Business Process Management (BPM) Essentials are Unveiled for Companies Experiencing Growth and Expansion

Online resources are now available through Document Management University which demonstrate various methods of business process improvement for growing companies. - February 20, 2006 - Cornerstone Communications

Bika LIMS 1.1 Released

Improved performance and easy customisation for all sample types. - February 15, 2006 - Bika Lab Systems

Tancher Garden Deep Integration (TGDI) – the Modular Approach in System Integration Solutions Based on Wireless Mobile Terminals

Based on the experience gained for the last decade, Tancher (R&D company) analyses existing approaches in system integration tasks solutions based on wireless mobile terminals. The novel approach proposed (called internaly TGDI - Tancher Garden Deep Integration) allows one to get significant advantages when functionality of the terminals is strictly limited. Some practical examples are described. - January 05, 2006 - Tancher Corp.

Bika Lab Systems Partner EFENP Automation P Ltd, India

To resolve the demand for geographically distributed support, Bika is inviting qualified service providers to become part of our network. The invitation extends to suppliers who would want to see their lab instruments and LIMS related applications interfaced with Bika. Newcomers enter as Bika... - December 16, 2005 - Bika Lab Systems

Bika Translations Growing - Afrikaans, English, Dutch, Italian ...

With the help of first members of the embryonic Bika open source community, Dutch and Italian have been added to original Afrikaans and default English Bika languages. A 'How to' customise Bika languages page was published on the Bika community site at and was responded to ... - November 14, 2005 - Bika Lab Systems

Specifications for Bika II and ISO 17025 Accreditation Released on the Bika Sourceforge Website

Bika II New functional specifications have been released for discussion at the Bika community site. The design has been completed in consultation with and is sponsored by Quantum Analytical Services The functional design and use case document features an integrated html wireframe model and includes... - November 10, 2005 - Bika Lab Systems

Bika LIMS source released

Version 1.0 of Bika Lab Systems' laboratory information management system has been released under the GNU General Public License and is available for download at - September 05, 2005 - Bika Lab Systems

Trifolium to Team with FCG for British Columbia Health System

Raleigh, NC-based Trifoilum, Inc. has been selected by FCG to facilitate developing a healthcare-focused contact and process management system for the Canadian province of British Columbia. Trifolium is providing resources to FCG to help with the requirements analysis for the new application and also to serve as a liaison between the business users and the FCG development team. - August 15, 2005 - Trifolium, Inc.

Open Source Lims Deployed at Western Cape Winery

A web-based open source laboratory information management system (Lims), developed by Upfront Systems, has been deployed by Bika Lab Systems at Western Cape wine bottling cooperative Breeriviervallei Botteleringskooperasie in Worcester, South Africa. - July 28, 2005 - Bika Lab Systems

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