Fitness News

Track news on fitness trainers, trends, equipment, apps, technology, events, companies, experts and resources. Find information on weight loss; training programs; and nutrition, products and services designed for fitness buffs and those who work in the fitness industry.

The Ultimate Guide to Living Joyously

Self In The City is a New York City based company created to add delight to your life. Get expert advice from nutritionists, fitness trainers, therapists, financial advisors and many other specialists. Sign up for your free (quick tips) e-mail and discover funny, relatable and practical tips to make your life a little easier. Stay clued into new ways to carry on and "Live Joyously." Don't wait. Get on the list today. - September 29, 2006 - Self In The City

Iatria Spa And Health Center Voted Best Spa

Local Day Spa Earns Best Of The West Award From The Cary News - September 28, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Yoga Studio Owners: Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Growth

Al Lipper, Owner and Founder of 'Destiny: Success', a yoga studio business coaching company based in San Luis Obispo, CA, announces the new program release Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Business Growth for October 2006. The focus of the workshop session is how to expand your studio business and live... - September 27, 2006 - Destiny: Success

Sleep is Most Important Factor in Achieving Peak Athletic Performance

Sleep is one of the most underestimated factors in athletic performance. Sleep deprived athletes have a reduced response time of up to 75% and fatigue related deficits can mean the difference between a medal or a loss. - September 25, 2006 - EarthPulse Tech, LLC

Executive Life Coaching Firm, The Move Mountains Group, Calls for Interviews with CEOs with Stress

The Move Mountains Group, a Canadian Executive Life Coaching and Consulting Firm is calling for interviews with CEOs and senior managers who are feeling stressed or unfulfilled in their work or private lives. Principal Coach of The Move Mountains Group and author of The Control Freak's Guide™ to Living Lightly, Gail Nielsen, is conducting this series of confidential interviews in order to compile research for an upcoming book and other corporate publications. - September 24, 2006 - Control Freak's Guide

Executives with Depression, Anxiety and Stress Seek Alternatives for Holding onto Success

With an awareness of the potential risks associated with medications for depression, anxiety and stress as well as the stigma attached to psychotherapy, stressed-out executives are seeking executive life coaches as an alternative means of achieving peace of mind and greater success. An executive... - September 24, 2006 - Control Freak's Guide

Enelsow The Foot Comfort Center Moves to Park Avenue

Eneslow, an 80 year old business that has been on Broadway for 20 of those years, is now moving to 470 Park Avenue South and 32 Street. - September 22, 2006 - Eneslow The Foot Comfort Center

Al Qaeda Hates Eco-Dent Toothpowder

When The U.S. government banned toothpaste on airplanes, Al Qaeda thought they were winning. They pictured millions of travelers passing out from the accumulated bad breath of toothpaste-deprived air travelers on airplanes all over the country. This was for them another sign that they were forcing... - September 22, 2006 - Lotus Brands

Weight Loss Hypnosis CDs Work Where Most Diets Fail

Are you ready to shed that fat and flab and get thinner and healthier once and for all? Are you sick and tired of fad diets and "miracle diet pills" that don't work for you? Weight Loss Hypnosis may be the answer for you. - September 22, 2006 - R.P.M. Worldwide

National Massage Therapy Institute’s Falls Church, Virginia Campus Expansion

The National Massage Therapy Institute is pleased to announce the completion of construction on 4,500 square feet of brand new space at its Falls Church, Virginia campus. The space includes new classrooms, bodywork labs and offices for the school’s massage therapy students and faculty. For... - September 21, 2006 - StudyMassage

Via Yoga Offers 15 Yoga Vacations at Villa Amor and Las Alamandas in Mexico, November 2006 through May 2007

11 vacations at Villa Amor in Sayulita for the more adventurous, and four at Las Alamandas in Jalisco for those who love pampering. All vacations include luxury accommodations, daily yoga practice, meditation, and massage; many include surf lessons; and some add Pilates or Spanish. Every level of student is welcome. - September 20, 2006 - Via Yoga

Dudur Launches Slimming and Anti-cellulite Body Care Line

Dudur announces revolutionary approach in slimming and anti-cellulite skin care. Innovative slimming body care line is one step further to focus on individual skin beauty concerns. - September 19, 2006 - Dudur Skin Care

Mother of Bodywork Therapy, Ilana Rubenfeld Ph.D, on New VoiceAmerica ™ Talk Show

This Fall, Ilana Rubenfeld Ph.D will be a guest on "Reclaiming The Body's Wisdom," an Internet Radio Show hosted by health and wellness expert, Mary Desaulniers Ph.D, on 7thWave Network. Rubenfeld will be featured on Desaulniers' show, “Reclaiming the Body’s Wisdom” on October 5th at 12 Noon Pacific Time/ 3PM Eastern Time. The show is aimed at anyone interested in health, fitness, and quality of life. - September 17, 2006 - Great Body at 50

Learn the Real Secrets of Getting Fit After Pregnancy: Bounce Back Fast. DVD Shows It's Not About Crunches

Bounce Back Fast! Post Natal Core Conditioning DVD Helps New Moms Get Fit After Pregnancy - September 16, 2006 - BeFit-Mom

Iatria Day Spa Wins Metro Bravo Award

Top Day Spa Receives Accolade From Metro Magazine. - September 15, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Unrivaled 88% Pure Omega-3 Now Available without a Prescription

WINOmeg3complexTM is an 88% omega-3 supplement, manufactured by the same company as the prescription omega-3 OMACOR, and is now available over-the-counter for half the cost. - September 13, 2006 - The Wellness Group

Iatria Spa And Health Center Hosts Wine, Welcome and Wellness

Local Day Spa To Host Event At Creedmoor Road Location. - September 12, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Childhood Obesity Revealed

Teaching children to make nutritionally sound eating decisions is the first step in fitting the epidemic of childhood obesity. - September 12, 2006 - Kids Culinary Adventures

Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Growth: Business Strategies for Studios

Al Lipper, Owner and Founder of 'Destiny: Success', a yoga studio business coaching company based in San Luis Obispo, CA, announces the new program release Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Business Growth for September 2006. The focus of the workshop session is how to expand your studio business and... - September 11, 2006 - Destiny: Success

Iatria Spa And Health Center to Sponsor Workshop

Workshop to Deal with the Balance between Personal and Professional Life. - September 08, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Bay Area Women Say Goodbye to the Frustrating Gym Life – Creating Healthy and Fit Bodies in the Comfort of their Homes and the Great Outdoors

Personal training programs designed specifically for women of every age, shape and size. Customized programs that do not require heavy machinery, gym memberships or expensive equipment. - September 08, 2006 - Kenya Moses Fitness Consulting & Coaching

Snoozester Inc. Launches Snoozester Sleep Blog

Snoozester, Inc. is proud to announce the official launch of the Snoozester Sleep Blog, Snoozester’s new blog dedicated to all things sleep related. The blog includes tips to help readers stop oversleeping and wake up on time as well as interesting information about various sleeping patterns... - September 07, 2006 - Snoozester Inc

Iatria Day Spa President Speaks at the Risk Management Association Women in Business Luncheon

Erika Mangrum Joins Secretary of State And TV Personality at Raleigh Event. - September 05, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

"Robert Morgen’s Easy Meditation CD Set" Now Available

CD Set "Robert Morgen’s Easy Meditation CD Set" reveals step-by-step methods that allow anyone to make a better Body/Mind/Spirit connection. - August 24, 2006 - Mystic Wolf Press, Inc.

Free Guided Meditation CD Available

A free CD with guided meditations and exercises is available from - August 24, 2006 - Mystic Wolf Press, Inc.

Iatria Day Spa President Speaks at Annual Conference

Erika Mangrum Discusses Membership Services at Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Event. - August 21, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Body Slamming Pro-wrestler Saves Life of Regular Guy

“Diamond” Dallas Page uses YRG - an exercise regimen he invented to prevent heart attack. “Dallas, my doctor told me I am going to die, can you help me.” That was the phone call “Diamond” Dallas Page received from Lee Marshall just over a year ago. As a direct result of the YRG exercise therapy program, a year later, Marshall is still around, but considerably thinner and with a significantly lower blood pressure offering the prospect for a long life. - August 19, 2006 - YRG Workout

Nrage Wakes Up the Web

The most powerful and best tasting Energy Strip is now available! - August 17, 2006 - 720 Innovate

83 Year Old Beats Deadly Congestive Heart Failure Without Prescription Drugs Using Nutritional Supplements

In 1997 Ira Marxe, now CEO of Good Health Supplements, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and beat the odds by taking on his heart disease head on by turning to unique nutritional supplements, not drugs, to solve his health crisis and now at 83 years young..."I'm stronger and healthier than I was 20 years ago!" - August 16, 2006 - Good Health Supplements

Children’s Disease Linked to Diet and Enzyme Activity

Many children are enzyme deficient. This deficiency plays a pivotal role in the development of disease, both as children and later as adults. By the time we are middle-aged, many suffer from health issues directly related to enzyme deficiency. - August 12, 2006 - Innovative Healing

Dudur Marine Body Care Line Makes the Jump from France

Dudur Skin Care brings to North American consumers new revolutionary body care concept. - August 10, 2006 - Dudur Skin Care

Freedom from Germs: The Celebrity YogaForce Mat is Easy to Bring With You

Recent studies have found that using communal yoga and floor exercise mats can pose health risks. To avoid catching Athlete's Foot and other infections, the YogaForce A-Line Mat is easy to transport, weighing in at only 4 pounds. It also has a built in carry system so you do not need a separate bag. - August 08, 2006 - YogaForce

Bella Vita Retreat - Lose Weight and Look Great on the Beaches of Mexico

Bella Vita Retreat, known for their boot camp retreats, takes their signature programs, Beach Boot Camp and Bella Weight Loss Retreats to the beautiful sands of San Pancho, Mexico. - August 08, 2006 - Vita Vie Retreat

Bodybuilding Audio States Working Out Right Delivers Steroid Results

Bodybuilders now know they are on the most effective, efficient, not lasting more than 20 minutes per week, bodybuilding workout program available today by listening to the newly released muscle building audio tutorial. - August 03, 2006 - Wellness Word, LLC

Grabiner/Hall Provides Marketing Strategy for Rescue Massage Center

Overview of the marketing strategy to launch a new massage center in Redondo Beach, CA - August 03, 2006 - Grabiner/hall Reaches a Milestone on Search Engine Ranking, today announced their grand achievement of being on the first page of the most popular search engines used today.  The website which was launched exactly eight month ago will enable customers from around the world to search and browse premium Spa listings in the Asia... - August 03, 2006 - Menon Media

Hot Summer Auction for The Skin Cancer Foundation

Anne E. Appleby, Founder and President of YogaForce and Rob Hotchkiss, the former frontman of Train who won the Grammy Award for his hit song, "Drops of Jupiter" have teamed up auction off some signed items to benefit The Skin Cancer Foundation and Cal Recreational Sports Development Fund. - August 01, 2006 - YogaForce

Snoozester, Inc. Launches Wake Up Call Service

Snoozester, Inc. is proud to announce the official launch of their wake up call service. Snoozester’s service will allow customers in the U.S. and Canada to schedule wake up calls online and receive them on their phone. Snoozester has been beta testing the service since May 6... - July 31, 2006 - Snoozester Inc

New Insights into Autism: Strategies for Diagnosis and Recovery

Autism now affects 1 in 165 children, up from 1 in 10,000 thirty years ago. Environmental toxins and diet are thought to play a significant role. Autism expert Dr. John Wilson will appear on the Access to Health Experts teleseminar series to explain his findings on autism, various treatment options, and how recovery is fully possible. - July 27, 2006 - Innovative Healing

Researchers Discover Increased Skin Cancer Risk for Minorities

University of Miami study shows that blacks and Hispanics are victims of late stage diagnoses for melanoma, resulting in higher mortality rates for these two ethnic groups. - July 27, 2006 -

Sante Natural Products Introduces the Newly Designed Essential Energy Mug

Completely updated and redesigned, the Sante Essential Energy Mug is energized to three million bovis. Liquids placed in the mug will be positively energized. - July 24, 2006 - SmartFinds Marketing

Erika Mangrum Featured In New Book Showcasing Successful Women

The Woman’s Advantage: Includes Chapter On Iatria Day Spa President. - July 20, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Foot Care for Flat Feet , a.k.a the "Silent Ailment", Covered by Skin Care

Flat feet is an ailment often misdiagnosed or not known to sufferers due to lack of symptoms. While many of us are worried about skin care, foot care is what concerns a large percentage of Americans as 25% of Americans are dealing with flat feet. - July 17, 2006 -

Pilates Teacher Makes Exercise Fun with Clothing Designs

New line of Pilates clothing to promote Pilates as an exercise and to keep aleady devoted Pilates practitioners excited and motivated about the exercise method. The graphics are humorous to remind everyone that exercise should be fun not just a chore. - July 12, 2006 - Pleasing Pilates

Joshua Estrin and Luis Perez- an Unlikely Duo Brings Simple, Safe, Success to the Health Conscious Business Community

At 5’5” and 6’0” respectively, some might argue they are a rather unlikely duo, but Luis Perez, fitness guru originally from Mexico and now the Health/Wellness expert for Despierta America, Univision’s Spanish language “Today Show,” and Joshua Estrin MS,... - July 10, 2006 - Concepts In Success

President Of Iatria Day Spa Appointed To University Advisory Board

Erika Mangrum Named To University Of California Irvine Board. - July 10, 2006 - Iatria Day Spa

Electronic Sleep Aid Provides Unparalleled Athletic Performance Enhancement

EarthPulse™ enhances athletic performance in world class and amateur competitors safely and more effectively than anabolic steroids or blood doping, while significantly improving their sleep. - July 09, 2006 - EarthPulse Tech, LLC

Promaxis RX High Performance Male Enhancement Supplement, Now Available at Health and Beauty Net

Promaxis RX naturally boosts testosterone levels and provides added strength and vitality as well as increased desire and easier arousal. - July 06, 2006 - Health and Beauty Net

Psychology and Spirituality Come Together to Foster Unprecedented Self-help Success

Exerting control where it's not needed taxes everyone's energy. Finally control freaks everywhere have the information they need to understand how "overcontrol" is making them (and those around them) tired, and limiting their happiness-and the tools they seek to let go, to find joy-to live and let live. It's in a new book called The Control Freak's Guide™ to Living Lightly-Manifesting a Life of Total Trust. - July 06, 2006 - Control Freak's Guide

Bikini Boot Camp - Get Set to Sweat Beach Style

Bella Vita Retreat, known for their boot camp retreats, takes Bikini Boot Camp to the beautiful sands of Palm Beach, FL. - June 29, 2006 - Vita Vie Retreat

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