Books News

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An Uncommon Marital Journey, Celebrating Life, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated family, relationships and marriage book from Albuquerque, NM, author Jim Shannon. - September 15, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Your Time Publishing’s Author Deandrea Green Featured in Documentary of African American Theater in New Orleans

Author Deandrea Green will talk about her tenure with Anthony Bean Community Theater and her debut children’s book "Skating on a Rainy Day." - September 14, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Your Time Publishing’s Author Sherry "Miss Leddy" Milam Will be on Two Week Tour Throughout the Greater New Orleans Area

Author Sherry “Ms. Leddy” Milam has finally made it back to New Orleans to promote her debut children’s book “The Red Feather.” - September 14, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

The Brownstone Poets Presents Two Brevitas Poets Judy Kamilhor and Zev Shanken on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at Tillie's of Brooklyn

The Brownstone Poets presents two Brevitas poets Judy Kamilhor and Zev Shanken on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at Tillie's of Brooklyn. Brevitas is an on-line community of invited poets who email one to two original poems (14 lines max) to the group on the 1st and the 15th of each month. Come to Tillie's of Brooklyn and enjoy the quaint student-friendly café ambiance located near Pratt and St. Joseph's College. There's an open-mic as well. - September 14, 2011 - The Brownstone Poets

The Brownstone Poets Presents Award-Winning New Jersey Poets Laura Boss and Gail Gerwin on Saturday, October 1 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in Brooklyn Heights

The Brownstone Poets presents award-winning New Jersey poets Laura Boss and Gail Gerwin on Saturday, October 1 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Enjoy the varied menu at this affordable family-run diner while listening to great poetry. Poetry grows in Brooklyn... - September 13, 2011 - The Brownstone Poets

Army Combat Medic Writes Memoir About Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom

Army medic writes memoir of war and the consequences of war. The medic served in Desert Storm with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and later on in the Army National Guard with the 76th Infantry Brigade. Chapters include combat operations, medical operations, parachuting, army training, growing up as a Army brat and dealing with PTSD. - September 13, 2011 - combat medic

Explore Your Mind Beyond Imagination in Dr. Maurie Pressman’s Latest Book Living in the Supermind: From Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind Published by Inkwell Productions

Living in the Supermind: From Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind is almost a “how-to” as well as a “what it’s like up there” book. The splendors of the mind are revealed when we get into a meditative mode, which means to let ourselves go into easy silence. At that point,... - September 13, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

Wright Scoop Urges Enable Recording of America’s Heritage, Its Legacy

Award-winning author The Wright Scoop –Sylvia Hoehns Wright, in honor of September as "be kind to editors and writers month," urges use of wordsmith tips and strategies that enable recording America’s heritage, its legacy. - September 12, 2011 - The Wright Scoop is Pleased to Announce New Client Children's Author Karen Vause Green and the Promotion of Sweet Sister, Don't be Afraid is pleased to announce the promotion of Sweet Sister, Don't Be Afraid by children's Author Karen Vause Green. The delightful story of two sisters teaches in a sweet and simple way through powerful examples how to overcome fear by using God's word, and how to pray in times of crisis. - September 12, 2011 - BookBuzz Announces New Client Joel Mark Harris and His New Suspense Thriller A Thousand Bayonets is pleased to announce the promotion of the new book A Thousand Bayonets by Canadian author Joel Mark Harris. Upon returning from Afghanistan, journalist John Webster discovers a gang war in his backyard. Now he must find a way to survive in this Canadian warzone - or die in the crossfire. - September 10, 2011 - BookBuzz

Scented Adventures of the Bouquet Sisters in Fairyland by Susan Liberty Hall Book Launch at Athena Restaurant, Introducing a Three Scented Dimension (3SD) Children’s Book

Scented Adventures of The Bouquet Sisters in Fairyland by Susan Liberty Hall book launch at Athena Restaurant, introducing a three scented dimension (3SD) children’s book, on Saturday, September 10th, 2011 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Located at 7000 E. Mayo Blvd, Scottsdale 101 Plaza, Phoenix,... - September 10, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

Local Arizona Author Offers to Write You Into a Comic Short Story

Be a Star of the Next Haven Story by Author J.A. Giunta. Author donates his skills to write a story based on what the winner of a newly listed eBay auction desires. - September 10, 2011 - Brick Cave media

Capstone Webinar Previews New Fall Titles and Offers 1,500 Rewards Points to Attendees

Capstone is showcasing its new fall 2011 titles in a free webinar. - September 09, 2011 - Capstone

Award Winning Author Hayley Rose to Host Children’s Pajama Party at The Book Rack

Award - winning author Hayley Rose to host children’s Pajama Party at The Book Rack, Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, 1752 South Signal Butte Rd. Suite #108, Mesa, Arizona. - September 09, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

TasteTV's Dog's Guide to Surfing Released as an eBook for iPads, Kindles, Nooks and Smartphones

The Dog's Guide to Surfing has a newly released edition as an eBook for tablets and Smartphones. - September 08, 2011 - TasteTV

Mima Joins Branching Path Books to Release an Interactive Romance App

Charlotte, Prowling for Enchantment, is a paranormal romance interactive book written by Mima. It is published for the iPhone by Branching Path Books ( - September 08, 2011 - Branching Path Books

New Mystery/Comedy Release by Mystery Author Robert Thornhill

Mystery author, Robert Thornhill releases the fifth installment in his Lady Justice mystery/comedy series. - September 08, 2011 - BooksByBob

A Brand New Mafia Thriller: "The Godfather" Meets "The Social Network"

The Dean's List out now from Diversion Books for only $2.99. "Any other school you'd try your best to make the Dean's List. At Filmore University, you try your best not to." - September 08, 2011 - Jimmy Petrosino is Please to Announce New Client Ro'i Tov & His Book, The Cross of Bethlehem, a True Story About a Christian Israeli Military Officer is pleased to announce the promotion of Ro'i Tov's book, The Cross of Bethlehem. The Cross of Bethlehem by Ro’i Tov portrays the struggle of being a Christian Israeli military officer. - September 08, 2011 - BookBuzz

Dark Myth Publications to Launch a Dark Erotica Imprint Called Horrotica Publications

First Horrotica Publications Titles to be Published in September 2011. - September 08, 2011 - Horrotica Publications

New Book Challenges Old Thinking on Video Games and Addiction

New Book Challenges Old Thinking on Video Games and Addiction

A new book challenges healthcare providers & the public to rethink how they understand and work with patients who play video games. - September 07, 2011 - Mike Langlois, LICSW

Eternal Press Released New Titles on 7 September 2011

Eternal Press has been releasing up to eight titles each month. - September 07, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

Multiple-Award Winning Christian Author – Pastor Kevin Wayne Johnson – Launches Revised Edition of First Book in the Give God the Glory! Series

The Give God the Glory! nine-book series by multiple-award winning Christian author, Kevin Wayne Johnson, continues to expand around the world. Kevin Wayne Johnson enthusiastically embraces God’s Word, not only for his life, but presents it in such a way that it is easy to grasp, encouraging his readers to apply the principles therein for a more victorious Christian life. - September 07, 2011 - Writing for the Lord Ministries

Top 5 Reasons to Distribute an iPhone/iPad e-Book Through iBooks with the Help of a Convenient New Full-Service Publishing Option

For the first time, self-publishing authors can now conveniently distribute an e-book edition of their book through the Apple iBooks bookstore while owning the files, the ISBN, and all the royalties. - September 06, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author Publishes Sixth Kids Adventure

Author Max Elliot Anderson grew up hating to read. Now he writes adventures and mysteries for young readers 8 - 13. - September 06, 2011 - Max Books

Wocoski Publishes 2nd Edition of Our Seasons of Ardent Love

Our Seasons of Ardent Love by Joe Wocoski is now available in its 2nd edition. This updated collection of 21 modern sonnets embraces their passionate caring love of a man and woman throughout their lives. From the springtime when their love first bloomed through the hot summer of their life, then as the leaves turn in color in the autumn air their love follows suite, to their final winter together with all their memories and desires shared eternally between them, their love endures. - September 06, 2011 - Joe Wocoski Author

Author Fiona Ingram Joins the Stories for Children Publishing September ‘11 World of Ink Virtual Tour

Stories for Children Publishing will be touring The Secret of the Sacred Scarab written by Fiona Ingram, which is the first book of the Chronicles of the Stone children’s book series, all month long in September 2011. Fiona Ingram’s earliest story-telling talents came to the fore when,... - September 06, 2011 - Stories for Children Magazine

How to Write Songs is Released on Kindle

Award-Winning Author and Songwriter Mark Jones has just released a new book on Kindle. How To Write Songs takes you along a path studying the Craft of Songwriting while explaining the various elements. How To Write Songs helps you with Understanding the Basics of Songwriting and is highlighted at - September 06, 2011 - Mark Jones Music

Mudpie Opens Online Bookstore ( Selling Trend Books for Fashion, Graphics, Print and Creative Thinking

New online bookstore opens for designers and readers looking for inspirational and creative ideas from renowned publishers. - September 03, 2011 - Mudpie Ltd

Neuroreality: Galactic Black Hole Big Bang Fountains Are Emitting Missing Dark Matter

Neuroreality: Galactic Black Hole Big Bang Fountains Are Emitting Missing Dark Matter

According to the "Galactic Big Bang Engine Model" of University of Hawaii’s biophysicist-cosmologist, Bruce E. Morton, "Each galaxy is a stacked double torus resulting from black hole polar big bang fountains, blasting out dark matter and dark energy. As these gather mass, they are pulled back into light matter at the inward flowing spiral arms of the galactic plane, which continuously reenter the black hole to feed its continued big bang emissions." - September 02, 2011 - Bruce Eldine Morton

Hip Digital Inc. to Offer eBooks and Audiobooks from OverDrive®

Deal further enhances multi-product offerings from technology company. - September 02, 2011 - Hip Digital Media

A New Title in the Fall of 2011 for Author Celeste Streiff, Hammond

A New Title in the Fall of 2011 for Author Celeste Streiff, Hammond

Imagine you could enter a world filled with strange and wonderful characters and beings, simply by taking a walk down your street and catching...the Streetcar to Andromeda. A new e-Book being released this month at all major online book store outlets. - September 02, 2011 - Celeste Streiff, Hammond

Man Describes Life as a Cult Member and His Parents Daring Risk to Rescue Him

A new book describing the writer's decent into cult life, and what brought him to a point having to make a decision between the cult and his family. The book further looks into a variety of moral and legal issues facing families today that feel they have "lost" someone to a destructive cult. - September 02, 2011 - Rand Burkey

Berner Releases A Whisper to a Scream

Author Karen Wojcik Berner has released her novel, A Whisper to a Scream, the first in the Bibliophiles series based on the lives of the members of a suburban classics book club. - September 02, 2011 - Karen Wojcik Berner

Your Time Publishing and Author Sherry Milam Looking for Schools to Read Her Debut Book

Author Sherry “Ms. Leddy” Milam is seeking schools that would like for her to come read her debut children’s book “The Red Feather.” - September 02, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Now Everyone is an Author: Publishing eBooks from Mobile Phones

Instebooks provides 50 mobile apps that make it easy, fast and fun for consumers to preserve their stories, memories, experiences, and images in ebooks that they publish from their mobile phones. - September 02, 2011 - Instebooks

Damnation Books Released New eBook Titles

Damnation Books, LLC is based in Santa Rosa, California. Founded by William Gilchrist and Kim Richards Gilchrist, Damnation Books looks to use available technologies to bring affordable dark fiction to everyone. The following titles were released by Damnation Books on 1 September 2011; Mother... - September 01, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

Atlanta-Based Comic Publisher Terminus Media LLC to Bring Promotional Tour for New Title Radio Free Amerika to DragonCon

Terminus Media LLC (Terminus) is proud to announce DragonCon as an official stop on the Radio Free Amerika promotional tour. Members of the book’s creative team will be on hand in Artist Alley to sign autographs and meet fans. Set in 2020, Radio Free Amerika chronicles the story of DJ Mose B. - September 01, 2011 - Terminus Media LLC

SEAL Veteran Saga: Spartacus Did the Right Thing Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from Annapolis, MD, author Mike Tucker. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Charles Stone Travel Mystery, Broken Spirit, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from Gloucester, MA, author Charles L. Fields. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Francine: Silk Stockings and Red Stilettos Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated poetry collection from Andalusia, AL, author Nancy E. Alcorn. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Brave Tale of Breast Cancer Survivor, March Forth, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated motivational and inspirational self-help book from Chandler, IN, author Marci A. Schmitt. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Tragedy Draws Boys Together: Tears of the Phoenix Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from McKinney, TX, author Lonnie Beerman. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Military Memoir, Silk Pajamas & Tombstone Eyes, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated military autobiography book from Vancouver, WA, author Thomas Rock. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Father Frees Daughter from Pain: Destiny's Brother Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from Braham, MN, author J. F. Harrison. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Final Conclusion: Your Journey to Certainty Published by Jerrmein Abu Shahba

Jerrmein Abu Shahba announces the latest highly anticipated religion and faith book from Jersey City, NJ, author Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Super Hero Tribute Saga, John 3:16, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated comic and graphic novel anthology from Waterbury, CT, author Mark Anthony. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Surviving Sexual Predators: Jarred Into Being Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated fiction from Pleasant Prairie, WI, author Pat Lawrence. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

WWII Survival: Love All Men, Have Lunch with a Few Published by Outskirts Press

James B. Hylton brings to life WWII in the South Pacific as seen through the sharp, compassionate eye of his father, an inspirational, old fashioned Southern gentleman whose character was tested as a Japanese POW in ways few of us today can imagine. - September 01, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The New Children's Book by the Award-Winning Author Tom S. Figueiredo

The Editora Cedraz publishing house is launching I remember my circus, a children’s book by the award-winning author Tom S. Figueiredo, in which the narrator tells of a memory about the arrival of a mysterious and uncommon circus in the city when he was a child. The Editora Cedraz specializes in the publication of titles for children and youth and has been bestowed with UNESCO’s acknowledgement for one of its literary projects which included comic books. - September 01, 2011 - Editora Cedraz

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