Lee County, FL- Clerk of the Circuit Court Selects Axia, Pioneer Technology Group’s Value Adjustment Board Software

The Lee County Clerk of the Circuit Court has selected Pioneer Technology Group to improve the efficiency of the Value Adjustment Board petitioning process. - October 22, 2008 - Pioneer Technology Group

Datacommunication Peer Markets in Western Europe - Scenarios Up to 2013 - InfoCom’s Latest Report

InfoCom released the newest version of its report “Datacommunication Peer Markets in Western Europe - Scenarios up to 2013,” providing detailed overall datacom market data broken down into six individual market segments. - October 22, 2008 - Infocom GmbH

ActionCOACH Spreads Its Wings in France as Pierre-Yves Lefebvre Opens His Office in the Savoy Region

“I am about to achieve big changes in my life by joining ActionCOACH. I feel confident and really motivated.” - October 22, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Long-Term New York Strategy Veteran, Jannine Salo, Opens Small, Specialized Consulting Boutique with National Reach

Salo Strategy, a Strategic Services & Consulting Company was recently formed by Jannine Salo, a long time strategy veteran with national reach in the industry. Salo Strategy provides Assessments, Strategic Planning, and Consulting and Training Services. Salo Strategy was recently awarded the... - October 22, 2008 - Salo Strategy

Mike Greene Leaves a Highly Successful and Lucrative Sales Career to Join ActionCOACH

Motivated by the huge financial potential of business coaching, which also has a strong purpose-driven focus, Greene is ready to step into the opportunity that will allow him to live his passion. - October 22, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Brian Cavanagh is the Newest ActionCOACH in Ireland

Cavanagh has now joined the ranks of many others who become frustrated with corporate life and take the step forward to make a positive change in their personal and professional lives. - October 22, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Raleigh Success Coach Martin Brossman Expands Services to Offer Professional Online Networking Consulting

Success Coach Martin Brossman introduces services that help those with limited time and expertise to maximize their online presence. - October 22, 2008 - Martin Brossman

Richard Carlson is Featured Speaker at AMR Research Healthcare Exchange 2008

Event designed to discuss data and technology trends in the healthcare industry. - October 22, 2008 - Blue Fin Group

American Right of Way Associates Opens Haynesville Shale Office

American Right of Way Associates Opens Haynesville Shale Office

ARWA (American Right of Way Associates) announced today that they opened their Haynesville Shale office in downtown Shreveport, Louisiana. American Right of Way Associates is the subsidiary company of Texas Right of Way Associates (TRWA, Inc) based out of Fort Worth, Texas. ARWA, a right of way... - October 21, 2008 - American Right of Way Associates

"Going Green" from the Comfort of Your Own Home: Environmental Waste Solutions Offers Work-from-Home Opportunities for the Eco-Minded

Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) is offering a work-from-home business opportunity that makes “going green” that much greener for those seeking to work for themselves - October 21, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions

Sentrana Defines Critical Path to Enhanced Demand Management

Sentrana Inc., a Washington DC-based leader in solutions for excellence in scientific micromarketing, has defined a critical path to enhanced demand management supported by breakthroughs in large-scale computing technologies. These breakthroughs will improve a company’s ability to accurately... - October 20, 2008 - Sentrana, Inc.

Baby Boomers Participating in Baby Boomer Entrepreneurship at Amazing Levels - Business Rebirth Offers a Free Internet Directory to Support Entrepreneurs

Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, are participating in Baby Boomer Entrepreneurship at amazing levels. Though Global Entrepreneurship Week and similar efforts are focused upon getting young people to explore entrepreneurship, it is the Baby Boomers who are answering the call at unprecedented levels. Business Rebirth launches a free web based directory to help new entrepreneurs. - October 20, 2008 - Business Rebirth

Almost One-Third of Employers Fail to Teach Business Basics to First-Time Bosses

According to a recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), when it comes to showing first-time managers how to do their jobs, close to one-third of employers surveyed said they do not teach budgeting, time management, and project management. Twenty-six percent of employers... - October 20, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Janna Hoiberg Will Achieve a Perfect Life/Work Balance in Her New Role as an ActionCOACH

Janna Hoiberg is excited about working with clients, facing the challenge of each new situation and the prospect of meeting new people. - October 19, 2008 - ActionCOACH

E. Sue Huff Was Keynote Speaker at the Christian Chamber "Bright Ideas" Expo

Sue Huff of E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. was the keynote speaker for the Christian Chamber “Bright Ideas” Expo held on October 2 at Pelican Preserve in Fort Myers. The timely topic, “Getting a Job, Keeping a Job and Being Excellent in your Job” was well received by... - October 18, 2008 - E. Sue Huff & Associates

Open Tolbox: An Open Door to the Future

Announcement of new consulting firm partnering Vinay Gupta (hexayurt designer - www.hexayurt.com) and LaRahna Hughes. - October 18, 2008 - Open Toolbox

Company Names Wayne Wisong SR Director, Erisa Compliance

Mahoney & Associates, a privately-held international compensation and benefits management firm, announces the appointment of Wayne Wisong, JD as Senior Director, ERISA Compliance. Mr. Wisong joins the firm as an integral member of the company’s Compliance & Audit Services Department. - October 18, 2008 - Mahoney & Associates

Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc. Receives 2008 Best of Saint Louis Award

U.S. Local Business Association's Award Plaque Honors the Achievement. - October 18, 2008 - Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc.

Questar Joins Ranks of Corporate Blogosphere

Mid-size company to join the likes of other mid-to-large size corporations adding a blog to their marketing strategy. Headed by Questar's Customer Experience Management division, the topics will include managing and improving customer satisfaction. Questar hopes to create an open forum to communicate with clients and those interested in improving the customer experience. - October 18, 2008 - Questar Data Systems, Inc.

ActionCOACH Founder and CEO Brad Sugars Urged Thousands of Business Owners to See Opportunity in the Current Economic Crisis

“Business owners can find many opportunities even in the midst of this deep economic winter.” - October 17, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Mahoney & Associates Names Christopher Gammill, MBA as Benefits Consultant

Appointment fills key role for company. - October 17, 2008 - Mahoney & Associates

The CHILL Program Scholarship Fund

This new incentive scholarship and music program, will help bring new jobs and classes in inner city communities so students can learn discipline, how to read music, play musial instruments, sharpen their skills, treat others with dignity and respect instead of being truant and getting into trouble. - October 17, 2008 - DON ALESANTE MUSIC GROUP LLC.

EVC Leaders—Practitioners of IT Economic Value Creation New LinkedIn Group Announced

Glomark-Governan would like to invite all CIOs, IT executives, and IT Managers to join their newly created “EVC Leaders–Practitioners of IT Economic Value Creation” group and forum in LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/933497). This forum will provide an open venue for IT... - October 17, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

QuEST Global Wins Competitive Strategy Leadership Award from Frost & Sullivan

QuEST Global, a leading provider of outsourced engineering services and manufacturing, announced today that it has received the prestigious Competitive Strategy Leadership Award from Frost & Sullivan. The award recognizes India-based Global Commercial Aviation Suppliers in this space. The... - October 17, 2008 - QuEST Global

BoardImage Launches New Web Site

BoardImage, a consulting firm that works with corporate boards, today announced the launch of an enhanced Web site. - October 17, 2008 - BoardImage

Living Life Green Partners with AMEE

Living Life Green and AMEE set the carbon standard with new partnership. - October 17, 2008 - Living Life Green

Introduction of 2009 Inspired Training™ Calendar

Allied Reliability announces the release of their 2009 Inspired Training™ Calendar. - October 17, 2008 - Allied Reliability

What Does This Past Weekend’s Credit Crunch Mean for SMBs?

ActionCOACH Business Coaches are helping owners of SMBs make the right decisions so they can sail through the current credit crunch. - October 16, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Prospective Bankers Undeterred by Wall Street Crisis

Despite the ongoing financial crisis, investment-banking jobs remain highly sought after by undergraduate students. - October 15, 2008 - Wall Street Oasis

Clinton Rubin Acquires McConnell International

Clinton Rubin expands capabilities into government sector through acquisition of McConnell International, a consulting firm specializing in US federal government procurement. - October 15, 2008 - Clinton Rubin LLC

QuEST Global Gets Govt. of India Notification to Lease Out Land at Its Precision Engineering SEZ at Belgaume

QuEST Global Gets Govt. of India Notification to Lease Out Land at Its Precision Engineering SEZ at Belgaume - October 15, 2008 - QuEST Global

Business Crisis Management Program Released by Turnaround Specialist

The worldwide financial situation results in even greater pressure on many businesses. It is important for those responsible for running companies to objectively recognize the indicators of a business in a condition requiring crisis management. The primary work plan followed by business turnaround specialist Steve Pohlit, President of IR Consulting, Inc. is now available at no charge at the firm's Turnaround Consulting website http://turnaround-consulting-firm.com - October 15, 2008 - IR Consulting, Inc.

Calling All Ecopreneurs: Environmental Waste Solutions Offers Lucrative Green Business Opportunity in a Down Market

EWS is now accepting inquiries from those entrepreneurs (and ecopreneurs) who are interested in learning more about how they can benefit from this lucrative green business opportunity. - October 14, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions

Authors of the New York Times Best Selling Book "The Answer" Pledge More Than $1 Million in Business-Growth Products, Services and Cash to Help Small-Business Owners

John Assaraf and Murray Smith are doing their part to kick-start the economy by giving away business growth services valued at more than $1.3 million to help small-business owners during the economic downturn. - October 13, 2008 - OneCoach

Pioneer Signs Deal to Deliver Court Case System to Okaloosa County Florida

Pioneer Technology Group (PTG) today announced the signing of a contract with the Okaloosa County Clerk’s office for Benchmark, the company’s new state of the art Court Case Management System. The system was developed specifically for use in Florida courts and uses the latest... - October 11, 2008 - Pioneer Technology Group

The New Operation Safe & Sound

The CHILL Program (Creating Hope I Love Life) have structured a new incentive program for inner city public housing projects, public schools, boarding homes, foster care facilities and group homes across the nation titled “Operation Safe & Sound” this revolutionary program is designed to bring peace and stability in high crime areas in the State of Wisconsin and in other cities and states across the country, so children can grow up with out fear of being harmed or ever achieving their dreams. - October 10, 2008 - DON ALESANTE MUSIC GROUP LLC.

Seminar on Effective Selling Techniques

The next program in the Monroe Chamber of Commerce Business Education Series is “Stop Selling Now,” Tuesday, November 11, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Sal’s Restaurant, 630 Main Street, Monroe. The seminar will be lead by Paul Lavoie, successful businessman and certified coach... - October 10, 2008 - ActionCOACH of CT

State Tax Group Expands to Better Serve Clients

State Tax Group, LLC (STG) a leader in state and local tax services, headquartered in Dallas Texas continues to expand. A new office has opened in Houston, Texas. Adding the office in Southern Texas helps STG to better serve their Fortune 500 customers. “We are very excited to be closer to... - October 10, 2008 - State Tax Group

Technology Associates Inks Deal with Horticultural Asset Management, Inc.

Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (www.technologyassociates.net), a full-service technology solutions and support firm specializing in network design, implementation, management and support to small to medium-sized businesses in North Carolina, has announced that the firm has been... - October 10, 2008 - Technology Associates

Energy Saving Company Living Life Green Launch New US Operation

Living Life Green US launches in Atlanta. Living Life Green, an energy saving software company founded in London, UK this week launched its new US operation based in Atlanta, Georgia. The expansion directly into the US market is a result of the massive interest and developing sales of Living Life... - October 10, 2008 - Living Life Green

Glomark-Governan Announces Key Orders from the Third Quarter of 2008

Glomark-Governan is pleased to announce recent orders received in the third quarter of 2008 from new clients including: EDP Sigma, Indra, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Intelity, Kio Networks, and Scitum; and orders from existing clients including, Siemens Enterprise Networks, and... - October 09, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

SkyRFID's New Portfolio of RFID Parking Control & Parking Management Solutions

SkyRFID announces their new line-up of RFID Parking Management Solutions that effectively control entrance or exit gates at a variety of read distances and access speeds. The solutions range from single gate readers to four gate readers and access speeds from 10 KPH to over 160 KPH. - October 09, 2008 - SkyRFID Inc.

OneCoach Announces Susan Ross as a New Franchisee for Ventura County

OneCoach, the leader in small-business growth services, welcomes Susan Ross as a new Business Partner serving entrepreneurs and small-business owners in Ventura County. - October 09, 2008 - OneCoach

Canadian Pulpmills Are Paying Higher Wood Costs as Supply Tightens, WRI Reports

Softwood wood fiber prices are currently close to a 12-year high in British Columbia, according to the market report North American Wood Fiber Review. As chip prices in BC tend to follow pulp prices, wood costs have remained practically unchanged in 2008, but were over 30% higher in the 3Q/08 than they were two years ago. - October 08, 2008 - Wood Resources International LLC

Bus Drivers Report 50% Drop in Pain, Discomfort This Year

After a 12-month ergonomics program, bus drivers in Grand Rapids, Mich. report a 50% drop in high and extreme levels or pain or discomfort. The results were obtained as a result of a joint effort between the region’s transit system, The Rapid, and Atlas Ergonomics, an organization that... - October 08, 2008 - Atlas Ergonomics, LLC

Environmental Waste Solutions Announces Rapid Growth with Their Part-Time Green Business Opportunity for New Affiliates

Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, announced today that the company has realized rapid growth with new part-time affiliates from around the US becoming waste management consultants with the company. - October 08, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions

Whitewater Security's Groundbreaking Water Crisis Management Solution Delivers Comprehensive Online Answer to Terrorist or Accidental Water Contamination

Skilled team of security and water experts provides end-to-end, cutting-edge, customized solution to safeguard even the most vulnerable locations. - October 07, 2008 - Whitewater Security

Sentrana Announces Creation of Operational Support Management Group

Sentrana Inc., a Washington DC-based leader in solutions for excellence in scientific micromarketing, announced today the establishment of a new Operational Support Management Group as part of its ongoing operational effort to support delivery to its clients of top quality technology solutions for... - October 06, 2008 - Sentrana, Inc.

Two All Beef Patties, Special Sauce and New Leaders to Go Please; Tye Maner Group Speaks to McDonald's Franchise Managers on Leadership

Tye Maner, president of the Tye Maner Group, announces that the company was the featured speaker for the Sunway Restaurant Corporation at its annual store manager meeting. Sunway owns and operates several McDonalds’ franchises in the area. Maner, a national sales, motivational and leadership... - October 06, 2008 - Tye Maner Group

Data Systems Analysts, Inc. (DSA) to Issue Certified Federation for Identity and Cross Credentialing Systems (FiXs) Credentials

Strategic Agreement Executed with FiXs partner WidePoint Corporation. - October 05, 2008 - Data Systems Analysts, Inc

Press Releases 15,051 - 15,100 of 16,699