Continuing Connected Courses

Continuing “Connected Courses” will be the topic of discussion during its final webinar Dec. 12. Connected Courses, a free online class taught by open-learning pioneers who developed the curriculum for fellow college and university professors to learn to teach their own open courses,... - December 11, 2014 - DML Research Hub

AlterGeo Launches Local Hero, First Open Hyper-Local Ads Distribution System in Russia

Eastern Europe's geo-location giant AlterGeo is launching Local Hero, the first publicly available hyper-local ads distribution system in Russia, which allows online banners to be spread across millions of websites in an instant and put both on mobile and desktop devices, while keeping the ads geo-targeted down to small neighbourhoods, with the least radius of just 500 metres (0.3 miles), thanks to AlterGeo's own hybrid location technology. - December 11, 2014 - AlterGeo

CANTER New England Recognized at Equine Affaire Springfield

CANTER New England was recognized by the organization A Home for Every Horse at the Equine Affaire’s legendary event. CANTER New England of Everett, Massachusetts is dedicated to the welfare of the racing Thoroughbred and assisting ex-racers in making the successful transition to life after... - December 11, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC

Intermatic Introduces New LED Fix Mount Button, Stem, and Stem and Swivel Electronic Photo Controls for Extended Life

Intermatic introduces a new line of dusk-to-dawn Fix Mount Electronic Photo Controls for use in outdoor lighting fixtures. Tested and warrantied using NEMA 410 methodology, the new fixtures match the extended life expectancies of LED, induction and HID fixtures. The long life of the light fixture is now matched by the long life of the photo controls, resulting in truly maintenance-free LED installations. - December 11, 2014 - Intermatic

"Off the Track to Over Fences" is Off and Running

New EquiSearch blog takes a fresh look at "repurposing" ex-racehorses, courtesy of show jumping professional Priscilla Godsoe. - December 11, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC

Enhance Technology Introduces New Line of Affordable iSCSI Storage Arrays

New ULTRASTOR ES2000 SAN Storage Solutions Offer 2X More Performance, DXE Acceleration, Enhanced Features and a Lower Cost of Ownership. - December 11, 2014 - Enhance Technology, Inc.

Mentor Leaves Revolutionary Legacy of Learning

Mentor Leaves Revolutionary Legacy of Learning

Mike Hawkins, the inspiring Chicago-based poet, activist, digital media educator and mentor known as Brother Mike who helped change hundreds of young people’s lives, died Dec. 3. A public memorial services will be held Dec. 21. - December 10, 2014 - DML Research Hub

Will Ukraine Drag America Into War with Russia?

New book provides exclusive insights into the current Ukrainian crisis, and identifies the unexpected causes of the conflict. - December 10, 2014 - Omnicom Press

Exchange Data International Enhances Securities Reference Data Services with Inclusion of GICS®

Data reference service specialist Exchange Data International (EDI) today announced it has enhanced its securities reference data offering with the addition of Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS®). - December 10, 2014 - Exchange Data International

NexGen Completes High-Capacity Fiber Expansion Into Chicago’s Willis Tower

Continuous network expansions reflect strong demand for NexGen services among leading businesses. - December 10, 2014 - NexGen Networks

Demand for Live Streaming Video is on the Rise at Events Like Nuptials, Mitzvahs and Memorials During Winter Months

As live streaming services become more popular and weather conditions cool across parts of the U.S., The Montage Maven is seeing a 35 percent growth in sales for live streaming services at events. - December 10, 2014 - The Montage Maven

GL Announces Comprehensive Ethernet and IP Test Solutions

GL Communications Inc., announced today the release of comprehensive Ethernet and IP Test Solutions using its industry leading PacketExpert™ product. Speaking to the press, Mr. Jagdish Vadalia, a Senior Manager for product development of the company said, “GL's PacketExpert™ is a... - December 10, 2014 - GL Communications Inc

RAD’s D-NFV Alliance Expands

RAD has added several companies to its rapidly growing D-NFV (Distributed NFV) Alliance, an ecosystem of organizations dedicated to new Network Functions Virtualization applications. - December 10, 2014 - RAD

Metropolis Technologies Listed as One of CIO Review’s "20 Most Promising Cisco Solution Providers”

CIO Review has chosen Metropolis Technologies for 20 Most Promising Cisco Solution Providers, an annual listing of the 20 most promising technology companies offering Cisco solutions. Annual List Recognizes Outstanding Cisco Solution Providers - December 10, 2014 - Metropolis Technologies, Inc.

Electro Standards Intro's High Speed Interface Converters to Translate Logic to Fiber for Embedded Applications

The Model 6766 and 6765 Logic to Fiber Interface Converters are high speed digital logic level to fiber interface converters that translate four input/output logic pairs into four fiber pairs, resulting in a total of eight fiber optic connections. - December 10, 2014 - Electro Standards Laboratories

Dr. T.J. Barclay Announced as the Winner of EquiManagement iPad Sweepstakes

Dr. T.J. Barclay will now have a helpful tool to help the practice—a brand new iPad2, which the Texas based veterinarian won as the Grand Prize winner of the Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes, open to only equine or equine/mixed practice veterinarians, began May 23rd and... - December 10, 2014 - Equine Network, LLC

Wood Fiber Consumption by the Japanese Pulp Industry Was Up Six Percent in First Half of 2014 with Hardwood Chip Supply from Vietnam and South Africa Increasing the Most

The pulp manufacturing industry in Japan has increased production levels in 2014 resulting in higher import volumes of both softwood and hardwood chips. The biggest increases in import volumes have been softwood chips from the US and hardwood chips from Vietnam and South Africa, reports Wood Resource Quarterly. Hardwood prices have trended downward the past year, while softwood prices have gone up. - December 09, 2014 - Wood Resources International LLC

Softwood Lumber Prices Have Trended Downward in the US, Russia and Japan This Fall, While They Have Gone Up in China and the Nordic Countries

Prices for softwood lumber imported to China increased this fall, while they fell in Japan as the housing market weakened. In the US, lumber prices were moving downward in the 3Q, while still being close to their highest levels in ten years, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. In the Nordic countries and Russia, lumber exports have increased because of higher demand for wood in key markets in Europe and the MENA countries. - December 09, 2014 - Wood Resources International LLC

New Report: Medicare Chronic Care Management Revenue Opportunities for Physician Practices

A new report details 2015 revenue opportunities for physician practices who coordinate care for Medicare beneficiaries with chronic illness, based on the 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. - December 09, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network

US Fire Journal Expanding to Podcasting

US Fire Journal, the leading firefighter website devoted to thoughtful commentary will begin a new podcast dedicated to thoughtfully discussing issues of importance to first responders. - December 09, 2014 - US Fire Journal

Underground Voices Announces the Publication of Nancy Weber's Novella, "Ad Parnassum"

Ad Parnassum is Nancy Weber's offbeat and eclectic novella, written in 1973. Included are two additional short stories: "Might Have Been" and "A Name For It." - December 09, 2014 - Underground Voices

Author Writes Book to Teach Children About Caring for Foster Animals

"The Adventures of Sir Buddy and Mr. Pupples – The Rescue." - December 09, 2014 - Halo Publishing International

Facebook and Display Advertising Should be Credited for 830% More Revenue Than Previously Thought

Facebook and Display Advertising Should be Credited for 830% More Revenue Than Previously Thought

The study by Datalicious of more than 700 million media touch points examined each of the advertising channels consumers "touched" – a method known as "multi-touch attribution." According to the CEO of Datalicious, Christian Bartens, display advertising is undervalued in most current models, which has led to ineffective media budget allocation over the years. Accurate attribution results from the study demonstrate that display and Facebook ads should be credited for 830% more revenue on average. - December 08, 2014 - Datalicious

CiCi's Food Paradise Teams Up with Celebrity Chef Mie Ocuda to Raise $30,000 to Help Stop Human Rights Abuse

For the second time Food Paradise TV host CiCi Li and Executive Chef of Micheline rated Momokawa restaurant Mie Ocuda team up to do good. 100% of all Dec. sales of chef Mie’s most recent eCookbook "Thinking of You" will be donated to help stop human rights abuse. "Thinking of You" is ultimate Cooking Light, with a unique Asian flare. The recipes are diabetes, pancreatitis and high blood pressure friendly. - December 08, 2014 - Food Paradise TV

"From Dream to Reality" the New Column by Kristin Rader for Women’s Voices Magazine Now Out

Article is first of many from Christian artist. - December 08, 2014 - Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment

105 Varieties Emergency Seeds to Begin Selling on by End of Month

Home and Garden America's new 105 Varieties Emergency Seeds has just been confirmed to be launched by the end of this month. - December 08, 2014 - Home and Garden America

Outdoor Families Magazine Celebrates Launch with the "Great Family Adventure" Giveaway

New global magazine Outdoor Families teams with California’s Central Coast gem Oxnard CVB to launch their Great Family Adventure Photo Contest and Giveaway. - December 08, 2014 - Outdoor Families, LLC

Equal Rights for All - a Kickstarter for Community

Equality Mag is an online community that promotes equal rights for all people. They recently launched their first website, but it was done out of love, not expertise. They need a professional redesign, and started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the project. - December 08, 2014 - Equality Mag

HAGA Finally Unveils New Brand Name to Represent Its Heirloom Seed Products

Home and Garden America (HAGA) recently held a press conference to announce the new brand name for their non gmo, organic heirloom seeds. - December 08, 2014 - Home and Garden America

Barcham Books Fights "Forces of Evil" with Kindle Direct Publishing Giveaway (Dec.13-14) of Celia Conrad’s Italian Crime Romp "Murder in Hand": Bone Up on Your Puccini

Interview with “tough little cookie” Celia Conrad: The British author shares her journey from law to crime fiction as she endorses Barcham Books holiday launch of “Murder in Hand” via Amazon KDP E-Book Giveaway (12/13-12/14/14). - December 08, 2014 - Barcham Books

Allyson Felix 4 Time Olympic Gold Medal Winner and Two Time Silver Medal Winner Has 2 New Websites

South Los Angeles native Allyson Felix also known as Chicken Legs has two new websites online designed by KazeLoon a.k.a Jason D. Yonai of KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc. - December 07, 2014 - KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc.

K.D Aubert Hollywood Actress Has 2 New Websites

Karen Denise Aubert has 2 new websites online designed by KazeLoon a.k.a Jason D. Yonai of KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc. - December 07, 2014 - KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc.

Karen Denise Aubert Wins The Nollywood African Oscar Award

Hollywood Actress K.D Aubert of Soul Plane, Next Friday, Scorpion King, Frankenfish, My Sister's Wedding, Turning Point, Silent No More, Hollywood Homicide, Surfer Dude, The Grand, etc. has two new websites online designed by Jason D. Yonai a.k.a KazeLoon of KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc. - December 07, 2014 - KazeLoon Records & K.D Lean Inc.

"Stars That Make A Difference" Book to be Released 2015, Says Author

Rebooted "Stars" book to be released early 2015 says author Randy Jernigan. - December 07, 2014 - Creative Partners Publishing

Bryce Cullen Publishing Releases Actor's Debut Children's Book on the Power of Imagination

"Out of the Box" explores the limitless places our creativity can take us. - December 07, 2014 - Bryce Cullen Publishing

First OEL Light Novel by U.S. Company Published

A new book made history recently as the first original English-language light novel published by an American company. “We are proud to present Reid Kemper’s light novel, 'Vecto: Vengeance', to the public and are optimistic that it will gain traction in its niche market,” said... - December 07, 2014 - Vic's Lab, LLC

Editor-in-Chief at HerEthics Books’ New Release: "Initiation in the Valley of Kings"

HerEthics Books Independent publisher is honored to announce new release "Initiation in the Valley of Kings" by Gabrielle de la Fair, Editor-in-Chief. - December 06, 2014 - HerEthics Books

Phenomenal Mag Launch Presents the Black Beauty in You

Phenomenal Mag commits itself to lifestyle, beauty and art through fashion. We are the “Black Beauty's” inner guide to her thoughts, image and culture. - December 06, 2014 - Legends Digital Media

BookVenture Adds Retailer Preview Program to Its Marketing Services

The self-publishing firm designs another marketing service intended for all its author clients. - December 06, 2014 - Book Venture

Inside the Universe of “Eggo To Go” eBook

“Eggo To Go” is an intergalactic adventure story created by the Fevolution team, founder Feric believes that planting a seed of creativity while interactively nurture it by its readers, will allow the seed to grown and take its readers to a world beyond.” The story centers around... - December 06, 2014 - Fevolution

Perle TruePort Software Awarded Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 Certification

Perle IOLAN Terminal Servers provide true virtual serial ports over Ethernet in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 environments. - December 06, 2014 - Perle Systems

Wise Words from Stuart Griffiths CEO of the True Telecom

The man behind this success is Stuart Griffiths the CEO of True Telecom Ltd. - December 06, 2014 - True Telecom

Millimeter Wave System Company Siklu Signs Agreement with TESSCO

TESSCO, a major wireless communications equipment supplier, and Siklu have inked an agreement, and TESSCO is now distributing Siklu's EtherHaul gigabit-capacity millimeter wave product line. - December 06, 2014 - Siklu Communication Ltd.

NexGen Networks to Provide Connectivity for Fixnetix Global Clients

Fixnetix signs a partnership agreement with NexGen Networks. - December 06, 2014 - NexGen Networks

Author of "The Royal Arch of Enoch" and "Cinema Symbolism" Offers Signed Copies of his Books During Holiday Season

Author Robert W. Sullivan IV of popular titles, "The Royal Arch of Enoch" and "Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies," will be signing paperback copies of his books sold through RSP Launch Pad Online Bookstore ( during this holiday... - December 06, 2014 - Rocket Science Productions, LLC

Double Dragon Publishing Announces November Releases

Return titles by veteran DDP authors, a new entry in a series, and a new author are included in Double Dragon Publishing's title list for November. "Journey of One" by Teel James Glenn "Seaweed Ribbons" by Francene Stanley "City of the Long Night" by Gerard... - December 06, 2014 - Double Dragon Publishing

New Fantasy Novel, "Curse of the Moira," Hits Shelves

"Curse of the Moira," the new fantasy adventure novel by Saxa Taylor, was released on Wednesday December 3, 2014. "Curse of the Moira" was published by BrickWarriors Publishing. - December 06, 2014 - BrickWarriors Publishing

First Live Video Streaming Over Inmarsat Global Xpress Passes with Flying Colors

First successful live video streaming transmission over Inmarsat's Global Xpress Ka-band satellite service with SD and HD video up to 4Mbps. - December 05, 2014 - Network Innovations

"Metallica: Some Kind of Monster" Feature Documentary Blu-ray Release Used isovideo Digital Remastering Services

"Metallica: Some Kind of Monster" Feature Documentary Blu-ray Release Used isovideo Digital Remastering Services

Originally released on July 9th, 2004, the film looks into the most intimate and honest aspects of the most successful rock band in history, while chronicles the creative making of Metallica's 2003 album St. Anger, which sold nearly six million copies worldwide. The film was directed by award-winning directors Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky. isovideo was honored to win the contract to convert the main feature film (141-minutes) in the Blu-ray release through Metallica and RadicalMedia. - December 05, 2014 - isovideo LLC

Press Releases 24,401 - 24,450 of 59,953