Alabama: Montgomery News
"Smart Sun Visor" Invention for the Self-Driving Vehicles
Smart Sun Visor invention is mainly targeted to be used in Autonomous Self-driving vehicles. The smart sun visor invention is a game changer and will transform the currently outdated sun visor into a multi-functional super-duper sun visor of the 21st century. The "Smart Sun Visor" in vehicles will have a touch screen device mounted/embedded on sun visor and will have the ability to display different camera views such as "See me" or Selfie view, "Polarized Front View," "Rear Passengers" view, etc - October 04, 2016 - Be Topnotch, LLC
Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. and Southern Loggin’ Times Magazine Launch Pre-Owned Forestry Equipment Website: ForesTree Equipment Trader
Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc., in partnership with Southern Loggin' Times magazine, has launched a new pre-owned forestry equipment website: ForesTree Equipment Trader. It can be found at - July 15, 2016 - Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc.
Anthology of Southern "Coming Out" Stories Debuts at AJC Decatur Book Festival
Panel of five of the 16 writers from "Crooked Letter" will be at the country's largest independent book festival in Decatur, GA on Sat., Sept. 5. - September 01, 2015 - NewSouth Books
Author Releases Fourth Book of Historical Fiction, "Shamrocks and Skallywags"
Author Cabot Barden pens his fourth fiction novel. Shamrocks and Skallywags. A historical fiction that takes place in the old south around the Civil War. A family of Irish immigrants end up being indentured servants on a plantation in south Georgia. They endure a war, murder, mayhem, romance, a myriad of scoundrels, and even an encounter with the supernatural. Based on a story told to Barden about his ancestors. Available online from America Star Books,, and ekindle. - April 01, 2015 - Cabot Barden-Author
April L. Price Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
April L. Price of Jemison, Alabama has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in local government. About April L. Price Ms. Price is the Town Clerk and Treasurer for the Town of Wilton, Alabama. She is... - August 19, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide
Author to Release Near-Future Action Thriller
2018: An Uncivil War, the new breakout novel by local author Phil Sanderson, will be released as an e-book Sept. 2, 2013 on Amazon Kindle for $2.99. Sanderson wrote all 29 chapters (comprising four parts) of the novel as a result of the many attacks upon the 2nd Amendment by various Americans. The... - August 19, 2013 - Phil Sanderson
Darren Salmons, Owner of RA CORP, Has Some Business Tips
Sometimes, a few good simple tips can go a long way in the business world. - June 17, 2013 - RA CORP
John S. Gould, MD Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
John S. Gould, MD of Birmingham, Alabama has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of healthcare and education. About John S. Gould, MD Dr. Gould has over 42 years in the healthcare and education... - June 07, 2013 - Strathmore Worldwide
Timber Harvesting Magazine Sets Higher Standard
Timber Harvesting & Wood Fiber Operations magazine, a publication of Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc., will improve and expand its graphics package, editorial content, and circulation in the spring of 2013. - March 01, 2013 - Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc.
IronWorks Innovation Award Winners Announced
IronWorks Magazine, a publication of Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc., has announced the winners of the 2012 IronWorks Innovation Awards. The awards—also known as the “Stempys” in honor of the magazine’s founding editor Dennis Stemp—have been presented since 2003 specifically to recognize leadership and positive momentum in the motorcycle industry. - January 16, 2013 - Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc.
RA CORP Posts Video on YouTube
RA CORP Consults for Individuals / Organizations / Domestic / International / Commercial / Government (Customers) - December 21, 2012 - RA CORP
Cabot Barden Holds Seminar for Book Writing and Publishing at Nichols Lawson Middle School in Sylacauga, Alabama for Aspiring Writers in the Sixth and Seventh Grades
There is an article in the Daily Home in Talladega County, Alabama about Cabot Barden giving pointers about writing and publishing books and songs in a seminar to sixth and seventh graders at a local middle school in Sylacauga, Alabama. Cabot Barden, author of "It's The Bass Player" held... - March 02, 2012 - Cabot Barden-Author
You Will Never Look at Your Best Friend the Same: Derrell Lawrence's Do You Trust Your Best Friend? Stage Play National Tour
The hit stage play, Derrell Lawrence's Do You Trust Your Best Friend?, kicks off its 2012 national tour Easter weekend in Montgomery, Alabama April 6-7, 2012 at the Davis Theater for the Performing Arts, 251 Montgomery Street, Montgomery, AL 36102. Newly engaged couple, Maurice and April... - March 01, 2012 - Derrell Lawrence
Cabot Barden to Attend Comer Museum Author/Songwriter Night in Sylacauga, AL. on February 16th
Cabot Barden, author of It's The Bass Player, which has been endorsed by his friend, Clive Cussler, will be attending a book signing at the Southern Writers Festival at the Barnes and Noble bookstore at the Summit in Birmingham, AL on Feb. 11th from 10 to 12 am. He will also be attending another signing at the Down Home Jubilee at the Comer Museum in Sylacauga, Al on Feb. 16th from 6:30 to 9 pm, which will feature local authors and songwriters. The admission is free for both events. - October 09, 2011 - Cabot Barden-Author
InitiumFive, LLC Launches New iPhone App
Livewell - The Ultimate Fishing Journal. Featured in the September/October issue of Bassmaster Magazine, this iPhone app represents a balance of technology and outdoors. - September 02, 2011 - InitiumFive, LLC Campaign Announces Special Outreach in Tornado Ravaged Alabama
All efforts for the immediate future are being focused on helping the Alabama and surrounding area food pantries meet expected increase in need for food. - May 07, 2011 -
Birmingham International Center is Taking Donations for Tornado Relief Efforts via Cell Phone Micro Donations
Financial donations are needed to support disaster relief efforts. The Birmingham International Center asks those who want to help please text “BIC” to 41010 to donate $10 through their cell phone or call 1-205-252-7652. Donations more than $10 can be made online at... - May 02, 2011 - Birmingham International Center
Accomplice Press, LLC Makes an Announcement About the Curvalicious Writing Contest and Their Participation as Industry Professionals at RomCon in Denver This July
Accomplice Press announces there are no winners for the Curvalicious writing competition. There were numerous entries, but only one writer grasped the publisher's concept of who a Curvalicious heroine really is. Unfortunately, after some research Accomplice Press found that the winning entry was un-publishable because of undisclosed contractual reasons. The partners are looking forward to new opportunities and will attend Romcon in Denver, along with their best selling author Delinda Jasper. - June 28, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC
HDW Selects Microsoft RMS as Preferred Hardware Store POS
Hardware Distribution Warehouse (HDW) performed an extensive review of available Hardware Store Point of Sale Systems (POS). Major considerations were: Stability of the POS software company, the number of users worldwide, the support costs (typically a function of the user count), the number of POS support options (the support network of certified professionals for the POS software product) and the ability of the POS software to stay current with technology. Microsoft RMS was chosen. - June 02, 2010 - System Solutions LLC
Historical March: 95 - Mile Walk from Birmingham to Montgomery, Alabama
Historical March: 95–Mile walk from Birmingham to the Steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery Alabama. Christian Missions Church is sponsoring “Walking for a Good Cause.” The walk will begin on Friday, June 11, 2010 in Birmingham and end on Saturday, June 19, 2010 in Montgomery,... - May 24, 2010 - Chrisitian Missions Church
Phone Cards Central - A Fresh and Promising New Entry on the Phone Cards Market
Phone Cards Central is a relatively fresh calling cards provider, offering high quality phone cards for all international destinations. - April 24, 2010 - WDN Communications S.A.
Accomplice Press, LLC Announces a Writing Contest to Launch Their New Plus-Size Romance Book Line Called Curvalicious. Two Winners Will be Contracted and Published.
Accomplice Press, the boutique-style independent publisher, is launching a romance book line called Curvalicious. To kick off this new endeavor the company is hosting a writing competition beginning on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010 and ending at midnight on May 14, 2010. The company will be... - February 05, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC
Mom and Purple Bus Roll Into Montgomery AL for State House Rally for Health Reform Now
The Purple Bus National Tour is stopping in Montgomery, AL for a Rally for Health Reform Now! on the steps of the Alabama State House on Tuesday, April 7th at 11:00 AM CDT. The Purple Bus and Kathie McClure, the Purple Bus Lady, are touring 17 states from April to July, raising awareness of the need for meaningful health care reform. - April 06, 2009 -
Ralph Nader Proclaims Five Counts for Impeachment of George W. Bush to in Candid Interview
In an interview with’s Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, Ralph Nader details five charges for alleged credible impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. - May 16, 2008 -
Ella Joyce Tribute to Rosa Parks - A Rose Among Thorns - Receives Key to the City of Ft. Lauderdale from Mayor Carlton Moore, and Moves on to Montgomery, AL - Feb. 4th
A Rose Among Thorns - Tribute to Rosa Parks recently performed during MLK Week celebrations in Florida including the Lou Rawls Center where she received a recognition placque from the Concerned African Women (CAW) sponsored by JEBA--Ed Haynes & Julia Brown. The show moves on to The Alabama Shakespeare Festival sponsored by the Rosa Parks Museum on Monday, Feb. 4, 2008. The show is being booked beyond Black History Month and continues to play churches, schools, theaters, and special events. - January 28, 2008 - Ms. Thing Productions, Inc.
Ella Joyce Tribute to Rosa Parks "A Rose Among Thorns" in Detroit for Community In Schools (CIS) Special Performance Oct. 2007.
"A Rose Among Thorns" a Tribute to Rosa Parks will be presented in Detroit at the Metropolitan United Methodist Church for CIS - Community In Schools on Oct. 18, 19 and 20th as it continues an ever growing schedule around the country. October 24th will mark the 2nd anniversary of Rosa Parks' death in Detroit where she resided. This show continues to play for colleges, churches, organizations, and theatres. For more information and booking or sponsorship opportunities visit - October 16, 2007 - Ms. Thing Productions, Inc.
Search for Truth and Understanding Leads to New Book
Reginald W. Davis aims to answer the question, “With all the different thoughts, beliefs, religions, and sciences, how do you know what path to follow in order to find self-actualization and spiritual-fulfillment?” - June 12, 2007 - Rexology Press