Senior Citizen Discount Offered to Celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe Tours

BelleCora Press & Workshops is offering a 5% discount to senior citizens who sign up for their cultural tour to the Guadalupana, the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The event offers a visually rich festive experience with wonderful photo opportunities for the... - November 10, 2007 - BelleCora Press & Workshops

Ciall Press Announces Release of 2008 Daily Desk Calendar "365 Reasons NOT To Vote For Hillary"

With its release of the 2008 Daily Desk Calendar “365 Reasons NOT To Vote For Hillary,” Ciall Press, LLC has solved the dilemma of what to buy for the conservative Republican on everyone’s Christmas list. Liberals and Democrats on people’s holiday shopping lists are already... - November 09, 2007 - Ciall Press, LLC

iUniverse to Exhibit at Miami Book Fair International

iUniverse, the leading provider of supported self-publishing services, will be an exhibitor at the Miami Book Fair International from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 9 through Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007. One of the largest fairs of its type, the Miami Book Fair International attracts hundreds... - November 09, 2007 - iUniverse

Historic Photos of Fort Lauderdale by Susan Gillis

Turner Publishing announces the new release, Historic Photos of Fort Lauderdale by Susan Gillis. This 10 x 10 book is perfect for the holidays, narrating the pictorial history of Fort Lauderdale for any resident or history buff. - November 09, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Historic Photos of the University of Michigan by Michael Chmura and Christina Consolino

Turner Publishing announces the new release, Historic Photos of the University of Michigan by Michael Chmura and Christina Consolino. This 10 x 10 book is perfect for the holidays, narrating the pictorial history of the University of Michigan for any alumni or True Blue fan. - November 09, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Utopian Publishers Announces Release of Ultimate Fighter's Workout

Utopian Publishers Announces Release of “The Ultimate Fighter’s Workout” - the Ultimate Guide to Fitness and Nutrition for Athletes. Utopian Publishers, the creators of the Monster Chi series of workouts for combat artists, has announced the release of their latest complete guide... - November 09, 2007 - Utopian Publishers

Does Science Contradict the Bible Video Series Released Online

Gordon J. Glover, author of Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation, has released a three-part online video series entitled Does Science Contradict the Bible? - November 09, 2007 - Watertree Press LLC

Chuanda Mason of BET "Hell Date" Now Writes for Spate Magazine

Chuanda Mason of BET "Hell Date" now writes for Spate Magazine. Not only is Chuanda an actress and model but she also knows fitness. Her article in Spate magazine can now be read in the print issue starting December. You can also read her fitness blog which can be found on the Spate... - November 08, 2007 - Spate Magazine

"Rising Star of the East" Headlines Metro Magazine's November Line-up

East Carolina University’s 100th anniversary inspired Raleigh’s Metro Magazine to lead this month’s edition with an in-depth look at the impact the “rising star of the East” is having in the state and nation. ECU’s medical advancements – including a new... - November 08, 2007 - Metro Magazine

NetNia Publishing, Inc. Announces Launch of

Website offers culturally designed African-American Santa letters parents personalize for children. - November 08, 2007 - NetNia Publishing, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Get Yourself Up, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Self Help/ Motivational Book from Scarborough Author Michael A.T. Stewart

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Get Yourself Up: Find the strength deep within to pull yourself up out of your circumstances by Michael A.T. Stewart, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Self Help/ Motivational category is available worldwide on... - November 07, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Award-Winning Author, Mark Peter Hughes Speaks with Gayle Jacobson-Huset About His Recent Book, "Lemonade Mouth"

Stories for Children Magazine’s assistant editor, Gayle Jacobson-Huset was lucky to catch young adult book author, Mark Peter Hughes after the "Lemonade Mouth" book tour. During the interview, Hughes shared some of his adventures during the tour. - November 07, 2007 - Stories for Children Magazine

Business Leader Media Announces Brian Casey as Guest Speaker for Business Leaders Breakfast Nov. 12

Business Leader Media announces that Brian Casey, president of the High Point Market Authority, will be guest speaker at Business Leaders Breakfast on Monday, Nov. 12 from 7:30-9 a.m. at the 11th floor of the IHFC Building in High Point. - November 07, 2007 - Business Leader Magazine

Sixteen iUniverse Titles Honored at 2007 DIY Book Festival

Sixteen iUniverse titles recently received honors at the 2007 DIY Book Festival. The DIY Book Festival is part of the DIY Convention: Do It Yourself in Film, Music & Books, which also produces the DIY Film Festival and the DIY Music Festival. Produced by JM Northern Media LLC, the festival is... - November 07, 2007 - iUniverse

Angelo Dundee's "My View from the Corner" (with Bert Sugar)

Boxing Trainer of Champions Recounts 50 Years of Boxing History. - November 07, 2007 - McGraw-Hill

Outskirts Press Announces Kur's Rage, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fantasy - Epic Book from Halifax, Ma Author Erik D.J. O'Brien

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Kur's Rage: Part One of the Duaredheim Staff Saga by Erik D.J. O'Brien, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Fantasy - Epic category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble... - November 07, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces When the Wedding Ring Comes Off, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Self-Help Book from Jacksonville, FL Author Percy D. Gorham

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published When The Wedding Ring Comes Off by Percy D. Gorham, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Self-Help category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - November 07, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Book from Wellness Research Publishing Shows College Students How to Make the Grade in the Classroom and Have a Life Outside of It, Too

Millions of shoppers around the world are toeing the line, awaiting the start of this year's holiday shopping season. With Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving traditionally considered the busiest shopping day of the year, just weeks away, retailers are gearing up. "One of the trickiest... - November 06, 2007 - Wellness Research Publishing

General Sales Manager Welcomed as New Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager

Harvey Rosenberg joins the For Rent Media Solutions™ senior management team - November 06, 2007 - For Rent Media Solutions

Outskirts Press Announces KillRod, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Mystery Book from Northridge, CA Author Bill Ison

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published KillRod: The Cross of Lorraine Murders by Bill Ison, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Mystery category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested... - November 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Drama and Then Some, the Latest Highly-Anticipated American - African American & Black Book from Orlando, FL Author Ms Puddyn

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Drama and Then Some by Ms Puddyn, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the American - African American & Black category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - November 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Masterpiece of Joy, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Adoption Book from Cantonment, FL Author Bobbi Grubb

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Masterpiece of Joy: From the Despair of Infertility to the Joy of Adoption by Bobbi Grubb, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Adoption category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - November 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Reflections of An Old Soul: Volume II, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Poetry Book from Poquoson, VA Author G. Barry

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Reflections Of An Old Soul: Volume II by G. Barry, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Poetry category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price... - November 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Woman Redeemed, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ Historical Book from Evergreen, CO Author Christine Blake

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Woman Redeemed by Christine Blake, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Fiction/ Historical category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of... - November 05, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces "Music Mountain," the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ Romance Book from Austin, TX Author James Stricklan

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published "Music Mountain" by James Stricklan, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Fiction/ Romance category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - November 05, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author Je Gurley Releases His Second Novel. Eco-Friendly Printing: Author Utilizes the Internet to Reach Readers and Help Save the Environment

Author JE Gurley, working with, offers his second novel, Father Blood: Demon Spawn, both as a PDF electronic download and a Print on Demand 6x9 paperback. This allows the reader the choice of reading the traditional way or from the convenience of his/her PC or laptop. Both venues greatly reduce the number of trees needed for printing. - November 05, 2007 - Idle Hands Publishing

Outskirts Press Announces the Hero's Choice, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Business Life - Inspirational Book from Littleton, CO Author Roger K. Allen

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Hero's Choice by Roger K. Allen, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Business Life - Inspirational category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested... - November 04, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces a Small Sense of Hereness, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Poetry - General Book from Swartz Creek, MI Author Dallas Gatlin

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published A Small Sense of Hereness by Dallas Gatlin, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Poetry - General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - November 04, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Biker Celebrity Author Edward Winterhalder Now Represented by Frank Weimann and the Literary Group International

Blockhead City Press is pleased to announce that Frank Weimann from The Literary Group International is now Edward Winterhalder's literary, television and film agent, effective October 31, 2007; Frank can be contacted at 212-274-1616. Steve Lassiter from APA-Nashville remains Winterhalder's agent... - November 03, 2007 - Blockhead City

Florida City Proposes Ban on Chinese Products… Florida Pet Business Reports Which Pet Foods Contain Chinese Ingredients or US Only Ingredients

Imported pet food ingredients were the source of the March 2007 pet food recall. Dog food and cat food labels are not required to tell 'petsumers' if they use imported ingredients or US only ingredients. Petsumer Report is the first publication that gives pet owners information on where ingredients come from - and much more. - November 03, 2007 - Petsumer Report

South Florida’s Premier Real Estate Magazine, "Edge" Launches ""

A new innovative multimedia website designed to capture audiences globally. - November 03, 2007 - Edge Media Group, Inc.

Did You Get a Health Insurance Rate Increase? Tips to Reduce Your Health Insurance Costs

Health Insurance Policyholders are receiving rate increases and need to better understand the increases, find ways to reduce premiums, and most importantly make sure that they avoid problems and rip-offs that could leave them in medical or financial jeopardy. Health Insurance Resources are available free online at - November 02, 2007 - Aji Publishing LLC

Outskirts Press Announces Poems, Short Stories, and Songs (Written by Richard Smith), the Latest Highly-Anticipated US-South-New Orleans Book from LA Author Richard Smith

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Poems,Short stories, and Songs (written by: Richard Smith) by Richard Smith, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the United States - South - New Orleans category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Deitel® & Associates Launches Regular Expressions Resource Center

The world’s leading computer science programming language textbook authors launch their first Computer Science Series Resource Center to help programmers learn how to program using Regular Expressions. - November 02, 2007 - Deitel & Associates, Inc.

Fictional Lynching Causes Big Stir in Little Tennessee Town

Author's Book Creates Conflict in Davey Crocket's Hometown - November 02, 2007 - New Virginia Publications

November 1 Families Online Magazine

In the November 1 issue of Families Online Magazine: "Are You A Good Parent?" Quiz, Families Online Magazine challenges parents to test their knowledge by answering 5 questions about child discipline, kids and holidays, shopping for toys, cold and flu season and healthy eating. Plus:... - November 02, 2007 - The Parent Vine

Dark Myth Publications Announces Release of Creep Creepersin’s "Blood Lust Romance"

Creator Creep Creepersin publishes second book with Dark Myth Publications. - November 02, 2007 - Dark Myth Production Studios

Follow Your Dreams Wherever They May Take You and Never Stop Dreaming

In To Dance with the Yellow Butterfly, Cathrine Flint-Warren reminds children (and adults) to soar with their dreams and go where they follow. Outskirts Press is pleased to announce the publication of Cathrine Flint Warren’s delightful and lyrical new children’s book, To Dance with the... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Carlos, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Historical - Military & Wars Book from Murrieta, CA Author J. L. Kunkle

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Carlos: A Tale of Survival by J. L. Kunkle, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Historical - Military & Wars category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces God's Angels and the Right to Reply, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Abuse - Psychological Book from Leiden Author Barry Lipscombe

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published god's angels and the right to reply: crazy lifetime by Barry Lipscombe, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Abuse - Psychological category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Christianity and the Great South Land, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Poetry Book from Merriwa Author T. A. Hooper

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Christianity and The Great South Land by T. A. Hooper, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Poetry category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces It Takes One to Catch One, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Humorous Stories Book from Kenai, AK Author Steven A. Knutson

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published It Takes One To Catch One: Confessions Of An Alaskan Wildlife Trooper by Steven A. Knutson, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Humorous Stories category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Larimar, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Nonfiction Book from Venice, FL Author Mae Claire

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Larimar: Struggles in an unfair world by Mae Claire, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Nonfiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Mayan War Wizard, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ Fantasy Book from Minneola, FL Author J.B. 'Pix' Pickering

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Mayan War Wizard: Mahogany Hall Chronicles by J.B. 'Pix' Pickering, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Fiction/ Fantasy category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Finding Jesus in the Old Testament (the Jewish Scriptures), the Latest Highly-Anticipated Bible - Study Book from AR Author Ken Williams

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Finding Jesus in the Old Testament (the Jewish Scriptures): Discovering the Jewish Roots of Your Faith by Ken Williams, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Bible - Study - Old Testament category is available... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Dangerous Love, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Love & Romance Book from Finksburg, MD Author Skip Stover

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Dangerous Love: 2010 A.D. by Skip Stover, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Love & Romance category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces My Cuban Princess, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Romantic Comedy Book from Port St. Lucie, FL Author Richard David Donlin

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published My Cuban Princess: The Search by Richard David Donlin, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Romantic Comedy category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces What If..., The Latest Highly-Anticipated Massage & Reflexotherapy Book from Orlando, FL Author George Gluzinski.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published What if...: You could Control/Stop Aches and Pains? by george Gluzinski, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Massage & Reflexotherapy category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - November 02, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Deitel & Associates Launches Online Lead Generation Resource Center

Deitel & Associates' compilation of Internet resources is an extensive guide that helps advertisers and Internet businesses generate new business leads online; and shows web publishers how to monetize their sites with lead generation affiliate programs. - November 01, 2007 - Deitel & Associates, Inc.

The Boy Who Wanted to be a Dancer Children's Book Released by Window Books

Release information regarding new children's book - November 01, 2007 - Window Books

Press Releases 23,101 - 23,150 of 24,504