The IMC Club’s Board of Directors Adopted the Flight Instructors Model Code of Conduct

After publishing it in the IMC Club Library, the Board of Directors of the IMC Club International, Inc. adopted a resolution to embrace and promote the Model Code of Conduct for flight instructors. “We believe it is a framework from which good aeronautical decision making can evolve over the... - August 27, 2011 -

More Top Employers and Premier Speakers Join NAAMBA 2011 Conference and Exposition

Top employers and premier guest speakers gather to meet Pan-Asian MBAs and Business Professionals at the 3rd Annual National Association of Asian MBAs (NAAMBA) Leadership Conference and Exposition, September 8-10 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. - August 26, 2011 - National Association of Asian MBAs

High-Performance Organizations Use Health Care to Compete for Talent

New i4cp study on health care benefits reveals many organizations are not fully leveraging incentives to drive optimal health care decisions. - August 25, 2011 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

The Atlanta NAACP Jondelle Johnson Freedom Fund Dinner Honors Ron Clark

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Atlanta Branch will host the 2011 Jondelle Johnson Freedom Fund Dinner Saturday, September 17, 2011. This event will honor educator Ron Clark, activist Elisabeth Omilami, and NBA player as well as community advocate Dwight Howard, who are all actively involved in the community. Special musical performance by Kandi, Grammy Award Winner and Atlanta Housewife. - August 25, 2011 - NAACP Atlanta Branch

The Nashville Religion Communicators Council Calls for Civil Discourse as 9/11 Draws Near

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 draws near, an interfaith organization is reaching out. - August 25, 2011 - Religion Communicators Council

Deadline Extended for Health IT Leadership Summit Award

Due to numerous requests from companies and organizations that want to participate in the Intel Innovation Awards portion of the 2011 Health IT Leadership Summit, the deadline for submissions has been extended to September 15, 2011. - August 25, 2011 - TAG think

KOSBE Launches New Website

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) is proud to announce the launch of a new and improved website – - August 25, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

IJIS Institute Elects New Board of Directors

IT industry leaders will shape direction for the Institute and its programs. The IJIS Institute, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security, announces results of its election for the Institute’s Board of... - August 25, 2011 - IJIS Institute

TAG Smart Grid Society Hosts Seminar on Distributed Battery Storage

Dan Rastler, senior project manager for the energy storage program at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo, Alto, Calif., will be the keynote speaker at a Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) Smart Grid society seminar on battery storage Aug. 30.Industry Expert Will Provide Keynote at August 30th Event. - August 24, 2011 - TAG think

Raytheon Company and FBI CJIS Announced as Recipients of the 2011 IJIS Institute Innovation Award

Third annual IJIS Institute award honors industry and federal partners for their work on the National Law Enforcement Data Exchange (N-DEx) project. - August 24, 2011 - IJIS Institute

NAFA's Canadian Advanced Fleet Management Seminar Comes to Toronto

Fleet managers from throughout Canada will come together in Toronto for the 2011 Canadian Fleet Conference. Those wishing to continue their fleet education can attend NAFA's Canadian Advanced Fleet Management Seminar immediately following the conference. - August 24, 2011 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) Named to Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies in America

i4cp Ranks No. 916 on the 2011 Inc. 500|5000 with Three-Year Sales Growth of 331% - August 23, 2011 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Colorado BioScience Association Serves as Catalyst in Assembling CEO Rountable Discussion for Senator Michael Bennet and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg

The Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) brought more than 35 industry CEOs together today to dialogue with Senator Michael Bennet and U.S. FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. At Senator Bennet's request, CBSA designed today's session to share the bioscience industry's specific and unique needs in bringing innovative drugs and devices to market under current, often constraining, market conditions. - August 22, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

IJIS Institute Appoints Sudhi Umarji and Rehan Chawdry to Represent IJIS Institute on the FBI’s LEX Governance Task Force

Representatives will contribute subject matter expertise to the FBI’s LEX governance process. - August 22, 2011 - IJIS Institute

NAFA Supports New Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks and Buses Announced by White House

NAFA Fleet Management Association supports the recently proposed standards for work trucks, buses, and other heavy-duty vehicles announced by the President. - August 21, 2011 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

TAG Education Collaborative, Technology Community

Discussion lead by Ari M. Schwartz, Senior Internet Policy Advisor for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Department of Commerce TechAmerica Georgia, the national partner of the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), and McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP... - August 20, 2011 - TAG think

Northern VA Black Chamber to Hold 3rd Annual Candidates’ Night, 9/21 Local Event Connects Candidates and Black Community

A unique community civic engagement event, the Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce’s nonpartisan Candidates' Night 2011 will welcome 150 members of the Black Community to meet candidates and their elected representatives. In addition, government agencies that serve businesses have been invited to present and share resources and information. - August 20, 2011 - Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce

IJIS Institute Appoints Jim Pingel of URL Integration to Chair Uniform Crime Report Redevelopment Project Task Force

IJIS Institute Task Force to provide feedback and recommendations to the FBI for UCR Redevelopment. - August 20, 2011 - IJIS Institute

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Co-Founder to Lead Discussion Around Professional Transition From High-Finance to Non-Profit Sector

The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Boston Chapter invites non-profit leader to speak with young professionals about her career decisions. - August 19, 2011 - Healthcare Businesswomen's Association Boston Chapter

TechAmerica Georgia Announces the Call for Nominations and Event Sponsors for the 2011 Spirit of Endeavor Awards

Awards Honor Most Innovative Georgia Technology Businesses and People TechAmerica Georgia and the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) are accepting nominations for the ninth annual Spirit of Endeavor Awards through October 14, 2011. The awards program recognizes outstanding technology... - August 18, 2011 - TAG think

Announcing San Diego’s Premier Cloud Computing Conference 2011

The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) announces that registration is now open for San Diego's 3rd Annual Cloud Computing Conference. This one day event will be held Thursday, September 22, at the San Diego Marriott Del Mar, CA. Designed for CxO, Senior IT Management and Professionals, this year's conference theme, The Cloud: Risks, Rewards and Realities, addresses the business issues and facing companies today as they determine how to leverage cloud computing. - August 18, 2011 - The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) San Diego Chapter

New BTEC Webinar Focuses on Public Perception of Biomass Energy

Registration is now open for the free educational webinar on August 30 at 1PM ET, 10AM PT. - August 18, 2011 - Biomass Thermal Energy Council

Ocicats International & Maine Street Cat Club Are Excited to Announce They Will Have 1 of Only 4 Chinese Li Hau’s in the US on Exhibit at Their CFA Allbreed Cat Show

In addition to over 200 beautiful cats representing 42 CFA recognized breeds, Ocicats International and Maine Street Cat Club will have Jia Ji San Hu of Low Country, a Chinese Li Hau, on exhibit at the Show at the Simpsonville Recreation Center on West Curtis Street, Simpsonville SC on September 3... - August 18, 2011 - Ocicars International

Tom Coler Inducted Into REBAC Hall of Fame

Tom Coler Inducted Into REBAC Hall of Fame

Owner of Buyer’s Broker of Southwest Florida Receives NAR Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council’s Highest Honor - August 17, 2011 - Buyer's Broker Of Southwest Florida

Bilingual Job Fair to be Held in Denver

LatPro, in partnership with the National Society for Hispanic Professionals, will bring the National Hispanic Job Fair Series to the Denver Marriott Tech Center September 7. - August 17, 2011 - LatPro Inc.

Insights to Innovation: SCIP Wisconsin Chapter Meeting with Paul Banas of Kraft Foods

On September 15th, Paul Banas, Senior Category Insights Manager for Kraft Foods, shares how the digital space can be a great resource for generating insights that can be leveraged in the innovation process, at the shared SCIP/PDMA chapter meeting in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. - August 17, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

NYCLA Task Force Concludes Judicial Budget Cuts Have Raised the Price for Access to Justice

The New York County Lawyers’ Association (NYCLA) Task Force on Judicial Budget Cuts’ Preliminary Report, approved by NYCLA’s Executive Committee on August 11, has concluded that the $170 million in budget cuts to the New York State Courts has raised the price for access to justice. - August 17, 2011 - New York County Lawyers Association is Hosting Local Upstate N.Y. Grassroots Viewing Parties for the International Restoring Courage Event Being Held in Israel on Aug 24-25th

According to Mercury Radio Arts more than 100 countries will be represented at the International Restoring Courage event in Jerusalem the week of Aug. 22. They have announced that over 1000 Viewing Parties in the USA are slated to gather Americans together to Stand for Israel. Patriots for Israel will host two such parties in Upstate New York on Wed. 8/24 and Thurs. 8/25. - August 16, 2011 - Patriots for Israel

Lights, Camera, Action... Fashion's Night Out Celebration in Downtown Riverside

Fashion’s Night Out is an unprecedented global initiative originally created in 2009 to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, and boost the industry’s economy. On September 8 from 4-9pm, Downtown Riverside will join over 100 cities nationwide in this upscale fashion event. A fashion show from 6-7pm, 4 blocks of shopping and entertainment, special guests, photo ops, beauty makeovers and more. Hosted by Riverside Downtown Partnership and The Art Institute-Inland Empire. - August 14, 2011 - Riverside Downtown Partnership

Incorporating Customer Insights Into Competitive Intelligence Analysis

On September 21, Craig McHenry, Director of Specialty Care Market Analytics for Pfizer Nutrition, shares how to integrate customer insights into competitive analysis at the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals’ (SCIP) New Jersey Chapter meeting. - August 14, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) Brings Together Tech Community for 3rd Annual Techie 5K/10K Run/Walk

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), the state’s leading association dedicated to the promotion and economic advancement of Georgia’s technology industry, is hosting their annual Techie 5K/10K Run/Walk benefiting the TAG Education Collaborative (TAG-Ed) on Saturday, October 1, 2011 beginning at 8:00 a.m. The run/walk will be held at 130 Technology Parkway in Norcross, Georgia. - August 14, 2011 - TAG think

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Sponsors Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s Boating Party

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield recently presented a $15,000 check to become a corporate sponsor to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s (CBMM) Dressing the Ship 14th Annual Boating Party. The signature, tented event will be held September 10 along the museum’s 18-acre waterfront campus... - August 13, 2011 - Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum

How to Use War Games to Determine Corporate Strategy at the 3rd SCIP Latin American Competitive Intelligence Conference

The Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) and Informa present the 3rd Latin American Competitive Intelligence Summit, October 4-6, 2011 in São Paulo, Brazil. A featured session by Adrian Alvarez shows how war games can improve strategic development. - August 12, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

NAPNAP Revises Position Statement on Corporal Punishment

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ (NAPNAP) Executive Board approved a revised NAPNAP Position Statement on Corporal Punishment. Corporal punishment is the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain but not injury, for the purposes... - August 12, 2011 - National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

The IJIS Institute Advisory Council Formed

Sustaining Members to lead the way to progress in public safety, justice and homeland security - August 11, 2011 - IJIS Institute

The Northwest Sustainable Horse Council Joins Audubon Lifestyles as a Platinum Member

Audubon Lifestyles Platinum Membership was created to help foster sustainability by working with, and providing educational resources to businesses seeking assistance to balance the triple bottom line of people, profit, and planet where they live, work, and play. - August 11, 2011 - ISC-Audubon

Social Premier: New Breed of Social Network

An online social network marketing community for financial advice leading to financial freedom; their philosophy is "Sharing knowledge today will lead to sharing wealth tomorrow." - August 11, 2011 - Social Premier

Going Beyond Google: Gathering Internet Intelligence at SCIP Greater DC Chapter

On September 13, the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals’ Greater DC chapter presents Sean Campbell and Scott Swigart on how to make the most of open source intelligence information. - August 11, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Bahiyah Shabazz Offers a Radio Show for Those Seeking Financial Empowerment

The Fabulous and Money Savvy Coach offers financial coaching and motivational segments through blog talk radio. The result of the radio show will provide C.L.E.A.R. solutions to reaching personal and financial goals. You're able to listen to live or archived on demand shows. - August 10, 2011 - Shabazz Management Group llc

Thirty Regional Companies Selected to Present at the 2011 Rocky Mountain Life Science Investor Conference in Denver

The 2011 Rocky Mountain Life Science Investor and Partnering Conference (RMLIPC) will bring 30 of the region’s most innovative private and public life science companies together to present to a targeted audience of biotech, device, diagnostic and pharma investors and strategic partners. The conference is being held September 21-22 at The Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, CO. - August 10, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

How to Improve the Analytical Approach at the 3rd SCIP Latin American Competitive Intelligence Conference

The Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) and Informa present the 3rd Latin American Competitive Intelligence Summit, October 4-6, 2011 in São Paulo, Brazil. A featured session by Fernando Domingues shows several ways analysts can improve their approach to analysis. - August 10, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Announces Women in Office Institute Graduates

Fourteen N.C. Women Prepare For Elected and Appointed Offices. - August 10, 2011 - NCCWPS

New Website Makes Learning Fun

Classroom Moments provides entertaining, educational videos for parents, teachers and homeschoolers. - August 10, 2011 - Classroom Moments

Los Alamitos Show Choir Explodes Into Audience During Finale of “Hairspray” at the Hollywood Bowl

Los Alamitos Show Choir Explodes Into Audience During Finale of “Hairspray” at the Hollywood Bowl

The third and final performance of “Hairspray” at the Hollywood Bowl was spectacular. An amazing cast was clearly enjoying themselves on stage and during the reprise of “You Can’t Stop the Beat” where more than 100 choir students from Los Alamitos High School joined in... - August 09, 2011 - Note-Ables Booster Club

Toastmasters District 83 Installs Executive Officers and District Council at Annual Hail and Farewell Celebration

Toastmasters District 83 installed Lisa Pantano, DTM as District Governor at their annual Hail & Farewell Brunch held at the Ramada Inn Conference Center in East Hanover. As the 2011-2012 District Governor, Lisa succeeds Tom Somers, DTM (2010-2011 Governor) of Toastmasters District 83. As part... - August 08, 2011 - Toastmasters District 83

Annual Federal Technology Transfer Meeting August 9-11, 2011

The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) Midwest Region will hold its annual meeting August 9-11 in Dearborn, Michigan, at the Hyatt Regency Dearborn. The Midwest Region’s annual meeting brings together federal technology transfer professionals, private industry, and... - August 06, 2011 - Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC)

Managing Expectations of Internal Clients at the 3rd SCIP Latin American Competitive Intelligence Conference

The Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) and Informa present the 3rd Latin American Competitive Intelligence Summit, October 4-6, 2011 in São Paulo, Brazil. A featured session by Gary Maag shows how to manage internal competitive intelligence client expectations. - August 06, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

2011 Summer Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Announcing the Summer 2011 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. - August 05, 2011 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

European Competitive Intelligence 2011 Summit Agenda Finalized by Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)

Taking place November 8-10 at the Austria Center in Vienna, the agenda for the premier European competitive intelligence summit, the 16th annual SCIP 2011 Summit, is now available and registrations are now open. - August 05, 2011 - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals

AmberWatch Alert System Celebrates One Year Anniversary, Highlighting 3.2 Million Subscribers

The AmberWatch Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of harmful acts against children, is proud to announce the celebration of their one year anniversary since the launch of its highly successful AmberWatch® Alert System. - August 05, 2011 - AmberWatch Foundation

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