Food & Beverage News

Satisfy your appetite for information about food and beverage offerings in the retail, wholesale and hospitality industries, with news from winemakers, brewers, distillers, chefs, influencers and food growers, processors, packagers and manufacturers. Discover the newest trends, research, innovations, products and services that appeal to foodies around the globe.

Author, Speaker and 400+ Weight Loss Champion Val McLeod to be Keynote Speaker at eXfuze Transformations 2015 in Miami FL, January 24

Author, Speaker and 400+ Weight Loss Champion Val McLeod to be Keynote Speaker at eXfuze Transformations 2015 in Miami FL, January 24

eXfuze, a global leader in health and wellness products, will host their 2015 Regional Conference in Miami, on January 24, with a theme of Transformations. To go along with the theme, eXfuze will be introducing a brand new “4 in 4 Transformations Pack” and Program, complete with... - January 15, 2015 - eXfuze

Lori Bigelow Has Recently Been Recognized by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals

Lori Bigelow Has Recently Been Recognized by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals

Lori Bigelow of Norwalk, Connecticut has recently been recognized by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals as Professional of the Year 2015 for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Tea Manufacturing. - January 15, 2015 - America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals

Global Trends on Stevia Market - Size, Share, Segment Analysis and Forecast to 2020, Research Report by Persistence Market Research

Persistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd has released a new forthcoming report on "Stevia Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020." - January 15, 2015 - Persistence Market Research

Opportunity in the Indian Packaged Flour (Atta) Market - 2014 presents the report on "Opportunity in the Indian Packaged Flour (Atta) Market - 2014." This report provides an insight into the Opportunity in the Indian Packaged Flour (Atta) current market scenario, structure and practices. - January 15, 2015 - Market Reports on India

Camelina Approved for Broiler Chicken Meal in Canada

Camelina Approved for Broiler Chicken Meal in Canada

Smart Earth Seeds is pleased to announce that Camelina meal has been approved for the first time in Canada for use in broiler chicken feed. Smart Earth Seeds is the leading global Camelina enterprise and has been working to develop Camelina as a valuable new oilseed rotation crop in Western... - January 14, 2015 - Smart Earth Seeds

Italian Restaurant in Morristown - La Campagna

Italian Restaurant in Morristown - La Campagna

For one of the best Italian restaurants in Morristown, New Jersey, La Campagna offers quality service with some of the best Italian traditional dishes. They are one of the most esteemed Italian restaurants in Morristown NJ, contributing to some of the best eateries in all of New Jersey and several local wine shops provide spirits for a BYOB experience. - January 14, 2015 - La Campagna

SGS Reports Decline in Foodborne Disease Outbreaks in Germany in 2013

Food-borne illness outbreaks in Germany decreased in 2013, according to data collated by Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR), down to 73 outbreaks, from 84 in 2012. Despite this reduction, food handling, preparation and cooking remain serious issues for consumer health. - January 14, 2015 - SGS

SGS Informs on U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention Proposed Guidance on Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment

On 14 November 2014, the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) published their proposed guidance to assess the vulnerabilities for food fraud*. - January 14, 2015 - SGS

The Russian Hot Drinks Market: What Consumers Drink and Why? presents a report on “The Russian Hot Drinks Market: What Consumers Drink and Why?,” the market these trends influence, and brand and private label choices as well as organized retailer choices. - January 14, 2015 - Market Reports on Russia

Online Retailers Struggle to Keep Pace with Organic Bone Broth’s Sudden Star Status

Online Retailers Struggle to Keep Pace with Organic Bone Broth’s Sudden Star Status

Bone broth is selling out almost as fast as smaller online retailers can produce it. Wise Choice Market, a Canadian company that produces and sells bone broth for American consumers, has doubled bone broth sales this winter. The purported health benefits and flavor of bone broth appear to be driving this beverage’s rise in popularity among Paleo dieters and the general public. - January 13, 2015 - Wise Choice Market

SGS Informs on Frauds on Olive Oil Fraud and Testing Solutions

Olive oil is one of the most frequently economically adulterated food products. Therefore, it is no surprise that there are concerns that a fresh wave of adulteration is on the way. - January 13, 2015 - SGS

SGS Announces Increased Legal Initiatives on GMO Labeling Requirements in the US

On November 4, 2014, the people of Oregon and Colorado voted for mandatory labeling of foods produced from genetically modified organisms (GMO). - January 13, 2015 - SGS

Introducing the Wise Choice Market Blog

Introducing the Wise Choice Market Blog

Wise Choice Market, an online grocer that caters to American clientele, announces the release of a new company blog to help provide information on whole and fermented foods, the Paleo lifestyle, and the company’s choices. The blog’s release arrives at a moment when the Paleo and Primal lifestyle is frequently the subject of discussion and the public is hungry for answers. - January 12, 2015 - Wise Choice Market

HAGA Uploads New Youtube Video About the Importance of Having an Heirloom Seeds Kit

Home and Garden America has recently released a video about its latest product called the 105 Varieties Complete Survival Seeds Pack. The said video discusses the importance of having an heirloom seeds kit for disaster situations. According to HAGA, keeping an heirloom seeds kit is one of the most... - January 12, 2015 - Home and Garden America

The Allstar ProVIP Event Series Comes to the International Boutique Night Club in Scottsdale, AZ in Celebration of the NFL Pro Bowl

The Allstar ProVIP Event Series Comes to the International Boutique Night Club in Scottsdale, AZ in Celebration of the NFL Pro Bowl

Hot Lava Entertainment & Productions will host the biggest inter-active events in celebration of the NFL Pro Bowl on January 22nd, 23th, and 25th 2015 in Scottsdale, AZ. Events will be hosted and attended by some of professional football’s brightest stars. - January 08, 2015 - Hot Lava Entertainment & Productions

Bread Bakery Startup in Africa - Amazin! Breads Sets to Raise $25,000 Through Indiegogo

This is to inform the world that Amazin! Breads, a bread bakery startup in Nigeria has launched a seed round funding campaign using the crowd funding platform which will end on the 1st of March, 2015. The company is targeting to raise up to $25,000 to launch its low cost breads... - January 08, 2015 - AMB Global Services

Island Way Sorbet is Offering a Whole New Way to Get Your Dessert

Browse the Many All Natural Fruit Sorbet Flavors Online Today - January 07, 2015 - Island Way Sorbet

Pea Protein Market by Product Growth Trends and Forecast to 2020 by Grand View Research

Grand View Research has announced the addition of "Global Pea Protein Market Analysis And Forecasts To 2020" Market Research report to their database. - January 07, 2015 - Grand View Research

MixedTea, Maker of Premium Quality Loose Leaf Tea Mixes Launches Service

MixedTea is the maker of premium quality loose leaf teas offered from select regions and estates from around the world. With the new service its members can make their own mixes of teas from the selection of teas offered at the website. Members may customize their own recipe of teas. This unique service is only offered by MixedTea for its members. - January 05, 2015 - MixedTea

Check, Please! TV Series Presents Nicksons Eatery of Downtown LaGrange

An episode of the television series, Check, Please! will be featuring Nicksons Eatery. The format of the show is simple: three people sit down with host, Catherine De Orio to discuss three local eating establishments, one favorite chosen by each guest. Before the program is taped, each person... - January 05, 2015 - Nicksons Eatery

Local Orlando Bar Features Machine Designed to Keep Orlando's Streets Safer for New Years

Don Jefes Orlando, and Ryan Clancy Entertainment have partnered up to make Orlando’s streets safer for 2015. Inside Don Jefes located in Orlando’s historic Church Street district is a breathalyzer vending machine. Users pay $1 to use the device which gives a read out of their... - January 02, 2015 - Ryan Clancy Entertainment

Global Fatty Acids Supplements Market Will Reach 269.9 Million Tons by Volume and $4,477.8 Million by Value by 2020 by Persistence Market Research

The global fatty acids supplements market is highly consolidated, with the top five companies holding around 75% market share. DSM leads the market, followed by Epax AS and Croda Health Care. - January 01, 2015 - Persistence Market Research

Brooks Gourmet Burgers & Dogs, Launches Updated Brand, Updated Website and New Menu

Brooks Gourmet Burgers & Dogs, #6 burger joint in the U.S. launches updated brand, updated website and new menu including Todd's Famous Half & Half, new specialty burgers, milkshakes and expanded beer list. - December 31, 2014 - Brooks Burgers

Frith Files Patent

Frith Files Patent assembles digital multi-media into custom tailored workout videos. Designs accommodate age, goals, fitness, personal impairments and strengths, size and layout of space, equipment available, length of workout and breaks, etc. Workouts vary and evolve in response to interactivity. Most exercises have 10 levels of difficulty, and can be progressed, skipped or deleted at the touch of a button. Users can discard changes made during the workout. The system learns from user behavior. - December 30, 2014 - TopFitPros

SGS New Webinar: Food Defence - Update on Current Guidelines and Future Trends

The objective of this webinar (45-minute presentation / 15-minute Q&A) is to provide an update on available guidelines about key preventive measures that can minimize the risk of food fraud, economically or ideologically-motivated adulteration, criminal or terrorist attacks. Date: 29 January... - December 30, 2014 - SGS

Khilana to Banta Hai – A Food Sharing Initiative

The Foodz Genie is all set to begin their second public-spirited initiative to feed less fortunate children. The food delivery startup from Ahmedabad is working with YUVA Unstoppable, a registered non-government organization working for the less privileged children of India, on a campaign that focuses on sharing rather than simply donating money. - December 29, 2014 - Foodz Genie

Arizona Gets First Vegetarian Food Festival

The team behind the famous NYC Vegetarian Food Festival brings its special sauce to the southwest for the very first Arizona Vegetarian Food Festival in Scottsdale on January 10th. - December 29, 2014 - U.S. Veg Corp.

Chocolate Market - Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020, by Persistence Market Research

Persistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd is released new forthcoming report on"Chocolate Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020." - December 26, 2014 - Persistence Market Research

Bakery Ingredient Market - Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020, New Research Report by Persistence Market Research

Persistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd is released new forthcoming report on "Bakery Ingredient Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020." - December 26, 2014 - Persistence Market Research

International Restaurant Consultants, The Next Idea, Produce Two New Fast Casual Dining Establishments

International Restaurant Consultants, The Next Idea, Produce Two New Fast Casual Dining Establishments: LA-Based, “Skynny Kitchen,” Serving Food Under “500 Calories” & UAE’s “Pressman’s,”a Unique New American Sandwich Shop in Dubai - December 25, 2014 - The Next Idea™

HAGA Expert Comments on Mendocino County CA GMO Ban

In 2004, Mendocino County, CA played a key role in the fight against GMO products. On March 2nd that year, Mendocino became the first American county to officially prohibit the growing of GMO foods and animals. Home and Garden America and other long-time advocates of non-GMO seeds and organic... - December 23, 2014 - Home and Garden America

Texas de Brazil Culinary Director Evandro Caregnato Teams Up with Bloomingdales to Demo Signature Dishes on December 21st 2014

Holiday Shoppers to Experience a Taste of Churrasco Style Cooking from Fine Dining Steakhouse - December 21, 2014 - The Mane Choice

The Central Sarasota Farmer's Market in Sarasota, Florida, Adds New Vendor, Aloe Organics

Young Woman's Brave Legacy Benefits Cancer Patients - December 21, 2014 - Central Sarasota Farmer's Market

Resolve to Ring in the New Year at Fathoms Restaurant & Bar

RSVP now for fabulous waterfront dining, hospitality and dancing - December 20, 2014 - Fathoms Restaurant & Bar

"The Plan Cookbook" Release and "The Plan" Release in Paperback

"The Plan Cookbook" Release and "The Plan" Release in Paperback

Readers of Lyn-Genet Recitas’ New York Times bestseller The Plan—a groundbreaking anti-inflammatory diet that has helped people eliminate the surprising "healthy" foods that were actually causing them to gain weight—have been clamoring for more recipes. "The Plan... - December 19, 2014 - The Plan

Food Processor Industry Reports Food Fraud Growing Concern

The December TraceGains’ newsletter, Industry Insider, reported on food fraud as a growing concern to food processors and others in the food chain. As a result, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), the global consortium dedicated to improving food safety for consumers, proposed adding... - December 19, 2014 - TraceGains Inc.

A New Book on Organic, Biodynamic and Natural Wines Gives the Reader the Facts

“Biodynamic, Organic and Natural Winemaking; Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture” by Britt Karlsson (text) and Per Karlsson (photography), of BKWine, has recently been published by Floris Publishing. As environmental issues and sustainability becomes increasingly a concern for the... - December 19, 2014 - BKWine AB

Celebrity Chefs Set to Turn Up the Heat on the 10th Annual Imagine Gala

Bring your appetite for indulgent fun on March 21, 2015. - December 19, 2014 - Imaginarium Science Center

Lumberton Confectionery Partners with Local Hospital to Deliver Holiday Wishes to Pediatric Patients

On Saturday, December 20, 2014, Sweet Candy Café will deliver and donate holiday gifts to 15 beds in the Pediatrics Unit for patients who are in the Hospital for the Holidays at Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Lumberton, North Carolina. Felicia Evans Long, co-founder of Sweet Candy... - December 18, 2014 - Sweet Candy Café

Award-Winning Irish Author Comes Home to Boston

Award-Winning Irish Author Comes Home to Boston

Penny McCann Pennington, author of acclaimed novel, "It Burns a Lovely Light" made a splash in Somerville's Infamous Irish Restaurant and Pub, The Burren. "You can't beat signing books to the sound of mandolin, guitar and some crisp Gaelic Harmonies," says Pennington. "Not... - December 17, 2014 - Penny McCann Pennington

"Mom’s Daily Planner" App Updated for 2015 - Calendar, Grocery Lists, To-do Lists, Budget & Chores in One Convenient Package

"Mom’s Daily Planner" App Updated for 2015 - Calendar, Grocery Lists, To-do Lists, Budget & Chores in One Convenient Package

Available today, YadaHome® has completely redesigned its popular Mom’s Daily Planner ( app ahead of the holidays and New Year. The app features a fresh user interface that complements the sleek design of Apple’s new iOS8 operating system. The app provides a unique organizing experience, allowing users to manage their calendar, grocery lists, to-do lists, chores and budget using one convenient and elegant family organizer. - December 17, 2014 -, LLC

IMAGINEI Magazine Releases December 2014 Issue Featuring the Sexy & Age Defying Beauty Vivica A. Fox

IMAGINEI Magazine Releases December 2014 Issue Featuring the Sexy & Age Defying Beauty Vivica A. Fox

IMAGINEI Magazine celebrates their sexy holiday edition with an exclusive interview from the glamourous and age defying beauty Vivica A. Fox. “Fifty never looked so sexy!” Vivica dishes about her fabulous life, loves and career. Vivica has movies, hair product lines, and television... - December 13, 2014 - IMAGINEI Magazine

Cedar Lake Cellars Introduces New Wine Pouring System

St. Louis winery utilizes tool that safeguards against oxidation. - December 13, 2014 - Cedar Lake Cellars

SGS Informs on Four New Commission Regulations to Amend Pesticide Maximum Residue Levels

In October 2014, the European Union (EU) published four Commission Regulations, amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides in or on certain products. - December 12, 2014 - SGS

FoodTec Solutions Revolutionizes Food Delivery Through Gamification

Mobile App Motivates Delivery Drivers and Increases Performance - December 12, 2014 - FoodTec Solutions

Fragrance Market - Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020, by Persistence Market Research

Persistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd has released new forthcoming report on "Fragrance Market: Global Industry analysis and Forecast to 2020." - December 12, 2014 - Persistence Market Research

Boneshaker Brewing Company Announces Expansion, Launch of Second Brand

The Black Vinyl Ale Project will produce exclusively Barrel-Aged and Sour beers. - December 11, 2014 - Boneshaker Brewing Company

New Website and Blog Dedicated to Food & Drink Trends is Launched

The Food Craveologist web portal is dedicated to exploring some of the world’s hottest food and beverage trends under the moniker of foods we “crave.” - December 11, 2014 - The Burton Group PR

Frozen Functions Now Offering Frozen Pints & The Ice Cream Bar Products for Catered Events

Frozen Functions, an Atlanta ice cream catering and equipment leasing company is pleased to announce a partnership with "The Ice Cream Bar." - December 10, 2014 - Frozen Functions

Robert Reardon III Joins Indevia Accounting

Robert Reardon III Joins Indevia Accounting

Indevia Accounting welcomes Robert Reardon III as its new Senior Account Executive. The San Diego based restaurant accounting firm provides outsourced accounting services to restaurants in the United States. Reardon joins the sales team following 15 years working with restaurants to improve profitability. He has also served in the US Navy. - December 09, 2014 - Indevia Accounting

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