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Five Points Branch Announces Aquatic Director
The Gateway Family YMCA – Five Points Branch Welcomes Charles Cook, Aquatic Director. - January 31, 2014 - The Gateway Family YMCA
Doctors, Chefs, Athletes, and Authors to Headline U.S. Veg Corp's 4th Annual New York City Vegetarian Food Festival
Cardiologists, restaurant owners, vegan chefs, and world-class athletes will be among those taking the stage at the 4th annual New York City Vegetarian Food Festival, March 1-2, in Manhattan. There will also be more than 100 vendors of vegan lifestyle products and foods, many offering samples. - January 31, 2014 - U.S. Veg Corp.
Raleigh’s Top Dressage Trainer and Whispering Hope Stables High Ranking Horses
Whispering Hope Sporthorses is pleased to announce the availability of two Dressage Horses for sale that have been trained by Raleigh’s Top Dressage Trainer, Laurie Hutchinson. Ms. Hutchinson is based in Raleigh, NC at Whispering Hope Stables. Whispering Hope Stables is Raleigh’s best... - January 30, 2014 - Whispering Hope Stables
Sheldrake Environmental Center Wants All to Know There's Lots Happening in Nature in Winter
While it may look quiet out there, there's lots happening in nature, and Sheldrake has programs designed to help explore, even during the wintry months. - January 30, 2014 - Sheldrake Environmental Center
Alvarez & Marsal's Donna DeMartino and Peter Kwan to Speak at KC’s AML/BSA and OFAC Compliance: Practical Guidance for Banks and Financial Institutions Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Alvarez & Marsal's Donna DeMartino and Peter Kwan will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “AML/BSA and OFAC Compliance:... - January 30, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
U.S. Senate Candidate Ken Cope Offers Bold Tax Plan That Eliminates IRS
Texas U.S. Senate candidate Ken Cope has announced an income tax replacement plan that vastly simplifies federal tax collection, with the added benefit of eliminating the IRS. - January 30, 2014 - Cope Texas
New Award for Children’s Literature Announced
CLIPPA to honor works of independent authors for elementary-age children. - January 30, 2014 - Kabuki Helps
New Jersey Slightly Higher Than National Average in Women on Corporate Boards
Executive Women of New Jersey’s inaugural report on the number of women on the boards of New Jersey’s leading publicly-held corporations found that New Jersey companies have elected women into board positions at a slightly higher rate than the US national average. However, women are... - January 29, 2014 - Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ)
Daniel L. Goelzer, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP to Speak at KC’s PCAOBs New World of Auditor Reporting Explored Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Daniel L. Goelzer, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “PCAOBs New World of Auditor... - January 29, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
DAE Exchange Services Now Offered to Travel To Go Members
Membership Vacation Club Travel To Go Introduces DAE as First and Only Exchange Platform - January 29, 2014 - Dial An Exchange
Scandinavia Joins European Union's Main Climate Innovation Initiative
The EU commissioner for Climate Action will open Climate-KIC's new Denmark-based centre on 7 February 2014, allowing Nordic start-up entrepreneurs, businesses, climate professionals, students and government officials to join the European partnership to work on climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions. - January 29, 2014 - Climate-KIC
WPBL to Host Charitable Match
Playing for a cause. A special event to be held in Las Vegas. - January 29, 2014 - World Professional Billiard League
Junior League of Raleigh and Belk Host Fashion Forward Mar. 9
Annual Spring Fashion Benefit Features Runway Show and Appearance by Renowned Designer Trina Turk. - January 29, 2014 - Junior League of Raleigh
Atlanta Event Photo Entertainment Pioneer Clik Simple LLC, Opens New Location on Amelia Island: Offers Local Market It's Successful Line of Event Services
Innovative event photo entertainment company provides services for events of all types and sizes. Offering Photo Booths, Green Screen and On Site Printing to the one of a kind Click Screen. - January 29, 2014 - Clik simple
Food Bank of South Jersey Receives Grant from Bottom Dollar Food Charitable Foundation
The Food Bank of South Jersey (FBSJ) has received a $3,500.00 grant from the Bottom Dollar Food Charitable Foundation to assist with feeding programs to help food insecure children and families in the South Jersey region. Pamela Pernot, Director External Relations stated, “This generous... - January 29, 2014 - Food Bank of South Jersey
The Clay House Children’s Center and Volunteers Are Busy Putting the Pieces Together for the 1st Annual Clay House "Dancing with Our Stars"
Styled after TV’s “Dancing with the Stars," this exciting event will provide guests with a wonderful evening of entertainment. During the evening’s festivities, seven couples will complete for awards. The "Skill Award" will be determined by a panel of judges consisting of popular personalities from Jefferson County. The "People’s Choice Award" will be presented to the couple that raises the largest amount of money from sponsors and fans. - January 29, 2014 - Bessemer Cut-Off Advocacy Center, Inc. dba/Clay House Children's Center
The First Tee of the Triangle Announces Annika Sörenstam as Special Guest for 10th Anniversary Gala
Internationally Lauded Female Golfer Will Attend Event Next September at the Carolina Country Club. - January 29, 2014 - First Tee Of The Triangle
Private Residence Clubs Boost Owner Benefits with DAE
Independent vacation exchange provider, DAE, is partnering with Private Residence Clubs (PRCs) to bring added benefits to owners through DAE’s worldwide exchange system. Australia’s Phillip Island Private Residence Club is the latest to join forces with DAE, with an exclusive... - January 29, 2014 - Dial An Exchange
Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley Rummage Sale and eWaste Collection
Rummage Sale & eWaste Collection benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley. - January 29, 2014 - Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley
MaleSurvivor Supports NCPTC Review of USA Swimming Safe Sport Program
MaleSurvivor: the National Organization Against Male Sexual Victimization publicly praised USA Swimming upon the release of today's report assessing the Safe Sport program. "USA Swimming is to be commended for proactively engaging the National Child Protection Training Center (NCPTC) to... - January 28, 2014 - MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization
Sound Auto Wholesalers Signs Vehicle Financing Agreements with Seven Auto Finance Companies and Banks
David DeVito, Vice President of Retail Auto Financing at Sound Auto Wholesalers has announced that the company has entered into retail financing agreements with seven different banks and finance companies. DeVito said "We want to offer our customers maximum flexibility to obtain financing for... - January 28, 2014 - Sound Auto Wholesalers
More Organic Farms Powered by Consumers
A new startup, Fquare, aims to give consumers what they want, more organic, non-GMO foods. Fquare allows members to sponsor farms to go organic nationwide. - January 28, 2014 - Fquare Inc
YourCause Grows by 60% in 2013 and Expects Similar Trend in 2014
YourCause, LLC, provider of the CSRconnect employee engagement solution, has released their 2013 revenue growth rate of 61%. Since 2009, the company has consistently grown revenues by more than 60% year-over-year and expects to do the same in 2014. Similarly, the company employee headcount and... - January 28, 2014 - YourCause, LLC
Saddleback Memorial Celebrates 40 Years Providing Quality Care and Clinical Excellence to South Orange County Residents
Forty years ago today, Saddleback Memorial Medical Center opened its doors. In four decades of constant growth, Saddleback Memorial has fulfilled its non-profit mission to better serve the south Orange County community through quality care, medical innovation and advancements in... - January 27, 2014 - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
Scholastic Mountain Biking State Championship Race to Take Place Fall 2014 in Novi, Michigan
Michigan Scholastic Cycling Association (MiSCA) will hold their fourth annual State Championship mountain bike race on September 20, 2014 at Lakeshore Park in Novi, Michigan. This race was the first of its kind when introduced in 2010 and will continue to provide the youth of Michigan the opportunity to race in an event not dominated by adult competitors. - January 27, 2014 - Michigan Scholastic Cycling Association
Adrian Docherty, Head of FIG Advisory, BNP Paribas to Speak at KC’s Liquidity Risk Management: Regulatory and Compliance Issues in 2014 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Adrian Docherty, Head of FIG Advisory, BNP Paribas will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Liquidity Risk Management: Regulatory... - January 27, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
The Milwaukee Skeeball League's Charit-Skee Super Roll Fundraiser
The Milwaukee Skeeball League is giving back to the members that make it so enjoyable and memorable each Skeeson. At G-Daddy's BBC from 2:30pm until halftime during the Super Bowl, the league will hold a Charit-Skee Super Roll Fundraiser, benefiting two league members charities, Parents for Public Schools MKE, and Southeastern Wisconsin Common Ground. Donations of $5 are accepted to roll your best 4 games and contribute the points to your charity of choice. - January 26, 2014 - SkeeMilwaukee LLC
Obama Launches Effort to Battle Campus Sexual Assault Epidemic: National Group Applauds Efforts and Thanks Sexual Assault Survivors for Their Role
This week, President Barack Obama announced the launch of a new focus to combat the alarming rate of sexual assaults committed on college campuses. According to a new report by the White House, college women are the most at-risk for rape and sexual assault. Sarah Rice from MTV is an ambassador for PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment - the national nonprofit that convened the National Campus Sexual Assault Summit at Georgetown Law in September of 2013. - January 26, 2014 - PAVE
Small Business Assoication (SBA) Loan Workshop
The SBA will host a loan workshop on Thursday, February 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. at your Kingsport Chamber of Commerce. The workshop is open to individuals interested in starting a small business, as well as individuals who are already in business. - January 26, 2014 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
QuickBooks Training with Kathy Richard
KOSBE to host a QuickBooks Training with Kathy Richards, Wednesday, February 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at your Kingsort Chamber of Commerce. - January 26, 2014 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
Multiple Sclerosis Annual Conference Presents the Latest on Diagnosis, Patient Care & Research
The leading event for health care professionals focused on multiple sclerosis, the 2014 Cooperative Meeting of CMSC and ACTRIMS, is taking place May 28-31 in Dallas, TX. Registration is now open and early bird discounts are available. Continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and psychologists are available. The all inclusive registration fee includes all the conference programs, organized meals, networking functions and evening entertainment. - January 26, 2014 - CMSC
NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome's Patient-Centered Medical Education Program Earns $5,000 Grant from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation
NJCTS has partnered with several of the New Jersey TS community's teenagers and families to present this program to resident physicians in New Jersey hospitals since 2011. The program discusses diagnosis, medication and quality-of-life issues for patients affected by Tourette Syndrome. - January 26, 2014 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
EWNJ, PwC US to Release Report on Gender Diversity on NJ Boards
On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at the Hilton East Brunswick, Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) and PwC US will release their inaugural report on gender diversity on New Jersey corporate boards. The report will be released at a breakfast that will feature Denise Morrison, President and CEO of... - January 25, 2014 - Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ)
Tickets on Sale for JFCS 10th Annual Celebrity Chefs & Wine Tasting & Golf Challenge
JFCS the premier local safety net social service organization, has opened ticket sales for its 10th Annual Celebrity Chefs Food & Wine Tasting & Golf Challenge to be held Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at The Resort at Longboat Key Club. - January 25, 2014 - Jewish Family & Children's Service
Brian Resnick to Speak at Knowledge Congress’ Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Brian Resnick, Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP will speak at a 2-hour webcast entitled “Significant Issues for Fraudulent Transfer Actions Live... - January 25, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
Non-Profit Christian Prayer Website PRAYHoUSe Launches New Mobile Site for Its Mobile Visitors
After the release of the first two volumes of their three-volumed prayer book, PRAYHoUSe launches its new high-end mobile site for mobile visitors, which accounts for over 80% of their total visitors everyday. - January 25, 2014 - PRAYHoUSe
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Awards More Than $17 Million in Grants to Area Nonprofit Organizations
The projects supported by the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan with these grants cover a wide range of program areas ranging from economic development, education, and health and human services, to arts, culture and recreation. - January 25, 2014 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
World Vision Calls for Better Access to Deliver Aid in Syria
International children’s charity, World Vision, calls for the parties meeting at Geneva II to make a peace agreement for the future of Syria, to help Syrian children. - January 25, 2014 - World Vision UK
NCVMA Presents $5,000 High Five Grant to Phoenix Landing Bird Rescue
The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Supports Parrot Rescue Organization - January 25, 2014 - NCVMA
American Students Join Efforts with Indigenous Costa Rican Tribe in New Tourism Website
North Carolina graduate students will launch on January 28th to invite the global community to participate in touring Costa Rica’s Térraba community through tribe-guided cultural enrichment activities and a variety of accommodations. - January 25, 2014 -
DHS Science and Technology Directorate Awards IJIS Institute Virtual USA® Contract
Work will support incident management information sharing and open standards for VirtualUSA® - January 25, 2014 - IJIS Institute
Message of the Cross Church Preaches the Original Message
The Message of the Cross Church, also known as the Church Purchased With His Blood, declares original bible truths, now lost in the churches of today. They believe that in order to receive God given results, you must not leave God’s prescribed order of doing things. This can be altered through new age ideologies, beliefs and shallow philosophies nurtured by humanistic views and overtones. - January 25, 2014 - Message of the Cross Church
SPI Italy Study Abroad Students Take Part in Historic Event in Siena
High school students participating on SPI’s Siena, Italy study abroad program get to experience a major event in Italian history and culture: Il Palio di Siena - January 25, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
Annual Autism Gala Presents Community Leaders with Service Awards
On Saturday, January 18, 2014, Eden Autism Services’ held its 26th annual Eden Dreams white-tie dinner gala at the Hyatt Regency Princeton. This year’s theme, Dreams of a Gatsby Gala, took you back to the exuberant 1920s, and the height of America’s Jazz Age. Highlights of the... - January 25, 2014 - Eden Autism Services
Double Amputee Parachutes Into College Bowl Games
Dana Bowman deploys special chute honoring Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. - January 24, 2014 - Coalition to Salute America's Heroes
New Directors in UK and Australia Join Independent Authors Association
Two new directors based in the UK and Australia join the Association of Independent Authors expanding the company’s directorship across five continents. - January 24, 2014 - Association of Independent Authors
Realized Master Ramakant Maharaj, a Direct Disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj, is Now Teaching in Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Ramakant Maharaj is a phenomenon, known only to a handful of people. He is, in fact, the only direct Indian disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, in the world, who is actively giving initiation into this lineage of Masters. His teachings clarify questions and doubts arising from Nisargadatta Maharaj's Non-dual philosophy, as well as from the spiritual classic "I Am That," published forty years ago. - January 24, 2014 - Ramakant Maharaj
Call for Nominations Now Open for 2014 Blue Ribbon Award
Prevent Child Abuse-Sonoma County (PCA-SC) and the California Parenting Institute (CPI) announces a call for nominations for the 2014 Blue Ribbon Award. This award is given annually to exemplary individuals who have made a difference in the prevention of child abuse in Sonoma County. - January 24, 2014 - Child Parent Institute
Free2Luv and Vin-T Bikini Create Custom Seattle Seahawks Bikinis to Benefit Bullying Prevention
Free2Luv, a nonprofit passionate about empowering youth, teams up with Vin-T Bikini to create custom Seattle Seahawks bikinis to benefit bullying prevention program. - January 24, 2014 - Free2Luv
Robert Greeves 2014 Recipient of IJIS Institute Robert P. Shumate Award
Institute honors Greeves for contributions to information sharing. - January 24, 2014 - IJIS Institute