Lifestyle News

Access news about the latest lifestyle trends, products, services and resources. Topics cover beauty, dating and singles, fitness, hobbies and craft, marriage and relationships, parenting, retirement and self-help.

"Maude" by Donna Foley Mabry – a Heartwarming Memoir on the Wall Street Journal Best-Sellers List for the 16th Week Running

"Maude" by Donna Foley Mabry – a Heartwarming Memoir on the Wall Street Journal Best-Sellers List for the 16th Week Running

"Maude" by Donna Foley Mabry, a runaway self-published best-seller has been featured on the Wall Street Journal best-sellers list every week since early December, 2014. The novel is soon to be released by Dreamscape Audiobooks and is currently being translated into Italian to be published by Newton Compton Editori. - April 16, 2015 - Donna Foley Mabry

Really Healthy Pasta? Good Health Naturally is Full of Beans About Their New Product Range.

Gluten Free, Organic Legume Pasta Now Available in Red Lentil and Black Bean - April 16, 2015 - Really Healthy Pasta

Baby Boomer Conference Series Featuring Health, Financial, and Relationship Wellness is Three Days Away

Boomers Lifestyle Network (BLN) will host its Your Life – Re-Created! Conference Series on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Jedco Conference Center 700 Churchill Parkway, Avondale, LA from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Your Life – Re-Created! is sponsored by BLN, Day Haven Adult Day Care, Edward... - April 16, 2015 - Boomers Lifestyle Network

New American Media Distribution Wire Service Release - Glennie Has Men’s Fashion Tied Up

New American Media Distribution Wire Service Release - Glennie Has Men’s Fashion Tied Up

Glennie Has Men’s Fashion Tied Up! For 20 years now Minnesota Fashion designer has been working to break the monotony of Men’s Formal wear. A Revolutionary, never-seen before necktie and historical new look in Men's fashion. - April 15, 2015 - American Media Distribution

Make Safe Sex a Fashionable Option; Eco-Friendly, Vegan, Condom Case Project from the Original Tyvek Wallet Creators

Make Safe Sex a Fashionable Option; Eco-Friendly, Vegan, Condom Case Project from the Original Tyvek Wallet Creators

Brooklyn company creates Kickstarter to make safe sex accessory to make a night out a lot safer. Made of Tyvek®, these thin, light, and durable condom cases solve a lot of condom carrying issues and give no excuse for not carrying condoms. - April 15, 2015 - Dynomighty

Dental Check Ups Suggested Prior to Teeth Whitening

Dental Check Ups Suggested Prior to Teeth Whitening

Patients who are considering having their teeth whitened should always have a thorough dental check up first to make sure their teeth and gums are healthy. - April 15, 2015 - Dr. Randy Parham

Lotus Crush’s Highly-Anticipated Album Rabbit Hole Released Today

Lotus Crush’s Highly-Anticipated Album Rabbit Hole Released Today

Rock Band Features Members from The Voice, Candlebox and Jimmy’s Chicken Shack - April 15, 2015 - Skyrocket Ent

Lori Bigelow Honored as a Strathmore’s Who’s Who Roundtable Member

Lori Bigelow Honored as a Strathmore’s Who’s Who Roundtable Member

Lori Bigelow, of Norwalk, Connecticut, has recently been honored as a 2015 Roundtable member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Tea Manufacturing. - April 15, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who

SmashBully: Help Protect Yourself from Violence Bully Proof Your Child

Attention Parents of Bullied Children: Get the simple secret to bully proof your child and make them safe and confident. Survival tips for kids, teens and adults. Learn how to help stop the violence. - April 14, 2015 - Smash Bully

Judy C. Kneece, RN, OCN Honored with Inspiration Award

Judy C. Kneece, RN, OCN Honored with Inspiration Award

Judy C. Kneece, RN, OCN, was recently honored by the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC) with the Inspiration Award during the 25th Annual Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Inspiration Award was presented by Cary Kaufman, MD, FACS, Past-President of... - April 14, 2015 - EduCare

New Supplement Company Hits the Market

New Supplement Company Hits the Market

Eternal Labs jumps on board the workout supplement train with it's full disclosure labels and no filler guarantee. A majority of the supplement industry hides their product Ingredients behind a PROP Blend on the Label. Eternal Labs is sure to make an impact on the supplement industry with this new... - April 14, 2015 - Eternal Labs

Natures Best Blend’s Announces New Vitamin C Face Serum for Skin Damage Repair to Naturally Moisturize and Leave Skin Looking Radiant

Natures Best Blend’s Announces New Vitamin C Face Serum for Skin Damage Repair to Naturally Moisturize and Leave Skin Looking Radiant

Natures Best Blend is proud to announce the release of their newest organic product to naturally repair skin damages and that is the Vitamin C Face Serum. Vitamin C Face Serum is the answer that people are looking for when it comes to their skin problems. Skin problems such as dull aging skin,... - April 13, 2015 - Nature's Best Blends

Double Amputee to Parachute Into "Fore Our Troops" Golf Tournament at Lansdowne

Double Amputee to Parachute Into "Fore Our Troops" Golf Tournament at Lansdowne

Bowman to deploy chute honoring Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes on April 17. - April 13, 2015 - Coalition to Salute America's Heroes

Makunudu Island Announces Enhancement Plan - Phase One

Makunudu Island Announces Enhancement Plan - Phase One

Makunudu Island, one of the Maldives original and much loved island resorts is getting ready for the first phase of gentle enhancements that will form part of a longer term upgrade programme. - April 13, 2015 - Makunudu Island

Wesley Glen Retirement Community Launches New Parkinson's Disease Fitness Program

Wesley Glen Retirement Community launches new Parkinson's Disease fitness program featuring OhioHealth Delay the Disease -- the nation's leading Parkinson’s Disease exercise program. - April 13, 2015 - Methodist ElderCare Services

Mother to be Celebrated at The Abbey Resort

Lake Geneva area resort offers brunch, spa specials, and free family-friendly activities for Mother’s Day weekend. - April 12, 2015 - The Abbey Resort

Viola Sororia, Selected Plants of CARE

The Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright, founder of the Plants of Care plant recognition program and recipient of the Turning America from Eco-weak to Eco-chic award, has recognized Viola sororia as a "plants of CARE" for its eco sustainable characteristics. - April 11, 2015 - The Wright Scoop

The Brella Bag Hands Free Umbrella Holder® is New and Improved for an Overall Better Experience

The Brella Bag Hands Free Umbrella Holder® is New and Improved for an Overall Better Experience

The new added features of the Brella Bag Hands Free Umbrella Holder® offer a more customized fit, better support, more storage and quality fabric for the user to enjoy when they wear the Brella Bag Hands Free Umbrella Holder® to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays or to stay dry in the rain. - April 10, 2015 - Rainy Day Solutions, LLC

American Cowboy Magazine Announces the Rockin’ WR Poetry Contest

The American West and the Cowboy way of life have been a point of inspiration for generations of writers, poets, and artists, and now, American Cowboy magazine is asking fans to submit their Western and Cowboy poetry. Western wordsmiths are encouraged to share their original works of Western... - April 10, 2015 - Equine Network, LLC

Indiana Campus Superstar 2015

Indiana Campus Superstar 2015

Final Show April 19, 2015 - April 09, 2015 - Indiana Campus Superstar 2015

Star Named After Radio Show Host Grandmother Mazina as Memorial Tribute

Star Named After Radio Show Host Grandmother Mazina as Memorial Tribute

Grandmother Mazina, Host of Grandmother's Basket Radio Show, passed away in March 2015; Storytellers Campfire will Host a Memorial Tribute on Friday, April 10, at 4:00 PM Pacific Time and share highlights of her life and the Star dedicated to her by fans and admirers. - April 09, 2015 - Storytellers Campfire

Learn to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes with New Book “Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Scientifically” by iComet Press

Learn to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes with New Book “Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Scientifically” by iComet Press

There is a common misconception among patients as well as physicians that treating Type 2 diabetes means controlling your blood sugar by any means. This approach is dangerously flawed. The fact is that Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease process. If not managed properly, it often leads to a number... - April 08, 2015 - iComet Press

A Revolution in Anti-Aging Haircare: Julien Farel Magnifique Fortifying Hair Serum

A Revolution in Anti-Aging Haircare: Julien Farel Magnifique Fortifying Hair Serum

Julien Farel leads the Revolution in Anti-Aging Haircare with the launch of Magnifique Fortifying Hair Serum to delay the graying process. The Julien Farel Hexapeptide and botanical stem cell extracts in this potent elixir improve hair's youthful texture and appearance. Are you #TooYoungToGray? - April 08, 2015 - Julien Farel Group

Discover the Road Less Travelled in Vietnam and Laos with SpiceRoads

Discover the Road Less Travelled in Vietnam and Laos with SpiceRoads

Avoid the tourist circuit and let your bicycle take you on this remote route through northern Vietnam and Laos. - April 08, 2015 - SpiceRoads Co., Ltd

Discovery in Underwater Caves Off the Shores of Ireland to Shake Up Mineral Makeup Industry

Discovery in Underwater Caves Off the Shores of Ireland to Shake Up Mineral Makeup Industry

The 25-year-olds’ discoveries of new underwater minerals are creating unprecedented success. - April 08, 2015 - Z Skin Cosmetics

Perfect Memorials Introduces New Cross My Heart Cremation Jewelry

The Cross My Heart Stainless Steel Cremation Jewelry has long been popular pendant offered by Perfect Memorials. - April 08, 2015 - Perfect Memorials

Bike and Arrows Introduces Night and Day, the First Fashions with 360˚ Reflectivity

Available May 4th at select Chicago area retailers and on the web in June. - April 08, 2015 - Bike and Arrows

Smart Start of California Offers Free Installation and Discounted Monthly Lease

Smart Start of California Offers Free Installation and Discounted Monthly Lease

Through the month of April 2015, Smart Start of California will be offering free ignition interlock installations and a discounted monthly lease to all new customers in Los Angeles, Tulare, Alameda, and Sacramento counties, the four counties participating in California’s Ignition Interlock Device Pilot Program. - April 07, 2015 - Smart Start of California

Popovich’s "Managing Fear" Book Very Popular with Over 300 Book Reviews

Popovich’s "Managing Fear" Book Very Popular with Over 300 Book Reviews

Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear using Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. Stan’s managing fear book has... - April 07, 2015 -

Diamonds To Dust New Jayne Mansfield Bio-Film About Mariska Hargitay's Mother Released Today on iTunes and Vudu April 7, 2015

Diamonds To Dust New Jayne Mansfield Bio-Film About Mariska Hargitay's Mother Released Today on iTunes and Vudu April 7, 2015

In 1957, Golden Globe winner Jayne Mansfield would become one of the most iconic blond bombshells of the 20th Century. She possessed an IQ of 163, played violin and piano, had a degree in Science, spoke 5 languages, and yet became a celebrity by portraying a "dumb blond." By the age of 23 she became the most publicized Hollywood star in the world, but her success was short lived. Five children, three ex-husbands, twenty nine films and countless headlines before her tragic death at age 34. - April 07, 2015 - Frank Ferruccio Enterprises

Donald Chew’s On-Time Cable Ready to Launch New Product

Donald Chew’s On-Time Cable Ready to Launch New Product

On-Time Cable ready to launch soon after clearing a few hurdles. - April 07, 2015 - On Time Communications

Sergio DeCesare Business Leadership Book Soars to No. 1 on Amazon Best Seller List

Sergio DeCesare Business Leadership Book Soars to No. 1 on Amazon Best Seller List

Sergio DeCesare recently released book "Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!" has hit #1 for two different categories on Amazons bestseller list. - April 07, 2015 - CCP LLC

Fine Art and Furnishings to be Auctioned

Fine Art and Furnishings to be Auctioned

Lewis & Maese Antiques and Auction Company will auction Fine art & 18th/19th Century European furniture from a prominent Austin collector and two Houston families. - April 07, 2015 - Lewis & Maese Antiques & Auctions

“Workplace Awesomeness” Bracket Ranks 32 Items Employees Value Most; “Above Average Wages” Secures No. 1 Spot

“Workplace Awesomeness” Bracket Ranks 32 Items Employees Value Most; “Above Average Wages” Secures No. 1 Spot

Quantum Workplace asked more than 21,000 employees to rank the items they find most important in the workplace. - April 07, 2015 - Quantum Workplace

Celebrating the Grand Opening of Escape The Place; the Most Challenging and Exciting Team Building and Group Entertainment Experience in Colorado Springs

Celebrating the Grand Opening of Escape The Place; the Most Challenging and Exciting Team Building and Group Entertainment Experience in Colorado Springs

Local new business Escape The Place is celebrating it’s grand opening on Saturday April 11th, 2015. Customers can use promo code: "ESCAPE15" when booking for 50% off your entire purchase. Escape the Place will also host an Open House for the general public with finger foods, beer... - April 07, 2015 - Escape The Place

E.B. Tool Company Warns Homeowners of the Signs of Termites

Midwest-based E.B. Tool Company offers seasonal handyman tips to protect structures against destructive pests. - April 05, 2015 - EB Tool Company

Big Air Trampoline Park Opens New Location in Buena Park Downtown

Big Air Trampoline Park Opens New Location in Buena Park Downtown

Grand Opening of Third Location in Buena Park - 30,000 sq. Feet of Jumping Fun for All Ages - April 04, 2015 - Big Air Trampoline Park

Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue Changes the Adoption Landscape

Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue Changes the Adoption Landscape

Give Me Shelter is a game changer in changing the adoption approach. Petco Foundation, Give Me Shelter and KitTea Bring First Cat Café to San Francisco. - April 04, 2015 - Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue

Turning Tragedy Into Inspiration During Easter

Turning Tragedy Into Inspiration During Easter

A doctor shares his story on Easter, the most significant Christian holiday, of the incident that changed his life forever and showed him God’s power and grace. - April 03, 2015 - The Gift Is You

Most Valuable Michael Jordan Game Worn Jersey Uncovered

Most Valuable Michael Jordan Game Worn Jersey Uncovered

Worn during the 1998 NBA Finals, this Michael Jordan Chicago Bulls jersey is expected to set a World's Record Price for a Game Worn Jersey. - April 02, 2015 - MEARS Auctions

Custom Made Flag Display Cases and Frames Now Being Available at Flags Connections

Custom made flag display case, flag medal displays, Flag Holder and flag frames are now being available at Flags Connections where you can shop with confidence from a variety of flag display systems that are carved out of real wood and designed by American War veterans. With secure and fast... - April 02, 2015 - Flags connections

A Social Community Shares Stories of People Who Passed Away & Worldwide Tragic Events, an online community is sharing stories of people and celebrities who have passed away due to illness or because of some worldwide tragic event and natural calamity. The website also provides necessary information about the birthdays or deaths taking place in a particular month. - April 02, 2015 - Our Lost

Italian Wedding Planner Transforms American Couples' Dreams Into Realities

Italian Wedding Planner Transforms American Couples' Dreams Into Realities

Tara Coppola Fontana, Italian wedding planner, stylist, and designer, missions her talent and expertise into providing American couples' the opportunity to have an unforgettable wedding in breathtaking Italy. With a team of specialized artists and strong partnerships with Italian vendors, Tara Coppola Fontana creates timeless Tuscan weddings, developing everlasting memories for both the bride and groom. - April 01, 2015 - Under the Tuscan Sun

Author Releases Fourth Book of Historical Fiction, "Shamrocks and Skallywags"

Author Releases Fourth Book of Historical Fiction, "Shamrocks and Skallywags"

Author Cabot Barden pens his fourth fiction novel. Shamrocks and Skallywags. A historical fiction that takes place in the old south around the Civil War. A family of Irish immigrants end up being indentured servants on a plantation in south Georgia. They endure a war, murder, mayhem, romance, a myriad of scoundrels, and even an encounter with the supernatural. Based on a story told to Barden about his ancestors. Available online from America Star Books,, and ekindle. - April 01, 2015 - Cabot Barden-Author

Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour Hosts Spring Showcase Tradeshow Sunday, April 26

Local Boating and Golf Community’s Business Council Organization Invites Area Businesses and Public to Attend Community Event. - April 01, 2015 - Fairfield Harbour

LEAOS E-Bike Wins the 2015 International Red Dot Product Design Award

LEAOS E-Bike Wins the 2015 International Red Dot Product Design Award

A distinguished jury comprising 38 experts chose the elegant LEAOS E-bike as the winner in its category for the world's most important design prize. - March 31, 2015 - LEAOS

Fit Body Boot Camp Sugarloaf - More Than Just a "Workout"

Fit Body Boot Camp Sugarloaf - More Than Just a "Workout"

· Who We Are-Fit Body Boot Camp is a results driven and energetic fitness and fat loss workout program that includes motivation, accountability and dynamic resistance training in a safe, fun and non-intimidating atmosphere. · The Difference-Fit Body Boot Camp Sugarloaf workouts are... - March 31, 2015 - Fit Body Boot Camp Sugarloaf

Winner in EQUUS Magazine’s "Best Friends" Photo Contest Announced

Readers have spoken, and Beverly Davidson of Vanzant, Missouri, has been named the grand-prize winner in EQUUS Magazine's 2014 "Best Friends" Photo Contest. Created to celebrate the special relationship between horses and dogs, the contest invited readers to share original photos and... - March 31, 2015 - Equine Network, LLC

Practical Horseman Launches #RoadtoRolex15 Giveaway

Enter to Win a Bag of Feed from Blue Seal! - March 31, 2015 - Equine Network, LLC

Pangaea Antimicrobials on the Front Lines of the War Against Ebola!

Pangaea Antimicrobials on the Front Lines of the War Against Ebola!

Pennsylvania based Pangaea Antimicrobials donates 40 thousand pounds of its proprietary sanitizing products to the government of Liberia to fight the spread of the Ebola virus. - March 30, 2015 - Pangaea Antimicrobials LLC

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