Books News
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Book About Empowered Women
Photographic artist D. Brent Walton begins to create a book about empowered women, titled, Little Black Dress - Never Tell Your Daughters They Can't. - June 16, 2012 - photography by db walton
"How do You Like Me Now? A True Story of Greed, Fear, and Disaster as a Wall Street Day Trader" by Successful Day Trader Robert James Perrego Now on Sale
Robert James Perrego releases memoir. - June 15, 2012 - Buy Low Sell High LLC
First Reviews Are in for Exploring Illusions Book
Book reviewers and artists who have read the new book like what they see and the majority have given the book a 5 star rating. - June 15, 2012 - Rohr Publishing
Writer Opens Doors for Discussion About Race Relations and Course for Humanity
New contemporary fiction Sequence 77 by author Darin M. Preston dares to take a hard look into our past and exposes the atrocities of hate, and their exorbitant effect on one man. This is a gripping, provocative work that blends characters from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities toward one goal of overcoming a very potent and unexpected danger. The book is available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook. - June 14, 2012 - Lucid Style Author Services
JD Gerdeman Writes Constitution and Religious Freedom Are in Jeopardy
"The Judeo Christian 10 Commandments are the basis for our country and each commandment is viewed from the historic actions of those in Washington," Gerdeman says. "The new book is like a public confession with open suggestions for penance. We need to reset and get back to basics or suffer the consequence of a maturing society." James Gerdeman wants everyone to read "Constitution Commandments." - June 14, 2012 - JDGerdeman
Shannon Delaney Paranormal Mystery Novels Now Sold in Europe
Author Elizabeth Eagan-Cox announces that all of her Shannon Delaney paranormal mystery novels are now being sold in Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. - June 14, 2012 -
New Book Release: "Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology to Create the Wildly Optimal You"
Author and Life Strategist Felicia Bender Ph. D. introduces readers to the enjoyable side of numerology in her refreshing guide on how to create your optimal life. - June 14, 2012 - Redesign Your Life
Pathway to Math Proficiency Receives the 2011 Best Book of the Year Award from Outskirts Press
Susan Mercer’s book – a mathematical workbook -- has been voted the Best Book of the Year for 2011 by voters in the second annual Outskirts Press Best Book of the Year Awards, winning a Grand Prize of $1,500. - June 14, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Art Book Publisher Blaze Hill Press Announces Release of “From The Flea Market” Photography Book
Blaze Hill Press, an independent publisher of art and photography books, announces the release of "From The Flea Market," a collection of still lifes from Southern California flea markets by photographer Joe Guimera. - June 14, 2012 - Blaze Hill Press
Free Novelette Promotion: The Song of God
A Free Promotional Amazon Kindle Download For "The Song of God" - June 14, 2012 - Martin Silenus
Coffee House Mafia - What Would You Do for a Cup of Coffee?
Nomey Tanner’s cafe has finally moved out of the red and is actually making some profit. Too bad the government just passed a prohibition against caffeine, making it illegal for her to sell coffee. What’s a cafe owner to do at a time like this? Why, turn to a life of crime, of course. - June 14, 2012 - Jennifer Jelliff
Challenging Steps of Faith in Paul Karanick's Newly Released Book "Faith of a Mustard Seed"
Paul and Christina experienced what it means to have the faith of a mustard seed. The term is used by Christ to explain the power that one can have if we just have a little faith. - June 13, 2012 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc
New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of the eBook How to Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds
How to Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds by Dr. Nick Morgan, one of America’s best-known communications theorists and coaches. - June 13, 2012 - New Word City
New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of the New eBook the End of the Aztecs by the Award-Winning Writer Charles Mee
History offers no more astonishing instance of the part that chance plays in our lives than the catastrophic. - June 13, 2012 - New Word City
Former Chicago Resident Returns to Her Birthplace with First Published Novel: The Eyes of the Heart by Brenda Mcghie
First time author Brenda McGhie has combined mystery, humor, and family in a page-turning novel that will have you on the edge of your seat one moment and laughing the next. Since its release in March of this year, Ms. McGhie states the sales of her book has been more than she could have ever... - June 13, 2012 - The Eyes Novels
Science Fiction Novel Asks, “What If Humanity Was More Than It Seemed?”
What if mankind was the key to an ancient struggle spanning the cosmos and didn’t know it? Norman Oro’s latest science fiction book, Away (Volume 2: Keepers of the Alliance) (published through CreateSpace), asks that question and imagines such a world. - June 13, 2012 - Norman Oro
Female Novel of Self Discovery Penned by Male Author Wins Award
Author's second novel wins NY Book Festival Award as he writes women's lit told through 1st person narrative. - June 13, 2012 - ASD Publishing
Business Travel Success
Morgan James Publishing ( releases Business Travel Success: How to Reduce Stress, Be More Productive and Travel with Confidence. - June 13, 2012 - Morgan James Publishing
American BeheMouth Tells of Raising a World-Record Bass and Problems in Society
“American BeheMouth” tells the story of a fisheries hobbyist who raises and catches the world-record bigmouth bass in the "Area 51 of Bass Fishing," a secret 70-acre lake. - June 13, 2012 - Jason Covington
Flowering, a New Short Story Collection, Highlights Human Folly, Human Fortune
Flowering is a collection of stories built around the themes of loss, social disruption, mistaken judgment and stumbling redemption. Lead characters are complex and not always charming, but their colors are memorably bright. - June 13, 2012 - The Write Word
Shelly Meyer Takes to Amazon with Her Novel, "The Letter"
This is in reference to the publishing of "The Letter" by Shelly Meyer. - June 13, 2012 - Shelly Meyer, Author
New Novel, Plant Teacher, Sweeps Awards
The new novel, Plant Teacher, by Caroline Alethia has been lauded at the International Book Awards, the Paris Book Festival and the Green Book Festival. - June 12, 2012 - Plant Teacher
Mystery Author Robert Thornhill Releases Lady Justice and the Candidate
Award-winning author Robert Thornhill announces the release of the ninth installment in his Lady Justice mystery/comedy series, Lady Justice And The Candidate. The first eight novels in the series, Lady Justice Takes A C.R.A.P. City Retiree Action Patrol, Lady Justice And The Lost Tapes, Lady... - June 12, 2012 - BooksByBob
An Invaluable Tool for All Newly-Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients
Windy City Publishers announces the release of Diagnosis: Breast Cancer–The Best Action Plan for Navigating Your Journey, by Ms. Cara Novy-Bennewitz, a breast-cancer survivor and Ambassador for the American Cancer Society. This new tool fills the gap between diagnosis and recovery by... - June 11, 2012 - Windy City Publishing
New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of the eBbook Jefferson’s Monticello by the Award-Winning Writer Robert Wernick
Virginia’s Monticello was President Thomas Jefferson’s home for the last fifty-six years of his life. The author of the Constitution of the United States spent forty of those years building it, transforming it, tearing it apart, and putting it together again. He knew and loved every inch of the house and the land that surrounded it. - June 11, 2012 - New Word City
J. Alton Byrd Tells How to Build Business and Life Success in New Book
Tired of doing the same old things in the same old way? Do you find yourself feeling as though the excitement has gone out of your career? Join Executive and Lifestyle Coach J. Alton Byrd and other top coaching experts in this powerful and content-rich guide to personal and professional success. Learn proven techniques that will show you how to achieve breakthrough after breakthrough in your career and life. - June 11, 2012 - Clear Focus Coaching, Inc.
New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of the First in a Series of Case Studies of Great Companies. This eBook Takes Aim at Target Corporation.
When times get tough, the authors write, the tough just get tougher. And if Bullseye, Target’s value-fetching bull terrier mascot, could talk, he’d explain how his master, CEO Gregg W. Steinhafel, and his staff quietly went to work in the midst of difficult economic times and did what... - June 11, 2012 - New Word City
Alexandra Ares Wins the Next Generation Indie Award for Best Novella 2012 with The Other Girl
Romanian born New York author and columnist named winner of Best New Indie Novella for The Other Girl, an original story about bohemian life and love in the age of feminism 2.0 - June 10, 2012 - Alexandra Ares
The Kindle Edition of "Relic of the Damned." The Two Volume Horror Thriller Published by Barren Hill Publishing is Going on Sale.
Due to the overwhelming response of a recent give-away, Horror Author, T. A. Bradley, through Barren Hill Publishing, is making his Kindle edition of both volumes availalbe for a limited time at a reduced price, now through Friday June 15. - June 10, 2012 - Barren Hill Publishing
An Interview with Urban Fantasy Author, J. Austin Gentry
J. Austin Gentry, author if Churn Book I of III, is about to release the much awaited “Churn Book II” in August of this year. Recently J. Austin was interviewed by David Ewen host of “Today’s Author” on Blog Talk... - June 10, 2012 - J. Austin Gentry
Business and Technology Integration Book Published on Amazon
Business and Technology Integration bridges the gap between the business and IT. - June 10, 2012 - Cerebellum Strategies, LLC
Inknbeans Press Welcomes Dawn Hood and Her Latest Title, The Rose of Marriage
Just in time for wedding season, author Dawn Hood and Inknbeans Press release a collection of insights for lasting marriage. - June 10, 2012 - Inknbeans Press
Caroline County, Virginia Local History Book Receives National Recognition
Memories of Union High Awarded Finalist by the 2012 National Indie Excellence Book Award - June 09, 2012 - Woodfork Genealogy LLC
Freedom Denied: A Modern Day, Terrorism, Fiction, Thriller Novel Release by Author Todd Hartman
Terrorism Has Evolved. The Black Horizon terrorist network has recruited an American citizen who works at the White House (Propolyn Monsoon) to overthrow the American government. - June 09, 2012 - Todd Hartman
Living the True Dream: Long Island Gold Published by Outskirts Press
Cherie’s new contemporary romance brings together a rock star and a children’s book writer in a heavenly tale that shows the importance of living a dream while also revealing everyone’s true dream. - June 09, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Signalman Publishing Releases The Black Dog About One Man's Struggles with Depression and Anxiety
Author John Dolan relates his lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety and how he overcame it. John was a very successful business executive and family man from outward appearances, yet his inner battles threatened everything. - June 09, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
Book Launch - Presage: Clairvoyant Computer Games and Simulated Historic Personae, Who End the Battle Between Socialism and Capitalism Are to Come in 2018...
If prophesies can change history by enlightening us so we can strive for an alternative outcome, will men benefit if we can see our future or will men suffer ? Moreover, can alternative histories do to reality what prophesies do to history? - June 08, 2012 - Pebbles Publications
“Movie Book” Gives Blow by Blow Account of Major Events in the Life of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
In her new book, Farrakhan, The Movie, journalist Leila Wills chronicles the life of controversial Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (NOI). Dynamic characters and little known details portray the intense history of the group since its formation in 1930 to its current partnership with... - June 08, 2012 - Leila Wills
Summer's SHAMELESS Beach Book
Before the fictional 50 Shades of Grey and a recent Newsweek cover made submission and spanking the subject of national conversation, Pamela Madsen came out about her real life adventure into the subterranean world of sacred sexuality and bondage in her memoir, Shameless: How I Ditched The Diet, Got Naked, Found True Pleasure and Somehow Got Home in Time to Cook Dinner. - June 07, 2012 - Pamela Madsen
Signalman Publishing Announces Release of Aging with Dignity: My Heart Transplant Story
New book about one man's journey through having a heart transplant and then living 17 years and counting. Ron Gainsford relates growing up in pre-war Pittsburgh, becoming a championship swimmer and then dealing with heat failure. - June 07, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
New Word City llc Announces the Publication of the New eBook Jacqueline Kennedy: First Lady in Courage by Nancy Nahra
All her life, Jacqueline Kennedy did things her way, often contradicting conventional wisdom and public expectation. But she also demonstrated considerable restraint and judgment. She won her place in America’s heart as the wife of President John F. Kennedy, then sealed her place in history... - June 07, 2012 - New Word City
New Word City llc Announces the Publication of the First in a Series of Case Studies of Great Companies
This eBook takes aim at Target Corporation. Here, in this digital short, is Target’s story – with lessons for businesspeople everywhere. - June 07, 2012 - New Word City
Steering Your Marriage Will Guide Couples on a Steady Course
Steering Your Marriage, author Suzanne Burger's first publication, offers couples tools for moving through the hard times they may encounter along a lifetime journey. Intended for couples looking to repair or simply to improve their relationship, the first half of the book provides skills to increase respect, intimacy, and effective communication. The second section applies these skills to such challenges as financial stress or illness, that may arise and threaten the couple's harmony. - June 06, 2012 - Suzanne Burger
New Poetry Book Sheds Light on Christian Living
Medical Student Announces the Publication of His First Book to Encourage Fellow Christians through Poetic Verse. - June 06, 2012 - Earl Stewart, Jr.
Author Cabot Barden to do Book Signing at Ernest Tubbs Record Shop on Broadway in Nashville on June 9th for New Book Mixed Blessings
Singer/songwriter/author Cabot Barden will be at the Ernest Tubbs Record shop on Broadway in Nashville, Tn from 2 to 4 pm on June the 9th for a book signing of his newest book "Mixed Blessings." His newest book picks up where his first book, "It's The Bass Player" left off, with... - June 06, 2012 - Cabot Barden-Author
Newly Published eBook – Hard Luck Larry
Published in 2012 by William T. Moyer, Hard Luck Larry is an exciting tale from the point of view of a police officer. This eBook adds a humorous take on police work, from the mundane everyday work to the excitement. William T. Moyer draws on his many years as a police officer to publish this true... - June 06, 2012 - William Moyer, Published Author
The Brownstone Poets 2012 Anthology Book Event at BookCourt, Sunday, June 24 at 7 p.m. Come Celebrate a Labor of Love Set to Poetry
A Labor of Love is Now A Celebration of Love-- the Love of Poetry and Prose. The Brownstone Poets 2012 Anthology Book Event a Celebration of Poetry in Brooklyn, Sunday, June 24, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - June 06, 2012 - The Brownstone Poets
Mystery Novel Offers a New Take on The Maltese Falcon
Reel Life Crime by Cary Pepper - June 05, 2012 -
Savant Books Announces the Release of Helen Doan's Novel, "On My Behalf"
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st century, announces the release of Helen Doan's new autobiographical novel, "On My Behalf." - June 05, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
7.5 Ways to Make Your Communications More Memorable - by Tony Buzan, Leader of ThinkBuzan Ltd
Tony Buzan, Creator of Mind Maps and Leader of ThinkBuzan Ltd Reveals Memory Secrets for Successful Presentations, PR and Customer Service - June 04, 2012 - ThinkBuzan Ltd