"The Profiles Series" Announces Special Program on Autism in America

In response to President Bush’s recent signing of the Combating Autism Act of 2006, The Profiles Series announces the production of a special edition program on Autism in America. - December 27, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

Voice Over Talents Move from Voice Talent Agents to Voice123 (voice123.com)

How to go about finding voice over jobs online through an Internet voice over marketplace. - December 27, 2006 - Voice123.com

MtnBikeRiders.com Official Site Launch

January 1st, 2007 is the official launch date of www.mtnbikeriders.com. Former editor of a very popular bicycle commuter website along with its writers decided to take their skills from the streets onto the single track. MtnBikeRiders.com is a site where mountain bikers can get a daily dose of... - December 26, 2006 - MtnBikeRiders.com

SpellCasters Goes Live to Big Apple for New Year's Eve

Free Live Real Time Streaming of Times Square Party and Ball Drop. - December 26, 2006 - SpellCasters Showcase

New Podcast, ThePhysicsOfSex.org, Races to the Top on iTunes

ThePhysicsOfSex.org, a podcast featuring frank discussions of the science issues important in sexual intercourse, is rapidly becoming one of the hottest shows on the web. - December 26, 2006 - The Dark Net

The First Internet Sitcom - The Label

The Label. The world's first internet urban music reality sitcom. - December 26, 2006 - Light And Sound Technologies

TheFilmChair.com's "Schism" Coverage Continues

Part 5 in a series following the Erie-based production is now online. - December 24, 2006 - TheFilmChair.com

R.C. Book Publishing Launches New Book Publishing Service

R.C. Book Publishing serves authors and businesses handling all the details of a self-publishing venture. Low rates, no contracts. - December 24, 2006 - R.C. Book Publishing

Perfect Holiday Gift, Microsoft's MSN Messenger Can Receive Calls from Any Phone via Virtual Phone Line

VirtualPhoneLine.com the world's first company to offer incoming phone service on IP Phone, now offers incoming phone service that rings on Microsoft's Windows Messenger... makes the perfect holiday and new year's gift for 2006 and 2007. - December 23, 2006 - Super Technologies, Inc. DIDX

Podworld Interviews Frank Byrns

Requiem author talks about superhero prose fiction, self-publishing. - December 23, 2006 - Super!!Stories!! Publishing

Inner Traditions Acquires Title from iUniverse Author Sabine Lucas

iUniverse announced today that Inner Traditions acquired author Sabine Lucas’ book, Bloodlines of the Soul. Inner Traditions is one of the oldest and largest publishers devoted to the spiritual and healing traditions of the world. “They are very enthusiastic about it,” Lucas... - December 23, 2006 - iUniverse

The Virtuous Women Interview American Inventor Finalist

Jodi Pliszka joins Dr. Taffy Wagner and Bettye Jamerson for the Christmas installment of the Literary Corner. - December 23, 2006 - The Virtuous Woman

Book Deal: “The Progress of Man” by Dr. Thomas Moore. Email Alphar Publishing for Advance Copy.

"Dr. Moore recognizes himself in the persona of Dubya, and so is drawn to exploring the character, as a surrogate for modern manhood… A fun book: A presidential family is psycho-analysed, apocryphal for the environment and future politicians." Publisher's Review. - December 22, 2006 - Alphar Publishing

Dr. Thomas Moore Confronts Issues Around Child Rape, Forgiving - In His Novel: Upland Road

Upland Road: Forgiveness is the only known antidote to resentment, including that resentment that ambushes us after experiences of abuse, abortion, rape . . . and it can be digested like a medication, often with delayed benefits. - December 22, 2006 - Alphar Publishing

People Search News Announces Web Site Redesign

People Search News, the Web’s only news magazine covering background checks, criminal checks and other people searches, has recently undergone a complete redesign of its Web site to meet the needs of a major increase in site visitors. People Search News can be found online at www.peoplesearchnews.com. - December 22, 2006 - People Search News

Skin Care Footwork: How Skincare for Your Feet Can Brighten Your Day

Skincare News talks about how skin care for your feet can be just the type of pampering needed. - December 22, 2006 - Skincare-news.com

Killer Guides Publishes Unofficial World of Warcraft Paladin Guide

Online game guide publisher Killer Guides releases a strategy guide for the popular game World of Warcraft. Of the 9 classes players can choose in the game it covers only a single one: Paladins. The highly specialized, 146 page e-book provides a complete strategy reference from level 1 to 60. The... - December 22, 2006 - Killer Guides Ltda

AccuWeather.com® Selected as Mobileplay’s Wireless Web Weather Provider

AccuWeather.com today announced a content partnership making it the Web weather provider for Mobileplay, a pioneer in ad-supported mobile content delivery. Through this relationship, AccuWeather.com will become the weather provider on Mobileplay’s ad-supported wireless Web portal and... - December 22, 2006 - AccuWeather, Inc.

Year-End Savings from iUniverse

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, is offering one-of-a-kind year-end publishing savings. Prospective authors can publish now through January 2, 2007, and receive up to an additional 40 free paperback books. “This is a great offer for... - December 22, 2006 - iUniverse

Classic Rock Central Media Launches New Network, ClassicRockCentral.com

Network to Feature Historic Artist Interviews, Vintage Network Radio Programming, Streaming Radio Station, Blogs and User Generated Content Dedicated to Classic Rock. - December 22, 2006 - Classic Rock Central Media LLC

Voice123 Leads the Way for Webinars and Online Trainings for Voice Over Industry

The online seminars and trainings for voice over talents make Voice123 a valuable service for voice talents. - December 22, 2006 - Voice123.com

New pH Music Single “Mercy” Garners Top Slot on National College and Mixshow Hip-Hop Charts

Scoring a big win for independent labels everywhere, the 12” single “Mercy” was the #1 single on the Rapnetwork Record Breakers college charts and #2 on the Rapattacklives college and mixshow charts for the week of December 11, 2006.  Up and coming underground denizens,... - December 21, 2006 - pH Music

BLARS Removed from MX Toolbox Blacklist Lookup Tool

MXToolbox.com announced today that it has removed the BLARS Blacklist from its Blacklist Lookup tool. - December 21, 2006 - MxToolBox, Inc

A New Name in Urban Fiction Publishing

Behind Prison Walls, Marquis McKenzie discovers a Talent for Writing and Entrepreneurship. - December 21, 2006 - Gatehouse Publications

Skin Care From the Past – Part 2: Skincare and the 1960s

Skincare News fast-forwards skin care 10 years to the 1960s. - December 21, 2006 - Skincare-news.com

The Profiles Series Announces the Production of a Special Program Focusing on Minority Executives in the New Century

The Profiles Series announces the production of a Special Program focusing on minority executives in the new century. In light of a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group featured in Inc. magazine showing that minorities are starting businesses at a faster rate than non-minorities, the program... - December 21, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

Acclaimed Canadian Recording Artist Drew Nelson Releases Fifth Career CD: 30 Odd Years

Drew Nelson, acclaimed recording artist and legendary figure of the Canadian blues music scene has announced the completion of his 5th career album "30 Odd Years" to be released on December 22nd, 2006 during a live performance held at the National Arts Center in Ottawa. - December 21, 2006 - Capon Records

Voice123.com All Set for a Makeover

The launch of a faster, more effective version of the website is upcoming. - December 21, 2006 - Voice123.com

You Shoot, You Score with Free Official PES Fanzine

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 fans can now get the inside scoop on some hidden moves that will leave their mates baffled. The new issue of the Official PES6 Fanzine has been published with a Skills Masterclass that includes walkthroughs with included video on 8 special moves, not in the manual. - December 20, 2006 - Cranberry Publishing Ltd

Gamerzines Publishing Director Talks About Free Magazines

How digital publishing allows company to create free magazines for gamers. - December 20, 2006 - Cranberry Publishing Ltd

The Profiles Series Announces the Production of a Special Program on America’s Colleges and Universities as Part of its “Making the Grade" Series

The Profiles Series hosted by Lou Gossett Jr. Announces the production of a Special Program on America’s Colleges and Universities as part of its “Making the Grade: An Educational State of the Union” series. With concerns mounting over America’s ability to remain a... - December 20, 2006 - Profiles Production LLC

An Exciting New Voice in Horror and Suspense

Six friends. A college reunion twenty years in the making. An isolated island cut-off from the mainland in a winter storm. One tragic secret holds them together. The wrath of one madman will tear them apart. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Can a Man and a Woman Ever Really Be “Just Friends”?

Clayton Dunham, author of Crosses: A Christian Executive, explores this very question in his new work Unadulterated Love, Examining Affairs of the Heart and Platonic Relationships. It is a heart-wrenching tale of close friends of the opposite sex who experience the dangers of a secret friendship. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Exotic Mystery Novel about Peru Released in Both English and Spanish

A new exotic mystery novel has been released that takes place in Iquitos, Peru and concerns the interesting role of a witch in solving a theft. The Spanish characters in the book are strong and well defined and the mystery concerns a well-ordered plot. The book offers a good idea of Spanish life in the unusual city of Iquitos that is located in Amazonia and is the largest city in the world reachable only by air or boat. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

How Will You Be Remembered? Life is No Doubt a Game Full of Winners and Losers... But in the End All Anyone Remembers is How You Played It.

At the dawn of the twentieth century, the sport of boxing - along with New York City - was struggling to civilize itself. Based on a true story and interwoven with the story of a young New Yorker at the turn of the twenty-first century, The Real McCoy is an Irish-American tale set at a time where actors were boxers and commonly boxers were actors, in and outside the ring. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Theatrical Devotional Sets the Stage for a Spiritual Encounter

Voices beyond the Veil, The Story of God, Humanly Speaking is a theatrical devotional consisting of 80 monologues from great and not so great characters in the Bible. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Mystic Claims He Has Solved the UFO Mystery

Nahu, mystic and author of the revolutionary new book UFOs: God from Inner Space asserts that despite contemporary mechanistic discoveries in science, “God is not dead, but alive and well, and can be seen above us in the form of the heavenly light commonly known as UFOs.” - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Energy Independence is Within America’s Grasp – Could a Ruthless Executive Prevent This from Happening?

A Romanov Returns is a fast paced novel dealing with the current energy needs of America and the political realities of global markets. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

What To Do About a Bully: A New Children’s Story Offers Practical Heartfelt Solutions

Everyday Heroes is a sensitive and somewhat humorous story about a fourth grader named Jesse and his friend, Bruno, a child who is the constant victim of Mud, the class bully. While the story focuses in on the problems that children face when dealing with bullies, it also addresses the pain that... - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Nobel Voted “Best Prepaid Phone Card” by Kiplinger’s Magazine

Nobel was voted the “Best Prepaid Phone Card” by the members of “Kiplinger’s” Magazine in their first “Best List” report. - December 20, 2006 - Nobel Ltd

Voice123 (voice123.com) Announces the Launch of Marketing Partnership Opportunities

Voice123 is offering marketing partnerships to companies and people involved in the voice over industry. - December 20, 2006 - Voice123.com

The Proposed Public Launch of Google Audio Ads Increases Traffic on Voice123.com

An increasing number of talent seekers opting for the vast talent pool available on Voice123. - December 20, 2006 - Voice123.com

Skin Care From the Past – Part 1: How Skincare Impacted the 1950s

Skincare News reminisces about the 1950s and the makeup and skin care trends of that era. - December 20, 2006 - Skincare-news.com

Unofficial World of Warcraft PvP Strategy Guide Now Available at Killer Guides

Game guide publisher Killer Guides has released the 40-page hint book "World of Warcraft PvP Strategy Guide" for player-versus-player combat in the popular online game World of Warcraft. The strategy guide is now available at www.killerguides.com for $19.99. Fighting other players is... - December 20, 2006 - Killer Guides Ltda

ChannelPoint.com.au and Interaktiv1 Announce Strategic Alliance

Key players form alliance to boost B2B networking opportunities within the Australian IT channel. - December 19, 2006 - ChannelPoint.com.au

Skin Care Sauna: the Skincare Way to Sweat

Skincare News talks about the perks of sweaty skin care by taking a trip the sauna. - December 19, 2006 - Skincare-news.com

BankInfoSecurity.com Announces Three New Reference Kits on Incident Response, IT Risk Assessments, and GLBA Compliance

The three new reference kits mark an addition to the Strong Authentication and Phishing reference kits already available. - December 19, 2006 - Information Security Media Group

CouryGraph Productions Receives the Davey Award for Production of Catlin Court Historic Home Tour

Ed Sharpe and CouryGraph Productions from Glendale Arizona received the Davey Award for the 3-minute movie documenting one home in the 2005 Historic Catlin Court Home Tour. The home was owned and restored by Tim Quinn and Lori Green - December 19, 2006 - Glendale Daily Planet

Noted IT Management Speaker Ron Palmer Stuns Keynote Audience Saying IT Has No Mandate to Perform IT Governance

While delivering the keynote address on IT Governance at the sixteenth annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems Ron Palmer told the audience that IT Governance is simply a marketing term. It was created to sell products and services. Nowhere in the Sarbanes Oxley legislation is the... - December 18, 2006 - Gulf Stream Press

"Fear Ever After" to Be the Most Chilling Horror Film of the Decade

CarboFilms and Moving Pictures Productions has taken up the challenge to chill the viewer to the marrow. Not satisifed to turn out a cookie-cutter piece of pap, writter/directorGary Carbo realized that it takes true dedication from a cast and crew that feel as strongly about the art of creating horror as he does himself. - December 18, 2006 - Moving Pictures Productions

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