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Within Organizations & Institutions
AUCD Network Highlighted in Combating Autism Act Report Showing Significant Progress
A new congressionally-mandated report, released by U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle (D-PA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ) and prepared by the Office of Autism Research Coordination at the National Institutes of Health, shows that the Combating Autism Act (CAA) of 2006 (Public Law 106-416) has expanded... - January 14, 2011 - Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Erica White-Dunston, Attorney-Advisor, Internal Revenue Service to Speak at KC’s Employment Law: Emerging Trends for 2011 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Erica White-Dunston, Attorney-Advisor, AWSS - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Operations (formerly EEO Diversity Field Services), Internal Revenue Service... - January 14, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
More Than 50,000 Animals Treated in Haiti with Help from the Animal Rescue Site and
In January, ARCH (the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti) recognized the treatment of over 50,000 animals in Haiti made possible by support from The Animal Rescue Site (part of the GreaterGood Network) and - January 14, 2011 - GreaterGood
Degreed Professionals Invited to Attend an Information Session About Becoming a Certified Parent Coach® Through The Parent Coaching Institute
The Parent Coaching Institute is now enrolling teachers, social workers, family support specialists, counselors, community health workers, and others seeking career growth or change for the spring session of its year-long, graduate-level, PCI Parent Coach Certification® training program. Applicants who register by Feb. 15 will receive a tuition discount. - January 14, 2011 - The Parent Coaching Institute
Brian P. Carey, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP to Speak at KC’s Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Finance in Healthcare and Life Sciences Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Brian P. Carey, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: "Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Finance in... - January 14, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
The First Tee “Tees Up” Its Inaugural Charity Poker Tournament
Youth development organization of Sarasota and Manatee Counties holds fundraiser at One-Eyed Jack’s to benefit its local youth golf program. - January 14, 2011 - The First Tee of Sarasota/Manatee
CSIA Announces the First 2011 “Celebrities” for C-Level @ A Mile High
CSIA, Colorado’s Technology Association, announces the first group of “Celebrities” participating in the March 10, 2011 event. - January 14, 2011 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association
Crystal River Business Network Presents Business Summit - Global Visionaries to Share What’s Working in Business - Westlake Village, CA
Real Answers For Tough Times will help attendees discover how to thrive in a tough economy, maximize resources, and experience personal and professional breakthroughs. A faith-based conference, Real Answers For Tough Times is Crystal River’s first networking event. - January 14, 2011 - Crystal River Business Network
Women’s eNews Announces 10th Anniversary Celebration of 21 Leaders for the 21st Century
20 women and one man are honored for their work in improving the lives of women and girls. - January 14, 2011 - Women's eNews
Volvo Village Clearwater Platinum Sponsor for FL Volvo Club Spring Meet 2011
Volvo Village (, Clearwater, FL named the Platinum sponsor for the Florida Chapter Volvo Club of America’s Spring Meet 2011 being held in Philippe Park, Safety Harbor, FL on March 5th. - January 14, 2011 - Florida Chapter Volvo Club of America
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Awards Nearly $7.4 Million in Grants to Area Nonprofit Organizations
More than 486 grants approved to support nonprofit organizations working to improve the quality of life in the region. Recipients include the Detroit Historical Society, Music Hall for the Performing Arts, Huron River Watershed Council in Ann Arbor, and Michigan Health Council. - January 14, 2011 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
New Bible Study Lesson Looks at How to Get Along with Other People
The Bible has a lot to say about the secrets of having good relationships. A new lesson on “Getting Along With People” has just been added to the site. - January 14, 2011 - United Church of God
Communication Consultant and Facilitator, Susan Kramer-Pope to Bring Renowned Listening Arts Training to S. Oregon’s Rogue Moxies™- a Premier Women’s Networking Group
Susan Kramer-Pope will be offering Listening Arts skill building at the upcoming Rogue Moxies™ women’s networking event on January 13th at 6:00 pm in Ashland, Oregon. - January 13, 2011 - Rogue Moxies™
Physicians Rave About IAPAM's Symposium with Botox Training
From its comprehensive hCG training to hands-on botox training, the reviews from physicians for the IAPAM's 2010 suite of training programs have been just been published. - January 13, 2011 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
Scholarships Available for Greater Dayton Sorority Women
Dayton Alumnae Panhellenic Assoication announces the availability of its 2011 scholarship application. Sorority members - undergraduate or graduate students - with permanent home addresses in the Ohio counties of Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Miami, Preble, Clark, Shelby, and Darke are encouraged to apply. - January 13, 2011 - Dayton Alumnae Panhellenic Association
The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast - A Review of Supreme Court's 2010 Term and Preview of What's Coming Next
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled A Review of Supreme Court's 2010 Term and Preview of What's Coming Next. This two-hour event is scheduled on September... - January 13, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Newly-Certified Audubon International Gold Signature Member Protects the Cahaba River
Audubon International has added another project to the growing list of those certified through the Audubon International Signature Program—with this project certified at the Gold level. While The Shops of Grand River is only the first phase of a large, mixed-use project, the eco-development principles of the Signature Program are already being applied at this unique outlet mall. - January 13, 2011 - Audubon International
Nourishing USA and Woodycrest United Methodist Collaborating to Improve Health and Nutrition for Those In Need
Woodycrest United Methodist and Nourishing USA are pleased to announce Community Healthy Eating and Nutrition Classes for those in-need on February 16, 2011. In response to the scarcity of nutrition education within parts of New York City, Nourishing USA and Woodycrest United Methodist will be... - January 13, 2011 - Nourishing USA
Kresge Foundation Awards $750,000 to Voices of Detroit Initiative (VODI)
VODI and St. John Providence Health System to Create Healthy Living Mall in Conner Creek Community - January 12, 2011 - Voices of Detroit Initiative
Healthy Homes to Reduce Disease Transmission in Haiti Winning Housing Designs to be Built This Year
One year after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, ARCHIVE (Architecture for Health In Vulnerable Environments) today reveals five “healthy homes” to be built in the country. These homes are especially designed to limit the transmission of tuberculosis, the second biggest infectious... - January 12, 2011 - ARCHIVE
Medical Development Group Announces February 2, 2011 Forum Event – “Hotbeds of Innovation: Advances in the Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity”
The Medical Development Group announces its Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Forum entitled “Hotbeds of Innovation: Advances in the Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity.” Learn from a distinguished panel of experts how far we’ve come from the “standard of care” to... - January 12, 2011 - Medical Development Group
Medical Development Group Announces Jan. 19, 2011 Networking Event – “Product Launch Roadmap: What to Do and When to Do It”
The Medical Development Group announces its Wednesday, January 19, 2011 networking event “Product Launch Roadmap: What to Do and When to Do It.” This presentation is designed for medical device product managers, marketing and R&D teams who want a thorough overview of the product... - January 12, 2011 - Medical Development Group
Audubon International Survey Shows Environmental Actions Have Business Value in Golf
A recent survey of members of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses (ACSP) reveals that voluntary environmental actions on golf courses are not only the right thing to do - they make good business sense. The program, now celebrating a 20th Anniversary, is designed to help golf... - January 12, 2011 - Audubon International
Big Society Creates Renewed Need for Charity People
Charity People makes a comeback as demand for third sector recruitment soars under David Cameron’s Big Society - January 12, 2011 - People Unlimited
Bernard Tubiana, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP to Speak at KC’s Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance Carriers Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Bernard Tubiana, Principal, Financial Services Industry Practice - Insurance, Deloitte Consulting LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast... - January 11, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Online Therapy Institute Partners with the Institute for Life Coach Training to Provide Therapists and Coaches with Training and Resources About Online Coaching
Coaches and other helping professionals who want to connect with clients using the internet now have resources at the ready. Online Therapy Institute and the Institute for Life Coach Training are partnering to advance online coaching and counseling standards worldwide. - January 10, 2011 - Online Therapy Institute
1st Grab a C.A.N. Fan Challenge of 2011 with PassionWorks Brings 345 pounds of Food to the Food Bank of WNY
OP Music House cross-promotes bands and venues to benefit the WNY Food Bank. In what's called the "Grab a C.A.N. Fan Challenge," 699 pounds of food was collected in 2010. The first collab of 2011 featured PassionWorks and the fans brought in a grand-slamming 345 pounds of food. - January 10, 2011 - Love Shouldnt Hurt.TV
Marcia L. Augsburger, Partner, DLA Piper to Speak at KC’s Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance Carriers Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Marcia L. Augsburger, Partner, DLA Piper will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: "Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance... - January 10, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (Topic 820) Explored
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (Topic 820) Explored. This two-hour event is scheduled on February 25, 2011 at... - January 10, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Fourth Grade Students Visit Ava Gardner Museum to Supplement Their Studies of North Carolina History
Students learn about North Carolina's most celebrated daughter - January 10, 2011 - Ava Gardner Museum
Morton Grove Action Party Hosts “Meet the Candidates” Event
End the first month of the New Year with camaraderie and an “all-you-can eat ‘n drink” pizza and pop party. Join the Morton Grove Action Party at Giordano's in Morton Grove to meet the Trustee candidates for the April 5, 2011 municipal election. Incumbents Shel Marcus, John C. Thill, and Maria S. Toth are running for re-election to the Morton Grove Village Board. - January 10, 2011 - Action Party of Morton Grove
LatPro’s 2011 Bilingual Career Fair Schedule Released
LatPro and the National Society for Hispanic Professional’s (NSHP) 2011 career fair series for Hispanic and Bilingual professionals will be traveling to cities across the country for nine employment events. - January 09, 2011 - LatPro Inc.
Ceridian Corporation, Named Sponsor at Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance Carriers Live Webcast on 02/16/11
Ceridian Corporation, a leading business service company, teams up with The Knowledge Group for KC’s upcoming webcast entitled “Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance Carriers.” This two-hour event will be held on February 16, 2011 at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET. For further... - January 09, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Jane Cline, Commissioner, West Virginia Office of the Insurance to Speak at KC’s Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Insurance Carriers Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Jane Cline, Commissioner, West Virginia Office of Insurance will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: "Healthcare Reform and Its... - January 09, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Domenico Delli Gatti of Catholic University in Milan to be Awarded a Grant from the Institute for New Economic Thinking
An INET grant will fund Professor Delli Gatti to develop new ideas and policy proposals to contain the spread of systemic risk in the financial system - January 09, 2011 - Institute for New Economic Thinking
Dr. Pinar Akcora Joins Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevens Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that Dr. Pinar Akcora, formerly of the University of Missouri-Columbia, has joined the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science faculty as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. Dr. Akcora is the recipient of the... - January 09, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
The American Institute of Renewable Energy (AIRE) is offering a Free Renewable Energy Seminar Next Week
January 15th, 2011 - On Saturday, January 15th, the American Institute of Renewable Energy (AIRE) is offering a free renewable energy seminar to those interested in receiving training in the solar and weatherization industries. - January 09, 2011 - American Institute of Renewable Energy (AIRE)
Chicago Entrepreneurs Attract Prosperity
Entrepreneurs in Chicago meet up at the next Chicago Entrepreneur Meetup Group event to attract prosperity in 2011 and discuss why traditional goal and resolution setting strategies do not work. They will discuss how to activate the Law of Attraction and the Secret behind setting achievable goals that work. - January 09, 2011 - The Chicago Entrepreneur Meetup Group
New Safety Measurement System Drives Change for Iowa Motor Carriers
After months of anticipation, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) finally went live in December with its new safety measurement system – CSA, which stands for “Compliance, Safety, Accountability.” With the new system now in place, FMCSA officials say more than... - January 08, 2011 - Iowa Truck Services
Mark Reis, Partner, Financial Services Group, Moss Adams LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding Financial Reporting for Taxes in 2010 - 2011 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Mark Reis, Partner, Financial Services Group, Moss Adams LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Understanding Financial Reporting for Taxes in 2010 - 2011.” This event is scheduled for January 13, 2011 at 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET. (For further details, please visit - January 08, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Free Advice for Horse Owners with Problem Horses
Have an "Issue" with Your Horse? announces their new Professional Horse Trainer who will answer all your Horse Training Questions absolutely free. - January 08, 2011 - Dream World Technology Inc.
General James Amos, 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Brings Milestone Package to Afghanistan
Operation Gratitude today revealed that the organization's 600,000th Care Package, containing the keys to a Victory Vegas 8-Ball Motorcycle, was personally delivered on Christmas Day by Marine Corps Commandant, General James Amos, to a Lance Corporal deployed in the Sangin District of Helmand... - January 08, 2011 - Operation Gratitude
VAT Rise – It’s Not Just Consumers Who Have to Pay, Says ACCA
SMEs could ask to defer their payments. - January 08, 2011 - ACCA
Marlborough Economic Development Corporation Sets Aggressive Agenda for 2011, Names New Board Members
Several initiatives underway, including economic development master plan for the city. - January 08, 2011 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation
The Ovations "Princess Bead & Bracelet," an Exclusive Gift for Ovarian Cancer Patients
Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer rolls out a new patient program. - January 08, 2011 - Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer
New Online Community Launches to Provide Education, Insights, and Opportunities for the Billion-Dollar "Guy" Market
GuyRilla Marketing Group™ parlays networking event success into online membership program that includes a social network and market trend information - January 08, 2011 - GuyRilla Marketing Group
Do I Really Have an Addiction Problem? Lifescapes Counseling Offers Help
How to know if you or a loved one has a drinking/drug problem, plus local treatment options for intervention, rehabiliatation, therapy, and group support available in the Triangle, NC area. Information provided by Amy Benton Moulds, MEd, NCC, LPC (NC Licensed Professional Counselor) at Lifescapes Counseling Associates, PLLC. - January 07, 2011 - Lifescapes Counseling Associates, PLLC
13yr Old Mary-Pat Hector Partners Up with Multiplatinum Producer Kevin "Khao" Cates to Make One of the Biggest Youth Movements in History
13 yr old Mary-Pat Hector, national president and founder of "Youth In Action" partners up with one of the music industry's most well known producers, multiplatinum producer Kevin "Khao" Cates and founder of "Bridge Da Gap" with one goal in mind and that's to save the lives of our youth. - January 07, 2011 - Bridge DA Gap
The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Employment Law: Emerging Trends for 2011
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled Employment Law: Emerging Trends for 2011. This two-hour event is scheduled January 19, 2011 at 12:00pm to 2:00pm (ET). (For further details, please visit: - January 07, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Movie Premiere of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" in Chicago, Starting Sat. Jan 15
"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward," by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology, move to relate the core, empirical “life ground” attributes of human and social survival, and present a new sustainable social paradigm called a “Resource-Based Economy.” - January 07, 2011 - The Zeitgeist Movement