The Wishing Flower and Kandies by Karen Join Forces to Create Sweet Temptations

The Wishing Flower, an original fairy tale for children, is to become a sweet treat. Plans are in the works to turn the pictures from the children’s book into cookies and candy. - May 18, 2008 - PM Moon Publishers, Limited

Harry Potter Parody Receives Top Honor from National Indie Excellence 2008 Book Awards

Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: An Unauthorized Harry Potter Parody (ISBN: 978-1-59594-088-9, WingSpan Press) by Valerie Estelle Frankel won the Indie Excellence 2008 Book Award for “eBook Fiction.” The paperback version of the novel has also won many awards, most recently in USA Book News National Best Books 2007. The long-expected sequel will arrive in July. - May 17, 2008 - Publicity House

The Body Mechanic Announces Podcast on Fitness Running

Jeff Wooten, president of The Body Mechanic™ (, has announced that the company has released a podcast on The Secrets of Fitness Running, an e-book written by Wooten. In this podcast, Wooten discusses the importance of following a running program and the benefits of... - May 17, 2008 - The Body Mechanic

YA Fantasy Author MJ Allaire Releases Book Three in Her Series

Search for Second Amulet Leads the Children from Uncava Closer to their Destiny. - May 16, 2008 - MJ Allaire

Upcoming Political Fiction Sure to Cause a Stir

New novel demonstrates how dangerous it had become to live in the sunshine swing state during the war on terror. - May 16, 2008 - Alex Hutchinson

Three-Year-Old Julian Pavone, The World’s Youngest Drummer, Rocks The Oprah Winfrey Show

At only three years old, Julian Pavone, the “World’s Youngest Drummer,” experienced a musician’s dream gig, performing for Oprah Winfrey and her millions of worldwide viewers on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Julian, who at just 19 months old began making headlines around the... - May 16, 2008 - Julian Pavone

The Zemel Choir's Celebrate with Song 2008

The Zemel Choir’s “Celebrate with Song” event of two weeks of intensive workshops and rehearsals is about to start on June 1st with a concert at St Johns Smith Square on June 15th. Designed to promote Jewish Choral music, the event should be huge success, attracting workshop... - May 16, 2008 - The Zemel Choir

Effective Health Techniques Offers Time-Saving Exercises by Re-Defining Workouts

Effective Health Techniques unveils innovative concepts about workouts that allow busy people a chance to improve their fitness and live a healthier lifestyle. - May 16, 2008 - Marlene Wheeler

High Heels to Hormones: Pain M.D. Christina Lasich Offers Relief for Women

Pain specialist Christina Lasich, M.D., offers light, humorous relief in her new guide to spine care for women, High Heels to Hormones. - May 15, 2008 - Christina Lasich, M.D

Artist Raises Money for Adoption and Donates Part of Proceeds to Non-Profit La Leche League Local Chapter

Independent artist Christine Pointeau of the Austin, TX area is offering her self published book series A Cappella, vol. 1 and 2 at a discount to raise money to fulfill her dream of adopting a child. Pointeau will donate part of the proceed to La Leche League Austin, TX chapter, a local non-profit... - May 15, 2008 - Christine Pointeau

NATF Hosts Yuri Rasovsky's Master Class in Audio Drama Directing

NATF to host award winning audio theatre producer/writer Yuri Rasovsky's Master Class: Principles of Directing Actors for Audio Drama New York City, September, 2008 - May 15, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.

The Code of Faith

Almost since the beginning of recorded history, people have struggled with the concept of God. Some of the greatest minds have tried to connect the things people could prove scientifically with those that had to be taken on faith. While philosophers such as Aristotle managed to bridge some of the... - May 15, 2008 - Ken Nunoo

Willamette Radio Workshop Joins NATF's Audio Theater Workshop

Sam Mowry and Cynthia McGean of the Willamette Radio Workshop will lead classes in the 27th Annual Audio Theater Workshop in West Plains, MO, June 22-27, 2008. - May 15, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.

Los Angeles Producer Acquires Film Rights for Adventure Novel

Los Angeles film producer, Tony Eldridge, acquires the film rights for the action/adventure novel, The Samson Effect. The author and producer connect in a way that even Hollywood could not script. - May 15, 2008 - Tony Eldridge

New Anti-Cancer Diet Book Shows How to Live Healthy

New book, "An Anti-Cancer Diet," shows how to prevent and reverse cancer, and is perfect for anyone who wants to lose weight, or lower cholesterol. The web site has links to browse or buy the book on Amazon, and links to other web sites with cancer fighting and Vegan information. - May 14, 2008 - Robert Korczynski

Angel City Chorale Partners with OPCC to Benefit Homeless

Angel City Chorale (ACC) and OPCC announce an exciting joint venture to support their community’s response to homelessness, domestic violence, and mental illness. “Joining together with OPCC creates a natural partnership for Angel City Chorale because our goal is to build community one... - May 14, 2008 - Angel City Chorale

NABE Announces Winners of the 2007 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award

Award Winning Author Dr. Annette Colby, author of Your Highest Potential: The New Psychology of Understanding and Working with Self accepts NABE 2007 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of self-help. - May 14, 2008 - Annette Colby

Does God Exist? Who and What is God?

Does God exist? Who and what is God? Is there scientific proof of the existence of God? What is the nature of the soul? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Is our fate pre-written and our destinies predetermined? How do we form a closer union with God to better to improve the welfare of ourselves, our society country and earth? - May 14, 2008 - Ken Nunoo

Tripping the Mic Fantastic with Barbara Rosenblat at NATF's 27th Annual Audio Theater Workshop

Barbara Rosenblat, one of the most revered voice actors in the country, brings her two day masterclass to NATF's Annual Audio Theatre Workshop in West Plains, MO, June 22-27, 2008. - May 14, 2008 - National Audio Theatre Festivals, Inc.

Gary Garner Has Recently Appeared on Rude Awakening Show

Gary Garner talks about his world travel experience and his new book. - May 13, 2008 - Gary Garner

American Author Alfred Wood is Excited to Release His Newest Publication, The History of the Can Opener, This Interesting New History Book is Available at

What an appropriate time for this publication on the sesquicentennial 150 year anniversary of the can opener. Wood's book will take you through the history and evolution of the can opener starting in 1854. This 94 page book is packed with fun and interesting facts, pictures and patents. - May 13, 2008 - Alfred Wood

New Book That Teaches Teachers How to Work with the Emotionally Disabled and Behaviorally Challenged

This new book gives advice to teachers and parents of the emotionally disabled and behaviorally challenged. - May 12, 2008 - Don Rainwater

Feeling Happy Doesn't Just Happen

Jump-Start Self-Serve Buffet is a book that provides everyone with the opportunity to regain “happy” as their default emotion... in short order. - May 10, 2008 - Lilianne White

J.E. Braun, Author of Paranoia - A 9/11 Novel, Pledges to Donate 10% of All Profits from Sales of His Debut Novel to Twin Towers Orphan Fund

J.E. Braun, Author of Paranoia - A 9/11 Novel, Pledges to Donate 10% of All Profits from Sales of His Debut Novel to Twin Towers Orphan Fund

NJ Author, J.E. Braun is promoting his debut novel, Paranoia, a tale of a 9/11 survivor whose life begins to self-destruct as he allows his vigilance and patriotism to devolve into fear, hatred, and all-encompassing paranoia. - May 09, 2008 - J.E. Braun

Homeless Man Travels Around the World -- Gary Garner

Over 100 million people throughout the world are homeless, according to the United Nations Center for Human Settlement. But given the choice, would anybody actually want to live that way? - May 09, 2008 - Gary Garner

Anna Dmytrenko – Piano Recital at the University of Delaware, June 7th

Anna Dmytrenko, will perform at 7 p.m., Saturday, June 7, in the Loudis Recital Hall of the Amy E. duPont Music Building, University of Delaware. - May 09, 2008 - Anna Dmytrenko

The First Sandcastle: a Novel by M. E. Delgado

The novel, The First Sandcastle, is a rite of passage of a young artist who is caught between his father's twisted views of women and the long-lost relationship which has evaded him and his mother. - May 09, 2008 - M. E. Delgado

Amanda Williams Receives 40 Under 40 Leadership Award from Triangle Business Journal

Amanda Williams, chief of staff for First Lady Mary Easley and artist/owner of Amanda Williams Designs, was named by Triangle Business Journal as a 2008 40 Under 40 Leadership Award winner. The 40 Under 40 awards program recognizes the Triangle's most influential and highly accomplished young... - May 09, 2008 - Amanda Williams Designs

New Inspirational Romance Novel: A Time and A Season by Sylvia Huffnagle

Sylvia Huffnagle is announcing the publication of her 4th Inspirational romance, A Time and A Season. - May 08, 2008 - Author and self-publisher, Sylvia Huffnagle

Liz Mitten Ryan Leads the Herd at Book Expo America

World-renowned Artist-Equine Communicator Liz Mitten Ryan, Author of One with the Herd: A Spiritual Journey will appear at Book Expo America in Los Angeles May 29 – June 1, 2008. - May 08, 2008 - Liz Mitten Ryan

A Mother's Day Gift: the True Story of a Young Mother Battling the Odds for Her Children

In her award-winning book "Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story," Shireen Jeejeebhoy shares the story of a courageous mother who faced death in order to live for her children and made medical history in in the process. Her website at features a one-minute video trailer on this inspiring story. - May 07, 2008 - Shireen Jeejeebhoy

The Joys of Writing Poetry and Books for Children

Laura Purdie Salas chatted with Gayle Jacobson-Huset, Assistant Editor Stories for Children Magazine about the joys of writing for children. Gayle asked Salas some tough questions such as: “If you could be a character in any children's book ever written, who would you be and why?” The... - May 07, 2008 - Stories for Children Magazine

The Boy of Summer - Corey Feldman Readies for Multiple Summer Projects

Summer 2008 is gearing up to be a busy summer for actor/producer/musician Corey Feldman. 21 years in the making, the sequel to 1987’s cult phenomenon The Lost Boys, titled The Lost Boys, the Tribe – is scheduled for release. Within a few weeks of posting the trailer, it had already... - May 07, 2008 - Corey Feldman

A Novel Approach: Author’s Book Exposes Possible Link Between Industrial Pollutant and Parkinson’s Disease

When her husband was diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis, author K.A. Shott super-sleuthed medical annals, neurochemistry journals, and other related scientific research discovering interesting information regarding neurological diseases and relationships to toxic substances. This research was the impetus for creating her novel “The Cr6 Terrorist,” a complex imperative in an unconventional telling. - May 07, 2008 -

Celebrated Artist Joe Lasker Presents His First One-Man Connecticut Show

Joe Lasker, National Academy, American Artist will be presenting his first one-man show in Connecticut on May 31st from noon to 5 p.m in Norwalk, CT. After 14 one-man shows in NYC, this is a first – exhibiting his art to his hometown audience in Village Creek, the inspiration of so many of his famous works. - May 06, 2008 - Joe Lasker, National Academy, American Artist

National Association of Memoir Writers May Seminar Featuring Kay Adams - Author of Journal to the Self, The Write Way to Wellness and Scribing the Soul

Acclaimed writer and NAMW founder participate in free, interactive teleseminar aimed specifically toward memoir writers. - May 06, 2008 - Linda Joy Myers

CD to Benefit Madagascar Environmental Efforts

Music loving environmentalists will soon be directly contributing to forest restoration in Madagascar simply by purchasing a special new CD scheduled for release in June. Eco-Rocker J.P. Taylor is donating $3.00 from every sale of his new CD entitled “The Last Frontier” directly to the... - May 06, 2008 - J.P. Taylor

Mexico City Guide Wins Gourmand Award in London

Add Mexico City to the list of great culinary capitals. Good Food in Mexico City: A Guide to Food Stalls, Fondas and Fine Dining, by Nicholas Gilman won on April 13 in London at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. It took third place in the guide category, competing with finalists from 10 other countries. 107 countries entered books in this awards contest. - May 06, 2008 - Nicholas Gilman

Training Wills Founder Releases "Little Book" That Delivers Big

Training Wills founder, and college instructor, Tami S. Easter has written her first book in efforts to stimulate readers to strive for greatness in their daily lives. Inspired by her students, Ms. Easter seized the opportunity to create a book that is easily read, and promised to inspire, and... - May 05, 2008 - Tami Easter

Gay Latin Performer Returns to Oklahoma City

Bravo TV star Jade Esteban Estrada portrays historical figureheads in “ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 3” - May 05, 2008 - Jade Esteban Estrada

New Release for Author Karina Kantas

Karina Kantas author of the popular urban thriller, In Times of Violence, announces her new release “Heads & Tales”. Fiction: A collection of 28 flash and short fiction. “Heads & Tales” consists of 13 previously published stories and 15 original pieces, in the... - May 04, 2008 - Karina Kantas

Radio Interview Alerts Individual Investors to Benefits of Using Stock Options

Mark D. Wolfinger, veteran options trader and author of The Rookie’s Guide to Options, was recently interviewed by Gabriel Wisdom, host of Financial Wisdom on the business talk radio network. - May 04, 2008 - mdwoptions

New Author: Joanne Augello Writes Two Books of Poems. First One Oct 2007 and Second One April 2008.

Joanne Augello has one book that was finished in Oct 2007 called Emotional Feelings which was done with red lead press. It will be out by mid May of this year. The print is being made bigger. Joannes' second book that she did herself with is called Even Love Hurts. This book is out already and can be purchased through Both books will be with Also with stores, if they want it. - May 03, 2008 - Joanne Augello

New Book Explains How Devotional Hindus Connect to God

Mukul Shri Goel, PhD, published by iUniverse, Inc., the leading provider of publishing technology solutions for authors, announced today the release of Devotional Hinduism: Creating Impressions for God. - May 03, 2008 - M. Goel, Writer

Author Says There is Only One Person Here...

In his first book author Graham E. Pepall gives a valid reason for life and explains the real purpose of all self aware creatures. - May 03, 2008 - G.E.Pepall.

The Body Mechanic™ Announces Podcast on G.I.R.L. Power

Jeff Wooten, president of The Body Mechanic™ (, has announced the release of a podcast on the company’s self defense class, Grappling Intensive Resistance and Locking (G.I.R.L.) Power!™. In this podcast, Wooten discusses the basic techniques of the course... - May 01, 2008 - The Body Mechanic

Leading Experts Discuss Changes in Sales Management Brought About by Crm and Other Sales Technology

New blog brings together a group of international experts from sales management consulting and training, product development, and research to discuss how CRM, SPM, and SFA technology is impacting the management of the sales function and salespeople. - April 30, 2008 - McCord Training

Important New Book Applies Business Principles to Marriage

People have more options and less guidance when making decisions about marriage. The high divorce rate provides evidence of their frustration. Allen Parkman, a business school economist, provides valuable insights from business to help people improve their decision making before and during marriage. - April 30, 2008 - Allen M. Parkman

Release Set for Second Book in Critically Acclaimed Asphodel Cycle

Bestselling author Celina Summers prepares for release of her second book, The Gift of Redemption, in June, 2008. - April 30, 2008 - Celina Summers

News Release for New Best-Selling Crime Novel, Chickenhawk

News Release for New Best-Selling Crime Novel, Chickenhawk

Chickenhawk is a gritty crime novel about a serial killer, cops, New York City, sex, murder, illness, madness, racism, sexism, religion, politics and vengeance. - April 27, 2008 - Arnold Wolf

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