Historic Photos of Phoenix by Eduardo Obregón Pagán

Turner Publishing announces their new release, the Historic Photos of Phoenix by Eduardo Obregón Pagán. This 10 x 10 title has culled-from-the-archives photos that tell the pictorial narrative of Phoenix in stunning, black-and-white images. - October 20, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Historic Photos of Omaha by Jeffrey Spencer

Turner Publishing announces their new release, the Historic Photos of Omaha by Jeffrey Spencer. This 10 x 10 title has culled-from-the-archives photos that tell the pictorial narrative of the “Gate City” in stunning, black-and-white images. - October 20, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

New Series Promotes Project-Based Learning for High School Math and ELA Students

Walch Publishing has released a new series for high-school students, Expeditions in Your Classroom: Geometry and Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts. This two-book series engages students by having them solve real-world problems that reinforce basic math skills and English concepts... - October 20, 2007 - Walch Education

iUniverse Passes Out Largest Savings of the Year for Halloween

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced their “Treat Yourself to Savings” publishing specials for Halloween. The specials include the largest package discount that iUniverse has offered in 2007. The promotion is valid through... - October 20, 2007 - iUniverse

Parent Finds Answers for Autism, Publishes Five Doctor-, Teacher-Approved Books and Gives Them Away for Free

With child development awareness on the rise a Toronto born publisher has turned “adversity into an opportunity for personal growth, giving and love.” Mr. Chaplin authorizes the releases of his five published (in print) Encouragement Stories© books & poems to the public online... - October 20, 2007 - MasterpieceFactory Inc.

Deitel & Associates Launches YouTube and AdSense Resource Center

Deitel & Associates' YouTube and AdSense Resource Center is an extensive guide to AdSense video units for web publishers, video content providers and YouTube users interested in video content and monetization. - October 19, 2007 - Deitel & Associates, Inc.

Mimi the Angel Joins Forces with United Way

Mimi The Angel™, a whimsical symbol of hope for young children, has joined forces with United Way Ottawa to be angels in action for others. - October 19, 2007 - Mimi Publishing Inc.

Tim Hurson's Think Better (Your Company's Future Depends On It)

What if…success isn’t about what you know, or who, but about how you think? - October 19, 2007 - McGraw-Hill

New Book "Fallen, But Not Forgotten" - Inspiring Message for Anyone Who Has Ever Made Life Mistakes, Felt Unworthy or Unloved

A new book shares an inspiring message for anyone who has made mistakes in life. - October 18, 2007 - Mud Puddle Industries

Autographed Out of Print Novels by Canadian Author Judy Bagshaw Offered for Sale by Pearlsong Press

Pearlsong Press, publisher of plus sized romance writer Judy Bagshaw's short story collection "At Long Last, Love," has obtained and is offering for sale a limited number of copies of three novels by Bagshaw that are now out of print. - October 18, 2007 - Pearlsong Press

EEZZ Writing - Red White & Blue Released by EbookoMatic.com

Dr. Suarez's new book on writing is focused on students seeking to sharpen their knowledge and understanding of punctuation as well as to help them to develop a writing style of their own. - October 18, 2007 - Ebookomatic.com

New Day Books & Music Now Available Through Baker & Taylor Distributors

Christian books and music from New Day Publishing are now available through Baker & Taylor, Inc. the leading distributor for libraries and retailers. Libraries and retailers may now order New Day's titles through their Baker & Taylor sales representative. New Day Publishing is dedicated to... - October 18, 2007 - New Day Publishing, Inc.

No Subscription Needed: Exclusive Competitive Energy Markets Insight, News and Analysis - Free for Two Weeks

Restructuring Today -- the only trade newsletter dedicated to chronicling the ongoing efforts to open competitive energy markets, including perspectives on why some fail and others succeed -- is giving away free access to all of its valuable content for two weeks. Visit... - October 18, 2007 - Restructuring Today

R.M.T.P. Co. Announces First Audio Book

R.M.T.P. Co. is pleased to announce the release of its first audio book titled, "The Hard Price." It is available now at www.rmtp.ca/bookstore "The Hard Price" is a story of love and terror. Kristen is ready to take her relationship with Clark to the next level, but Clark has... - October 18, 2007 - R.M.T.P. Co.

Celebrity Stalking in Reverse Leads to Humorous Complications

Celebrity Stalking in Reverse Leads to Humorous Complications

Famous celebrities like George Clooney and Julia Roberts stalk ordinary people and secretly help them in the humorous weekly web satire, “It Happened in Plainfield.” - October 17, 2007 - It Happened in Plainfield

New Children’s Book Exemplifies the Value of Good Sportsmanship

Troy and the Championship Trophy is a story for kids that truly personifies the saying “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” Troy’s greatest dream is to play in the flag football championship game. But when he finds himself on a team with kids... - October 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Manators and Horrex and Bull-Bears - Oh My

Lawrence Lueder, author of the memoir A 1950s American Childhood in Morocco, turns his talents toward science fiction with the publication of Sunaru, an exciting debut to a new series. Outskirts Press is pleased to announce the publication of Sunaru, first in a new science fiction series by author... - October 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Non-Fiction Brings to Life a Family’s Search for a Place of Peace

Journey Among Nations is the history of a Jewish family, a memoir of those who left their homeland in Afghanistan to immigrate to Israel and then to the United States. It is a story lovingly related about tradition and sacred ceremonies, the values that hold a family together, and the events of war... - October 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces A Significant Life, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Christianity - Christian Life - General Book from Gatesville, TX Author Brian Nelson

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published A Significant Life: and Purgatory by Brian Nelson, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Christianity - Christian Life - General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - October 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Cicero Farm's Hometown Livonia, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Agriculture - General Book from Livonia, NY Author Thomas A. Cicero, Jr.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Cicero Farm's Hometown Livonia by Thomas A. Cicero, Jr., which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Agriculture - General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - October 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Publisher Teams Up with Boston's Museum of Science in Innovative Program Teaching Algebra to Middle Schools Through Engineering Problems

Walch Publishing, based in Portland, Maine, has partnered with Boston’s Museum of Science and Tufts University to launch "Building Math," a new program that teaches middle-school students algebra by having them solve problems in exotic locations. - October 17, 2007 - Walch Education

Twinklespunk Colorado Book Tour Delayed

Left Hand Press and author H.E. Christian delay Colorado book tour. - October 16, 2007 - Left Hand Press LLC

San Antonio's Wellness Center Dedicates Meditation Garden

Moore Inspirations and the other members of San Antonio's Wellness Center launch their new meditation garden on Thursday, October 25 at 4 p.m. - October 12, 2007 - Moore Inspirations

Historic Photos of Greater Hampton Roads by Emily J. and John S. Salmon

Turner Publishing announces the new release of Historic Photos of Greater Hampton Roads by Emily J. and John S. Salmon, a 10 x 10 pictorial history of one of “world’s greatest harbors” in stunning, culled-from-the-archives photos. - October 12, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

SPI Publishing is Now Accepting Submissions for Security, Surveillance, RFID and Related Technology Subject Area Category

SPI Publishing (http://www.spipublishing.com) is now accepting submissions for Category Security, Surveillance and RFID in addition to its other genres: Health & Medicine, Educational and Professional Development , Small Business Success, “How To” and Specialty Education,... - October 12, 2007 - SPI Publishing

Twinklespunk Available Through Baker and Taylor

Left Hand Press announces that the novel Twinklespunk is available through Baker and Taylor - October 11, 2007 - Left Hand Press LLC

Vanilla Heart Publishing Signs Author Vila Spiderhawk for Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones

Vanilla Heart Publishing is pleased to announce their signing Vila SpiderHawk, author of Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones. Hidden Passages is a collection of eight finely crafted stories about strong, loving women in the midst of their crone years, celebrating life and sharing their... - October 11, 2007 - Vanilla Heart Publishing

Historic Photos of Las Vegas by Jeff Burbank

Turner Publishing is announcing the release of the Historic Photos of Las Vegas by Jeff Burbank, a 10 x 10 title of culled-from-the-archives photography that tells the pictorial narrative of the “Entertainment Capital of the World.” - October 11, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

GIFT SHOP Magazine Announces Successful Completion of First Annual ‘Ultimate Makeover Contest’

GIFT SHOP magazine is proud to announce the successful completion of its annual Ultimate Makeover Contest. This year’s winner was Donna Trottier, owner of Blue Hydrangea in Wickford, RI. Donna Kent, a visual merchandiser who has years of experience in the business, including a few at Laura... - October 11, 2007 - GIFTSHOPMag.com

Maurice Skillern Releases the 2nd Edition of “Messages”

Author-Poet-Philosopher Maurice Skillern releases the second edition of his book of poetic-philosophy "Messages" - October 10, 2007 - Baseline International Publishing LLC

Wilderness House Literary Review Volume 2, Number Three Released Online

The Wilderness House Literary Review committee is pleased to announce that Volume 2 number 3 has been released on the Web. Wilderness House Literary Review has compared favorably by Boston Globe to Ploughshares, the literary magazine from Emerson College. - October 09, 2007 - Wilderness House

New Children’s Book Teaches That Friends Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Long Neck tells the story of three young zebras who are saved from the jaws of a hungry lion by the courage of a young giraffe, whom they jokingly name “Long Neck.” Without an ounce of gratitude or understanding, the three berate the giraffe and then choose to ignore him. Years go by,... - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

In a World Constantly Tried by the Forces of Hell, the Power of God is Sustained - Outskirts Press Announces The Maïeutologue

In our modern era, spiritual corruption often breeds parasitism and fanaticism. Author Joubert Richardson shows how religion can actively champion the cause of justice and contribute to the development of a nation. The Maïeutologue synthesizes more than two decades of philosophical... - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Culturism, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Nonfiction Book from New York, NY Author John Kenneth Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future by John Kenneth Press, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Nonfiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Resurrection, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Autobiography Book from Orlando, FL Author Donald D. Warner

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Resurrection by Donald D. Warner, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Autobiography category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $19.95. - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces in a Nutshell, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Poetry Book from Arrowbear, CA Author Lesly Auerbach

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published In A Nutshell: The Collection by Lesly Auerbach, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Poetry category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price... - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces the Fallen, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fantasy - Epic Book from St. Petersburg, FL Author Andy R. Marshall

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Fallen: The Mysteries of Ergael by Andy R. Marshall, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 7.5 x 9.25 Paperback in the Fantasy - Epic category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - October 09, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Introducing the Symzonia Review

The Better Late Than Never Press is pleased to announce The Symzonia Review, the only print monthly magazine devoted to fascinating historical trivia, is available by subscription and at select bookstores. "Written with style and grace the Symzonia Review offers us historical memorabilia akin... - October 09, 2007 - Better Late Than Never Press

Outskirts Press Announces the Power, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Spirituality - Christian Book from Dalton, GA Author Richard K. Murray

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Power: Discovering the Real by Richard K. Murray, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Spirituality - Christian category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces "A Mourning Dove Sings My Song," the Latest Highly-Anticipated Americana Book from Aurora, CO Author Charley Pierce.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published "A Mourning Dove Sings My Song: The Days of Trial and Vanish Now Our Ways" by Charley Pierce, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Americana category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Destiny's Warriors, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fantasy - Series Book from Wood Village, OR Author R.M Putnam

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Destiny's Warriors by R.M Putnam, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Fantasy - Series category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Heart to Heart, Volume 1, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Inspirational & Religious Book from Huntsville, AL Author Reginald O. Holden

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Heart to Heart, Volume 1 by Reginald O. Holden, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Inspirational & Religious category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Thriving in Mind, Body, and Spirit, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Health Book from Tigard, OR Author Dr. Shaun Dyler

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Thriving in Mind, Body, and Spirit: Awakening to God's Truths and Promises by Dr. Shaun Dyler, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Health category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Where Has All the Glory Gone?, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Autobiography Book from Wayne, MI Author Christopher King

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Where Has All The Glory Gone?: The Chris King Story by Christopher King, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Autobiography category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Not Manifesting? This Book is for You, the Latest Highly-Anticipated New Age (Self Help) Book from New London, NH Author Kathleen Mackenzie

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Not Manifesting? This Book is for You! by Kathleen Mackenzie, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the New Age (Self Help) category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Passing Through, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Travel/ Essays Book from Burien, WA Author Kregg P.j. Jorgenson

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Passing Through by Kregg P.J. Jorgenson, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Travel/ Essays category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Relationship Selling, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Business/ Leadership Book from Virginia Beach, VA Author Atul Uchil, PhD.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Relationship Selling: The Fine Art Of Consultative Sales by Atul Uchil, PhD, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Business/ Leadership category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - October 08, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

iUniverse Encourages Authors to “Sweep the Series” in Postseason

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced their “Sweep the Series” postseason baseball publishing specials. These specials are valid through midnight, Central Time, Oct. 15, 2007. Authors will receive the following deals from... - October 07, 2007 - iUniverse

"Game Over", a New Novel by Four Time Emmy Nominee Gary Isaacson Published by Fishing Fish Books.

Similar in the comic style of Carl Hiaasen, this novel is the ideal vacation, sit by the pool and laugh out loud adventure. - October 06, 2007 - Isaacson Communications, Inc

Historic Photos of Chicago Crime: The Capone Era by John Russick

Turner Publishing releases the Historic Photos of Chicago Crime: The Capone Era by John Russick. This 10 x 10, culled-from-the-archives photography book showcases the pictorial photography of one of the most intriguing periods of America’s past. - October 06, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Press Releases 23,201 - 23,250 of 24,504