China Trade Magazine Debuts

New Publication Will Profile Success Stories of Small as Well as Large Western Companies Operating in China - January 11, 2007 - China Trade Magazine

Control Freak's Guide™ Authors to Speak at "Stress" Conference Alongside Deepak Chopra

Canadian professional life coaches and authors of "The Control Freak's Guide™ to Living Lightly," "the Gails", Gail Barker and Gail Nielsen, are booked to make a presentation at an upcoming conference on "stress" whose keynote speaker is Deepak Chopra. - January 11, 2007 - Control Freak's Guide

Skin Care Milkshake – Part 3: Skincare Gets Help from Shea Butter and Olive Oil

Skincare News introduces its third installment to the skin care milkshake series, this time highlighting the importance of shea butter and olive oil. - January 11, 2007 -

Skin Care Milkshake – Part 2: Skincare Mixes with Green and White Tea

Skincare News provides readers with a second installment of the skin care milkshake series, which explains the benefits of ingredients green and white tea. - January 11, 2007 -

The Voice Over Savvy Forum Keeps Growing and Awards Its Users

The Voice Over Savvy Forum ( becomes the largest forum for the voice over community. - January 11, 2007 -

Voice123 ( Now Features Professional Voices for Video Games

Voice123 released the fastest and easiest online tool to find voices for video game voiceover recordings. - January 11, 2007 -

Prolific Rapper & Philly Native Ace Boom Koon Joins with Loud Dust Recordings to Push Out the Bildaburg Records, a 20 Track Statement with Instant Impact

The music from the Bildaburg Records tells the Ace Boom Koon story on the street where he hustled in pursuit of the American Dream. - January 10, 2007 - Loud Dust Recordings

AccuWeather and WireSpring Make Digital Signage Content More Compelling

Companies partner to integrate AccuWeather’s weather and news modules with WireSpring’s FireCast software. - January 10, 2007 - AccuWeather, Inc.

How’s Follow-Up® System Helps Insurance Agents Make More Money with Insurance Leads

The key to success using Internet insurance leads rests with the follow-up. The feedback from the agents with best conversion ratios on internet insurance leads shows that it often takes up to 5 attempts to contact a prospect, before you succeed. So, if your first attempt to call or email has... - January 10, 2007 -

Editor’s Choice Program Welcomes Two More Titles

No matter how small or large the audience an author wants to reach, the editorial quality of his or her book matters. iUniverse chooses only those titles that meet the high editorial standards of a professionally published book to be part of its Editor's Choice program. To become eligible for... - January 10, 2007 - iUniverse

Disabled Hurricane Katrina Survivor/Dancer and Disabled Police Officer/ Writer Creating a Storm Onstage in Katrina Play

Emmitt Thrower, a disabled retired NYC Police Officer, Producer, Writer, Actor and Tiara Mone't King (Sunshine), a wheelchair bound Dancer, Actress, Model and double survivor of domestic Violence and hurricane Katrina Survivor will perform together in the new multimedia Hip Hop Musical Katrina: A... - January 09, 2007 - Wabi Sabi Productions Inc

Cyber Luminary Howard A. Schmidt Featured on Podcast

Howard A. Schmidt, pioneer in network, data and internet security is interviewed on’s podcast series. - January 09, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

New Live WineCast Invites Caller Questions About Wine

Call in and ask questions about wine or log in and ask via text chat. has for many years been a friendly hangout for wine lovers. Now TalkShoe makes it possible for anyone to call in and participate in a live talk radio show about wine. - January 09, 2007 -

Bazialini Music Group Signs DJ SoloFlex

With the recent resurgence of West Coast Hip Hop, the Bay's underground scene is still as vibrant as ever with up-and-coming talent. One such artist is DJ/Producer/MC SoloFlex, whose raw energy, revitalizing and melodic beats, turntable terror, versatility, and seasoned experience serve as an antidote for formulaic stagnation. Fashioning his own authentic sound works not only to highlight his raw energy, and beat skills, but also leaves the listener with more than just a nostalgic feel. - January 09, 2007 - Bazialini Music Group

Actor, Singer, Songwriter Jeff Daniels Releases Second CD

Boomadeeboom Records announced today that Michigan’s own Jeff Daniels’ second CD entitled “Grandfather’s Hat” (ASCAP) has been released and is now available on the website. - January 08, 2007 - Boomadeeboom Records, LLC

Free Unsigned Band Showcase Site Launched at for Independent Artists

A new free online music showcase site for independent and unsigned bands was launched today by First Beat Media. In this beta release, site registration is limited to unsigned artist, who can set up their own independent artist website and provide feedback for improvements in future releases. - January 08, 2007 - First Beat Media Inc.

Mountain Goat Madness Unleashed on Canada Park Travelers

Jasper Journal, an independent online magazine celebrating Alberta, Canada's Jasper National Park as a destination ideal for travelers looking for a quiet, back-to-nature vacation, launches a herd of mountain goat learning tools for travelers: 1. "Mad About Mountain Goats" memory match... - January 08, 2007 - Jasper Journal

Chooseco Welcomes Jason Geller as National Sales Director

Choose Your Own Adventure® publisher outlines plans for 2007. - January 08, 2007 - Choose Your Own Adventure

Brian Borgman Launches and Tech Fusion

Brian Borgman, a Sales Rep for Louisville-based U.S. Voice & Data, has launched a website,, along with a quarterly e-newsletter, Tech Fusion, for his clients and prospects. - January 07, 2007 -

Salary Increases Expected in 2007 – Local Salary Averages Released at

Between a recent report that salaries may be increasing in 2007, and with economists forecasting the unemployment rate to remain steady, the year is shaping up to be in favor of workers. Now job hunters, and the curious, can post their own salary data and view salary survey maps at to see where their industries and local areas rank in salary expectations. - January 06, 2007 -

Tips to Build a Deer Stand for Hunting Deer According to Marty Prokop

Deer hunting expert Marty Prokop teaches how to build a safe & secure deer hunting stand. - January 06, 2007 -

Actress Chase Masterson will be Interviewed Live on Talk Show Space Station Liberty

Chris Meadows will be interviewing actress and singer Chase Masterson on his live talk show podcast Space Station Liberty, Friday, January 12th at 10 p.m. Eastern/7 p.m. Pacific. - January 06, 2007 - Space Station Liberty

Skin Care Milkshake – Part 1: Learning About Skin Care Ingredients

Skincare News gives readers a look at what role skin care ingredients and their combinations play in your favorite products. - January 06, 2007 -

The Virtuous Women Address the Concept of Mental Monogamy

The Literary Corner hosts interview non-fiction author Wade Young. - January 06, 2007 - The Virtuous Woman

A New Fashion Magazine is Now Available for Plus-Size - SKORCH Magazine

There’s finally a magazine for the plus-size women who love to dress sexy, shop, and enjoy life with curves. SKORCH Magazine is here to fill the void. - January 06, 2007 - SKORCH Magazine

Tree Stand Safety: How to Avoid Tree Stand Hunting Accidents for Deer Hunters, Featuring Marty Prokop

Treestand hunting accidents are a threat to deer hunters and injuries can result from a fall from a treestand. So it is important for people who deer hunt to find info on treestand safety. - January 06, 2007 -

How to Make Your Own Venison Deer Jerky for Deer Hunters, Featuring Marty Prokop

Deer hunting expert Marty Prokop teaches how to make great tasting venison jerky. - January 06, 2007 -

New Christian Music Website Launches Aims to Quickly Become the Center for Everything Published Regarding the Christian Music Industry - January 05, 2007 -

Skin Care Blast From the Past – Part 3: Skincare and the 1970s

Skincare News provides readers with its third installment of remembering skin care trends in the 1970s. - January 05, 2007 -

Amanda Jenks "Around Town with Amanda Jenks" Now Online at New York's Very Best

New York's Very Best, Manhattan's online concierge and Big Apple information resource, to feature Amanda Jenks' "Around Town With Amanda Jenks" column, covering “the hotspots and the not-spots, the heroes and the zeros.” - January 05, 2007 - New York's Very Best

Booksmith Bookstore Holding Alphar Publishing's New Releases: Readings Jan 5.

Alphar Publishing hosts "Meet the Author" at famous Persian "Aub Zam Zam" cafe & bar across street from Booksmith who hold Alphar's new novels at 1644 Haight, San Francisco, Friday, Jan 5, 5PM. - January 04, 2007 - Alphar Publishing

Celebrate a New Year by Publishing a Book with iUniverse

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, is helping those authors whose New Year’s resolution is to publish a book. Authors can save up to $150 and receive 10 free paperback books if they publish before Jan. 16. “So many authors dream of... - January 04, 2007 - iUniverse

Skin Care Combo – Part 3: Skincare and Supplements

Skincare News adds a third installment, explaining the relationship between skin care and supplements. - January 04, 2007 -

Skin Care Combo – Part 2: Skincare and Minerals

Skincare News introduces its second installment with how skin care works with minerals. - January 04, 2007 -

Alexa Ranks as the Number Three Online Genealogy Database Web Site: Ranks in the Top 10 in Several Genealogy Categories

According to Alexa rankings, is the number three most visited site in all of the genealogy database Web sites, just behind and “It is so exciting to be recognized by Alexa for our increase in traffic to our Web site. Our team has... - January 04, 2007 - World Vital Records, Inc. Helps Dieters Keep New Year's Resolution, the web's newest hypnosis download site, has slashed the cost of its comprehensive weight loss package. The company announced in January 2007 that it will allow 500 customers to download its 4-session package for less than half its original price. John McMahon, CEO of,... - January 04, 2007 - Hypnotia LLC

City Lights Bookstore, S.F. has Advance Copies of Alphar Publishing's New Novels

Meet the author and publisher, 4pm, January 4, Vesuvios cafe and bar @ City Light's bookstore, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, City Lights bookstore is stocking advance copies of four of Alphar Publishing's new releases. - January 03, 2007 - Alphar Publishing

Info Vilesilencer Directory Owners Forum Reaches First Year Milestone

Info Vilesilencer, compiler of the original SEO friendly free directory list at, has just reached the 1st year milestone for their Directory Owners Forum (, a community bulletin board that allows both owners and users of directories... - January 03, 2007 - Info Vilesilencer

Gumby Gala Continues with New Gumby Song Download

The celebration continues with an all new Gumby music video experience. - January 03, 2007 - VERDONI

Newly Launched Indie Punk Rock Podcast

A new free podcast called the "Indie Punk Rock Podcast" launched today with the goal of making it easier to find new independent punk rock music. The podcast is targeting listeners and the media industry with interest in discovering some of the best music by independent punk rock... - January 03, 2007 - Indie Punk Rock Podcast Begins to Scan Millions of Invaluable Family History Records at the Everton Library has started to scan hundreds of thousands of pages of genealogy and family history data at the Everton Genealogical Library, one of the largest privately held genealogical libraries in the United States. “All of us at Everton are thrilled at the comprehensive and... - January 03, 2007 - World Vital Records, Inc.

New Web Interface at Helps Individuals Have a Better Experience Searching for Their Ancestors recently changed the user interface on its Web site to allow users to have a better experience finding their ancestors. “Our goal is to make the best ancestor search, genealogy, and family history site on the Internet. We spent many hours to... - January 03, 2007 - World Vital Records, Inc.

Paula Turner Named to Second Term on Enterprising Women National Advisory Board

Enterprising Women Magazine Announces Lexair Electronics President & CEO as Board Member - January 03, 2007 - Enterprising Women

Wabi Sabi Productions Announces Free Anti Violence Youth Forum in Baltimore Jan 5th

Lessons For Survival In 2007 A youth empowerment forum will be hosted by hurricane Katrina play Rap/Activist "Shakka' and Anti Gang Violence expert Ray Cook. - January 03, 2007 - Wabi Sabi Productions Inc

iUniverse Reader’s Choice Designation Recognizes Excellence in Quality and Sales

Editorial quality is important, but so are book sales. The iUniverse Reader's Choice designation recognizes titles that display both editorial excellence and sales success. iUniverse books achieve the Reader's Choice designation after receiving the Editor's Choice designation and selling 250 copies. - January 03, 2007 - iUniverse

Image Pacific Communications Offers Full Production Services Across Canada and Worldwide

Image Pacific Communications (IPC) (Vancouver) is considered one of the world’s leading production providers, working with broadcasters and independent producers to develop and produce Network Series, Documentaries and EPK and DVD productions. IPC (Vancouver) in association with Image Pacific... - January 03, 2007 - Basetwo Media

With More than 50 Countries Watching, TV4U.Com Has Seoul

TV4U.Com, an ad supported free internet television broadband network with 16 target channels, is rapidly gaining worldwide viewers, reaching more than 50 countries in its first month of operation. - January 03, 2007 - TV4U, LLC Launches Podcast Series in 2007

The new podcast series hosted by will see top information security experts help solve the pressing security risk management issues facing financial institutions. - January 03, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

Cut the Cheese, Lose 15 Pounds

In the 1950’s, the average U.S. consumer ate just 7.7 pounds of cheese per year. In 2004, the average American packed away 31.3 pounds of cheese, a 300% increase in consumption. Thirty-one pounds may not sound too threatening, but it equates to over 52,500 calories and 4000 grams of fat. Once past the lips, this can turn into an extra 15 pounds on the hips. - January 03, 2007 - Go Dairy Free

Woodstock Bikes Partners up with

Woodstock Bikes partners up with to have their new 2007 505 and 707 mountain bikes to be tested and reviewed by its staff. - January 03, 2007 -

Press Releases 58,051 - 58,100 of 59,846