and point of view. The company has been... - May 26, 2010 - Enviro-Solutions
FaceTime Launches Security and Compliance Controls for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
Unified Security Gateway 4 Adds New Controls, Archiving and eDiscovery of Social Network Content for Regulatory Requirements. - May 22, 2010 - Actiance – (Formerly FaceTime)
Blue Dog Productions Launches New Website
Ohio Media Services Company Now Engaging with Digital Community. - May 21, 2010 - Blue Dog Productions
DIY Facebook Fan Page Designs Created with FaceItPages offers do-it-yourself designs for Facebook Fan Pages and Business Pages. - May 20, 2010 - Go Smart Solutions, LLC
IBM Award Winner Proves Social Media Works for B2B
GoMidjets has managed to reach target audience in large enterprises through IBM's DeveloperWorks network and social media, winning the Beacon Award for outstanding contribution to the developers community. - May 20, 2010 - GoMidjets Ltd.
City of Rochester, NH Teams with Epiphanies, Inc. to Engage Communities on Facebook, Twitter
The City of Rochester, NH hired Epiphanies, Inc. to help get eight of its key departments and services onto Facebook and Twitter. The eight, which have now launched, include Police, Fire, Public Works, City Clerk, City Manager, Economic Development, and Recreation, as well as an all-inclusive City Page. Epiphanies, Inc. also developed and delivered three distinct Social Media Policies and a combination of virtual and in-person training sessions to the City's social networking success team. - May 19, 2010 - Epiphanies, Inc.
Got a Dollar? is Changing the Rules for Online Dating Sites
There are thousands of online dating websites on the internet today catering to just about any need a person can have; religious dating, same sex dating, even sites that cater to people who are already in a relationship but want something more. Most of these websites charge their users membership... - May 18, 2010 - BuckMatch Inc – Anonymous Online Forum Where People Post About Cheating or Being Cheated on
Announcing the launch of, an online forum where people can anonymously post their stories of cheating, being cheated on, or thinking about cheating while others comment, and vote on posts. - May 17, 2010 - Cheat Confession LLC® Founder Jennifer Reuting Announced as New Business Compliance Expert on PC Mall’s Small Business Network, Inc., announces the addition of Jennifer Reuting, founder of, Inc. and author of Limited Liability for Dummies®, as the new business compliance expert for the PC Mall, Inc. (Nasdaq: MALL), a leading IT solutions provider Small Business Network. The Small Business Network... - May 17, 2010 -
Government of Tunisia Hires Boutique Washington D.C. Firm for Global Promotional Campaign
Washington Media Group, Inc. will provide ongoing strategic communications guidance. - May 17, 2010 - Washington Media Group
The brpr Group's Christopher Renz (Former Crispin Porter + Bogusky Media Strategist) Named as Agency Director of The brpr Group
The brpr Group has named Christopher Renz as the Agency Director of their boutique Public Relations firm located in Miami Beach, Florida. After spending the last few years at legendary ad agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky (based in Coconut Grove) as a Senior Strategist working on Virgin Atlantic... - May 16, 2010 - BRPR Group
Web Startup yoomoot Sets Out to Organize the World's Discussions
yoomoot is a new web startup focused on making online discussions radically more productive and useful. will launch on 15th May after having been in invite-only private beta for several months. - May 15, 2010 - Yoomoot LLP
GlacialLight Demonstrates How to Use Grow Lights with YouTube Video
Tips & Tricks video teaches how to most effectively use LED Grow Lights - May 15, 2010 - GlacialTech Inc
TeenScreen Social Media Launch is Turning Heads & Making Friends
Columbia University's TeenScreen National Center for Mental Health Checkups launches new site and new integrated social media strategy to engage the medical, education, and patient communities. - May 14, 2010 - Washington Media Group
GlacialLight Launches YouTube Video to Help Horticulturalists and Herbalists Reduce Their Carbon Footprints
GlacialLight shows new LED light video for Horticulturalists and Herbalists - May 14, 2010 - GlacialTech Inc