Recent Headlines
Within Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, & Similar Organizations
Foundation for a Drug-Free South Halting Rampant Drug Abuse
Active in drug education and prevention throughout the year, the Foundation for a Drug-Free South participated in the United Nations Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. - July 14, 2012 - Drug Free South
“Haircuts for Autism” at Indulgence Salon Benefits Eden Autism Services
Cut-a-thon and raffles will benefit Fort Myers school for children with autism. - July 14, 2012 - Eden Autism Services Florida
REMA Commends the CFTC's Ruling on the Swap Definition for Nonfinancial Commodities
Renewable energy trade association praises the inclusion of RECs in the forward contract exclusion. - July 13, 2012 - Renewable Energy Markets Association
University Publication Eyes Impact of Recession on Uganda Population
Pathways Article Discusses Effect That the Worldwide Recession Will Have on the Ugandan Population Which Is among the Poorest in the World - July 13, 2012 - Engeye
Houston Housing Authority and Houston Community College Partnership Provide Free Classes to Residents
Houston Housing Authority and Houston Community College have partnered to offer public housing residents free post-secondary training, including adult literacy classes, ESL and career readiness and placement classes. This partnership is a watershed moment in the expansion of HHA’s... - July 13, 2012 - Houston Housing Authority
Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and Recertification Offered by AIHCP
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals has recently announced the availability of certification programs for professionals who want to become substance abuse and addiction counselors. Recertification programs are also available for those who want to take advantage of continuing... - July 13, 2012 - Aihcp
Carolina Designer Craftsmen Guild Hosts 43rd Annual Fine Designer Crafts Show
Annual Fair Promotes Fine Crafts, Encourages Creativity and Recognizes Artists Throughout the Southeast. - July 13, 2012 - Carolina Designer Craftsman Guild
KOSBE/TSBDC’s Aundrea Y. Wilcox Appointed to 2012 TNCPE Board of Examiners
The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) at ETSU and the Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) are proud to announce, Aundrea Y. Wilcox, MBA, executive director, of the Office of Small Business for the Kingsport Area Chamber of Commerce has... - July 12, 2012 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Plans 2012-2013 Program Series
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council is meeting this week to plan the 2012-2013 program schedule of meetings. - July 12, 2012 - Religion Communicators Council
Art in the Zoo by Artists in the Park
Art in the Zoo by Artists in the Park (AIP). At Trailside Museums and Zoo - Children of all ages can sculpt clay, paint and draw in the beautiful and inspirational setting of Trailside. Saturday, July 28, 2012 (rain date July 29) - Beginning at 11:00 a.m. - July 12, 2012 - Artists in the Parks
Registration Opens for 10th Annual NACCE Entrepreneurship Conference
The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship will hold its 10th Annual Conference in Chicago from October 7-10. Registration is now open at - July 11, 2012 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship
Grace Centers of Hope Hosts 5th Annual "Men on a Mission" Softball Tournament in Rochester Hills, July 27-28
Proceeds Benefit “Men on a Mission” Mentoring Program at Grace Centers of Hope - July 11, 2012 - Grace Centers of Hope
A Collaboration of Behavioral Health Care Plus Addiction Treatment is a Turning Point for Two New Jersey Organizations
Care Plus NJ, Inc. of Paramus and Turning Point of Paterson have announced an affiliation, offering collaborative treatment and referral services for their clients with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. This is a unique affiliation of services for the northern New Jersey area. - July 11, 2012 - Care Plus NJ, Inc.
Annual Esther Call to Affirm and Empower Women
Two-day Experience is Focused on "Designing Women Destined To Win" - July 11, 2012 - Thee Shower of Blessings Church International
The Connecticut REIA Announces July 2012 All-Day Investing Seminar with Real Estate Rehab Expert Robyn Thompson
On July 28, 2012, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting an all-day investing seminar with real estate rehab expert Robyn Thompson. - July 11, 2012 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA
Australian Jonathon Bentley-Stevens Elected Onto the National Greening Program Steering Committee
President Benigno S. Aquino III issued Executive Order No. 26 implementing the National Greening Program, an ambitious program to plant 1.5 billion trees during his term as President. - July 11, 2012 - Bentley House International Corp
Groomer SuperShow Attracts International Audience with “Super” Competitions & Educational Programming
SuperZoo in Las Vegas is attracting international attention with its Groomer SuperShow, the part of the trade show containing competitions, celebrity speakers, educational opportunities, awards, and product exhibitions geared toward pet groomers. - July 11, 2012 - World Pet Association
Minnesota Autism Center to Begin Using Skills™ to Treat Individuals with Autism
The Minnesota Autism Center has acquired Skills™, the Center for Autism and Related Disorders’ online autism treatment curriculum, to help treat children and youth affected by autism spectrum disorders. - July 11, 2012 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders
Children & Adults Can Train in a Choir in Hawaii Affiliated with the Royal College of Church Music
Auditions for the Hawai'i Sacred Choir, the only choir in Hawai'i affiliated with the prestigious Royal School of Church Music, are being held this summer. Training in the RSCM tradition, instruction includes curricula and a reward system with medals and ribbons. Every section has trained leader. - July 10, 2012 - Hawaii Sacred Choir
Red Carpet Events LA & African Millennium Foundation: Their Annual Teen Choice Awards Style Lounge on July 19th, 2012 in Beverly Hills at the SLS Hotel from 11 to 6 pm
Red Carpet Events LA and African Millennium Foundation are proud to announce their partnership to bring a better world to the less fortunate in Mozambique. Red Carpet Events LA is widely known in the entertainment industry for offering the best in luxury lifestyle gifting suites. Offering support to the goals of the African Millennium Foundation, together they bring awareness to the circumstances of the less fortunate to celebrities and the “show biz world.” - July 10, 2012 - African Millennium Foundation
Theme Parks Called on by European Limb Difference Organisations, EDRIC, Reach & Assedea, to Clarify Their Accessibility Policies for People with Limb Differences
Three limb difference non-profits in Europe are asking Disneyland and other theme parks to clarify their accessibility policies for people with limb deficiencies. - July 10, 2012 - DysNet Limb Difference Network
International Raw Food Day, July 11, 2012
The Inside/Out Project along with leading raw food expert Karen Knowler is spearheading a global raw food awareness campaign to tie in with this year’s International Raw Food Day on July 11. The Inside/Out Project,” a Milwaukee based 501 (3)(c) empowers low-income women and children to overcome addictions, stress, anxiety and depression by using “Food As Medicine.” - July 08, 2012 - The Inside/Out Project
Announcing a New Website for Tracking Global Sickness and Disease
GermTrax ( is a website that collects sickness and disease data from users around the world and displays trends via an interactive Health Map. - July 08, 2012 - GermTrax
Black Girls CODE™ Launches IndieGoGo Crowdfunding Campaign to Help Bridge the Digital Divide
Black Girls Code launches an crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo to help bridge the digital divide by teaching computer programming to 200 girls of color in seven cities during their Summer of Code - July 07, 2012 - BlackGirlsCode
Center for Autism and Related Disorders Offers Free California Autism Insurance Seminars to Help Parents Gain Access to Funding
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) will host a series of seminars on “California Insurance Funding for Autism Treatment” throughout California from July 28 – August 25th to educate parents on the new California law requiring most insurance providers to cover treatment for autism spectrum disorders. - July 07, 2012 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders
Nashville Church of Scientology Spreads Happiness at Freedom Festival
Parishioners of the Church of Scientology in Nashville spread information on The Way to Happiness at the recent Freedom Festival in Hendersonville, TN. - July 07, 2012 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville
From Megalith Books: Two Human Species Exist: Their Hybrids Include Dyslexics, Homosexuals, Pedophiles and Schizophrenics
"This this is first report that modern humans fall into one of two species and that their interbreeding is the source of well-known abnormalities," according to Professor Morton. - July 07, 2012 - Bruce Eldine Morton
Non-Profit Program Offers a Tuition-Free Business Degree in Entrepreneurship for Youth and Working Adults
The primary function of Dynasty Entrepreneur Development Inc. is not only to educate our communities in Entrepreneurial Principles but also to assist individuals develop and implement an action plan toward economic development. - July 06, 2012 - Dynasty Entrepreneur Development Inc.
Workforce Shortages in Construction Industry
Questions regarding which direction the industry is moving toward, or how things are changing seem to be constant. Now, NARI has some definitive answers resulting from the latest study to come from McGraw Hill Construction, in May of this year. “The Construction Industry Workforce Shortages:... - July 05, 2012 - The National Association of the Remodeling Industry
4 Men, 4 Bikes, for Charity
After riding 2,000 kilometres from Darwin, four intrepid cyclists are making a pit stop in Broome and meeting with Shire President, Cr Graeme Campbell. The team of riders set off from Darwin at the start of June to cycle 18,000 kilometres around the Australian mainland, without any motorised... - July 05, 2012 - Greenfleet Australia
Patricia Pierre Releases New Book on Faith from a Twenty Four Year Cancer Survivor
Authors, Patricia Pierre and Melvin Pierre, Sr. are pleased to announce their book, A Message of Hope From A 24 Year Cancer Survivor. - July 05, 2012 - Melvin Pierre, Sr.
Eden Autism Services Receives $10,000 for New Playground Equipment
Naples non-profit Eden Autism Services Florida received a $10,000 donation from Trinity by the Cove Episcopal Church – Archangel Fund for Collier County Charities to purchase playground equipment for Eden's Eimerman Education Center in Naples. Eden's Eimerman Center serves children with autism from grades K-12. - July 05, 2012 - Eden Autism Services Florida
The Craft Beer Social Club Launches to Promote and Support Drinking British Beer
With the aim of increasing the popularity of British craft beer and real ale, The Craft Beer Social Club launches today, Tuesday 3rd July, 2012, with a full calendar of beer tastings, festivals and educational events. With the number of breweries in Britain doubling to around 800 since former... - July 05, 2012 - The Craft Beer Social Club
Mike Miller Supports Ga. Charter Schools Amendment
Douglas County School Board Member Calls for More Educational Options - July 04, 2012 - Committee to Elect Mike Miller to State House
Entrepreneurs’ Organization Fort Worth Announces Founding Board
Continuing with their commitment to economic development and job creation, local entrepreneurs form the founding board of EO Fort Worth. - July 04, 2012 - EO - Fort Worth
The Connecticut REIA Announces 9th Anniversary Celebration and July 2012 Real Estate Investors Meeting with Robyn Thompson
On July 16, 2012, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting its monthly meeting with Robyn Thompson. This meeting will also celebrate CT REIA’s 9th anniversary. - July 04, 2012 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA
OCA Concerned About Security Breach at Metcalf Street Juvenile Remand Centre: Office Calls for Thorough Investigation
The Office of The Children’s Advocate (OCA) is concerned by reports that a 15 year old male juvenile of the Metcalf Street Juvenile Remand Centre in Kingston has escaped. The OCA is particularly concerned that the juvenile was able to breach the Department of Correctional Services’... - July 03, 2012 - Office of The Children's Advocate
Wolfe's Neck Farm Foundation Announces New Executive Director, David Herring
Wolfe’s Neck Farm Foundation (WNFF) located in Freeport, Maine is pleased to announce David Herring as its new Executive Director. David brings to WNFF a lifelong commitment to sustainable outdoor recreation and environmental management. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Parks, Recreation and Tourism (major in Natural Resources Management) from Michigan State University, and a Graduate Certificate from the Institute for Nonprofit Management and Leadership at Boston University. - July 03, 2012 - Wolfe's Neck Farm
Celestial Magazine, a Digital Magazine for Women Rooted in the Catholic Tradition Has Launched
The digital age is now -- Immaculata Publishing announces the launch of celestial, a new digital magazine for women rooted in the Catholic tradition. In a time when hope and encouragement are so frequently absent, celestial magazine will deepen the awareness of the reality of what it means to be a... - July 02, 2012 - Immaculata Publishing
Celebrity Actor, Luis Guzman Has Committed Himself to Make a Difference by Saving Shelters and Helping the Homeless Through His New Project: The NIMBY Experience
The NIMBY Experience is about a pledge of celebrities like Luis Guzman that go undercover to shed light on causes they strongly believe in. - July 02, 2012 - Real Beauty Real Women
Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley Opens Two New Locations
Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley begins new partnership with the County of Los Angeles in La Crescenta, CA and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary School in Sun Valley, CA. - July 01, 2012 - Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley
Stevens Researchers Win NASA Grant to Investigate Severe Weather Threats to New York City
Dr. Alan Blumberg, Dr. Philip Orton work with NASA researcher Timothy Hall on sweeping risk assessment. - July 01, 2012 - Stevens Institute of Technology
IEEE CCNC 2013 to Profile Entire Range of Emerging Consumer Communication and Networking Products & Applications from January 11 – 14 in Las Vegas, Nevada
“Call for Papers” Deadline Ends August 1, 2012 for Original Research Highlighting the Latest Home & Consumer Networking Technologies - June 30, 2012 - IEEE Communications Society
IEEE ComSoc Training Offers 5-Day, Online Course on Wireless Communications Fundamentals & Practices from 23 – 27 July 2012
Registration Ends 13 July 2012 for Combination Package Offering Seats for Online Course & IEEE WCET® Fall Examination held from 7 September to 27 October 2012 - June 30, 2012 - IEEE Communications Society
Vero Beach Ministry Receives 501(c)(3) Status
Epic Missions, Inc. has received its tax exempt status as a not-for-profit charitable corporation. - June 30, 2012 - Epic Missions, Inc.
Urgent Care and the Affordable Care Act
Urgent Care Medicine is poised to meet the healthcare needs of all the newly insured Americans entering the healthcare market. - June 30, 2012 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine
Farm Pilot's Lawrence Clark Named to EPA Agricultural Advisory Committee
Farm Pilot Project (FPPC), a leader in animal agricultural nutrient management and innovative technologies conservation and technology research, is proud to announce that board member Lawrence Clark has been chosen to serve on the EPA’s agriculture advisory committee. As a member of the Farm,... - June 30, 2012 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.
The Oretha Brown-Johnson Campaign is All Geared Up for the Dekalb County Race
The Dekalb County Clerk's Race is well underway with four candidates including the incumbent. Oretha Brown-Johnson who brings over 22 years of experience as a Dekalb County advocate and resident fulfilled her requirements to be officially qualified in the 2012 Clerk's Race on May 23rd. Since being... - June 30, 2012 - Oretha For Clerk
Moore Energy Announces Spike in Orders or Residential Solar Systems Due to PECO Rate Increase
Moore Energy announced today that it is receiving a significant increase in orders for residential solar systems due to PECO's elimination of the residential heating rate discount. Solar energy systems are a sound investment that hedge against such utility price increases. - June 30, 2012 - PV Racking LLC
GEF Institute Seeks K-12 and Higher Education Partners in Sustainability
Sustainability partners to receive free online education, discounts, marketing collateral. - June 30, 2012 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)