Jeff Chiow, Attorney, Rogers Joseph O'Donnell to Speak at the Knowledge Group’s DCAA "Hot Buttons" : 2014 Update Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Jeff Chiow, Attorney, Rogers Joseph O'Donnell will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “DCAA 'Hot Buttons': 2014 Update.” This... - September 26, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

Send Me On Vacation Announces Jetting Pick Across America: a Healing Journey for Breast Cancer Survivors

Tigerlily Foundation is excited about October, in part because this year, in continued partnership with Send Me On Vacation (SMOV), we will be Jetting Pick Across America on a "Healing Journey for Breast Cancer Survivors". This October, along with SMOV, they will be partnering with Jet... - September 26, 2014 - Tigerlily Foundation

Forerunner Software, a Leading Provider of Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions, Today Announces a Free 30 Day Trial of It's Unique Mobilizer 3.0

Designed for IT and development professionals to quickly integrate a complete and cost effective mobile solution leveraging existing security policies and infrastructure and needing no additional development or training, Forerunner Software is now offering a free 30 Day Trial License of Mobilizer 3.0 to make it easy to transform and modernize your mobile BI programs by testing on your own SSRS Reports. Unlock SSRS for mobile BI now for free. - September 26, 2014 - Forerunner Software

Massage Heights in Partnership with Dermalogica® Announces Face Map Our Nation National Contest

Skin analysis is the foundation to being able to offer a personalized facial treatment which helps guests achieve their healthiest skin. - September 26, 2014 - Massage Heights

Scooter Vacations Announces New Model Fantasy for Scooter Rental in Orlando with Over a 500 Lbs. Capacity

Scooter Vacations Announces New Model Fantasy for Scooter Rental in Orlando with Over a 500 Lbs. Capacity, Scooter Vacations, announces their newest luxury Orlando scooter rental model, the Fantasy, which handles over 500 lbs. weight capacity and enough battery power to last a full 12-15 hour day. It can be used by visitors staying at any area resort that has wheelchair transportation including Walt Disney World or Universal Orlando Resorts. It fits on monorails, boats and buses. - September 25, 2014 - Scooter Vacations

Handetour.Com Announced 2015 Brochure of Vietnam and Indochina Tours

Handetour.Com Announced 2015 Brochure of Vietnam and Indochina Tours

Handetour.Com announced the launch of Handetour’s 2015 Vietnam and Indochina Brochure as an annual brochure of Vietnam Tours and Indochina Tours for worldwide travelers and travel professionals, featuring a range of latest travel products. The launch of the 2015 brochure provides worldwide... - September 25, 2014 - Handetour

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Gilbert Gordon as 2014 Biography of the Year

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Gilbert Gordon as 2014 Biography of the Year

Gilbert Gordon has been honored by Strathmore’s Who’s Who as the 2014 Biography of the Year. This honor has been bestowed in recognition of his stellar achievements in Education, Water Research and Inorganic Chemistry. - September 25, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Reopens in Record Time After Category 4 Hurricane Hits Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Reopens in Record Time After Category 4 Hurricane Hits Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa just announced that it will welcome guests starting October 9th, 2014, just over three weeks after Category 4 Hurricane Odile hit the area on September 14th leaving major damage throughout Cabo San Lucas, the municipality of Los Cabos and the state of Baja... - September 25, 2014 - Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honored Judy Sain Kirkpatrick with Special Times Square Appearance

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honored Judy Sain Kirkpatrick with Special Times Square Appearance

Judy Sain Kirkpatrick, of Cleveland, Tennessee, has recently been recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Photography. In honor of her accomplishments and professionalism, Ms. Sain Kirkpatrick's image was projected over Times Square, New York, on September 19th, 2014. - September 25, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore's Worldwide Professional Who's Who Recognized as an Affiliate of LifeLock®

Strathmore’s Worldwide Professional Who’s Who of Farmingdale, New York has been recognized as an affiliate of LifeLock® to protect its members. About Strathmore’s Worldwide Professional Who’s Who and LifeLock®: Strathmore’s Worldwide Professional Who’s... - September 25, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide

New Road Cycling Tour Launched from Vietnam to Cambodia

SpiceRoads is expanding its routes in Asia for road cycling enthusiasts. - September 25, 2014 - SpiceRoads Co., Ltd

Harbor Hospice Among the First to Deploy mumms Software's Hummingbird

mumms Software, an innovator in the Hospice & Palliative Care EMR industry, is pleased to announce that Harbor Hospice, part of Harbor Healthcare System headquartered in Beaumont, Texas, will be among the first hospices to deploy the newest mumms product, Hummingbird, throughout all of their... - September 25, 2014 - mumms Software

MountainTot Sitters, LLC Launches New Service Providing In-Room Childcare Services to Colorado’s Resort Communities

Parents are excited about having options while traveling and as parents we know there are times when you need to get away from your kids when you’re getting away on vacation. - September 25, 2014 - MountainTot Sitters, LLC

Hep B United Congratulates Community Partners on $1.8 Million in Federal Grants for Hepatitis B Education, Testing, Vaccination, and Linkage to Care

CDC Awards $1.8 Million to Community Coalitions for Hepatitis B Screening, Case Management, and Improving Quality of Medical Care. - September 25, 2014 - Hepatitis B Foundation

Triangle Family Services Hosts Free “Fall Financial Festival” Event Open to General Public in Raleigh on Saturday, October 4, 2014

Financial Stability Counselors Partner with StepUp Ministry and Other Local Businesses to Provide Free Money Management Workshops, Free Credit Reviews, Games and Prizes. - September 25, 2014 - Triangle Family Services

Run the World Adventures Offers Personalized Trail Running Vacations

Six of the world’s top adventure-running tour companies from New Zealand, Spain, Iceland, Tanzania, Guatemala and Italy have come together to form Run The World Adventures, a centralized service for planning a running vacation to top international trail-running destinations. From its... - September 25, 2014 - Run the World Adventures

Exceptional Children's Foundation Announces New Board Chair and Two New Board Members

Exceptional Children’s Foundation (ECF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Shelley Smith as its new Chairperson of the Board and the addition of Steven Beltran and Mary Kayne to the Board. “For only the second time since ECF was established in 1946, the ECF Board has elected a... - September 25, 2014 - Exceptional Children's Foundation

Smith Center for Healing and the Arts Announces Expanded Cancer Support Programs

Local health, education and arts nonprofit expands programs to provide healing experiences for those living with cancer - September 25, 2014 - Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

TLS® Weight Loss Solution $50,000 Find Your Fit Challenge Registration Ends Tonight

Shed unwanted pounds, tone up and learn proper eating habits while competing in the $50,000 TLS Find Your Fit Challenge! - September 25, 2014 - Institute of Holistic and Transformative Aesthetics (IHTA)

Jo Mousselli™ is Proud to Announce the Arrival of Skin Renewing™ Concealer

Jo Mousselli™ is proud to announce the arrival of Skin Renewing™ Concealer. This product reveals a renewed complexion with anti-aging properties formulated to provide a three-part holistic rejuvenation to the skin. With continued use, the look of lines and wrinkles are diminished as... - September 25, 2014 - Xtreme Lashes LLC

A Family RAYunion

A Ray Charles Tribute Celebration on Duluth Town Green. - September 25, 2014 - City of Duluth

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers Unveils New Event Details

Celebrates 20th Annual Conference and Trade Show with New “Open to Public” Events. - September 25, 2014 - The Association of Professional Dog Trainers

Motorcyclists Ride for Kids with Brain Tumors in Alabama, California

Ride for Kids motorcyclists in Alabama and California raised more than $118,000 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation on Sept. 21. More than 500 riders attended the events in Leeds, Ala., and Cardiff, Calif., to honor our Stars, local children with brain tumors: Alyssa, Bayleigh, David,... - September 25, 2014 - Ride for Kids

“The September to Remember” a Fine Jewelry “EXTRAVAGEMZA” at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park

The “Original” Classic International Gem and Jewelry Show Presents a Fine Jewelry Exhibition and Sale. Partners with the Tigerlily Foundation to Raise Money for Breast Cancer Awareness - September 25, 2014 - Tigerlily Foundation

SPI Study Abroad Announces Its 2015 Program Dates & Tuition

Leading quality provider of study abroad programs for high school students officially announces its 2015 dates and tuition. - September 25, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad

America’s Stripper Culture Named in Trailer for Memoir: "From Sex Appeal to Self Appeal"

This quick-moving, intriguing book trailer for the memoir of Susan Bremer O'Neill, "From Sex Appeal to Self Appeal," highlights America's obsession with strippers and foretells an empowering journey to self-love. - September 25, 2014 - Susan Bremer O'Neill

Texas Self Storage Association Announces Board Officers for 2014-2015

The Texas Self Storage Association (TSSA) Board of Directors recently elected executive officers for 2014-2015. The new board members and officers begin their term on October 1 and will be introduced at the TSSA Big Ideas in Storage Annual Conference scheduled for October 26 – 28 in Fort Worth. - September 24, 2014 - Texas Self Storage Association

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Marilyn A. Tsilimparis as Professional of the Year

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Marilyn A. Tsilimparis as Professional of the Year

Marilyn A. Tsilimparis, of Brooklyn, New York, has recently been recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Banking and Credit Services. - September 24, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who

Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando 23rd Annual Furball: Rescue

Celebrating Animals and the Heroic People Who Save Their Lives - September 24, 2014 - Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

Marc S. Blubaugh, Partner, Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding Transportation and Logistics Law: 2014 Perspective Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Marc S. Blubaugh, Partner will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Understanding Transportation and Logistics Law: 2014... - September 24, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

James J. Eischen, Partner, Higgs Fletcher & Mack to Speak at KC’s Affordable Care Act Compliance: How Prepared is Your Firm for 2015? Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that James J. Eischen, Partner, Higgs Fletcher & Mack will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Affordable Care Act Compliance : How... - September 24, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

Fire Sprinkler Advocates Spearhead Drive to Build Fire Safe Homes Through South Shore Habitat for Humanity Project

Home fire sprinkler installation event at Hanover site Wednesday, September 24 at 10 am. The Massachusetts Fire Sprinkler Coalition is providing its time and manpower to provide fire-safe homes for deserving South Shore Families. As part of South Shore Habitat for Humanity's work in Hanover, the... - September 24, 2014 - South Shore Habitat for Humanity

Apartment Barcelona Launches Website in Dutch

The company's website is now available in eight languages. - September 24, 2014 - Apartment Barcelona

Amy Robinson Real Estate Advisors Group Continues to Grow

Sarasota, Florida, Real Estate Team Announces Client Services Manager and Buyer's Specialist - September 24, 2014 - RE/MAX Alliance Group

Great Hotels of the World Announces Winner of First MICE Draw

"Enquire to win a holiday" competition heats up with next prize - Athens. - September 24, 2014 - Great Hotels of the World

Worth It Project Works to End Child Slavery Through Life Insurance Purchases

St. Louis-based BryanMark Group launches Worth It Project a life insurance based charitable endeavor focused on the fight against child slavery. - September 24, 2014 - Worth It Project

Drug-Free South Reaches Hispanic Community at El Protector Festival

The Drug-Free South community organization distributed booklets to the multicultural community who attended the El Protector Festival this past weekend. - September 24, 2014 - Drug Free South

#SamadiChallenge Inspires Women to Promote Prostate Health

The #SamadiChallenge has gone viral on Facebook. Women from across the United States are taking Dr. Samadi's challenge to promote the importance of a healthy prostate and the need for men to get their PSA levels tested. - September 24, 2014 - Women for Prostate Health

Vendors Needed for Two-Day Santa to the Sea Finish Line Festival

Up to 9,000 people expected to attend. - September 24, 2014 - Santa to the Sea

River Expeditions Announces Their Annual Bridge Day Blowout Special

River Expeditions is thrilled to welcome the return of their Bridge Day Blowout special to celebrate West Virginia’s New River Gorge Bridge Day festival on October 18th, 2014. This package includes white water rafting, camping, the thrills of Bridge Day plus a great after party! - September 24, 2014 - River Expeditions

MyPhoneVouchers Launches Mobile App

MyPhoneVouchers launched its new mobile application for Android and iOS devices. The new MyPhoneVouchers app publishes thousands of discount vouchers or coupons onto your mobile device. The discount vouchers were from the company’s hundreds of business partners. - September 24, 2014 - MyPhoneVouchers

Rick Schwartz, Managing Director, Duff & Phelps to Speak at KC’s FMV in Healthcare Transactions: Compliance with Anti-Kickback and Self-Referral Laws Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Rick Schwartz, Managing Director, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “FMV in Healthcare Transactions: Compliance with... - September 24, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

John W. Vansanten, Managing Director, Stout Risius Ross, Inc. to Speak at KC’s Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that John W. VanSanten, Managing Director will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “FMV in Healthcare Transactions: Compliance with... - September 24, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

Ronald Leibman, Counsel, Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP to Speak at KC’s Understanding Transportation and Logistics Law: 2014 Perspective Live Webcast

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Ronald Leibman, Counsel will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Understanding Transportation and Logistics Law: 2014 Perspective... - September 24, 2014 - The Knowledge Group

New Children’s Book Promises Fresh Spin on Muslim Holiday

New Children’s Book Promises Fresh Spin on Muslim Holiday

Little Big Kids, an up and coming cultural lifestyle brand for young Muslim kids, is proud to announce the release of their newest storybook, "Ilyas & Duck and the Fantastic Festival of Eid Al-Fitr." It’s a delightful story about a boy named Ilyas and his best friend Duck as... - September 23, 2014 - Little Big Kids

Blvd Suites Corporate Housing Continues Growth, Expanding Into Omaha

Blvd Suites Corporate Housing, a leading provider of fully furnished and serviced apartments, has once again expanded operations, opening an office in Omaha, Neb. The office will service the Omaha and Lincoln, Neb. markets, as well as parts of Iowa. - September 23, 2014 - Blvd Suites Corporate Housing

The Future of Health Care in Ventura County: Focus of VCEDA’s 44th Annual Business Outlook Conference

"The Future of Health Care in Ventura County: A Healthy Workforce” is the theme of the 44th Annual Business Outlook Conference (BOC) presented by the Ventura County Economic Development Association (VCEDA). The conference will be held Friday, October 17 from 8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at... - September 23, 2014 - Ventura County Economic Development Association

Ventura County Lodging Association to Host Security Training Class

The Ventura County Lodging Association (VCLA) is sponsoring a free anti-terrorism and security training session Friday, October 24 at the Four Points Sheraton in Ventura (1050 Schooner Dr.). The daylong class (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) is open to all individuals responsible for maintaining security... - September 23, 2014 - Ventura County Lodging Association

Condominium and Homeowner Associations Nationwide Can Save Money on Bulk Cable, Internet and Phone Services

Broadband Agreement Specialists, Inc. assists condominium, homeowner associations and property managers nationwide solicit, evaluate, negotiate and understand the opportunities and pitfalls of competing technologies associated with new and renewal Bulk Cable TV, Internet and Phone service contracts. - September 23, 2014 - Broadband Agreement Specialists, Inc. | Residential Cable TV & Telecom Property Rights Consultants

Waste King Announces Headquarters’ Move

Waste King - a specialist collections, clearance and recycling company that focuses on providing a service which is highly environmentally friendly – is moving its headquarters from the Frogmore Industrial Estate at Two Waters, Hemel Hempstead, to the Old Ministry Airfield, in... - September 23, 2014 - Waste King

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