The Top 5 CFO’s of India, Unplugged, with Business Review India

Most CEOs of leading companies seek a CFO who can help them manage the business, complement their skills and offer leadership; on top of their financial expertise. - March 09, 2011 - WDM Group

Can Durban 2020 Live Up to the Success of the World Cup? In African Business Review

South African President Jacob Zuma delivered his state of the nation address last month, and his words about last summer’s tournament echoed the overall consensus of visiting teams, fans and spectators from afar. African Business Review: “The experience of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World... - March 09, 2011 - WDM Group

Enzo Ferrari Takes Ferrari from Formula 1 to the Road in Manufacturing Digital

Enzo Ferrari established Scuderia Ferrari in Italy in 1929 with the intention of sponsoring amateur race car drivers and inventing racing cars. It took more than 15 years before Ferrari began to create its own road cars in the late 1940’s. Today, Ferrari is one of the biggest brands on the... - March 09, 2011 - WDM Group

Sustainable Wineries and Restaurants Are Discussed in the March Issue of Food & Drink Digital

Food & Drink Digital, a top digital media source for global food and drink news and information reaching over 155,646 C-Level executives and more than 49,814 companies worldwide, announces the launch of its March issue. For the cover issue three wineries were investigated in how they best... - March 09, 2011 - WDM Group

Today in History from SeaWaves Books Launched

Daily e-mail from Barber Pole Magazine and Three Wire Magazine featuring historic events of that date from the SeaWaves archives - March 09, 2011 - SeaWaves Magazine

Global Video Surveillance Market to Reach US $37.7 Billion by 2015

The report analyzes the video surveillance market by components and applications and studies the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities for the video surveillance market in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and ROW. The increasing need for security is driving the growth of the global video surveillance market. The video surveillance market is expected to grow from $11.5 billion in 2008 to $37.7 billion in 2015 at a CAGR of 20.4% from 2010 to 2015. - March 09, 2011 - Publications

Onions Against Dictators - Receives $10,000 Grant from Access Now supports democracy movements by providing an uncensorable gateway to free Internet. Now, founder Moritz Bartl and his team have partnered with Access Now. - March 09, 2011 -

Silencing the Anger Inside Us: The Answer Published by Outskirts Press

Author and personal coach Allison Wynn offers readers a method of healing which derives its remarkable power from its very simplicity. It quickly illuminates the roots of frustration, conflict and unhappiness in order to build more fulfilling, conflict-free relationships. - March 09, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Sensors and MEMS Market to Reach 11.1 Billion in 2011

The year 2009 was difficult for several MEMS manufacturers, but 2010 saw a major return to growth for the entire industry. Going into 2011, global sales of both Sensors and MEMs are projected to reach nearly $11.1 billion in global revenue and 9.6 billion unit shipments. Over the next five years both sales and shipments are expected to experience average annual growth of 12 percent. - March 09, 2011 - Publications

Another Successful Lease Transaction Completed in Boise Idaho

Randall Filbert with Mountain Realty Commercial represented Theater Xtreme in leasing new space in Boise Idaho. - March 08, 2011 - Mountain Realty

Terrene Press Announces Fantasy Author R.T. Kaelin to Publish a Series of Short Stories Inspired by His Critically-Acclaimed Novel, Progeny

The Terrene Chronicles is a series of short stories illuminating past events mentioned in R.T. Kaelin’s high fantasy novel, Progeny. Each story will be free for fans of the first entry in the fantasy series, The Children of the White Lions. - March 08, 2011 - Terrene Press

New Release Combines Espionage and Nanotechnology Development in a Techno-Thriller; Book by John Barron, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

When a high-ranking U.S. diplomat is subjected to an attack by air in Iraq, the military personnel in charge decide the time has come to ensure American lives are not again put at risk. So the U.S. government awards a contract to a defense consortium. Their mission: build a state-of-the-art defensive system that uses nanotechnology. Over the next 18 months, these men and women work tirelessly, but first the device will be used on a strategic mission -- destroying a nuclear weapons facility. - March 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Stars Marilyn Monroe as Hopeful First Lady, Political Power Player; Dog Ear Publishing Releases Book by Mo Chorfi

Marilyn Monroe lives on in the public’s imagination, a Hollywood starlet who committed suicide. But what if history could be changed? That’s the provocative idea behind this novel. Marilyn, who is in love with President John Kennedy, dreams of tracking Cuban revolutionary leader Che Guevara in his Amazon hideout and bring him with her to meet Kennedy. Her goal is to help Kennedy make up for the political disaster known as the Bay of Pigs. - March 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Thriller by Mel Figoni Features Private Investigator Who Battles Evil Plot; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

As this thriller begins, two German immigrants are discussing Hitler’s plan to take over the United States from the inside – by establishing and continuing his Third Reich in California. Although the fuehrer is dead, his dream will live on. One group would bring U.S. residents around to... - March 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Showcases Distinctive Leadership Style that Leads to Success; Book by Gary Chartrand, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Sometimes going against conventional wisdom pays off. That’s certainly the case for Gary Chartrand, who transformed a company and an industry by becoming an “unreasonable leader.” This is the story of how he led a food brokerage firm from a regional operation to an international sales and marketing agency powerhouse employing more than 16,000 people in the United States and Canada. In a 12-year span, Acosta’s sales exploded from $3 billion to $60 billion. - March 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

"Out of Egypt" TV Series Host and Egyptologist Kara Cooney on Conversation Crossroad March 9th at 7pm EST

"Out of Egypyt" TV series host and Egyptologist Kara Cooney will be interviewed by Conversation Crossroad radio program hosts Betty-Lynn and Garrison on March 9th at 7pm EST. In "Out of Egypt," host Dr. Kara Cooney takes viewers on a journey into six traditions across twelve... - March 08, 2011 - Conversation Crossroad

Children’s Picture Book Puts Imaginative Spin on Applesauce; Book by Diana Howard, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

When Jonathan was born, his mother declared him to be the handsomest apple on the tree. His father bragged about how strong and healthy his little blossom was. As spring becomes summer and summer becomes fall, Jonathan learns how to be a big apple and fall from his parents’ branch. Applesauce charmingly relates the story of how apples grow in orchards and introduces young readers to Jonathan’s friends: Alexander, Mac and Allington Pippin, a beautiful green apple. - March 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Eternal Press, a Division of Damnation Books, LLC, Releases 7 New Titles

Eternal Press released seven new titles, today. Eternal Press, a division of Damnation Books, LLC, has won awards and nominations including a Best Eye Catching Cover Art Award, nominations and finalists in the EPPIE and Pearl Awards, and published many award-winning authors and artists. Eternal... - March 07, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

True Value Hardware Expands in the Boise Idaho Area

Randall Filbert with Mountain Realty Commercial consulted with True Value Hardware and assisted them in leasing new space at the Owyhee Center Retail Plaza in Nampa, Idaho. - March 07, 2011 - Mountain Realty

Your Time Publishing, LLC Signs New Orleans Children Author, Kima Lucille Richard

Kima Lucille Richard, signs deal with New Orleans Publishing Company to publish her debut children’s book. - March 07, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Your Time Publishing, LLC Signs New Orleans Author, Ellen Allen

Ellen Allen signs deal with New Orleans Publishing Company to publish her debut novel. - March 07, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Your Time Publishing's Author Christy CeCe Chapman and E.D. Free Host, Stop the Violence Football Game

CeCe and E.D. Free have gathered up their peers to support them in a Stop the Violence Football Game, featuring Chief Serpas and many local celebrities. - March 07, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Your Time Publishing and Author Paulette Jones’ First Tween Book Girls’ Day Out: the Adventure, Finalized Proof

Author, Paulette Jones, on the verge of releasing her first tweens novel, GDO, waits patiently for the production model. - March 07, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

"Fuzz & Fur, Japan's Costumed Characters" a New Book Written and Photographed by Twins Edward and John Harrison (What What)

A new book documenting the bizarre and cute niche of fur suit mascots in Japan. - March 07, 2011 - What What

John Boucklos Joins UNREEL/Brainstorm America as Vice President, Systems Engineering

UNREEL/Brainstorm America LLC, a provider of real-time 3D Graphics solutions for virtual sets, broadcast on-air graphics and on-set visualization for television and feature film production, today announced that John Boucklos has joined the Company as Vice President, Systems Engineering. In this... - March 07, 2011 - UNREEL

Combating Pornography: Messages of Warning, Counsel, and Hope Was Released as Part of Celestine Publishing's Principles with Promise Series

Combating Pornography: Messages of Warning, Counsel, and Hope Was Released as Part of Celestine Publishing's Principles with Promise Series

Celestine Publishing released its newest publication, Combating Pornography: Messages of Warning, Counsel, and Hope. It is a new topical guide for use by Latter-day Saint leaders, addiction counselors, recovery programs, and families. - March 06, 2011 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

New Book by Shelly Hess Explores Family’s Response to Losing a Father and Husband; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Final Drive, published by Dog Ear Publishing, follows the story of a Midwestern family’s great loss when, out of the blue, Hess’ husband tells her he wants a divorce. He says he’s no longer in love with her and wants to shed his family responsibilities. Seemingly overnight, he goes from being a devoted husband and father to someone who acts as if his family and 20-year marriage meant nothing. Tragedy strikes again a few months later when Bill dies after a terrible motorcycle accident. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Even Kids Can Do Their Part to "Erase Waste" - New Educational Picture Book Published by Firewater Media Group

Discover new educational picture book - Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?, the first in the Garbology Kids™ series, books that introduce children to waste diversion and disposal concepts through stories and hands-on activities. - March 06, 2011 - Firewater Media Group

Book Trailer Released for Producer Vincent Rocca's Filmmaking Book, Rebel Without a Deal from PovertyWorks Productions

The trailer captures the essence of the filmmaking book in a Hollywood effects laden 60-second spot. - March 06, 2011 - PovertyWorks

New Release Features Paintings Paired with a Discussion on the Importance of True Culture; Book by Daniel Silver; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

The arts, when executed well, are more than a simple celebration of life and a reflection of experience. Art helps civilize people, and changes not only how we view ourselves but also our attitudes toward others. The author urges people to rally to take back their culture to become real citizens,... - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Delves Into Importance of God’s Existence; Book by Alvin F. Berry, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

So What If, published by Dog Ear Publishing, provides a starting point of discussion for seekers who want to find the right road to start their journey or for skeptics who are still open minded. It explores evil done in the name of God and by dictators who reject the God of the Bible. The book also explores what the author calls “living evidence for the God of the Bible” in the form of people who believed in that God and who changed the lives of other for the better. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Captures Wonder of Pregnancy, Childbirth; Book by Linda loveGarten, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Think of a journey that begins on a spiritual plane beyond imagining, pair it with poetic verse and add striking illustrations – a combination that tells the story of a baby’s creation and birth. This story, told through Caleb’s eyes, follows his experience from before conception,... - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Follows Couple’s Amazing Motorcycle Trip Around the Globe; Dog Ear Publishing Releases Book by Bill Berwick and Sharon Whitman

Two adventure seekers set off for the motorcycle ride of a lifetime, exploring more than 100,000 miles through 63 countries on 6 continents around the globe. Along the way, they encounter a charging elephant, near drowning, thieves, an active volcano and heatstroke. Energized by exploring the... - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Provides Detailed, Thrilling Look at Inside World of Art Auctions, Ageless Story of Search for Wealth; Book by Michael Zomber, Release by Dog Ear Publishing

An undiscovered painting by Vincent Van Gogh and the fascinating world of fine art auctions star in this riveting story, based on true accounts and experiences the author had during more than 40 years of attending, bidding and selling at auctions in the United States and Europe. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Nonfiction Release Details One Man’s Experiences in the FBI and CIA; Book by Christopher Lynch, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Christopher Lynch was one of the long-term unemployed in Kalamazoo, Michigan, when he saw a small want ad for a job with the FBI. Months later, he started in the mailroom at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.; 30 years later, he left the CIA as a senior counterintelligence officer. The years that... - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Thriller by I.B. Wells Pits Sheriff Against Cold-Blooded Killer in Blue Ridge Mountains; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Georgia and Bentley fall in love in the spring of 1908 in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Neither has an inkling of how their relationship, tinged with betrayal, will ripple through lives for generations. Women of Summer follows the spellbinding story of a courageous sheriff determined to solve these senseless crimes, set against the backdrop of the blue-misted mountains. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release of Novella, Short Stories Capture Moments in Lives of Everyday People; Book by B.T. James, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Moments: A Novella and Short Stories prove that good things come in small packages. Convenient Access Road, the sole novella in the collection, is the story of the sea change that a man's life undergoes as he is confronted with feelings from his past and changes in the town’s landscape. Other stories include a student's thoughts on his recently deceased professor and a tale about a cancer survivor’s photo session with her beloved husband. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Tells One Woman’s Story of Coming Out and Creating Lesbian Community in Southern Appalachia; Book by Matty McEire, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Looking for Sheville is a personal look at the early formation of the now thriving lesbian community in Asheville, North Carolina. When Matty comes out in the 1970s, gay liberation is a young movement, which Matty begins to explore, experiencing the first Southeastern Gay Conference, early women’s music festivals, the first National March for Lesbian and Gay Right - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Fiction Release Follows Trials of Young Soldier During and After World War One; Book by James Ostby, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Morgan Feeney is a young Midwestern man who finds himself in the midst of a terrifying, confusing war on foreign soil. His friends and comrades are falling around him, and he is in constant danger of injury or death. He, too, is wounded. He eventually meets a beautiful woman, but she has scars of her own. Men With Broken Faces is a sympathetic portrait of an average man attempting to overcome the horrible trials of wartime and live a normal life. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Children’s Book by Joe Sacco Features Plight of Polar Bears Facing Melting Ice; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Children of all ages get a thrill when they meet Dancer, a polar bear who lives in Canada in the Arctic. But he needs help because temperatures at his home aren't as cold as they used to be, and the ice is melting. Dancer Under the Lights puts the issue of global warming in terms even young children can understand and provides tips for people to help. - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Gives Chemistry Students Formula to Succeed in a Difficult Subject; Book by Peter Hibbert, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

This aid to college chemistry students offers a different approach to the study of chemistry. Instead of trying to inspire interest in this sometimes-challenging subject and to turn students into budding scientists, it provides information students can use to pass basic chemistry classes. Students... - March 06, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Website Returns Power to the Artist

Local Band on Demand, a new web 2.0 application developed specifically for musicians and their fans, hit the Internet Wednesday, March 3, 2011. The website provides artist a platform to sell their mp3 downloads directly to their fans. Though there are a handful of other websites offering similar... - March 05, 2011 - We Can Do That Productions, LLC

New Children’s Book by David Russell Tells Tale of Silly Sea Serpent; Published by Dog Ear Publishing

Scotland, a land ripe for fairy tales and fanciful thoughts, now is home to another creature from the depths: the Loch Lomond monster, known fondly as Lommie. He has a best friend, Becky, who brings him his favorite lunch – a peanut butter sandwich with honey. They swim to their favorite rock and play in the water for hours. Little do they know someone is about to capture Lommie to perform in a traveling circus. Can Becky and her cousin, Sir Aaron, rescue the sea serpent before it's too late? - March 05, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Illuminates the Physics of Motion and the Scientists Who Deciphered It; Dog Ear Publishing Releases Book by Alan Kubitz

Explore the physics of motion through the eyes of an electrical engineer with a passion for the subject and its historical development. The author explains the work of illustrious scientists such as Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein as they struggled to decipher the concept of motion. - March 05, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release by Rory Gard Claims by Un-Learning What They Know, Those Losing Weight Can Break Habits and Stop Spinning “Weight-Loss-Wheels”; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Research has shown that it takes approximately 21 days to break a bad habit. It’s a simple fact: It’s almost impossible for people to lose weight without breaking their bad habits. Through humor, easy-to-understand tips and “lazy lifestyle lessons,” the author aims to help anyone who wants to succeed in dropping pounds, without a gym pass or turning their lives upside down. - March 05, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

The Ready for the World Christian Writer’s Conference

Kingdom Publishing Group, Inc., the leader in Christian book publishing, is sponsoring “The Ready for the World Christian Writer’s Conference” on Saturday, April 30, 2011 in Richmond, Virginia. This dynamic educational event is purposed to rally writers, authors, publishers for a... - March 05, 2011 - Kingdom Publishing Group, Inc.

Author Sherry Ellis Guest on RRRadio-RFK: Stories for Children –March 7, 2011

Blog Talk Radio’s Robin Falls Kids Show: Stories for Children with hosts (VS Grenier, D.M. Cunningham and Kris Quinn Christopherson) will be chatting with author Sherry Ellis about her books, “That Mama is a Grouch” and “That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN!” Sherry Ellis is a... - March 05, 2011 - Stories for Children Magazine

Award-Winning Guitarist Muriel Anderson to be Guest on Conversation Crossroad Radio Program March 7th at 7pm EST

Award-winning guitarist and harp-guitarist Muriel Anderson will be interviewed by Conversation Crossroad radio program hosts Betty-Lynn and Garrison on March 7th at 7pm EST. Muriel Anderson’s obvious joy of music and facility across musical genres is revered by guitarists and audiences... - March 05, 2011 - Conversation Crossroad

Authors Launch Book Appearances in Washington D.C. Area This Spring

Authors, Stephen Hess and Sandy Northrop will launch the release of their new book, American Political Cartoons: The Evolution of a National Identity (Transaction, 2010) at multiple events in the Washington, D.C. area. The authors will present their book at the National Archives and Newseum this... - March 04, 2011 - Transaction Publishers

Xlibris Publishing Offers Full Proceeds with Their Newest Add-On Service

Authors can now take control of their book's future with the newest add-on service of Xlibris – the 100% Royalty Program. - March 04, 2011 - Xlibris Publisher

Press Releases 22,651 - 22,700 of 31,634