Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Author, Roger Cantu, Releases New Book Manifest Success

Author, Roger Cantu is pleased to announce the releases of his new book, Manifest Success! that teachers readers how to take control of their lives. Manifest Success! How to decide what is right and 5 steps to make it happen. - November 07, 2011 - Author, Roger Cantu

George Washington, Spymaster, a New eBook by New York Times Bestselling Author and Historian Thomas Fleming

Without Washington’s brilliance at espionage, writes Fleming, the Revolution could not have been won. Here’s the little-told story of America’s spymaster-in-chief. - November 07, 2011 - New Word City

New Books Published in Romania by Hardcover & Paperback

New Books Published in Romania by Hardcover & Paperback

The Romanian publisher Hardcover & Paperback has recently diversified their offer with the Romanian translations of three new titles: "Swindling Billions" by Kari Nars, "Triptych" and "Martin Misunderstood" by Karin Slaughter. These books were initially presented... - November 06, 2011 - Hardcover & Paperback SRL

Garbology Kids™ Where Do Recyclable Materials Go? Named Best Book Award Finalist

Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?, a children’s picture book, opens up the mysterious world of recycling to children by showing them what happens to recyclables after they are picked up at the curb. - November 06, 2011 - Firewater Media Group

POTEMKIN, Inc.; How Perception is Everything and What to do with It in Business

A new book, based on the author’s true, entertaining, and funny stories that provides a guided-tour backstage into the controversial reality behind many Start-Ups. This original adaptation of the Potemkin villages to modern business makes the readers forget what they learned in business school and discover that the only 80/20 rule that matters is the 20 you show and the 80 you don't. - November 06, 2011 - Philippe Joly

Research for Novel Uncovers Many Unsung WWII Heroines

New website dedicated to the inspiring tales of the unsung heroines of WWII. - November 06, 2011 - Ron Russell

Publication of One Small Candle – the Pilgrims’ First Year in America by New York Times Bestselling Historian and Novelist Thomas Fleming

This vivid, deeply moving book begins in London in 1620 as Pilgrim representatives sign a contract to purchase the freighter Mayflower. We accompany them as they endure a harrowing voyage across the Atlantic, the rigors of the New England winter, and the ever-present threat of Indian attack as they desperately search for the home they eventually find at Plymouth. Once there, they must continue the struggle against brutal weather and disease. - November 06, 2011 - New Word City

California Author Selected as "50 Great Writers" to be Read

Long time Ridgecrest, California resident Lucinda Sue Crosby has been selected for inclusion in “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading,” 2011 edition. - November 05, 2011 - LuckyCinda

Romance Author Jaye Frances Launches New Novel with Clothing Optional Book Signing

Romance Author Jaye Frances Launches New Novel with Clothing Optional Book Signing

Jaye Frances, author of the just released paranormal romance novel, “The Kure,” has just returned from the Bare Necessities Tour & Travel Fantasy Fest Cruise, a clothing optional cruise that departed Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on October 25, 2011. Jaye autographed her novel while at... - November 04, 2011 -

Pittsburgh Author Larry Ivkovich to Attend the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention on November 18 - 20

Pittsburgh Author Larry Ivkovich to Attend the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention on November 18 - 20

Larry Ivkovich, author of the urban fantasy, The Sixth Precept, will be selling copies of his novel in the dealer's room at Philcon, 2011, held in Cherry Hill, NJ from Friday, November 18 to Sunday, November 21. - November 04, 2011 - Larry Ivkovich

USA Best Books 2011 Awards Honors Gabriella Books

The "Gabriella" children's picture book series by Jerry and Patsy Di Leo has been honored as a "Finalist" in The USA "Best Books 2011" Awards in the category of Children's Book Series. The book series includes "Gabriella and Her Bouquet of Friends,"... - November 04, 2011 - Jerry and Patsy Di Leo

USA Book News Names Fifo “50 States” as Finalist, Twice, in THE USA “BEST BOOKS 2011” AWARDS

Fifo “50 States” does it again, twice. This time Fifo “50 States” is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Children's Educational, and Children's Picture Book: Soft cover Non-Fiction categories of THE USA “BEST BOOKS 2011” AWARDS, sponsored by USA Book... - November 04, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

Author Cheri Carter Announces Her New Book, The Misfitz! That Helps Kids Cope with Not Fitting in with Humor and Stories

Author Cheri Carter is pleased to announce the release of her new book, The Misfitz! "The Misfitz" is a children's book of humorous poems and playful illustrations. - November 04, 2011 - Author, Cheri Carter

New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of An American Feast by New York Times Bestselling Historian and Novelist Thomas Fleming

Here is the story of six memorable Thanksgivings - from the first with the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to the sixth, celebrated in England’s Westminster Abbey. About The Author New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming is one of the most distinguished and productive... - November 04, 2011 - New Word City

Author Jackson Baer Releases New Book on Biblical Interpretation Called "What the Hell"

Author Jackson Baer Releases New Book on Biblical Interpretation Called "What the Hell"

Author Jackson Baer is pleased to announce the new release of his book, "What the Hell." This book discusses the Biblical interpretation of Heaven and Hell and what the author's view points are. - November 03, 2011 - Author, Jackson Baer

Debut of "The Letter," A Children's Christmas Story by A.S. Mundt

Sonora is determined to get her Christmas list to Santa. In "The Letter," Sonora requests the help of a Postman to deliver her letter. After traveling through many wondrous lands, the letter finally makes it to Santa. Available at your local retail or ISBN 978-1-4634-3936-1 - November 03, 2011 - A.S. Mundt

A Death in Ueno, a New Mystery eBook by Novelist Mike Cooper

Japan’s last decade has left thousands of people homeless, scraping by in parks and cardboard boxes throughout Tokyo. When one of these forgotten men is murdered, writes Cooper, his brother hires a private investigator. To find the killer, he must confront police indifference, yakuza hostility, and the closed silence of the down-and-out themselves. - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

The Real Pirates of the Caribbean - by Colin Woodard

New Word City Llc announces the publication of The Real Pirates of the Caribbean, an eBook by award-winning journalist and author Colin Woodard. Here’s the true story of the British Royal Navy’s struggle with the greatest pirate gang of all time. Drawing on archives in Great Britain... - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

The Joy of Steam - by Tony Perrottet

New Word City Llc announces the publication of The Joy of Steam, a new eBook by the bestselling author and award-winning travel writer and frequent New York Times contributor Tony Perrottet. The historic bathhouses of Istanbul were built on the sites of the great thermae of the ancient Romans,... - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

Wingspan Press Announces the Release of a New Book "Animal Teachings: From Hayley's Angels Methods"

An intuitive and compassionate approach to both self and animal companion care. - November 01, 2011 - WingSpan Publishing Inc

Joe Bev's Waterlogg Productions Releases 12 New Halloween Stories Through

Pedro Pablo Sacristan's Spanish Halloween Stories available on CD, Kindle, Audible, Amazon, Blackberry, Android, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, iPod. - November 01, 2011 - Waterlogg Productions

The Story Teller - Tony Bertot

The Story Teller - Tony Bertot

Read the three books that make up Tony Bertot's Assassin Trilogy; The Heart of an Assassin, The Birth of an Assassin, The Legacy of the Assassin. - October 31, 2011 - The Story Teller - Tony Bertot

The Artists' Orchard's Author SBR Martin Finds a New Life in Writing Her Debut Book, "In Wake Of Water"

After losing her only sibling and both parents, SBR Martin deals with grief and loss and finds a new life through her adult fiction writing. - October 31, 2011 - The Artists' Orchard, LLC

Author Andree Harris Releases "A Heart, a Home and a Hope: if I Can do It so Can You" Just in Time for National Adoption Month 2011

National Adoption Month is a time to celebrate the positive impact that the decision to foster or adopt a child can have. In honor of this time “A heart, a home, and a hope: If I can do it so can you,” is being released on November 1, 2011. - October 30, 2011 - Author Andree Harris

Author FA Shepherd Announces His Two Books Horse Creek Lemonade and The Massacre at Noe Creek

History and suspense come alive in FA Shepherd’s two books, Horse Creek Lemonade and The Massacre at Noe Creek. In Horse Creek Lemonade, Shepherd weaves a delightful tale of industrial espionage and conspiracy. The Massacre at Noe Creek combines history, fiction and some of the author’s own experiences to weave a set of tales that will delight and fascinate anyone who opens it. - October 30, 2011 - Author FA Shepherd

Transformational Author Nadine Love Awarded Top Prize in the First Annual Transformational Author Writing Contest

Twenty-nine prizes awarded to authors around the globe. Transformational Author Nadine Love earns top prize with 4 other authors in a world-wide contest during the Transformational Author Experience. - October 30, 2011 - Nadine Love

Your Time Publishing's Author to Sign Her Book "If You Change the Words You Change the Meaning" at the New Orleans East Friends Fest

Author, Ellen Allen will sign her debut book at the 1st annual New Orleans East Friend Fest. - October 30, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Another Malone Editorial Services Book Sold to a Traditional Publisher

Author Annabelle Charbit Bergenfeld Prepares for Publication in 2012 - October 30, 2011 - Malone Editorial Services

Chambers Stevens' Hollywood 101 Series Released on iBooks

Chambers Stevens' Hollywood 101 Series Released on iBooks

Sandcastle Publishing and Chambers Stevens are proud to announce the upcoming release of the best selling Hollywood 101 series on Apple iBooks for use on the Apple iPad and iPad2. The Hollywood 101 series is the ultimate source of insider advice for breaking into film and television for young... - October 29, 2011 - the Chambie Awards

Author, Peter Spinogatti Announces His New Book: Explaining Unhappiness: Dissolving the Paradox

Author, Peter Spinogatti Announces His New Book: Explaining Unhappiness: Dissolving the Paradox

Author, Peter Spinogatti is pleased to announce his book, Explaining Unhappiness: Dissolving the Paradox. In his book, Spinogatti discusses negative emotions and their causes and effects. From The Author: "Unhappiness – negative emotions, if you will – are not inscrutable... - October 28, 2011 - Author, Peter Spinogatti

National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame (NLAHF) Pursues Christopher Columbus' True Identity

National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame (NLAHF) Pursues Christopher Columbus' True Identity

Interview with historian, Manuel Rosa, discloses that Columbus has a Lithuanian heritage. - October 28, 2011 - National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame

New Book by New Jersey Poet Michael T. Young Now Available to Pre-Order

New Jersey Poet Michael T. Young announces a new poetry chapbook, “Living in the Counterpoint,” now available to pre-order from publisher Finishing Line Press. ISBN 1-59924-870-0. Paper. $12. Release Date: Jan. 13, 2012. - October 27, 2011 - Poets Wear Prada

Lady Justice Holiday Book Tour

Tate Publishing mystery/comedy author, Robert Thornhill, announces the itinerary for his holiday book signing tour. - October 27, 2011 - BooksByBob

Author Shanon Sinn Releases New Horror, Thriller Way of the Wraith

Author, Shanon Sinn, announces the release of his new book Way of the Wraith. This horror/thriller piece was published by iUniverse in August of 2011. - October 27, 2011 - Author, Shanon Sinn

Inkwell Productions Fifo “50 States” Author Hayley Rose Recipient of 2011 K.A.R.T. Kids Book List Award

The K.A.R.T. Kids Book List is assembled each year to introduce children’s books with age appropriate content that are memorable and enhance the gift of learning as a child grows. Titles for the list are picked by the South Jersey Children’s Literary Festival selection committee. Fifo... - October 26, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

SevenHouse Press Presents Cherish The Love, by Carrie Macon

A gripping tale of learning to love again in the wake of devastating heartbreak and betrayal. - October 25, 2011 - SevenHouse Press

William Maltese's Novel, "Flicker" Receives a 2011 Halloween Book Festival Award

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, is proud to announce that "William Maltese's Flicker - #1 Book of Answers" has been awarded a 2011 Halloween Book Festival Award. - October 24, 2011 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

World Release of VERONIKA: The Siberian’s Tale, by Sandy Krolick

Having spent the past six years living at the foot of the Altai Mountains, in Western Siberia, Sandy plunges us deep into the myth, mystery, and psyche of an archaic worldview swept away in Siberia's headlong rush to the West. - October 24, 2011 - Islands Press

Sevenhouse Press Presents Abraham Markem and the Amazing White Dog, by Gary D. Henry

A compelling tale of victory, loss, redemption - and the immutable bonds of true friendship. - October 23, 2011 - SevenHouse Press

Super Star Press Announces the Release of “42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins: Essential Business Strategy for Website and Social Media Success” by Philippa Gamse

Super Star Press Announces the Release of “42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins: Essential Business Strategy for Website and Social Media Success” by Philippa Gamse

With the rise in social media, some experts have declared websites dead. Not Philippa Gamse, author of the new book “42 Rules for a Web Presence that Wins: Essential Business Strategy for Website and Social Media Success.” In fact, Gamse states that, “It’s about the goals and objectives that each organization wants to achieve, and understanding how these are helped or hindered by new technologies.” - October 22, 2011 - 42 Rules

After Not Guilty Verdict, Abuse Survivor is Featured in BBC Documentary, Signs Book Deal

A Florida woman, Stacey M. Kananen, is featured in a new BBC documentary on child abuse. Kananen—whose incredible story of abuse, betrayal, murder and survival will be published by Berkley Books—was found not guilty in 2010 of her mother’s murder. The BBC discovered her through... - October 22, 2011 - Amnesty for Abuse

True Crime Author, Ken Lang, Named to "50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading"

Detective turned author, Ken Lang, has been named a winner in The Author’s Show 2011 “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.” This momentous award comes on the heels of his debut release Walking Among the Dead: True Stories from a Homicide Detective which is captivating true... - October 22, 2011 - Ken Lang Studios

Silver Sky Publishing Releases Buddhist Golf Book Changing the Way Golfers Think About the Game

All golfers know the idea of suffering when it comes to their golf game. The newly released 2nd edition of Buddha Plays 18 by Edward Sarkis Balian is an informative and entertaining book that combines the art and science of good golf techniques with the principles of Buddhist Philosophy. - October 21, 2011 - Silver Sky Publishing

The Brownstone Poets Presents Two Brooklyn Poets Amy Holman and Peter Marra on Tuesday, November 15 at 7 P.m. At Tillie's of Brooklyn

The Brownstone Poets presents two Brooklyn poets Amy Holman and Peter Marra on Tuesday, 11/ 15 at 7 p.m. at Tillie's of Brooklyn. Come to Tillie's of Brooklyn and enjoy the quaint student-friendly café ambiance located near Pratt and St. Joseph's College. Feast on gourmet sandwiches,... - October 21, 2011 - The Brownstone Poets

Charles River Press Releases “Ghost Hunters Research Guide to Free Internet Sources"

In time for Halloween, Charles River Press releases the Ghost Hunters Research Guide to Free Internet Sources by paranormal author Elizabeth Eagan-Cox. - October 21, 2011 -

The First Book App Where the Story Line Changes According to the Weather and the Time of the Day

Vilnius, October: a team of young and innovative people "Realverus" together with Interactive agency, "Gaumina" are pleased to announce that its “Mousey Howsee and the Rescuers" App for iPad, is now available on the App Store. - October 21, 2011 - Gaumina

Literary Classics Announces Youth Media International Book Award Winners

Literary Classics announced its 2011 selection of top books for children and young adults today. Award recipients were selected from entries received throughout the world. The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children's and young adult literature... - October 21, 2011 - Literary Classics Book Awards and Reviews

Dr. Abraham Verghese to Give John P. McGovern Lecture on Oct. 24

The University of Houston (UH) has invited best-selling author and noted physician Abraham Verghese to give the John P. McGovern Endowed Lecture in Family, Health and Human Values at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24 at the UH Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom. “As an Indian-American immigrant to the... - October 20, 2011 - University of Houston

Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Books in Self-Publishing for September 2011

Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten titles for September. - October 20, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires

President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires

A political guide that breaks down the top desired qualities for America’s future leaders that places blame and responsibility squarely where it belongs and then offers a plan to correct the mistakes. - October 19, 2011 - Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc.

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