Lifestyle News

Access news about the latest lifestyle trends, products, services and resources. Topics cover beauty, dating and singles, fitness, hobbies and craft, marriage and relationships, parenting, retirement and self-help.

Dentists Support Tooth Whitening: The Wealthy Dentist Survey's Unsurprising Results

Dentists Support Tooth Whitening: The Wealthy Dentist Survey's Unsurprising Results

Most dentists fully support tooth-whitening, and don't feel like consumers who overdo it are a significant problem, according to a survey conducted by The Wealthy Dentist. Only one out of six dentists worries that too many consumers are over-whitening their teeth, leading to artificial-looking smiles. - May 29, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist

VISTA Window Films Hottest Room in the House Contest - Deadline Date Extended

The response from the public has been as hot as our weather so Vista Window Films has extended the deadline for your entry until June 29, 2007 and we will announce the winners on July 26, 2007 - May 27, 2007 - Advanced Film Solutions

Detours and OnRamps Conference Announced

A much-needed and practical resource created to address the needs of mothers who desire to return to work on their terms - May 26, 2007 - Detours and OnRamps

Date Announced for Detours and OnRamps Conference

NYC-Metro area date and location announced for groundbreaking conference focusing on the issues women face in pursuing motherhood and a career - May 24, 2007 - Detours and OnRamps

Onebizcard’s Services are Free of Charge Now

From now on you can use onebizcard’s services at no costs. Exchange your electronic business cards free of charge with your friends, family and business partners. - May 22, 2007 - onebizcard GmbH

High Efficiency Fitness Says: "‘Body Oars" Allow Huge Athletes to Run "Exercise Marathons"

High Efficiency Fitness Says: "‘Body Oars" Allow Huge Athletes to Run "Exercise Marathons"

High Efficiency Fitness Company of Columbus is introducing a fitness device (Body Oars) that totally bypasses knees elbows and every joint and muscle beyond them. This allows giant athletes to run exercise marathons on their huge body core muscles, with up to eight times more load resistance, levered through full range motion. Combined with zero impact or back compression, Body Oars will give them the first way to hard run their strongest running muscles for hours a day. - May 21, 2007 - High Efficiency Fitness Company

ThermoSpas Hot Tubs Releases Revolutionary Spa Trainer Swim Spa

The worlds most respected Hot Tub Manufacturer, ThermoSpas releases The Spa Trainer Swim Spa. - May 20, 2007 - ThermoSpas

A Soldier's Most Important Piece of Equipment is their Socks

A few years ago we heard that our troops were receiving inadequate equipment. The Hum-V's weren't steel reinforced and the flack jackets were far from bullet proof. We all assumed that their needs have been taken care of in that area but you would be shocked to discover that some of their more basic needs are not being met. - May 19, 2007 -

Toronto Airport Limo Introducing New SUV Stretch Limousine for Niagara Falls, Mississauga, Oakville and Ontario

Toronto Limousine cater limo service throught out the Toronto area. Toronto limousine has added new SUV Stretch Limousine to their fleet. It can hold up to 16 passengers. - May 18, 2007 - Toronto Airport Limos

From Botox to Botulism and Back – Featured on Good Morning America May 17th

From Botox to Botulism and Back – Featured on Good Morning America May 17th

How the quest for everlasting beauty through Botox® nearly turned deadly for a Florida doctor and his wife. This heart-warming story of survival sheds new light on the potential dangers involved with popular anti-wrinkle treatments. - May 18, 2007 - Dr. Eric Kaplan

Call for National and International Entries: Juried Photography Exhibition in Honor of Gordon Parks

Call for National and International Entries: Juried Photography Exhibition in Honor of Gordon Parks

Inspired by photographer, journalist, activist, film director, and poet, the late Gordon Parks, Joyce Gordon Gallery announces Glimpses in Time: A Juried Photography Exhibition in Honor of Gordon Parks. Stephen Wirtz, of the Stephen Wirtz Gallery in San Francisco, will jury this exhibit. A solo exhibition at Joyce Gordon Gallery is among the top awards. Proceeds benefit the Seven Tepees Youth Program in San Francisco. - May 18, 2007 - Joyce Gordon Gallery

Free IVF Seminar May 30th in Columbia, SC

Meet well-known fertility physician, Dr. Gail Whitman-Elia, May 30th at 6:00pm. - May 18, 2007 - Advanced Fertility & Reproductive Endocrinology Institute, LLC

Designer Baby Clothes New for Spring 2007 Arrive at

Latest Arrival Include Top Children’s Designer Brands - May 18, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

Free Deck Plans and Blueprints

Providing deck plans and blueprints for the motivated homeowner - May 18, 2007 -

Catherine Kottner Follows Her Own Advice for Successful Aging -- Stay Connected, Keep Busy, and Know Who You Are

New York City resident honored in national "Splendid Seniors Among Us" program recognizing people whose post-65 activities can inspire others at all life stages. - May 18, 2007 - Pearlsong Press

Historic Ellis Island Passenger Records Receive Expanded Online Access

The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., World Vital Records, Inc. and FamilySearch announced a partnership whereby the historic collection of Ellis Island passenger arrival records will now also be freely available to visitors at and - May 18, 2007 - World Vital Records, Inc.

Big Saver Foods Helps Bring Valuable Free Health Services to the Community Through “Fiesta De La Salud” Health Fairs

Big Saver Foods Helps Bring Valuable Free Health Services to the Community Through “Fiesta De La Salud” Health Fairs

Everyone is invited to take advantage of the free health screenings and services available at the Fiesta de la Salud Health Fairs. The Fiesta de la Salud program also offers bilingual educational materials, free product samples, music, speakers on health related topics and food and exercise demonstrations. - May 17, 2007 - IMPEvents

Amber Stick Version 2 - Fully Portable Storage Device Now Can Accommodate Electronic DNAPrint Sequence and Identifying Information for All Family Members, Including Pets

Fully Portable Storage Device Now Can Accommodate Electronic DNAPrint Sequence and Identifying Information For All Family Members, Including Pets - May 17, 2007 - Code Amber LLC

Castro Valley Freemasons Hold Open House and Dinner

Members of Crow Canyon Masonic Lodge will be holding an Open House entitled “Satisfying Your Appetite for Knowledge” on May 25, 2007 at 8:00 PM at the Castro Valley Masonic Center located at 4521 Castro Valley Boulevard. This “Masonic Information Night” will provide families... - May 17, 2007 - Crow Canyon Masonic Lodge #551

Azani Medical Spa Introduces NeoStem's Adult Stem Cell Collection and Banking Services to Eastern PA and Western NJ

Azani Medical Spa, located in Bethlhem Pennsylvania under the direction of founder and Medical Director Monica Carezani-Gavin, MD, has announced an agreement with the New York City-based biotechnology services company NeoStem, Inc. to become the first facility in Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey to offer adult stem cell collection and long-term storage services to the public. Individuals interested in more information about these services should visit or call 1-888-STEM-BANK (783-6226). - May 16, 2007 - Azani Medical Spa

Clove Cigarettes: The Famous Sigaret Kretek from Indonesia

Clove Cigarettes: The Famous Sigaret Kretek from Indonesia

The meaning of Clove cigarettes is 'Kretek cigarettes' processed by famous Madura Tobacco from East Java and mixed of Indonesian nature clove or spices then produce sensational exotic fragrance typical of Indonesia tropical island. Clove cigarettes sound more and more familiar for everyone then... - May 16, 2007 - Sale Cheap Cigarettes

3rd Annual Red Hat Society Day at the San Francisco Zoo

3rd Annual Red Hat Society Day at the San Francisco Zoo

The Strutting Peacocks, a Red Hat Society Chapter, will be throwing their 3rd Annual Red Hat Tea Party on July 21st at the San Francisco Zoo. Tickets are $40 per person and that includes admission to the zoo, high tea party, and Red Hat Bingo card, for a chance to win prizes. All chapters and new members are welcome to attend. - May 15, 2007 - The Strutting Peacocks

Announcing Absolutely Ridiculous Life Coaching Spring Fling Specials

Sylvia MacKenzie, founder of PowerLife! Solutions for Change, an expansive website for personal growth, announces that she's conducting a series of Personal Life Coaching specials, which she’s calling her "Spring Fling!" "I felt deeply awestruck with the magnificence of Nature's ability to give rebirth to dormant life, and cause all things to be new and fresh. I view this as a perfect time to offer new life to people who themselves feel dormant or stuck." - May 14, 2007 - PowerLife! Solutions

Garden Ants Invade Homes

Garden ant infestations are expected to be especially bad this year due to teh warm, early spring. Revolutinary new treatment cures the problem. - May 13, 2007 - Harrier Pest Control & Prevention

Giantto Salutes the Champ

Giantto Salutes the Champ

Giantto Group Congratulates their friend and client Floyd Mayweather on a great win over Oscar De La Hoya. - May 12, 2007 - The Giantto Group

John Rex Endowment Commits Long-Term Funding to Healthy Weight Initiative for Children

Schools, Communities and Medical Teams Awarded Grants to Initiate Behavioral Changes and Create an Environment to Encourage Healthy Choices and Active Lifestyle - May 10, 2007 - John Rex Endowment

Relaxation Used to Enhance Performance in School and Sports

A high school coach and a college coach have used relaxation to help improve their teams performance. The English teacher who came in to relax the athletes uses the same techniques on her students to improve their state FCAT scores. She created the relaxation CD, "Journey To Ease Test Stress" so others could learn to relax their way to better performance. - May 10, 2007 - ETS Solutions

As Heat Index Climbs Advanced Film Solutions Offers Tips to Stay Cool

Advanced Film Solutions can keep your home cool and safe. They can also keep your car cool and safer, but once you leave your home and car; it's all up to you. Here are some heat exhaustion related tips for all Tampa Residents. - May 08, 2007 - Advanced Film Solutions

Paul Frank, Small Paul Styles New for Spring 2007 Arrive at

Continued Expansion of Small Paul Clothing Line for Boys and Girls Sizes 2T – 6X - May 07, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

Just Birdie Shares its Italian Line of Cashmere and Silk Sweaters with the States

Just Birdie Shares its Italian Line of Cashmere and Silk Sweaters with the States

Since 1996, the French and their visitors kept the chic "all-seasons" sweater chain Just Birdie's four stores in St. Tropez, Megeve and Chamonix busy with business all year. New York's upper west siders have just welcomed the 1st golf-inspired cashmere and silk sweater store outside of France. Located on Broadway bet. 70th and 71st, Just Birdie's fitted line of Italian-manufactured sweaters in 30 bright colors for women and men makes for a great gift or wardrobe addition. - May 06, 2007 - Just Birdie

Want to Get Fit? Join the Club.

Want to Get Fit? Join the Club.

Announcing the Grand Opening of The Fitness Club in Dallas, Texas. Experts in combining health-promotion and exercise-related activities, this private training studio has the facilities, services and environment to provide their members with the highest quality customer care. - May 05, 2007 - The Fitness Club

ServiceMark Expert Offer Painless Spring Home Maintenance Tips

How to Save Money and Energy with a simple, 8-step Home Maintenance Program - May 05, 2007 - ServiceMark

Top 10 Extreme Vacations 2007 – SharkDiver.Com Awarded with Honor

Top 10 Extreme Vacations 2007 – SharkDiver.Com Awarded with Honor

Shark Diver Picked by as Top 10 Extreme Vacation Provider - May 04, 2007 - Shark Diver

Stop Counterfeiters: Rock & Roll Trunk Show Showcases Authentic Femme Metale Jewelry

Stop Counterfeiters: Rock & Roll Trunk Show Showcases Authentic Femme Metale Jewelry

Femme Metale jewelry designer, Leslie Homan, and The Rock and Roll Emporium (RARE), an eclectic Rock boutique, are hosting a unique trunk show to increase awareness and stop counterfeiters who manufacture and sell unauthorized knock-offs of original designs. The event takes place the Tuesday before... - May 03, 2007 - The Rock and Roll Emporium

New Summer Hip Hop Fashion for 2007

New Summer Hip Hop Fashion for 2007

Controversial clothing brand Gangster Affiliated carves out a niche market. - May 03, 2007 - Gangster Affiliated Clothing Brand

Jacqueline Wales, Author of When the Crow Sings, Announces Book Signing in Boston on May 10, 2007

Jacqueline Wales, founder of Fearless Fifties™, is a motivational speaker, coach, and author who teaches women in midlife how to move through their fears to live vibrant, energetic lives. - May 03, 2007 - Fearless Fifties

Sopranos Star Jamie Lynn Sigler Speaks at The Ridgefield Playhouse

She stars in the HBO hit The Sopranos, but actress Jamie Lynn Sigler is also an advocate for helping teens cope with the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa. As a survivor of the disease, she speaks in various areas, mostly at high schools and colleges, to tell her story of survival. On May 17th at 7:30 pm Sigler will be speaking at The Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut as part of their Dove Series for Women and Girls and the Danbury Hospital Living Well Series. - May 02, 2007 - Ridgefield Playhouse

Jeanine Recckio Named One of “The 55 Most Fascinating Palm Beachers” by Palm Beach Illustrated

Jeanine Recckio Named One of “The 55 Most Fascinating Palm Beachers” by Palm Beach Illustrated

Recckio Recognized for her “Lifestyle Innovations,” Trend Forecasting & Stylish Boutiques. - May 02, 2007 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

MyVitalFiles, Inc. Solves the Paperwork Emergency

MyVitalFiles, Inc. Solves the Paperwork Emergency

Having important documents organized and easily accessible in case of emergency, illness or at tax time is critical. Thanks to a creative San Luis Obispo couple, a stress-free, “no-assembly-required” solution is now available. Certified Financial Planner® and Psychotherapist Steve... - May 02, 2007 - MyVitalFiles, Inc.

Futurologist Jeanine Recckio Joins Forces with Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club

Futurologist Jeanine Recckio Joins Forces with Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club

Jeanine’s second Palm Beach boutique space will unveil latest trends and exotic treasures for club members. - May 02, 2007 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

Overcoming Even Die Hard Objections, Tattoos Move from Taboo to Terrific as Industry Experts Helps Millions Get the Perfect Tattoo sets records attracting millions of visitors month after month by providing information on getting the perfect tattoo for first-timers and those addicted to ink. - May 02, 2007 - Tattoo Johnny

Amazing New Internet TV from "Nikki Beach" to Showcase the World’s Jet Set

Amazing New Internet TV from "Nikki Beach" to Showcase the World’s Jet Set

Live the Jet Set life by seeing what really goes on. Nikki News will showcase behind the scenes interviews with celebrities, the rich and famous people from the world's most exclusive events, locations and parties. - April 30, 2007 - Nikki News

Introducing the Tantalizing New Kurta Collection from Futurologist Jeanine Recckio

Introducing the Tantalizing New Kurta Collection from Futurologist Jeanine Recckio

Hand-made kurtas inspired by India are this summer’s resort must-have. - April 30, 2007 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

Bring New Life to Those Old Home Movies this Spring

It’s Spring Time; Why not do more than spring cleaning the house and yard this year? Why not Bring New Life to Those Old Home Movies, Slides and Photos? Most people have no idea that their films and tapes are deteriorating. They think they’ve preserved their memories forever but they haven’t. Video tapes only retain the images placed upon them, for about 10 – 15 years maximum. - April 30, 2007 - Home Video Studio-Guelph

HG Art and Framing Consultants & The Kessler Collection Announce Partnership to Promote German Artist Peter Keil

HG Art and Framing Consultants & The Kessler Collection Announce Partnership to Promote German Artist Peter Keil

HG Art and Framing Consultants and The Kessler Collection today announce a collaboration to promote the fine art of German artist Peter Keil. Together HG and the Grand Bohemian Gallery, a Kessler Collection Gallery, will make available 3,000 of Keil’s works from his estate to retail and... - April 27, 2007 - HG Arts

Unprecedented Shark Encounters-Tiger Beach Shark Diving 2007

Unprecedented Shark Encounters-Tiger Beach Shark Diving 2007 answers the question-how many sharks are too many sharks? - April 27, 2007 - Shark Diver

Sri Lanka Produces the World’s Best Sapphires, Found in Crysobel Earrings

Sri Lanka Produces the World’s Best Sapphires, Found in Crysobel Earrings

The Crysobel Jewelry Collection uses precious gemstones including the world’s most exquisite pink, blue and white sapphires imported from the designer’s homeland of Sri Lanka. - April 26, 2007 - Crysobel

Mirror Mirror Unveils Innovative “Living Magazine” Beauty & Lifestyle Concept Boutiques

Founder Jeanine Recckio Takes Shopping to the Next Level at her Palm Beach Boutique & Shops at Nation’s Top Luxurious Spas - April 26, 2007 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group

Supermax - the World Famous Music Group - Under CCR Comptoir SAL Management

CCR Comptoir SAL has become exclusive Management Company for the world famous music group Supermax. Kurt Hauenstein, legendary founder, composer, producer and band leader of Supermax music group, entered into partnership with CCR Comptoir SAL, this with the aim to transfuse the great music of Supermax – the cult world music group – from Switzerland out to the World. Universal Music, as the leading distributor, will launch different re-mixed songs soon. - April 23, 2007 - Supermax Management

Shark Wrangler, Stuart Cove, Featured on CNBC’s TV Show “The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch,” Which Aired 4/19/07

Shark Wrangler, Stuart Cove, Featured on CNBC’s TV Show “The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch,” Which Aired 4/19/07

Shark Wrangler, Stuart Cove, was featured on CNBC’s TV show “The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch,” which aired on 4/19/07. Stuart Cove was interviewed on the show in part for his unique work on major Hollywood feature films involving sharks. Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas is one of... - April 20, 2007 - Stuart Cove

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