Recent Headlines
Centralemail by WBS Group : a Free Change of Address Service to Keep in Touch with Your Internet Contacts
People change their email address each 2 to 3 years. To keep in touch with your business contacts or friends when you change your email, register your new email in Centralemail change of address service. - March 11, 2009 - WBS Group
Small Business Owners Can Now Learn Online Marketing Skills from the Comfort of Their Home or Office
Business owners whose websites aren't bringing them the results they'd hoped for can now learn how to make the most of their online resources through a new seminar being offered by Colorado Springs' online marketing specialists, Jes C. Productions. - March 11, 2009 - Jes C. Productions
Custom IDX Broker Enhances the Search Function on Realtor Steve Dutoit’s Website with Its Seamless Integration
IDX software gives real estate professionals and their clients the tools to speed up the online real estate search, saving them time and hassle. - March 11, 2009 - IDX, Inc.
New Chiropractic Directory Helps Patients and Generates Leads for Chiropractors
Chiropractors Are Invited to Contribute Their Health and Pain Treatment Articles within a Chiropractic Library Designed to Meet the Growing Demand for Consumer Health Search. - March 10, 2009 - HAB Technologies LLC
PR Guru Steve Winston Opens Winston Communications in South Florida
Steve Winston, who has developed and implemented successful PR and marketing campaigns for clients such as Citibank, American Airlines, The Florida Panthers NHL Hockey Club, and Alamo Rent A Car, has opened an office in the Fort Lauderdale area. Winston's goal is to provide reasonably-priced growth strategies to South Florida companies that - recession or not - want to reach the next level. - March 10, 2009 - Winston Communications
Launch of GoldMoney for the iPhone
GoldMoney and Concentric Sky announce the world's first mobile application to allow the trade of digital gold and silver. - March 10, 2009 - Concentric Sky, Inc.
Ad Ventures, Inc Announces SEO Marketing Partnership with Big Shark Marketing
Partnership strengthens Ad Ventures’ interactive service offering by ensuring every website design and development project is optimized effectively to ensure strong, organic search ranking. - March 09, 2009 - Ad Ventures, Inc.
Employee Turned Entrepreneur, Thanks to Economic Downturn
Whitegate PR launches new website in response to recent freelance demand. - March 09, 2009 - Whitegate PR
LIOBmedia Helps Smithsonian Celebrate Women’s History Month
In recognition of Women’s History month, LIOBmedia launches a website, Women in the U.S. Postal System, which explores the fascinating history and lives of female postal workers from the American Revolution to the present. “LIOBmedia is pleased to be part of a team to provide an... - March 08, 2009 - LIOBmedia
A Custom IDX Solution Gives Gail Pruette’s Real Estate Website an Advantage Over Her Competition
IDX Broker saves realtors and their clients time by providing an easy-to-use search function for their websites. - March 08, 2009 - IDX, Inc.
USA SEO Pros Helps Ontario Entrepreneur Beat Recession
A Canadian entrepreneur has partnered with internet advertising company USA SEO Pros to run an online marketing campaign, and has seen an increase in sales despite the faltering global economy. Andy Bertrand is a home business owner based in Brampton, Ontario, and he said the information and... - March 08, 2009 - USASEOPros
Surreallistic Travel Website Gets the Recognition It Deserves
Surreallistic website gets Houston production company top award recognition. The website is a visual experience that is a direct reflection of the DreamMaker's Experiential Vacations. - March 08, 2009 - IMMIX Productions, Inc.
Click Consult Launch New Clicktelligence System for Search Marketing Clients
Click Consult, a leading UK search marketing agency, has launched a new version of their client reporting suite, Clicktelligence v2.0. Clicktelligence v2.0 went live on March 03, 2009, and can be viewed at - March 07, 2009 -
SEO Consult Ranked as the UK’s Number 1 Organic Search Engine Optimisation Company for Fourth Consecutive Month
TopSEOs, the independent authority on search vendors, has ranked SEO Consult, the UK’s leading Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) company, as the number one Organic SEO company in the UK for the fourth consecutive month. TopSEOs bestow this monthly award on the UK SEO Agency which they... - March 07, 2009 -
Fahrenheit Marketing, a Search Engine Marketing Firm, Selected by PreferredCE
PreferredCE, an online continuing education provider, has chosen the Austin, TX based Fahrenheit Marketing as its new agency of record. The partnership will expand awareness of Preferred CE’s product. - March 07, 2009 - Fahrenheit Marketing
Fahrenheit Marketing, a Search Engine Marketing Firm, Selected by Marsh-Vorspan
Marsh-Vorspan Partners, a residential design and remodeling firm, has chosen Fahrenheit Marketing as their new agency of record. The agency will capitalize in search engine marketing as well as support Marsh-Vorspan with other marketing media. - March 07, 2009 - Fahrenheit Marketing
WSI Spoke at Tampa Bay Digital Marketing Conference
WSI Internet Marketing Expert Brought Tactful Online Marketing Strategies to Close to 100 Business Owners. - March 07, 2009 - WSI Internet
Free Medical Coding Course by Online Career Advancement
Online Career Advancement Offers Free Medical Coding Courses and Subsidized National Certification Program to Address the High Demand and Critical Shortage of Professional Coding Specialists - March 07, 2009 - Online Career Advancement
Artistic Plumbing Enjoys Great Success with USA SEO Pros
Artistic Plumbing, a client with the search engine optimization company USA SEO Pros, is enjoying a jump in business and revenue despite the harsh economic climate across the country. Larry Howell is the owner of Artistic Plumbing, a Minnesota based company that specializes in residential and... - March 07, 2009 - USASEOPros
SUI Solutions Releases iMargin Application for iPhone
Leading software and database developer SUI Solutions announces the release of iMargin—a convenient and easy to use iPhone application for calculating margin and gross margin. - March 07, 2009 - SUI Solutions
Freelance Content Writer Services Offers 50% Discount
FCWS - Freelance Content Writer Services are pioneer in Web Content Writing since 7 years. Content Writer Services are providing Special 50% Discount on All Bulk Orders till 31st March 2009. - March 07, 2009 - Content Writer Services
JMKDomains Makes Text Messaging Easier
“Thumbs” Everywhere Breathe a Sigh of Relief. - March 06, 2009 - JMKDomains
New - Social News Website
What is the future of advertising going to look like? A new website seems to be in touch with some of the most recently developed technology. Dedlines is a web application, (PHP server software) that allows members to submit an article that will be reviewed by all members. Articles will be... - March 06, 2009 - - Explore Your Passions, Interact with New People, Learn Something New is a repository of all sorts of events – Business Events, Networking Events, Educational Events, Social Events, Travel Events, Fine Arts, Exhibitions, Spiritual Events, and many others. - March 06, 2009 -
Pathfinder’s Noel Rappin Selected to Speak at RailsConf 2009 Conference
Pathfinder Development, a leading user experience design and software development firm, is pleased to announce that Noel Rappin, Pathfinder’s Vice President of Rails Development and author of “Professional Ruby on Rails” from Wrox Press, has been selected to speak at RailsConf... - March 06, 2009 - Pathfinder Development
USA SEO Pros Helps Canadian Entrepreneur Achieve Results
A Canadian man who runs an internet based business has partnered with search engine optimization company USA SEO Pros and is enjoying an increase in business and exposure, despite worsening economic conditions. Jamie Steele is a business entrepreneur based in Calgary, Alberta, and said that the... - March 06, 2009 - USASEOPros
Webflo Studios Creates Online Presence for Local Merchant Services Company
Arizona web design firm Webflo Studios recently introduced another company to the online world. - March 06, 2009 - Webflo Studios
Captiva Marketing Announces Expansion Into Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Senior Account Manager Beth McLaughlin is leading the growth into Dallas for search engine marketing company. - March 06, 2009 - Captiva Marketing
New Global Medical Information Resource Online from Medimix
Medimix International is introducing a new online resource for the global medical community to facilitate exchange of information. The Global e-Advisory Board consists of a panel of experts recruited from renowned centers in the US, Top 5 EU, and Asia that will be available for consultation on Medimix survey projects conducted for pharmaceutical, medical device, or biotechnology companies. Areas of expertise currently include oncology, hematology, neurology, nephrology, and cardiology. - March 06, 2009 - Medimix International
Out of the Studio and Into the Marketplace: Left Brain Success for Right Brain People
Out of the Studio and Into the Marketplace: A one-day workshop with Neal Whitt and Susan Lee at Jacksonville State University Little River Canyon Center. Participants will learn about online pr and marketing, how to photograph artwork, how to write an effective writers statement and how to create an online and print portfolio. - March 06, 2009 - Fluid Fusion
IDX Broker Gives Realtor Amy Lassen the Tools to Create a Unique Branding Throughout Her Real Estate Website
An easy-to-use and efficient search function, speeds of the online real estate search, saving realtors and their clients time. - March 06, 2009 - IDX, Inc.
Alpaca Web Site Design Templates Now Available at
Alpaca web site templates at offer an easy, economical way for breeders and ranchers to establish a presence online. - March 06, 2009 - SEOAlpaca
Learning Italian and Spending a Gap Year in Italy
All information about the Academic School Year courses in Italy with Scuola Leonardo da Vinci to learn Italian language and culture. - March 06, 2009 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci
Janine Wuschke of J9 Design Upgrades Computer Software to Better Serve Her Clients
Janine Wuschke, graphic design expert, upgrades her computer software to latest creative suite to provide better results - March 06, 2009 - J9 Design
OmegaSearrch SEO Launches World Class Comprehensive SEO Services
OmegaSearch have been optimizing websites for search engines since 2004 when this concept was very new and very few people believed that website rank can indeed be improved. The search engines – Google, Yahoo, MSN, and all other have their own ranking algorithms based on which the sites indexed by them are displayed. The order is dependent on very many factors, and their job is just to influence these factors which determine the ranking of user website for any keyword or key phrase. - March 05, 2009 - OmegaSearch SEO Services
14th Annual MED Week Awards to be Held on March 18
On Wednesday, March 18, The 14th Annual MED Week Awards Ceremony and Networking Luncheon will take place at the newly opened L.A. LIVE Entertainment Complex in downtown Los Angeles from 10 am to 2 pm. The MED Week Awards program will celebrate the outstanding achievements of minority... - March 05, 2009 - Soulstice Marketing
Web 2.0 Series of Seminars for Pittsburgh Non-Profits
Pittsburgh area non-profit organizations are invited to attend a three-part series on Web 2.0, including website design, online donation tools, and E-mail marketing. - March 05, 2009 -
Farr Media Announces Launch of the Next Generation Retail Preview
Farr Media Corporation announced today the launch of their next generation Retail Preview service that provides media retailers with an innovative, interactive merchandising tool for consumer media discovery of DVD movies and Video Games. Retail Preview is a web based kiosk style application that... - March 05, 2009 - Farr Media Corporation
Red Bricks Media to Speak at WebMaster World PubCon Austin
Chief Strategist Craig Hordlow will present advanced search engine optimization recommendations in a panel on Analytics. - March 05, 2009 - Red Bricks Media
Driscoll Web Development Launches The Social Confessional
On February 19, 2009, Driscoll Web Development launched the social confessional ( As the name of the site might imply, the purpose of is to allow people to make anonymous confessions of guilt and follow others' confessions in real-time. The... - March 05, 2009 - Driscoll Web Development
Leading WSI Consultant Speaks at 49th Annual IFA Convention
Ron Adelman Highlights Social Media Opportunities to Over 200 Attendees. - March 05, 2009 - WSI Internet
Jathia's Wager: An Open Source Sci-Fi Movie Created by International Collaboration Has Been Released - Viral Video Advertising with Twist...
Social Media Systems announces a new way to advertise: the embedding of sponsorship announcements in 'open-source' video productions. - March 05, 2009 - Social Media Systems
IDX Broker’s Unique Features and Customized Searches Sets Realtor Jodie Uhl’s Website Apart from Her Competitors
Easy-to-use IDX search tools speed up the online real estate process, saving both real estate professionals and their clients time. - March 05, 2009 - IDX, Inc.
A Dozen Strategies to Take Control of Your Sales Operation
Bob Schulz will present objectives, strategies and tactics that challenge conventional thinking to enable successful sales effort. - March 05, 2009 - Blue Tangerine Solutions
A New Online Marketing Approach Guaranteed to Get Results for Websites
A new search engine optimization program combines traditional optimization and search engine submission with news content publishing to create more authoritative sites that provide search engines the information they need to deliver to users while generating more traffic. - March 05, 2009 -
The Waterford Corporation of Illinois Supports Job Creation Through Small Businesses
They help businesses grow and thrive on a regional and national level in order to give back into the community and ultimately fighting the recession. Services offered are business development,creative design,document preparation,grant and proposal writing,strategic marketing, and multimedia. - March 04, 2009 - The Waterford Corporation of Illinois
Young & Laramore Launches Design and Digital Studio, 'Here There Be Monsters'
'Here There Be Monsters' to Help Brands Explore Uncharted Design/Digital Territory. Integrated advertising agency Young & Laramore (Y&L) today announced the launch of Here There Be Monsters, a new division dedicated to pushing the continually evolving boundaries of design and digital. Led... - March 04, 2009 - Here There Be Monsters
Grim Economic News Doesn’t Slow USA SEO Pros’ Growth
February ended with stock markets down to their lowest levels in 12 years, but internet advertising company USA SEO Pros had one of their best weeks in terms of sales. Steve Howe, the operations manager at USASEOPros, said the Las Vegas-based company posted a 12.5 percent increase in weekly sales... - March 04, 2009 - USASEOPros
A Custom IDX Solution Assists Ed Gongola in Fulfilling His Goal of Bringing Sellers and Buyers Together
IDX Broker software speeds up the online real estate search, saving realtors and consumers time. - March 04, 2009 - IDX, Inc.
SEO Positive Become Sponsors of Seroundtable
SEO Positive Ltd support seroundtable in worldwide recognised work within the SEO industry. - March 04, 2009 - Seopositive